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IsWaffle 2024-01-26 21:47:04 -05:00
parent 3d5a3064be
commit 3ce51d785e
5 changed files with 157 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
FillRule="NonZero" FillRule="NonZero"
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<PathGeometry x:Key="Alert" Figures="M 1.1531774 13.277025 C 1.7874263 12.329396 3.9770847 8.9543883 6.0190869 5.7770253 8.0610888 2.599662 9.8524992 0 10 0 c 0.147501 0 1.938911 2.599662 3.980913 5.7770253 2.042002 3.177363 4.23166 6.5523707 4.86591 7.4999997 L 20 15 H 10 0 Z M 10.904431 11.75675 c 0 -0.540527 -0.301477 -0.810801 -0.904431 -0.810801 -0.6029544 0 -0.9044312 0.270274 -0.9044312 0.810801 0 0.540545 0.3014768 0.810818 0.9044312 0.810818 0.602954 0 0.904431 -0.270273 0.904431 -0.810818 z m 0 -4.4594502 C 10.904431 5.540539 10.783833 5.270267 10 5.270267 c -0.78384 0 -0.9044312 0.270272 -0.9044312 2.0270328 0 1.7567452 0.1205987 2.0270177 0.9044312 2.0270177 0.78384 0 0.904431 -0.2702725 0.904431 -2.0270177 z" <PathGeometry x:Key="Alert" Figures="M 1.1531774 13.277025 C 1.7874263 12.329396 3.9770847 8.9543883 6.0190869 5.7770253 8.0610888 2.599662 9.8524992 0 10 0 c 0.147501 0 1.938911 2.599662 3.980913 5.7770253 2.042002 3.177363 4.23166 6.5523707 4.86591 7.4999997 L 20 15 H 10 0 Z M 10.904431 11.75675 c 0 -0.540527 -0.301477 -0.810801 -0.904431 -0.810801 -0.6029544 0 -0.9044312 0.270274 -0.9044312 0.810801 0 0.540545 0.3014768 0.810818 0.9044312 0.810818 0.602954 0 0.904431 -0.270273 0.904431 -0.810818 z m 0 -4.4594502 C 10.904431 5.540539 10.783833 5.270267 10 5.270267 c -0.78384 0 -0.9044312 0.270272 -0.9044312 2.0270328 0 1.7567452 0.1205987 2.0270177 0.9044312 2.0270177 0.78384 0 0.904431 -0.2702725 0.904431 -2.0270177 z"
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@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
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<PathGeometry x:Key="Server" Figures="M 1.6494282 17.929812 C 0.92664202 17.718549 0.3836749 17.162385 0.17114 16.415592 0.09187098 16.137063 0.0863444 15.971619 0.0863444 13.877198 c 0 -2.111449 0.004995 -2.258008 0.08674468 -2.545427 0.21592147 -0.75914 0.82682106 -1.3631677 1.54512992 -1.52775 0.3218444 -0.07374 14.284014 -0.074326 14.609533 -5.317e-4 0.842712 0.1908397 1.507625 0.9632907 1.630128 1.8937857 0.05616 0.426587 0.05616 3.933413 0 4.360001 -0.122896 0.933497 -0.784698 1.702333 -1.630128 1.893786 -0.161986 0.03667 -2.304745 0.05092 -7.3392714 0.04872 -6.0119248 -0.0025 -7.1458037 -0.01334 -7.3390524 -0.06989 z m 2.5421672 -2.991734 c 0.4100526 -0.159172 0.6868605 -0.586709 0.6868605 -1.06088 0 -0.952833 -1.0222858 -1.471242 -1.6855312 -0.854751 -0.2565468 0.238465 -0.3619533 0.48738 -0.3619533 0.854751 0 0.366373 0.1076352 0.621854 0.3582541 0.85034 0.2889152 0.2634 0.6634988 0.342079 1.0023699 0.21054 z m 10.5739626 -0.39758 c 0.447008 -0.25795 0.498036 -0.92881 0.09599 -1.26185 l -0.154666 -0.128119 -3.910457 -0.01398 c -2.6646075 -0.0095 -3.9607586 0.0019 -4.0683469 0.03574 -0.4386452 0.13812 -0.6081135 0.789478 -0.3066319 1.178555 0.2209522 0.28515 0.025427 0.272622 4.2859348 0.27462 3.722244 0.0018 3.914897 -0.0023 4.058185 -0.08497 z M 1.467854 8.1629798 C 0.95417626 7.9826349 0.60805366 7.7025173 0.33776606 7.2483968 0.00402544 6.6876657 0 6.6507887 0 4.1541464 0 1.7200918 0.00839022 