using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Aki.Common.Utils; using Aki.Reflection.Patching; using Aki.Reflection.Utils; using HarmonyLib; using NLog; namespace Aki.Debugging.Patches { public class LoggerClassLogPatch : ModulePatch { protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return AccessTools.GetDeclaredMethods(typeof(LoggerClass)) .SingleCustom(m => m.Name == nameof(LoggerClass.Log) && m.GetParameters().Length == 4); } [PatchPostfix] private static void PatchPostfix(string nlogFormat, string unityFormat, LogLevel logLevel, object[] args) { var bsgLevel = LogLevel.FromOrdinal(logLevel.Ordinal); var sptLevel = LogLevel.FromOrdinal(AkiDebuggingPlugin.logLevel.verbosity); // See Nlog docs for information on ordinal levels // Ordinal works from low to high 0 - trace, 1 - debug, 3 - info ... if (bsgLevel >= sptLevel) { // First replace all { and } with {{ and }} nlogFormat = nlogFormat.Replace("{", "{{"); nlogFormat = nlogFormat.Replace("}", "}}"); // Then find any instance of "{{\d}}" and unescape its brackets nlogFormat = Regex.Replace(nlogFormat, @"{{(\d+)}}", "{$1}"); try { nlogFormat = string.Format(nlogFormat, args); } catch (Exception) { Logger.LogError($"Error formatting string: {nlogFormat}"); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { Logger.LogError($" args[{i}] = {args[i]}"); } return; } Logger.LogDebug($"output Nlog: {logLevel} : {nlogFormat}"); if (AkiDebuggingPlugin.logLevel.sendToServer) { ServerLog.Info("EFT Logging:", $"{logLevel} : {nlogFormat}"); } } // I've opted to leave this disabled for now, it doesn't add much in // terms of value, its mostly the same stuff as the nlogFormat // Deciced to keep it here incase we decide we want it later. // After a 5 minute factory run at full verbosity, i ended up with a 20K // line long player.log file. //unityFormat = Regex.Replace(unityFormat, @"\{[^{}]*[^\d{}][^{}]*\}", ""); //unityFormat = string.Format(unityFormat, args); //Logger.LogDebug($"Verbosity: {logLevel}"); //Logger.LogDebug($"output unity: {unityFormat}"); } } }