using SPT.Reflection.Patching; using Comfort.Common; using EFT; using HarmonyLib; using System; using System.Reflection; namespace SPT.SinglePlayer.Patches.ScavMode { public class ScavRepAdjustmentPatch : ModulePatch { protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { // Correct Gclass has sessionCounters return AccessTools.Method(typeof(LocationStatisticsCollectorAbstractClass), nameof(LocationStatisticsCollectorAbstractClass.OnEnemyKill)); } [PatchPrefix] public static void PatchPrefix(DamageInfo damage, string playerProfileId, out Tuple __state) { __state = new Tuple(null, false); var player = (Player)damage.Player.iPlayer; // Add safeguards to make sure no calculations happen from other bots if (!player.IsYourPlayer) { Logger.LogError("This shouldn't be happening. Are you sure we are using the correct GClass?"); return; } if (player.Profile.Side != EPlayerSide.Savage) { return; } if (Singleton.Instance.GetEverExistedPlayerByID(playerProfileId) is Player killedBot) { __state = new Tuple(killedBot, killedBot.AIData.IsAI); var killedPlayerSettings = killedBot.Profile.Info.Settings; // Extra check to ensure we only set playerscavs to IsAI = false if (killedPlayerSettings.Role == WildSpawnType.assault && killedBot.Profile.Nickname.Contains("(")) { //killedBot.AIData.IsAI = false; } // If Victim is a PMC and has killed a Scav or Marksman. if (killedPlayerSettings.Role is WildSpawnType.pmcBEAR or WildSpawnType.pmcUSEC) { if (HasBotKilledScav(killedBot)) { player.Profile.FenceInfo.AddStanding(killedPlayerSettings.StandingForKill, EFT.Counters.EFenceStandingSource.ScavHelp); } } else { player.Loyalty.method_1(killedBot); } } } [PatchPostfix] private static void PatchPostfix(Tuple __state) { if (__state.Item1 != null) { //__state.Item1.AIData.IsAI = __state.Item2; } } private static bool HasBotKilledScav(Player killedPlayer) { var killedBots = killedPlayer.Profile.EftStats.Victims; foreach (var Bot in killedBots) { if (Bot.Role == WildSpawnType.assault || Bot.Role == WildSpawnType.marksman || Bot.Role == WildSpawnType.assaultGroup) { return true; } } return false; } } }