using LootDumpProcessor.Storage.Implementations.File; using LootDumpProcessor.Storage.Implementations.Memory; namespace LootDumpProcessor.Storage; public static class DataStorageFactory { private static readonly Dictionary _dataStorage = new(); private static object lockObject = new(); /** * Requires LootDumpProcessorContext to be initialized before using */ public static IDataStorage GetInstance() => GetInstance(LootDumpProcessorContext.GetConfig().DataStorageConfig.DataStorageType); public static IDataStorage GetInstance(DataStorageTypes type) { IDataStorage dataStorage; lock (lockObject) { if (!_dataStorage.TryGetValue(type, out dataStorage)) { dataStorage = type switch { DataStorageTypes.File => new FileDataStorage(), DataStorageTypes.Memory => new MemoryDataStorage(), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null) }; _dataStorage.Add(type, dataStorage); } } return dataStorage; } }