1.6245238 0.26479626 1.1378639 0.43887006 0.80747199 0.7595484 0.47034506 1.0714819 0.28980176 1.6031353 -0.01791494 1.1093443 2.0102425e-4 8.965172 2.0102425e-4 c 5.041311 0 7.200906 0.0152029958 7.36258 0.0518070457 0.865249 0.19594118 1.513849 0.96757553 1.63473 1.94483093 0.02999 0.2424025 0.04105 1.1050261 0.03067 2.3909693 -0.01524 1.8913722 -0.02165 2.029278 -0.10668 2.3046735 -0.22977 0.7441927 -0.818438 1.3420951 -1.485878 1.509186 -0.123856 0.031004 -2.700479 0.04695 -7.4423765 0.04605 C 2.1266812 8.2464458 1.6915 8.2414898 1.4678485 8.1629786 Z M 4.3859875 5.0844445 C 4.7811078 4.8191684 4.9780404 4.2439044 4.8349315 3.7730215 4.7668555 3.5490256 4.5236513 3.2565013 4.2985765 3.1278962 4.0565272 2.9895915 3.6283308 2.9891697 3.3890159 3.1270101 2.7753048 3.4804635 2.6278188 4.3017289 3.0782612 4.8574294 3.3235181 5.1599969 3.5311532 5.2576628 3.8906484 5.2395503 4.1184172 5.2280683 4.2189566 5.1965975 4.3859875 5.0844569 Z M 14.837282 4.7559538 c 0.14415 -0.1141452 0.316152 -0.4583749 0.316152 -0.63272 0 -0.220612 -0.182401 -0.5222009 -0.386823 -0.6395916 l -0.187995 -0.1079544 -3.867912 0.00107 c -3.6787004 8.85e-4 -3.8765704 0.00529 -4.0448738 0.088298 -0.2617344 0.129081 -0.3842788 0.3424391 -0.3842788 0.6690602 0 0.2988716 0.080394 0.456782 0.3243274 0.6370544 l 0.1437 0.1061964 3.9829142 -0.01245 c 3.943322 -0.0123 3.984126 -0.01341 4.104791 -0.1089408 z" <PathGeometry x:Key="Server" Figures="M 9 2 a 3 3 0 0 0 -3 3 v 14 a 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 h 6 a 3 3 0 0 0 3 -3 V 5 a 3 3 0 0 0 -3 -3 H 9 Z m -0.5 4.75 A 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 9.25 6 h 5.5 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 0 1.5 h -5.5 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 -0.75 -0.75 Z m 0 11 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 0.75 -0.75 h 5.5 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 0 1.5 h -5.5 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 -0.75 -0.75 Z m 0 -3 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 0.75 -0.75 h 5.5 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 0 1.5 h -5.5 a 0.75 0.75 0 0 1 -0.75 -0.75 Z"
FillRule="NonZero" FillRule="NonZero"
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<PathGeometry x:Key="Visible" Figures="M 8.1460091 11.992296 C 8.0833771 11.983726 7.8271527 11.94962 7.5766226 11.916501 5.4738087 11.63851 3.307191 10.538502 1.8055895 8.9865036 0.99350307 8.1471622 0.20885269 7.0014962 0.06261515 6.4415911 -0.09543836 5.836446 0.03094743 5.3924299 0.61168637 4.5126082 2.1934171 2.1162758 4.7047482 0.51722245 7.5576432 0.08986881 c 0.9965425 -0.14927859 2.4004313 -0.10960705 3.4270298 0.09684267 2.587437 0.52033387 4.890733 2.06079622 6.355054 4.25030892 0.880364 1.3163559 0.880364 1.8205157 0 3.1368717 -1.380858 2.0647171 -3.549401 3.5770229 -5.961514 4.1574569 -0.856848 0.206187 -1.237872 0.251481 -2.2262878 0.264644 -0.4906213 0.0066 -0.9432835 0.0049 -1.0059161 -0.0037 z M 10.00375 10.823681 c 1.580402 -0.184064 3.036374 -0.762072 4.334267 -1.7206639 0.806911 -0.5959633 1.727678 -1.6082743 2.255807 -2.4800822 0.223791 -0.3694213 0.244819 -0.4223443 0.244819 -0.6161567 0 -0.1907713 -0.02194 -0.2486339 -0.21891 -0.5772594 C 16.139008 4.6274618 15.319355 3.6858065 14.599055 3.1080687 13.549615 2.2663343 12.226695 1.6291427 10.931036 