using System; using System.Reflection; using Comfort.Common; using EFT; using EFT.Bots; using EFT.UI; using EFT.Weather; using HarmonyLib; using JsonType; using SPT.Reflection.Patching; using SPT.Reflection.Utils; using UnityEngine; namespace SPT.Debugging.Patches; /// /// Used to debug dumpLib issues /// public class DumpyLibPatch : ModulePatch { protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return AccessTools.Method(typeof(MenuScreen), nameof(MenuScreen.Awake)); } [PatchPostfix] public static void PatchPostfix(MenuScreen __instance) { // attach Monobehaviour so we can interact with UE HookObject._object.AddComponent(); } } public class DumplyLibMono : MonoBehaviour { public Class301 _session; public TarkovApplication _tarkovApplication; public FieldInfo _mainMenuController; public WaveInfo _wavesSettings; public LocalRaidSettings _localRaidSettings; public RaidSettings _raidSettings; public LocationSettingsClass _locationSettings; public GClass1924 _endRaidClass; public GClass1962 _completeProfile; public GClass814 _parsedDataProfile; // Class references are as of assembly 33420 - 02/11/2024 private void Start() { _session = ClientAppUtils.GetClientApp().Session as Class301; _tarkovApplication = ClientAppUtils.GetMainApp(); _mainMenuController = _tarkovApplication.GetType().GetField("mainMenuController"); // is null at this point so only get fieldinfo - TODO: fieldinfo came back as null _wavesSettings = new WaveInfo(2, WildSpawnType.assault, BotDifficulty.normal); // imitate loading json of wave settings _localRaidSettings = new LocalRaidSettings // this has changed from current repo json TODO: check dumped data for changes here { serverId = null, location = "Interchange", timeVariant = EDateTime.CURR, mode = ELocalMode.TRAINING, playerSide = ESideType.Pmc, }; _raidSettings = new RaidSettings // this has changed from current repo json TODO: check dumped data for changes here { KeyId = null, LocationId = "Interchange", SelectedDateTime = EDateTime.CURR, MetabolismDisabled = false, TimeAndWeatherSettings = new TimeAndWeatherSettings { IsRandomTime = false, IsRandomWeather = false, CloudinessType = ECloudinessType.Clear, RainType = ERainType.NoRain, WindType = EWindSpeed.Light, FogType = EFogType.NoFog, TimeFlowType = ETimeFlowType.x1, HourOfDay = -1 }, BotSettings = new BotControllerSettings { IsScavWars = false, BotAmount = EBotAmount.AsOnline }, WavesSettings = new WavesSettings { BotAmount = EBotAmount.AsOnline, BotDifficulty = EBotDifficulty.AsOnline, IsBosses = true, IsTaggedAndCursed = false }, Side = ESideType.Pmc, RaidMode = ERaidMode.Online, PlayersSpawnPlace = EPlayersSpawnPlace.SamePlace }; _locationSettings = _session.LocationSettings; _endRaidClass = new GClass1924 { profile = null, result = ExitStatus.Left, killerId = null, killerAid = null, exitName = null, inSession = true, favorite = false, playTime = 33, InsuredItems = new GClass1308[] {}, ProfileId = "" }; _completeProfile = new GClass1962(_session.Profile, GClass1971.Instance); _parsedDataProfile = _completeProfile.ToUnparsedData(); _endRaidClass.profile = _completeProfile.ToUnparsedData(); } }