using Aki.Reflection.Patching; using Comfort.Common; using EFT; using EFT.GlobalEvents; using EFT.Vehicle; using HarmonyLib; using System.Reflection; using GlobalEventHandler = GClass2911; namespace Aki.Custom.BTR.Patches { public class BTRInteractionPatch : ModulePatch { protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return AccessTools.FirstMethod(typeof(Player), IsTargetMethod); } /** * Find the "BtrInteraction" method that takes parameters */ private bool IsTargetMethod(MethodBase method) { return method.Name == nameof(Player.BtrInteraction) && method.GetParameters().Length > 0; } [PatchPostfix] private static void PatchPostfix(Player __instance, BTRSide btr, byte placeId, EInteractionType interaction) { var gameWorld = Singleton.Instance; var btrManager = gameWorld.GetComponent(); var interactionBtrPacket = btr.GetInteractWithBtrPacket(placeId, interaction); __instance.UpdateInteractionCast(); // Prevent player from entering BTR when blacklisted var btrBot = gameWorld.BtrController.BotShooterBtr; if (btrBot.BotsGroup.Enemies.ContainsKey(__instance)) { // Notify player they are blacklisted from entering BTR GlobalEventHandler.CreateEvent().Invoke(__instance.Id, EBtrInteractionStatus.Blacklisted); return; } if (interactionBtrPacket.HasInteraction) { BTRView btrView = gameWorld.BtrController.BtrView; if (btrView == null) { return; } btrManager.OnPlayerInteractDoor(interactionBtrPacket); btrView.Interaction(__instance, interactionBtrPacket); } } } }