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synced 2025-02-13 09:50:45 -05:00
bump fully auto and downloads versions based on repos
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core
if (originalGamePath == null)
CloseApp("Unable to find EFT OG directory! \n please make sure EFT is installed! \n please also run EFT once!");
CloseApp("Unable to find EFT OG directory \n please make sure EFT is installed \n please also run EFT once");
if (originalGamePath == targetPath)
CloseApp("Installer is located in EFT's original directory! \n Please move the installer to a seperate folder as per the guide!");
CloseApp("Installer is located in EFT's original directory \n Please move the installer to a seperate folder as per the guide");
var checkForExistingFiles = FileHelper.FindFile(targetPath, "EscapeFromTarkov.exe");
@ -37,74 +37,40 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core
CloseApp("Installer is located in a Folder that has existing Game Files \n Please make sure the installer is in a fresh folder as per the guide");
LogHelper.User("We need to download files during this installation.");
LogHelper.User("Are you ok with this? type yes or no");
var userReponse = Console.ReadLine();
LogHelper.Info($"Your current game version: { PreCheckHelper.gameVersion }");
while (!string.Equals(userReponse, "yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!string.Equals(userReponse, "no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
LogHelper.Warning("Response was not yes or no, please respond with yes or no");
userReponse = Console.ReadLine();
LogHelper.Info("Checking releases for AKI and the Patcher");
if (string.Equals(userReponse, "no", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
CloseApp("you selected no, we need to download this to continue with auto installation \n Press enter to close the app");
var check = DownloadHelper.ReleaseCheck();
LogHelper.Info("Downloading ClientVersions.json...");
var jsonDownload = DownloadHelper.DownloadFileAsync(targetPath, "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/api/v1/repos/CWX/Installer_Test/raw/ClientVersions.json", "/ClientVersions.json");
while (jsonDownload.Status != System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
while (check.Status != System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
LogHelper.Info("Downloading Complete, Checking Versions!");
LogHelper.Info($"Original game path detected, Game version: { DownloadHelper.ogClient } Detected");
LogHelper.Info($"TargetClient version for this Game version is: { DownloadHelper.targetClient }");
if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
LogHelper.Info("Patching IS required!");
if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
LogHelper.Info("Patching is not required!");
LogHelper.Info($"TargetAki version for this GameVersion is { DownloadHelper.targetAki }");
LogHelper.Info("Checking if Zips already exist in directory");
PreCheckHelper.PatcherZipCheck(originalGamePath, targetPath, out string patcherZipPath);
PreCheckHelper.AkiZipCheck(targetPath, out string akiZipPath);
if (patcherZipPath == null && string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (patcherZipPath == null && DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck)
LogHelper.Info("Unable to find Patcher Zip in Directory");
LogHelper.Info("Downloading Patcher Zip now!");
LogHelper.Info("No Patcher zip file present in directory, downloading...");
var task = DownloadHelper.DownloadFileAsync(targetPath, DownloadHelper.patcherLink, "/PATCHERZIP.zip");
while(task.Status != System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
LogHelper.Info("Download Complete!");
else if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
LogHelper.Info("Did not check for Patcher as its not needed");
if (akiZipPath == null)
LogHelper.Info("Unable to find Aki Zip in Directory");
LogHelper.Info("Downloading Aki Zip now!");
LogHelper.Info("No AKI zip file present in directory, downloading...");
var task = DownloadHelper.DownloadFileAsync(targetPath, DownloadHelper.akiLink, "/AKIZIP.zip");
while (task.Status != System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
LogHelper.Info("Download Complete!");
LogHelper.Info("Ready to continue with installation");
PreCheckHelper.PatcherZipCheck(originalGamePath, targetPath, out patcherZipPath);
PreCheckHelper.AkiZipCheck(targetPath, out akiZipPath);
@ -112,25 +78,26 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core
LogHelper.Info("Copying game files");
GameCopy(originalGamePath, targetPath);
if (string.Equals(DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (DownloadHelper.patchNeedCheck)
PatcherCopy(targetPath, patcherZipPath);
AkiInstall(targetPath, akiZipPath);
DeleteZip(patcherZipPath, akiZipPath, Path.Join(targetPath, "/ClientVersions.json"));
DeleteZip(patcherZipPath, akiZipPath);
static void GameCopy(string originalGamePath, string targetPath)
FileHelper.CopyDirectory(originalGamePath, targetPath, true);
LogHelper.Info("Game has been copied, Extracting patcher");
LogHelper.Info("Extracting patcher");
static void PatcherCopy(string targetPath, string patcherZipPath)
ZipHelper.Decompress(patcherZipPath, targetPath);
ZipHelper.ZipDecompress(patcherZipPath, targetPath);
FileHelper.FindFolder(patcherZipPath, targetPath, out DirectoryInfo dir);
FileHelper.CopyDirectory(dir.FullName, targetPath, true);
@ -148,7 +115,7 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core
static void PatcherProcess(string targetPath)
LogHelper.Info("patcher has been extracted, starting patcher");
LogHelper.Info("Starting patcher");
ProcessHelper patcherProcess = new();
patcherProcess.StartProcess(Path.Join(targetPath + "/patcher.exe"), targetPath);
@ -157,15 +124,14 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Core
static void AkiInstall(string targetPath, string akiZipPath)
ZipHelper.Decompress(akiZipPath, targetPath);
ZipHelper.ZipDecompress(akiZipPath, targetPath);
LogHelper.Info("Aki has been extracted");
static void DeleteZip(string patcherZipPath, string akiZipPath, string versionJson)
static void DeleteZip(string patcherZipPath, string akiZipPath)
FileHelper.DeleteFiles(patcherZipPath, false);
FileHelper.DeleteFiles(akiZipPath, false);
FileHelper.DeleteFiles(versionJson, false);
