using System;
using SPT.Reflection.Patching;
using EFT;
using EFT.Counters;
using EFT.UI.SessionEnd;
using System.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace SPT.SinglePlayer.Patches.Progression
/// Fix xp gained value being 0 after a scav raid
public class ScavExperienceGainPatch : ModulePatch
/// Looking for SessionResultExitStatus Show() (private)
protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod()
return AccessTools.Method(
new []{ typeof(Profile), typeof(PlayerVisualRepresentation), typeof(ESideType), typeof(ExitStatus), typeof(TimeSpan), typeof(ISession), typeof(bool) });
// Unused, but left here in case patch breaks and finding the intended method is difficult
private static bool IsTargetMethod(MethodInfo mi)
var parameters = mi.GetParameters();
return (parameters.Length == 7
&& parameters[0].Name == "activeProfile"
&& parameters[1].Name == "lastPlayerState"
&& parameters[2].Name == "side"
&& parameters[3].Name == "exitStatus"
&& parameters[4].Name == "raidTime");
public static bool PatchPrefix(ref Profile activeProfile,ref EPlayerSide side)
if (activeProfile.Side == EPlayerSide.Savage)
side = EPlayerSide.Savage; // Also set side to correct value (defaults to usec/bear when playing as scav)
int xpGainedInSession = activeProfile.Stats.Eft.SessionCounters.GetAllInt(new object[] { CounterTag.Exp });
activeProfile.Stats.Eft.TotalSessionExperience = (int)(xpGainedInSession * activeProfile.Stats.Eft.SessionExperienceMult * activeProfile.Stats.Eft.ExperienceBonusMult);
return true; // Always do original method