1.3413472 9.9257068 1.1180407 8.6514186 1.072587 7.6715205 1.2250823 6.4596265 1.413681 5.1758323 1.9009827 4.1603039 2.5578651 3.0858698 3.2528506 2.0336925 4.3396206 1.3810777 5.4284632 1.1844957 5.7564459 1.1628006 5.8137957 1.1628006 6.0054569 c 0 0.1916598 0.021695 0.2490095 0.2182771 0.5769922 0.4872889 0.8130086 1.2646309 1.703609 2.0200442 2.314365 1.3732099 1.1102489 3.0038256 1.7700389 4.839785 1.9583019 0.3582986 0.03674 1.3255717 0.0195 1.7628431 -0.03143 z M 8.424282 9.4462967 C 7.0826815 9.2020122 6.0360496 8.2699061 5.6341892 6.9615064 5.5409652 6.657984 5.5320793 6.5747813 5.5320793 6.0054569 c 0 -0.5693258 0.00889 -0.6525285 0.1021099 -0.956051 C 6.0036849 3.8463811 6.8861656 2.98618 8.1120346 2.6341171 c 0.2585334 -0.07425 0.383092 -0.085715 0.9070338 -0.083493 0.5461548 0.00231 0.6409868 0.012785 0.9412556 0.1039219 1.207183 0.3663972 2.073584 1.2475045 2.425556 2.4667264 0.07295 0.2527006 0.08614 0.3880692 0.08614 0.8841842 0 0.496115 -0.01319 0.6314836 -0.08614 0.8841829 C 12.02934 8.1246855 11.135575 9.0195412 9.9085538 9.3699912 9.5936312 9.4599382 8.7401624 9.5038134 8.424282 9.4462967 Z M 9.5076368 8.2923324 C 10.366726 8.1111151 11.114966 7.3661384 11.296977 6.5107909 11.468942 5.7026559 11.242767 4.9478995 10.65252 4.360227 10.185215 3.8949588 9.636363 3.6635631 9.0000888 3.6635631 c -1.0832373 0 -2.0747915 0.7928324 -2.2968886 1.8365583 -0.3563824 1.6747866 1.1223165 3.1470402 2.8044366 2.792211 z" <PathGeometry x:Key="Open" Figures="M 6.25 4.75 a 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 -1.5 1.5 v 11.5 a 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 1.5 h 11.5 a 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 -1.5 v -4 a 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 v 4 a 3.5 3.5 0 0 1 -3.5 3.5 H 6.25 a 3.5 3.5 0 0 1 -3.5 -3.5 V 6.25 a 3.5 3.5 0 0 1 3.5 -3.5 h 4 a 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 h -4 Z m 6.5 -1 a 1 1 0 0 1 1 -1 h 6.5 a 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 v 6.5 a 1 1 0 1 1 -2 0 V 6.164 l -4.793 4.793 a 1 1 0 1 1 -1.414 -1.414 l 4.793 -4.793 H 13.75 a 1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1 Z"
FillRule="NonZero" FillRule="NonZero"
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<PathGeometry x:Key="Hide" Figures="M 2.5679207 11.950279 C 2.3351669 11.848352 2.2120578 11.621794 2.2615536 11.386472 2.2829097 11.284935 2.406899 11.16048 3.1342095 10.510528 3.600479 10.093851 3.975073 9.7476909 3.9666412 9.7412802 3.9582112 9.7348758 3.8563174 9.6765531 3.7402151 9.6116894 3.3432865 9.3899331 2.6146862 8.8843852 2.1745934 8.5253631 1.4755105 7.9550599 0.84697928 7.3017345 0.31975495 6.5973519 -0.1109968 6.0218597 -0.11001266 5.9715658 0.34380475 5.3683051 0.79713357 4.765693 1.2026605 4.3294038 1.821751 3.7782437 3.7996358 2.0173822 6.0828481 1.0932904 8.6657661 1.0082442 10.026095 0.96345226 11.294642 1.1629888 12.616829 1.6297255 l 0.362446 0.1279451 0.974489 -0.86206028 c 0.837883 -0.74121476 0.992984 -0.86511728 1.106424 -0.88386597 0.21226 -0.03508435 0.368054 0.0073974 0.518943 0.14147897 0.150551 0.13379088 0.198392 0.27172359 0.159952 0.46116733 C 15.717813 0.71921597 15.049325 1.3236974 9.4288293 6.3204432 5.9712731 9.3942863 3.0924188 11.930313 3.031374 11.956056 c -0.1436299 0.06056 -0.3168835 0.0584 -0.4634533 -0.0057 z M 5.5437673 8.3678503 