/* FilePatcher.cs * License: NCSA Open Source License * * Copyright: Merijn Hendriks * AUTHORS: * Merijn Hendriks * waffle.lord */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335; using Aki.ByteBanger; using Aki.Launcher.MiniCommon; using Aki.Launcher.Models.Launcher; namespace Aki.Launcher.Helpers { public static class FilePatcher { public static event EventHandler PatchProgress; private static void RaisePatchProgress(int Percentage, string Message) { PatchProgress?.Invoke(null, new ProgressInfo(Percentage, Message)); } public static PatchResultInfo Patch(string targetfile, string patchfile, bool IgnoreInputHashMismatch = false) { byte[] target = VFS.ReadFile(targetfile); byte[] patch = VFS.ReadFile(patchfile); PatchResult result = PatchUtil.Patch(target, PatchInfo.FromBytes(patch)); switch (result.Result) { case PatchResultType.Success: File.Copy(targetfile, $"{targetfile}.bak"); VFS.WriteFile(targetfile, result.PatchedData); break; case PatchResultType.InputChecksumMismatch: if (IgnoreInputHashMismatch) return new PatchResultInfo(PatchResultType.Success, 1, 1); break; } return new PatchResultInfo(result.Result, 1, 1); } private static PatchResultInfo PatchAll(string targetpath, string patchpath, bool IgnoreInputHashMismatch = false) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(patchpath); // get all patch files within patchpath and it's sub directories. var patchfiles = di.GetFiles("*.bpf", SearchOption.AllDirectories); int countfiles = patchfiles.Length; int processed = 0; foreach (FileInfo file in patchfiles) { FileInfo target; int progress = (int)Math.Floor((double)processed / countfiles * 100); RaisePatchProgress(progress, $"{LocalizationProvider.Instance.patching} {file.Name} ..."); // get the relative portion of the patch file that will be appended to targetpath in order to create an official target file. var relativefile = file.FullName.Substring(patchpath.Length).TrimStart('\\', '/'); // create a target file from the relative patch file while utilizing targetpath as the root directory. target = new FileInfo(VFS.Combine(targetpath, relativefile.Replace(".bpf", ""))); PatchResultInfo result = Patch(target.FullName, file.FullName, IgnoreInputHashMismatch); if (!result.OK) { // patch failed return result; } processed++; } RaisePatchProgress(100, LocalizationProvider.Instance.ok); return new PatchResultInfo(PatchResultType.Success, processed, countfiles); } public static PatchResultInfo Run(string targetPath, string patchPath, bool IgnoreInputHashMismatch = false) { return PatchAll(targetPath, patchPath, IgnoreInputHashMismatch); } public static void Restore(string filepath) { RestoreRecurse(new DirectoryInfo(filepath)); } static void RestoreRecurse(DirectoryInfo basedir) { // scan subdirectories foreach (var dir in basedir.EnumerateDirectories()) { RestoreRecurse(dir); } // scan files var files = basedir.GetFiles(); foreach (var file in files) { if (file.Extension == ".bak") { var target = Path.ChangeExtension(file.FullName, null); // remove patched file var patched = new FileInfo(target); patched.IsReadOnly = false; patched.Delete(); // restore from backup File.Copy(file.FullName, target); file.IsReadOnly = false; file.Delete(); } } } } }