using Aki.Reflection.Patching; using EFT; using HarmonyLib; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; namespace Aki.Custom.Patches { /** * BSG passes the wrong target location into the TryCall method for BotCallForHelp, it's passing in * the bots current target instead of the target of the bot calling for help * * This results in both an NRE, and the called bots target location being wrong */ internal class BotCallForHelpCallBotPatch : ModulePatch { private static FieldInfo _originalPanicTypeField; protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { _originalPanicTypeField = AccessTools.Field(typeof(BotCallForHelp), "_originalPanicType"); return AccessTools.FirstMethod(typeof(BotCallForHelp), IsTargetMethod); } protected bool IsTargetMethod(MethodBase method) { var parameters = method.GetParameters(); return (parameters.Length == 1 && parameters[0].Name == "calledBot"); } [PatchPrefix] private static bool PatchPrefix(ref bool __result, BotCallForHelp __instance, BotOwner calledBot, BotOwner ___botOwner_0) { if (__instance.method_2(calledBot) && ___botOwner_0.Memory.GoalEnemy != null) { _originalPanicTypeField.SetValue(calledBot.CallForHelp, calledBot.DangerPointsData.PanicType); calledBot.DangerPointsData.PanicType = PanicType.none; calledBot.Brain.BaseBrain.CalcActionNextFrame(); // Note: This differs from BSG's implementation in that we pass in botOwner_0's enemy pos instead of calledBot's enemy pos calledBot.CalledData.TryCall(new Vector3?(___botOwner_0.Memory.GoalEnemy.Person.Position), ___botOwner_0, true); __result = true; } else { __result = false; } // Skip original return false; } } }