6.2560185 7.7343309 6.1633995 7.6132055 C 6.0040135 7.4047614 5.8024019 6.9884285 5.7209365 6.6995065 5.6090617 6.3027367 5.6099817 5.6572624 5.7229565 5.2822485 5.8927146 4.7187469 6.1459432 4.320735 6.5899974 3.9194756 6.9337774 3.6088273 7.0919375 3.5033071 7.4695602 3.3326582 8.1983138 3.0033307 9.0070431 2.9203596 9.8076645 3.0927787 c 0.2832505 0.061 0.8108265 0.2649442 1.0409555 0.4023996 l 0.107086 0.063963 0.575769 -0.5123722 0.575769 -0.5123724 -0.137527 -0.051372 C 11.711023 2.3863919 11.032607 2.2156744 10.605468 2.1397237 9.4891497 1.9412282 8.2164836 1.9591805 7.1001438 2.1891692 5.8981601 2.4368028 4.5599509 3.0274763 3.5126657 3.7726496 2.8673014 4.2318435 2.0748395 4.9620744 1.5536836 5.5777938 1.1801385 6.0191182 1.1964931 5.9664432 1.3646818 6.1865377 1.9217887 6.9155785 2.8853398 7.7984046 3.7491949 8.3712784 4.0718054 8.585221 4.7673686 8.9959869 4.8136027 8.9998664 4.8234527 9.000666 5.1520285 8.7162858 5.5437673 8.3678503 Z M 10.086881 4.2605975 C 10.067181 4.2394984 9.9135181 4.1778344 9.7454186 4.1235664 7.988299 3.5563118 6.2448663 5.0974724 6.8849361 6.652174 6.9441441 6.7959868 7.0116945 6.9341123 7.0350489 6.9591191 7.0704519 6.9970277 7.3306566 6.7796712 8.6001105 5.6517746 9.7238916 4.6533037 10.113324 4.288912 10.086881 4.2605975 Z M 8.1813482 10.971535 C 7.5499084 10.917127 6.4080707 10.717759 6.2299494 10.630815 6.2017084 10.617031 6.3448223 10.469281 6.6395743 10.207928 L 7.0926051 9.8062269 7.4921782 9.87207 C 9.9454769 10.276376 12.393655 9.70425 14.463597 8.2428879 14.893119 7.9396484 15.588421 7.3422784 15.964397 6.9534718 16.196594 6.7133514 16.670924 6.1637582 16.753226 6.0394799 16.805706 5.960226 16.167191 5.2229443 15.551859 4.6522887 15.179021 4.3065193 14.60341 3.8468374 14.322107 3.670209 14.240277 3.6188319 14.172994 3.5624863 14.172581 3.544996 14.17165 3.503098 14.918434 2.842055 14.966762 2.842055 c 0.07393 0 0.745326 0.5199281 1.22835 0.9512387 0.575718 0.5140811 1.055156 1.0323984 1.474944 1.5945542 0.440243 0.589546 0.440174 0.6400726 -0.0017 1.2281406 -0.436413 0.5808359 -0.906604 1.0863801 -1.507523 1.6208737 -1.703071 1.5148164 -3.683425 2.4230968 -5.859106 2.6872508 -0.4787235 0.05813 -1.6834787 0.08506 -2.1204051 0.04742 z M 8.4428581 8.9563226 C 8.3009079 8.932297 8.1749454 8.9039084 8.1629407 8.893237 8.1509357 8.8825655 8.3635109 8.6762041 8.6353285 8.434648 L 9.1295436 7.9954549 9.4037532 7.9531385 C 9.7371384 7.9016912 10.176641 7.7204083 10.432705 7.5287264 10.822544 7.2369024 11.11352 6.7908395 11.198832 6.3542595 l 0.04662 -0.2385996 0.486402 -0.4330774 c 0.267519 -0.2381921 0.497363 -0.4330762 0.510763 -0.4330762 0.05888 0 0.115139 0.3897577 0.112833 0.7816379 -0.002 0.3483443 -0.01813 0.4743231 -0.09206 0.7210941 -0.388323 1.2961642 -1.647372 2.1872689 -3.1578417 2.2349937 -0.2590625 0.00822 -0.4974358 -0.003 -0.6626892 -0.0309 z" <PathGeometry x:Key="Info" Figures="M 12 1.999 c 5.524 0 10.002 4.478 10.002 10.002 c 0 5.523 -4.478 10.001 -10.002 10.001 c -5.524 0 -10.002 -4.478 -10.002 -10.001 C 1.998 6.477 6.476 1.999 12 1.999 Z m -0.004 8.25 a 1 1 0 0 0 -0.992 0.885 l -0.007 0.116 l 0.003 5.502 l 0.007 0.117 a 1 1 0 0 0 1.987 -0.002 L 13 16.75 l -0.003 -5.501 l -0.007 -0.117 a 1 1 0 0 0 -0.994 -0.882 Z M 12 6.5 a 1.251 1.251 0 1 0 0 2.503 A 1.251 1.251 0 0 0 12 6.5 Z"
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View File

