/* GameStarter.cs * License: NCSA Open Source License * * Copyright: SPT * AUTHORS: * waffle.lord * reider123 */ using SPT.Launcher.Helpers; using SPT.Launcher.MiniCommon; using SPT.Launcher.Models.Launcher; using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SPT.Launcher.Controllers; using SPT.Launcher.Interfaces; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace SPT.Launcher { public class GameStarter { private readonly IGameStarterFrontend _frontend; private readonly bool _showOnly; private readonly string _originalGamePath; private readonly string[] _excludeFromCleanup; private const string registryInstall = @"Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\EscapeFromTarkov"; private const string registrySettings = @"Software\Battlestate Games\EscapeFromTarkov"; public GameStarter(IGameStarterFrontend frontend, string gamePath = null, string originalGamePath = null, bool showOnly = false, string[] excludeFromCleanup = null) { _frontend = frontend; _showOnly = showOnly; _originalGamePath = originalGamePath ??= DetectOriginalGamePath(); _excludeFromCleanup = excludeFromCleanup ?? LauncherSettingsProvider.Instance.ExcludeFromCleanup; } private static string DetectOriginalGamePath() { // We can't detect the installed path on non-Windows if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) return null; var installLocation = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryInstall, false) ?.GetValue("InstallLocation"); var info = (installLocation is string key) ? new DirectoryInfo(key) : null; return info?.FullName; } public async Task LaunchGame(ServerInfo server, AccountInfo account, string gamePath) { LogManager.Instance.Info(">>> Launching Game"); LogManager.Instance.Info($">>> Account: {account.username}"); LogManager.Instance.Info($">>> Server : {server.backendUrl}"); // setup directories if (IsInstalledInLive()) { LogManager.Instance.Error("[LaunchGame] Installed in Live :: YES"); return GameStarterResult.FromError(-1); } LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] Installed in Live :: NO"); LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] Setup Game Files ..."); SetupGameFiles(gamePath); if (!ValidationUtil.Validate()) { LogManager.Instance.Error("[LaunchGame] Game Validation :: FAILED"); return GameStarterResult.FromError(-2); } LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] Game Validation :: OK"); if (account.wipe) { LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] Wipe profile requested"); RemoveRegistryKeys(); CleanTempFiles(); } // check game path var clientExecutable = Path.Join(gamePath, "EscapeFromTarkov.exe"); if (!File.Exists(clientExecutable)) { LogManager.Instance.Error("[LaunchGame] Valid Game Path :: FAILED"); LogManager.Instance.Error($"Could not find {clientExecutable}"); return GameStarterResult.FromError(-6); } LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] Valid Game Path :: OK"); // apply patches ProgressReportingPatchRunner patchRunner = new ProgressReportingPatchRunner(gamePath); try { await _frontend.CompletePatchTask(patchRunner.PatchFiles()); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { LogManager.Instance.Error("[LaunchGame] Applying Patch :: FAILED"); return GameStarterResult.FromError(-4); } LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] Applying Patch :: OK"); //start game var args = $"-force-gfx-jobs native -token={account.id} -config={Json.Serialize(new ClientConfig(server.backendUrl))}"; if (_showOnly) { Console.WriteLine($"{clientExecutable} {args}"); LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] NOOP :: show only"); } else { var clientProcess = new ProcessStartInfo(clientExecutable) { Arguments = args, UseShellExecute = false, WorkingDirectory = gamePath, }; Process.Start(clientProcess); LogManager.Instance.Info("[LaunchGame] Game process started"); } return GameStarterResult.FromSuccess(); } bool IsInstalledInLive() { var isInstalledInLive = false; try { var files = new FileInfo[] { // SPT files new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"SPT.Launcher.exe")), new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"SPT.Server.exe")), // bepinex files new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"doorstep_config.ini")), new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"winhttp.dll")), // licenses new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"LICENSE-BEPINEX.txt")), new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"LICENSE-ConfigurationManager.txt")), new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"LICENSE-Launcher.txt")), new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"LICENSE-Modules.txt")), new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"LICENSE-Server.txt")) }; var directories = new DirectoryInfo[] { new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"SPT_Data")), new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_originalGamePath, @"BepInEx")) }; foreach (var file in files) { if (File.Exists(file.FullName)) { File.Delete(file.FullName); LogManager.Instance.Warning($"File removed :: found in live dir: {file.FullName}"); isInstalledInLive = true; } } foreach (var directory in directories) { if (Directory.Exists(directory.FullName)) { RemoveFilesRecurse(directory); LogManager.Instance.Warning($"Directory removed :: found in live dir: {directory.FullName}"); isInstalledInLive = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.Instance.Exception(ex); } return isInstalledInLive; } void SetupGameFiles(string gamePath) { var files = new [] { GetFileForCleanup("BattlEye", gamePath), GetFileForCleanup("Logs", gamePath), GetFileForCleanup("ConsistencyInfo", gamePath), GetFileForCleanup("EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe", gamePath), GetFileForCleanup("Uninstall.exe", gamePath), GetFileForCleanup("UnityCrashHandler64.exe", gamePath), GetFileForCleanup("WinPixEventRuntime.dll", gamePath) }; foreach (var file in files) { if (file == null) { continue; } if (Directory.Exists(file)) { RemoveFilesRecurse(new DirectoryInfo(file)); } if (File.Exists(file)) { File.Delete(file); } } } private string GetFileForCleanup(string fileName, string gamePath) { if (_excludeFromCleanup.Contains(fileName)) { LogManager.Instance.Info($"Excluded {fileName} from file cleanup"); return null; } return Path.Combine(gamePath, fileName); } /// /// Remove the registry keys /// /// returns true if the keys were removed. returns false if an exception occured public bool RemoveRegistryKeys() { try { var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(registrySettings, true); foreach (var value in key.GetValueNames()) { key.DeleteValue(value); LogManager.Instance.Debug($"Removing reg key: {key.Name}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.Instance.Exception(ex); return false; } return true; } /// /// Clean the temp folder /// /// returns true if the temp folder was cleaned succefully or doesn't exist. returns false if something went wrong. public bool CleanTempFiles() { var rootdir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), @"Battlestate Games\EscapeFromTarkov")); if (!rootdir.Exists) { return true; } return RemoveFilesRecurse(rootdir); } bool RemoveFilesRecurse(DirectoryInfo basedir) { LogManager.Instance.Info($"Recursive Removal: {basedir}"); if (!basedir.Exists) { return true; } try { // remove subdirectories foreach (var dir in basedir.EnumerateDirectories()) { RemoveFilesRecurse(dir); } // remove files var files = basedir.GetFiles(); foreach (var file in files) { file.IsReadOnly = false; file.Delete(); LogManager.Instance.Debug($" -> del file: {file.FullName}"); } // remove directory basedir.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogManager.Instance.Exception(ex); return false; } return true; } } }