using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using EFT; using SPT.Reflection.Patching; using SPT.Reflection.Utils; using SPT.SinglePlayer.Models.RaidFix; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using HarmonyLib; namespace SPT.SinglePlayer.Patches.RaidFix { public class GetNewBotTemplatesPatch : ModulePatch { static GetNewBotTemplatesPatch() { _ = nameof(IGetProfileData.PrepareToLoadBackend); _ = nameof(BotsPresets.GetNewProfile); _ = nameof(PoolManager.LoadBundlesAndCreatePools); _ = nameof(JobPriority.General); } /// /// Looking for CreateProfile() /// /// protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(typeof(BotsPresets), nameof(BotsPresets.CreateProfile)); } // Unused, but left here in case patch breaks and finding the intended method is difficult private bool IsTargetMethod(MethodInfo mi) { var parameters = mi.GetParameters(); return (parameters.Length == 3 && parameters[0].Name == "data" && parameters[1].Name == "cancellationToken" && parameters[2].Name == "withDelete"); } /// /// BotsPresets.GetNewProfile() /// [PatchPrefix] private static bool PatchPrefix(ref Task __result, BotsPresets __instance, List ___list_0, GClass591 data, ref bool withDelete) { /* When client wants new bot and GetNewProfile() return null (if not more available templates or they don't satisfy by Role and Difficulty condition) then client gets new piece of WaveInfo collection (with Limit = 30 by default) and make request to server but use only first value in response (this creates a lot of garbage and cause freezes) after patch we request only 1 template from server along with other patches this one causes to call data.PrepareToLoadBackend(1) gets the result with required role and difficulty: new[] { new WaveInfo() { Limit = 1, Role = role, Difficulty = difficulty } } then perform request to server and get only first value of resulting single element collection */ try { // Force true to ensure bot profile is deleted after use __instance.GetNewProfile(data, true); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogDebug($"GetNewBotTemplatesPatch() getNewProfile() failed: {e.Message} {e.InnerException}"); throw; } // Load from server var source = data.PrepareToLoadBackend(1).Take(1).ToList(); var taskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext(); var taskAwaiter = (Task)null; taskAwaiter = PatchConstants.BackEndSession.LoadBots(source).ContinueWith(GetFirstResult, taskScheduler); // Load bundles for bot profile var continuation = new BundleLoader(taskScheduler); __result = taskAwaiter.ContinueWith(continuation.LoadBundles, taskScheduler).Unwrap(); return false; } private static Profile GetFirstResult(Task task) { var result = task.Result[0]; Logger.LogInfo($"{DateTime.Now:T} Loading bot: {result.Info.Nickname} profile from server. Role: {result.Info.Settings.Role} Side: {result.Side}"); return result; } } }