@ -1,10 +1,45 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Aki.Launcher.Controllers;
using Aki.Launcher.Helpers;
using Aki.Launcher.Models.Launcher;
using Aki.Launcher.ViewModels.Dialogs;
using ReactiveUI; using ReactiveUI;
namespace Aki.Launcher.ViewModels; namespace Aki.Launcher.ViewModels;
public class ModInfoViewModel : ViewModelBase public class ModInfoViewModel : ViewModelBase
{ {
public ModInfoViewModel(IScreen Host) : base(Host) public ModInfoCollection ModsCollection { get; set; }
public ModInfoViewModel(IScreen Host, ModInfoCollection mods) : base(Host)
{ {
ModsCollection = mods;
public async Task OpenUrlCommand(string url)
if (!url.StartsWith("https://") && !url.StartsWith("https://"))
LogManager.Instance.Warning($"url does not start with http/s \n -URL-> '{url}'");
var question = String.Format(LocalizationProvider.Instance.open_link_question_format_1, url);
var confirmText = LocalizationProvider.Instance.open_link;
var cancelText = LocalizationProvider.Instance.cancel;
var confirm = await ShowDialog(new ConfirmationDialogViewModel(HostScreen, question, confirmText, cancelText));
if (confirm is not (bool and true))
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = "cmd.exe",
UseShellExecute = true,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
ArgumentList = { "/C", "start", url }
} }
} }

View File

@ -26,13 +26,6 @@ namespace Aki.Launcher.ViewModels
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _CurrentEdition, value); set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _CurrentEdition, value);
} }
private bool _ModsListIsVisible;
public bool ModsListIsVisible
get => _ModsListIsVisible;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _ModsListIsVisible, value);
private bool _WipeProfileOnStart; private bool _WipeProfileOnStart;
public bool WipeProfileOnStart public bool WipeProfileOnStart
{ {
@ -76,8 +69,6 @@ namespace Aki.Launcher.ViewModels
CurrentEdition = AccountManager.SelectedAccount.edition; CurrentEdition = AccountManager.SelectedAccount.edition;
CurrentID = AccountManager.SelectedAccount.id; CurrentID = AccountManager.SelectedAccount.id;
ModsListIsVisible = false;
} }
private async Task GameVersionCheck() private async Task GameVersionCheck()
@ -105,7 +96,7 @@ namespace Aki.Launcher.ViewModels
} }
public void OpenModsInfoCommand() => public void OpenModsInfoCommand() =>
NavigateTo(new ModInfoViewModel(HostScreen)); NavigateTo(new ModInfoViewModel(HostScreen, ModInfoCollection));
public void LogoutCommand() public void LogoutCommand()
{ {

View File

@ -2,13 +2,104 @@
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mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450" mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450"
x:Class="Aki.Launcher.Views.ModInfoView"> x:Class="Aki.Launcher.Views.ModInfoView">
<Grid RowDefinitions="10, Auto, *, 10" ColumnDefinitions="10, *, 10"> <Grid RowDefinitions="10, Auto, 10, Auto, 10, *, 10" ColumnDefinitions="10, 2*, 10, 2*, 10">
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Content="Back"
<!-- back button -->
<Button Content="&#x279C;" FontSize="25"
Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3"
Command="{Binding NavigateBack}" Command="{Binding NavigateBack}"
/> />
<Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Content="Welcome to Avalonia!"
