@echo off :: Set some Vars to use set buildFolder=..\Build set akiDataFolder=..\Build\Aki_Data set projReleaseFolder=.\bin\Release\net6.0\win10-x64 set launcherAssetFolder=..\Aki.Launcher\Aki_Data set licenseFile=..\..\LICENSE.md echo --------------- Cleaning Output Build Folder --------------- :: Delete build folder and contents to make sure its clean if exist %buildFolder% rmdir /s /q %buildFolder% echo --------------- Done Cleaning Output Build Folder --------------- echo --------------- Creating Output Build Folders --------------- :: Create build folder if it doesn't exist if not exist %buildFolder% mkdir %buildFolder% if not exist %akiDataFolder% mkdir %akiDataFolder% echo --------------- Done Creating Output Build Folders --------------- echo --------------- Moving DLLs to %buildFolder% --------------- :: Move DLLs/exe/json project's bin\Release folder to the build folder xcopy "%projReleaseFolder%\Aki.Launcher.exe" %buildFolder% xcopy "%launcherAssetFolder%" "%buildFolder%\Aki_Data" /s /e :: If any new Dll's need to be copied, add here echo --------------- Done Moving DLLs to %buildFolder% --------------- echo --------------- Writing License File --------------- :: write the contents of the license file to a txt type %licenseFile% > "%buildFolder%\LICENSE-Launcher.txt" echo --------------- Done Writing License File ---------------