"account_page_denied":"Account page denied. Either you are not logged in or the game is running.",
"account_updated":"Your account has been updated",
"file_mismatch_dialog_message":"The input file hash doesn't match the expected hash. You may be using the wrong version\nof AKI for your client files.\n\nDo you want to continue?",
"open_folder":"Open Folder",
"select_edition":"Select Edition",
"profile_created":"Profile Created",
"registration_question_format_1":"Profile '{0}' does not exist.\n\nWould you like to create it?",
"next_level_in":"Next level in",
"wipe_warning":"Changing your account edition requires a profile wipe. This will reset your game progress.",
"no_profile_data":"No profile data",
"profile_version_mismath":"Your profile was made using a different version of aki and may have issues",
"profile_removed":"Profile removed",
"profile_removal_failed":"Failed to remove profile",
"game_version_mismatch_format_2":"SPT is unable to run, this is because SPT expected to find EFT version '{1}',\nbut instead found version '{0}'\n\nEnsure you've downgraded your EFT as described in the install guide\non the page you downloaded SPT from",