using SPT.Common.Http;
using SPT.Common.Utils;
using SPT.Reflection.Patching;
using SPT.Custom.Models;
using EFT.UI;
using EFT.UI.Matchmaker;
using System.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace SPT.Custom.Patches
/// The purpose of this patch is to make RaidSettingsWindow not reset the values to BSG default
/// Keeping our own from InRaid.json therefore not defaulting to bosses being disabled.
public class RaidSettingsWindowPatch : ModulePatch
/// Target method should have ~20 .UpdateValue() calls in it
protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod()
return AccessTools.Method(typeof(RaidSettingsWindow), nameof(RaidSettingsWindow.method_8));
private static bool PatchPreFix(
UpdatableToggle ____enableBosses,
UpdatableToggle ____scavWars,
UpdatableToggle ____taggedAndCursed,
DropDownBox ____aiDifficultyDropdown,
DropDownBox ____aiAmountDropdown,
UpdatableToggle ____randomWeatherToggle,
UpdatableToggle ____randomTimeToggle)
var json = RequestHandler.GetJson("/singleplayer/settings/raid/menu");
var settings = Json.Deserialize(json);
return false;