using SPT.Reflection.Patching; using Comfort.Common; using EFT; using EFT.AssetsManager; using EFT.NextObservedPlayer; using EFT.Vehicle; using HarmonyLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; namespace SPT.Custom.BTR.Patches { // Fixes the BTR Bot initialization in AttachBot() of BTRTurretView // // Context: // ClientGameWorld in LiveEFT will register the server-side BTR Bot as type ObservedPlayerView and is stored in GameWorld's allObservedPlayersByID dictionary. // In SPT, GameWorld.allObservedPlayersByID is empty which results in the game never finishing the initialization of the BTR Bot which includes disabling its gun, voice and mesh renderers. // // This is essentially a full reimplementation of the BTRTurretView class, but using Player instead of ObservedPlayerView. // public class BTRBotAttachPatch : ModulePatch { private static FieldInfo _valueTuple0Field; private static FieldInfo _gunModsToDisableField; private static FieldInfo _weaponPrefab0Field; private static readonly List rendererList = new List(256); protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { var targetType = typeof(BTRTurretView); _valueTuple0Field = AccessTools.Field(targetType, "valueTuple_0"); _gunModsToDisableField = AccessTools.Field(targetType, "_gunModsToDisable"); _weaponPrefab0Field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(Player.FirearmController), "weaponPrefab_0"); return AccessTools.Method(targetType, nameof(BTRTurretView.AttachBot)); } [PatchPrefix] private static bool PatchPrefix(BTRTurretView __instance, int btrBotId) { var gameWorld = Singleton.Instance; if (gameWorld == null) { return false; } // Find the BTR turret var alivePlayersList = gameWorld.AllAlivePlayersList; Player turretPlayer = alivePlayersList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == btrBotId); if (turretPlayer == null) { return false; } // Init the turret view var valueTuple = (ValueTuple)_valueTuple0Field.GetValue(__instance); if (!valueTuple.Item2 && !InitTurretView(__instance, turretPlayer)) { Logger.LogError("[SPT-BTR] BTRBotAttachPatch - BtrBot initialization failed"); return false; } WeaponPrefab weaponPrefab; Transform transform; if (FindTurretObjects(turretPlayer, out weaponPrefab, out transform)) { weaponPrefab.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(__instance.GunRoot.position, __instance.GunRoot.rotation); transform.SetPositionAndRotation(__instance.GunRoot.position, __instance.GunRoot.rotation); } return false; } private static bool InitTurretView(BTRTurretView btrTurretView, Player turretPlayer) { EnableTurretObjects(btrTurretView, turretPlayer, false); // We only use this for tracking whether the turret is initialized, so we don't need to set the ObservedPlayerView _valueTuple0Field.SetValue(btrTurretView, new ValueTuple(null, true)); return true; } private static void EnableTurretObjects(BTRTurretView btrTurretView, Player player, bool enable) { // Find the turret weapon transform WeaponPrefab weaponPrefab; Transform weaponTransform; if (!FindTurretObjects(player, out weaponPrefab, out weaponTransform)) { return; } // Hide the turret bot SetVisible(player, weaponPrefab, false); // Disable the components we need to disaable var _gunModsToDisable = (string[])_gunModsToDisableField.GetValue(btrTurretView); foreach (Transform child in weaponTransform) { if (_gunModsToDisable.Contains( { child.gameObject.SetActive(enable); } } } private static bool FindTurretObjects(Player player, out WeaponPrefab weaponPrefab, out Transform weapon) { // Find the WeaponPrefab and Transform of the turret weapon var aiFirearmController = player.gameObject.GetComponent(); weaponPrefab = (WeaponPrefab)_weaponPrefab0Field.GetValue(aiFirearmController); if (weaponPrefab == null) { weapon = null; return false; } weapon = weaponPrefab.Hierarchy.GetTransform(ECharacterWeaponBones.weapon); return weapon != null; } /** * A re-implementation of the ObservedPlayerController.Culling.Mode setter that works for a Player object */ private static void SetVisible(Player player, WeaponPrefab weaponPrefab, bool isVisible) { // Toggle any animators and colliders if (player.HealthController.IsAlive) { IAnimator bodyAnimatorCommon = player.GetBodyAnimatorCommon(); if (bodyAnimatorCommon.enabled != isVisible) { bool flag = !bodyAnimatorCommon.enabled; bodyAnimatorCommon.enabled = isVisible; FirearmsAnimator firearmsAnimator = player.HandsController.FirearmsAnimator; if (firearmsAnimator != null && firearmsAnimator.Animator.enabled != isVisible) { firearmsAnimator.Animator.enabled = isVisible; } } PlayerPoolObject component = player.gameObject.GetComponent(); foreach (Collider collider in component.Colliders) { if (collider.enabled != isVisible) { collider.enabled = isVisible; } } } // Build a list of renderers for this player object and set their rendering state rendererList.Clear(); player.PlayerBody.GetRenderersNonAlloc(rendererList); if (weaponPrefab != null) { rendererList.AddRange(weaponPrefab.Renderers); } rendererList.ForEach(renderer => renderer.forceRenderingOff = !isVisible); } } }