/> <!-- Active Mods List Header -->
<Border Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1"
Background="{StaticResource AKI_Background_Dark}">
<StackPanel Spacing="2" Margin="10">
<!-- Active mods count and text -->
<Label VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontSize="16">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1}">
<Binding Path="ModsCollection.ActiveMods.Count"/>
<Binding Source="{x:Static helpers:LocalizationProvider.Instance}" Path="active_server_mods"/>
<!-- Active mods info text -->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static helpers:LocalizationProvider.Instance}, Path=active_server_mods_info_text}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Foreground="{StaticResource AKI_Foreground_Light}"
<!-- Active Mods List -->
<ScrollViewer Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="1">
<ItemsControl Items="{Binding ModsCollection.ActiveMods}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type launcher:AkiMod}">
<cc:ModInfoCard ModName="{Binding Name}"
Author="{Binding Author}"
Version="{Binding Version}"
IsInServer="{Binding InServer}"
IsInProfile="{Binding InProfile}"
ModUrl="{Binding Url}"
OpenUrlCommand="{Binding $parent[ItemsControl].DataContext.OpenUrlCommand}"
Margin="0 0 0 10" />
<!-- Inactive Mods List Header -->
<Border Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="3"
Background="{StaticResource AKI_Background_Dark}">
<StackPanel Spacing="2" Margin="10">
<!-- Inactive mods count and text -->
<Label VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontSize="16">
<MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1}">
<Binding Path="ModsCollection.InactiveMods.Count"/>
<Binding Source="{x:Static helpers:LocalizationProvider.Instance}" Path="inactive_server_mods"/>
<!-- Inactive mods info text -->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static helpers:LocalizationProvider.Instance}, Path=inactive_server_mods_info_text}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Foreground="{StaticResource AKI_Foreground_Light}"
<!-- Inactive Mods List -->
<ScrollViewer Grid.Row="5" Grid.Column="3" >
<ItemsControl Items="{Binding ModsCollection.InactiveMods}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type launcher:AkiMod}">
<cc:ModInfoCard ModName="{Binding Name}"
Author="{Binding Author}"
Version="{Binding Version}"
IsInServer="{Binding InServer}"
IsInProfile="{Binding InProfile}"
ModUrl="{Binding Url}"
OpenUrlCommand="{Binding $parent[ItemsControl].DataContext.OpenUrlCommand}"
Margin="0 0 0 10" />
</Grid> </Grid>
</UserControl> </UserControl>

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"
xmlns:helpers="using:Aki.Launcher.Helpers" xmlns:helpers="using:Aki.Launcher.Helpers"
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mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450" mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450"
x:Class="Aki.Launcher.Views.ProfileView"> x:Class="Aki.Launcher.Views.ProfileView">
@ -31,7 +29,7 @@
Classes.versionMismatch="{Binding ProfileInfo.VersionMismatch}"> Classes.versionMismatch="{Binding ProfileInfo.VersionMismatch}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Background="Transparent"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Background="Transparent">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ProfileInfo.Aki.version}" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding ProfileInfo.Aki.version}" />
<Path Data="{StaticResource Alert}" <Path Data="{StaticResource Info}"
Fill="{Binding ElementName=akiVersion, Path=Foreground}" Fill="{Binding ElementName=akiVersion, Path=Foreground}"
Margin="10 0" Margin="10 0"
IsVisible="{Binding ProfileInfo.VersionMismatch}" /> IsVisible="{Binding ProfileInfo.VersionMismatch}" />
