using System.Collections.Frozen; using System.Text.Json; using LootDumpProcessor.Model.Tarkov; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace LootDumpProcessor.Process; public class TarkovItemsProvider : ITarkovItemsProvider { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly FrozenDictionary? _items; private static readonly string ItemsFilePath = Path.Combine( LootDumpProcessorContext.GetConfig().ServerLocation, "project", "assets", "database", "templates", "items.json"); public TarkovItemsProvider(ILogger logger) { _logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger)); try { var jsonContent = File.ReadAllText(ItemsFilePath); _items = (JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(jsonContent) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()).ToFrozenDictionary(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to load server items from {ItemsPath}", ItemsFilePath); throw new InvalidOperationException( "The server items couldn't be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place.", ex); } } public bool IsBaseClass(string tpl, string baseclassId) { if (_items == null) { _logger.LogError("The server items are null. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); throw new InvalidOperationException( "The server items couldn't be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); } if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var itemTemplate)) { _logger.LogError( "Item template '{Tpl}' with base class id '{BaseclassId}' was not found in the server items!", tpl, baseclassId); return false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemTemplate.Parent)) return false; return itemTemplate.Parent == baseclassId || IsBaseClass(itemTemplate.Parent, baseclassId); } public bool IsQuestItem(string tpl) { if (_items == null) { _logger.LogError("The server items are null. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); throw new InvalidOperationException( "The server items couldn't be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); } if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var itemTemplate)) { _logger.LogError("Item template '{Tpl}' was not found in the server items!", tpl); return false; } return itemTemplate.Props.QuestItem; } public string? MaxDurability(string tpl) { if (_items == null) { _logger.LogError("The server items are null. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); throw new InvalidOperationException( "The server items couldn't be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); } if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var itemTemplate)) { _logger.LogError("Item template '{Tpl}' was not found in the server items!", tpl); return null; } return itemTemplate.Props.MaxDurability?.ToString() ?? string.Empty; } public string? AmmoCaliber(string tpl) { if (_items == null) { _logger.LogError("The server items are null. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); throw new InvalidOperationException( "The server items couldn't be found or loaded. Check server config is pointing to the correct place."); } if (!_items.TryGetValue(tpl, out var itemTemplate)) { _logger.LogError("Item template '{Tpl}' was not found in the server items!", tpl); return null; } return itemTemplate.Props.Caliber; } }