/* LauncherSettingsProvider.cs * License: NCSA Open Source License * * Copyright: SPT * AUTHORS: * waffle.lord */ using SPT.Launcher.MiniCommon; using SPT.Launcher.Models.Launcher; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using SPT.Launcher.Utilities; using SPT.Launcher.Controllers; namespace SPT.Launcher.Helpers { public static class LauncherSettingsProvider { public static string DefaultSettingsFileLocation = Path.Join(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "user", "launcher", "config.json"); public static Settings Instance { get; } = Json.Load(DefaultSettingsFileLocation) ?? new Settings(); } public class Settings : NotifyPropertyChangedBase { public bool FirstRun { get; set; } = true; public bool SaveSettings() { Server.Url = Path.TrimEndingDirectorySeparator(Server.Url); return Json.SaveWithFormatting(LauncherSettingsProvider.DefaultSettingsFileLocation, this, Formatting.Indented); } public void ResetDefaults() { string defaultUrl = ""; string defaultPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; // don't reset if running in dev mode if (IsDevMode) { LogManager.Instance.Info("Running in dev mode, not resetting"); return; } if (Server != null && Server.Url != defaultUrl) { LogManager.Instance.Info($"Server URL was '{Server.Url}'"); LogManager.Instance.Info($"Server URL was reset to default '{defaultUrl}'"); Server.Url = defaultUrl; } else { LogManager.Instance.Info($"Server URL is already set to default '{defaultUrl}'"); } if (GamePath != defaultPath) { LogManager.Instance.Info($"Game path was '{GamePath}'"); LogManager.Instance.Info($"Game path was reset to default '{defaultPath}'"); GamePath = defaultPath; } else { LogManager.Instance.Info($"Game path is already set to default '{defaultPath}'"); } SaveSettings(); } public string DefaultLocale { get; set; } = "English"; private bool _isAddingServer; [JsonIgnore] public bool IsAddingServer { get => _isAddingServer; set => SetProperty(ref _isAddingServer, value); } private bool _allowSettings; [JsonIgnore] public bool AllowSettings { get => _allowSettings; set => SetProperty(ref _allowSettings, value); } private bool _gameRunning; [JsonIgnore] public bool GameRunning { get => _gameRunning; set => SetProperty(ref _gameRunning, value); } private LauncherAction _launcherStartGameAction; public LauncherAction LauncherStartGameAction { get => _launcherStartGameAction; set => SetProperty(ref _launcherStartGameAction, value); } private bool _useAutoLogin; public bool UseAutoLogin { get => _useAutoLogin; set => SetProperty(ref _useAutoLogin, value); } private bool _isDevMode; public bool IsDevMode { get => _isDevMode; set => SetProperty(ref _isDevMode, value); } private string _gamePath; public string GamePath { get => _gamePath; set => SetProperty(ref _gamePath, value); } private string[] _excludeFromCleanup = []; public string[] ExcludeFromCleanup { get => _excludeFromCleanup; set => SetProperty(ref _excludeFromCleanup, value); } public ServerSetting Server { get; set; } = new ServerSetting(); public Settings() { if (!File.Exists(LauncherSettingsProvider.DefaultSettingsFileLocation)) { LogManager.Instance.Warning("Launcher config not found"); LogManager.Instance.Info($"Creating launcher config: {LauncherSettingsProvider.DefaultSettingsFileLocation}"); LauncherStartGameAction = LauncherAction.MinimizeAction; UseAutoLogin = true; GamePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; IsDevMode = false; Server = new ServerSetting { Name = "SPT", Url = "" }; SaveSettings(); } LogManager.Instance.Info($"Using launcher config at: {LauncherSettingsProvider.DefaultSettingsFileLocation}"); } } }