using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SPT.Reflection.Utils; using UnityEngine; using BindableState = BindableStateClass; namespace SPT.Custom.Utils { public class EasyBundleHelper { private const BindingFlags NonPublicInstanceFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic; private static readonly FieldInfo _pathField; private static readonly FieldInfo _keyWithoutExtensionField; private static readonly FieldInfo _bundleLockField; private static readonly PropertyInfo _dependencyKeysProperty; private static readonly PropertyInfo _keyProperty; private static readonly PropertyInfo _loadStateProperty; private static readonly MethodInfo _loadingCoroutineMethod; private readonly object _instance; public static readonly Type Type; static EasyBundleHelper() { _ = nameof(IBundleLock.IsLocked); _ = nameof(BindableState.Bind); Type = PatchConstants.EftTypes.SingleCustom(x => !x.IsInterface && x.GetProperty("SameNameAsset", PatchConstants.PublicDeclaredFlags) != null); _pathField = Type.GetField("string_1", NonPublicInstanceFlags); _keyWithoutExtensionField = Type.GetField("string_0", NonPublicInstanceFlags); _bundleLockField = Type.GetFields(NonPublicInstanceFlags).FirstOrDefault(x => x.FieldType == typeof(IBundleLock)); _dependencyKeysProperty = Type.GetProperty("DependencyKeys"); _keyProperty = Type.GetProperty("Key"); _loadStateProperty = Type.GetProperty("LoadState"); // Function with 0 params and returns task (usually method_0()) var possibleMethods = Type.GetMethods(PatchConstants.PublicDeclaredFlags).Where(x => x.GetParameters().Length == 0 && x.ReturnType == typeof(Task)).ToArray(); if (possibleMethods.Length > 1) { throw new Exception($"Unable to find the Loading Coroutine method as there are multiple possible matches: {string.Join(",", possibleMethods.Select(x => x.Name))}"); } if (possibleMethods.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to find the Loading Coroutine method as there are no matches"); } _loadingCoroutineMethod = possibleMethods.Single(); } public EasyBundleHelper(object easyBundle) { _instance = easyBundle; } public IEnumerable DependencyKeys { get { return (IEnumerable)_dependencyKeysProperty.GetValue(_instance); } set { _dependencyKeysProperty.SetValue(_instance, value); } } public IBundleLock BundleLock { get { return (IBundleLock)_bundleLockField.GetValue(_instance); } set { _bundleLockField.SetValue(_instance, value); } } public string Path { get { return (string)_pathField.GetValue(_instance); } set { _pathField.SetValue(_instance, value); } } public string Key { get { return (string)_keyProperty.GetValue(_instance); } set { _keyProperty.SetValue(_instance, value); } } public BindableState LoadState { get { return (BindableState)_loadStateProperty.GetValue(_instance); } set { _loadStateProperty.SetValue(_instance, value); } } public string KeyWithoutExtension { get { return (string)_keyWithoutExtensionField.GetValue(_instance); } set { _keyWithoutExtensionField.SetValue(_instance, value); } } public Task LoadingCoroutine(Dictionary bundles) { return (Task)_loadingCoroutineMethod.Invoke(_instance, new object[] { bundles }); } } }