@ -73,51 +71,33 @@
<Border Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" CornerRadius="5" <Border Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" CornerRadius="5"
BorderBrush="{StaticResource AKI_Background_Dark}" BorderBrush="{StaticResource AKI_Background_Dark}"
BorderThickness="5" IsVisible="{Binding ModInfoCollection.HasMods}"> BorderThickness="5" IsVisible="{Binding ModInfoCollection.HasMods}">
<Grid RowDefinitions="10,AUTO,AUTO,10" ColumnDefinitions="10,AUTO,*,AUTO,AUTO,AUTO,10" <Grid RowDefinitions="10,AUTO,10" ColumnDefinitions="10,Auto,*,AUTO,10"
Background="{StaticResource AKI_Background_Dark}"> Background="{StaticResource AKI_Background_Dark}">
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1"
Content="{Binding Source={x:Static helpers:LocalizationProvider.Instance}, Path=server_mods}" /> <!-- server mods count text -->
<Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Content="{Binding ModInfoCollection.ServerModsCount}" /> <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1">
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" <Label.Content>
Content="{Binding Source={x:Static helpers:LocalizationProvider.Instance}, Path=profile_mods}" /> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} {1}">
<Path Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="4" Margin="10 4 0 0" <Binding Path="ModInfoCollection.ActiveMods.Count"/>
IsVisible="{Binding ModInfoCollection.HasProfileOnlyMods}" <Binding Source="{x:Static helpers:LocalizationProvider.Instance}" Path="active_server_mods"/>
Data="{StaticResource Alert}" Fill="{StaticResource AKI_Brush_Yellow}" /> </MultiBinding>
<Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="3" Content="{Binding ModInfoCollection.ProfileModsCount}" /> </Label.Content>
<Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="4" Grid.Column="5" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" </Label>
<!-- Show mods info view button -->
<Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="3" Grid.Column="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"
VerticalAlignment="Stretch" FontSize="18" Margin="10 0 0 0" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" FontSize="18" Margin="10 0 0 0"
Command="{Binding OpenModsInfoCommand}" Command="{Binding OpenModsInfoCommand}"
Classes="icon"> Classes="icon">
<Button.Content> <Button.Content>
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True"> <Path Data="{StaticResource Open}" Fill="{StaticResource AKI_Foreground_Light}"
<Path Data="{StaticResource Visible}" Fill="{StaticResource AKI_Foreground_Light}" VerticalAlignment="Center"
VerticalAlignment="Center" />
IsVisible="{Binding !ModsListIsVisible}" />
<Path Data="{StaticResource Hide}" Fill="{StaticResource AKI_Foreground_Light}"
IsVisible="{Binding ModsListIsVisible}" />
</Button.Content> </Button.Content>
</Button> </Button>
</Grid> </Grid>
</Border> </Border>
<!-- Mods List -->
<!-- <ScrollViewer Grid.Row="1" Grid.RowSpan="5" Grid.Column="3" IsVisible="{Binding ModsListIsVisible}"> -->
<!-- <ItemsControl Items="{Binding ModInfoCollection.Mods}"> -->
<!-- <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> -->
<!-- <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type launcher:AkiMod}"> -->
<!-- <cc:ModInfoCard ModName="{Binding Name}" -->
<!-- Author="{Binding Author}" -->
<!-- Version="{Binding Version}" -->
<!-- IsInServer="{Binding InServer}" -->
<!-- IsInProfile="{Binding InProfile}" -->
<!-- Margin="0 0 0 10" /> -->
<!-- </DataTemplate> -->
<!-- </ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> -->
<!-- </ItemsControl> -->
<!-- </ScrollViewer> -->
<!-- Bottom bar --> <!-- Bottom bar -->
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