{ "native_name": "繁體中文", "retry": "重試", "server_connecting": "正在連接伺服器", "server_unavailable_format_1": "伺服器'{0}'無法使用。", "no_servers_available": "無法找出伺服器,請於設置瀏覽伺服器列表", "settings_menu": "設定", "back": "返回", "wipe_profile": "刪除存檔", "username": "用戶名稱", "password": "密碼", "update": "更新", "edit_account_update_error": "更新存檔過程中發生錯誤", "register": "登錄", "go_to_register": "前往登錄", "login_or_register": "登入 / 登錄", "go_to_login": "前往登入", "login_automatically": "自動登入", "incorrect_login": "用戶名稱或密碼不正確", "login_failed": "登入失敗", "edition": "版本", "id": "認證序碼", "logout": "登出", "account": "Account", "edit_account": "編輯個人存檔", "start_game": "開始遊戲", "installed_in_live_game_warning": "Aki 並不建議於在線版塔哥夫檔案位置上安裝,請複制遊戲客戶端檔案並於其他位置安裝", "no_official_game_warning": "您的電腦並未安裝正版逃離塔哥夫,請購買遊戲並支持遊戲開發者!", "eft_exe_not_found_warning": "在當前路徑並未能找到 EscapeFromTarkov.exe, 請檢查檔案路徑是否正確", "account_exist": "用戶名稱已存在", "url": "URL", "default_language": "預設語言", "game_path": "遊戲路徑", "clear_game_settings": "重置遊戲設定", "clear_game_settings_succeeded": "遊戲設定已重置", "clear_game_settings_failed": "遊戲設定重置過程中發生錯誤", "remove_registry_keys": "移除登錄檔機碼", "remove_registry_keys_succeeded": "登錄檔機碼已移除", "remove_registry_keys_failed": "移除登錄檔機碼過程中發生錯誤", "clean_temp_files": "清理快取", "clean_temp_files_succeeded": "已清理快取檔案", "clean_temp_files_failed": "清理快取檔案過程中發生錯誤", "select_folder": "請選擇文件夾", "registration_failed": "登錄失敗", "minimize_action": "視窗最小化", "do_nothing_action": "不作任何變更", "exit_action": "關閉啟動器", "on_game_start": "於遊戲啟動後", "game": "遊戲", "new_password": "新密碼", "cancel": "取消", "need_an_account": "沒有帳號?", "have_an_account": "已有帳號?", "reapply_patch": "重新應用補缺包", "failed_to_receive_patches": "接收補缺包失敗", "failed_core_patch": "核心補缺失敗", "failed_mod_patch": "改裝程式補缺失敗", "ok": "確定", "account_page_denied": "Account page denied. Either you are not logged in or the game is running.", "account_updated": "Your account has been updated", "nickname": "Nickname", "side": "Side", "level": "Level", "patching": "Patching", "file_mismatch_dialog_message": "The input file hash doesn't match the expected hash. You may be using the wrong version\nof AKI for your client files.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "open_folder": "Open Folder", "select_edition": "Select Edition", "profile_created": "Profile Created", "registration_question_format_1": "Profile '{0}' does not exist.\n\nWould you like to create it?", "next_level_in": "Next level in", "wipe_warning": "Changing your account edition requires a profile wipe. This will reset your game progress.", "copied": "Copied", "no_profile_data": "No profile data", "profile_version_mismath": "Your profile was made using a different version of aki and may have issues", "profile_removed": "Profile removed", "profile_removal_failed": "Failed to remove profile", "profile_remove_question_format_1": "Permanently remove profile '{0}'?", "i_understand": "I Understand", "game_version_mismatch_format_2": "SPT is unable to run, this is because SPT expected to find EFT version '{1}',\nbut instead found version '{0}'\n\nEnsure you've downgraded your EFT as described in the install guide\non the page you downloaded SPT from", "description": "Description", "server_mods": "Server Mods", "profile_mods": "Profile Mods", "author": "Author", "load_live_settings": "Load Live Settings", "load_live_settings_succeeded": "Game settings copied from live", "load_live_settings_failed": "Failed to copy live settings", "wipe_on_start": "Wipe profile on game start" }