using System.Reflection;
using Aki.Reflection.Patching;
using Comfort.Common;
using EFT;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Aki.SinglePlayer.Patches.RaidFix
/// Fixes an issue with the visor toggle sound not following the player in offline raids
public class PlayerToggleSoundFixPatch : ModulePatch
protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod()
return AccessTools.Method(typeof(Player), nameof(Player.PlayToggleSound));
private static bool PatchPrefix(ref bool previousState, bool isOn, AudioClip toggleOn, AudioClip toggleOff, Player __instance)
// Don't change anything and execute original method if it's not the player that triggers the method
if (!__instance.IsYourPlayer)
return true;
if (previousState != isOn)
Singleton.Instance.PlayNonspatial(isOn ? toggleOn : toggleOff, BetterAudio.AudioSourceGroupType.Character);
previousState = isOn;
return false;