LogHelper.User("Removed Zips, Press enter to close the installer, you can then delete the installer");
LogHelper.User("ENJOY SPT-AKI!");
@ -3,22 +3,19 @@ using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Gitea.Api;
using Gitea.Client;
using Gitea.Model;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper
public static class DownloadHelper
public static string objToFind;
public static string patchNeedCheck;
public static string ogClient;
public static string targetClient;
public static string targetAki;
public static bool patchNeedCheck;
public static string akiLink;
public static string patcherLink;
// https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/api/v1/repos/CWX/Installer_Test/raw/ClientVersions.json
// https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/CWX/Installer_Test/src/branch/master/ClientVersions.json
public static async Task DownloadFileAsync(string targetFilePath, string targetLink, string newFileName)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
@ -27,30 +24,58 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper
public static void ReadJson(string targetPath)
public static async Task ReleaseCheck()
var json = FileHelper.FindFile(targetPath, "ClientVersions.json");
var text = File.ReadAllText(json);
dynamic result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<object>(text);
Configuration.Default.BasePath = "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/api/v1";
objToFind = "client" + PreCheckHelper.gameVersion;
var repo = new RepositoryApi(Configuration.Default);
patchNeedCheck = result[objToFind]?.PATCHNEEDED;
ogClient = result[objToFind]?.OGCLIENT;
targetClient = result[objToFind]?.TARGETCLIENT;
targetAki = result[objToFind]?.TARGETAKI;
akiLink = result[objToFind]?.AKIDOWNLOAD;
patcherLink = result[objToFind]?.PATCHERDOWNLOAD;
if (result[objToFind] == null)
LogHelper.Warning("No records found for client version");
LogHelper.Warning("this could be because your client is a version before this installer was made or");
LogHelper.Warning("a new client version has come out, if this is the case, please update to latest or try again later");
LogHelper.Warning("as we need to update the available list of clients.");
LogHelper.Warning("Press enter to close the app!");
var patchRepoReleases = await repo.RepoListReleasesAsync("SPT-AKI", "Downgrade-Patches");
var akiRepoReleases = await repo.RepoListReleasesAsync("SPT-AKI", "Stable-releases");
var latestAkiRelease = akiRepoReleases.FindAll(x => !x.Prerelease)[0];
var latestAkiVersion = latestAkiRelease.Name.Replace('(', ' ').Replace(')', ' ').Split(' ')[3];
var comparePatchToAki = patchRepoReleases?.Find(x => x.Name.Contains(PreCheckHelper.gameVersion) && x.Name.Contains(latestAkiVersion));
patcherLink = comparePatchToAki?.Assets[0].BrowserDownloadUrl;
akiLink = latestAkiRelease.Assets[0].BrowserDownloadUrl;
int IntAkiVersion = int.Parse(latestAkiVersion);
int IntGameVersion = int.Parse(PreCheckHelper.gameVersion);
if (IntGameVersion > IntAkiVersion)
patchNeedCheck = true;
if (IntGameVersion < IntAkiVersion)
LogHelper.Info("Client is older than current Aki Version, Please update!");
LogHelper.Warning("Press enter to close the app!");
if (IntGameVersion == IntAkiVersion)
patchNeedCheck = false;
if(comparePatchToAki == null && patchNeedCheck)
LogHelper.Warning("There is no current patcher for your client version and its needed");
LogHelper.Warning("Please try again later once a new patcher is uploaded.");
LogHelper.Warning("Press enter to close the app!");
catch (Exception)
//request failed
LogHelper.Info("Request Failed");
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path);
foreach (string file in filePaths)
if (file.Contains(name))
if (file.Contains(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return file;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper
private Process _process;
private string _exeDir;
private string _workingDir;
private string response;
public void StartProcess(string exeDir, string workingDir)
@ -43,30 +44,25 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper
case 0:
LogHelper.Warning("Patcher was closed before completing!");
LogHelper.Warning("If you need to start the patcher again, type RETRY");
LogHelper.Warning("If you want to close the installer, type CLOSE");
var response = Console.ReadLine();
LogHelper.Warning("If you need to start the patcher again, type retry");
LogHelper.Warning("If you want to close the installer, close the app.");
response = Console.ReadLine();
while (!string.Equals(response, "retry", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
!string.Equals(response, "close", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
while (!string.Equals(response, "retry", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
LogHelper.Warning("answer needs to be retry or close");
LogHelper.Warning("Try Again!");
LogHelper.Warning("Answer needs to be retry");
LogHelper.Warning("Try Again..");
response = Console.ReadLine();
if (string.Equals(response, "retry", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
StartProcess(_exeDir, _workingDir);
if (string.Equals(response, "close", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
case 10:
LogHelper.User("Patcher Finished Successfully, extracting Aki");
LogHelper.Info("Patcher Finished Successfully, extracting Aki");
case 11:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace SPT_AKI_Installer.Aki.Helper
public static class ZipHelper
public static void Decompress(string ArchivePath, string OutputFolderPath)
public static void ZipDecompress(string ArchivePath, string OutputFolderPath)
new PercentageColumn(),
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=208121.
@ -12,11 +12,19 @@
<PackageReference Include="FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.Core" Version="4.0.8" />
<PackageReference Include="FubarCoder.RestSharp.Portable.HttpClient" Version="4.0.8" />
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="SharpCompress" Version="0.31.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Spectre.Console" Version="0.44.0" />
<Reference Include="Gitea">
<None Update="Aki.Asset\icon.ico">
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
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