using SPT.Common.Http; using SPT.Custom.CustomAI; using SPT.Reflection.Patching; using Comfort.Common; using EFT; using HarmonyLib; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; namespace SPT.Custom.Patches { public class AddTraitorScavsPatch : ModulePatch { private static int? TraitorChancePercent; protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return AccessTools.Method(typeof(BotSpawner), nameof(BotSpawner.GetGroupAndSetEnemies)); } [PatchPrefix] private static bool PatchPrefix(ref BotsGroup __result, IBotGame ____game, DeadBodiesController ____deadBodiesController, BotOwner bot, BotZone zone) { if (!TraitorChancePercent.HasValue) { string json = RequestHandler.GetJson("/singleplayer/scav/traitorscavhostile"); TraitorChancePercent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); } WildSpawnType role = bot.Profile.Info.Settings.Role; if (AiHelpers.BotIsPlayerScav(role, bot.Profile.Info.Nickname) && new Random().Next(1, 100) < TraitorChancePercent) { Logger.LogInfo($"Making {} ({bot.Profile.Nickname}) hostile to player"); // Create a new group for this scav itself to belong to var player = Singleton.Instance.MainPlayer; var enemies = new List(); var players = new List() { player }; var botsGroup = new BotsGroup(zone, ____game, bot, enemies, ____deadBodiesController, players, false); // Because we don't want to use the zone-specific group, we add the new group with no key. This is similar to free for all Singleton.Instance.BotsController.BotSpawner.Groups.AddNoKey(botsGroup, zone); botsGroup.AddEnemy(player, EBotEnemyCause.checkAddTODO); // Make it so the player can kill the scav without aggroing the rest of the scavs bot.Loyalty.CanBeFreeKilled = true; // Traitors dont talk bot.BotTalk.SetSilence(9999); // Return our new botgroup __result = botsGroup; // Skip original return false; } return true; } } }