using Comfort.Common;
using EFT;
using SPT.Common.Http;
using SPT.Reflection.Patching;
using System.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace SPT.SinglePlayer.Patches.RaidFix
/// Alter the max bot cap with value stored in servers config/bot.json/maxBotCap, if value is -1, use existing value
/// Adjusted value is set by client when 'botamount' is chosen in pre-raid dropdown,
/// AsOnline = 20, Low = 15, Medium 20, High = 25, horde = 35
/// Does not affect ALL bots, some bot types (e.g. bosses) are exempt
public class OverrideMaxAiAliveInRaidValuePatch : ModulePatch
protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod()
return AccessTools.Method(typeof(BotsController), nameof(BotsController.SetSettings));
private static bool IsTargetMethod(MethodInfo mi)
var parameters = mi.GetParameters();
return parameters.Length == 3
&& parameters[0].Name == "maxCount"
&& parameters[1].Name == "botPresets"
&& parameters[2].Name == "botScatterings";
public static void PatchPreFix(ref int maxCount)
var gameWorld = Singleton.Instance;
var location = gameWorld.MainPlayer?.Location ?? "default";
if (int.TryParse(RequestHandler.GetJson($"/singleplayer/settings/bot/maxCap/{location}"), out var parsedMaxCount))
Logger.LogInfo($"Set max bot cap for: {location} from: {maxCount} to: {parsedMaxCount}");
maxCount = parsedMaxCount;
Logger.LogError($"Unable to parse data from singleplayer/settings/bot/maxCap, using existing: {location} max: {maxCount}");