using EFT; using HarmonyLib; using SPT.Reflection.Patching; using System.Reflection; namespace SPT.SinglePlayer.Patches.ScavMode { public class EnablePlayerScavPatch : ModulePatch { /// /// Fixes player loading into a 'practice' raid instead of a 'local' raid /// Also fixes player not loading into raid as a scav /// protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return AccessTools.Method(typeof(MainMenuControllerClass), nameof(MainMenuControllerClass.method_25)); } [PatchPrefix] public static void PatchPrefix(ref RaidSettings ___raidSettings_0, ref RaidSettings ___raidSettings_1, MainMenuControllerClass __instance) { if (___raidSettings_0.Side == ESideType.Pmc) { // Client does some 'online' work before realising it should be pve ___raidSettings_0.RaidMode = ERaidMode.Online; // Sets ___raidSettings_0.Local to true } else { // Needed for scav runs ___raidSettings_0.RaidMode = ERaidMode.Local; } // Copy values from 'good' location to raidsettings_0 to ensure the rest of raid start process uses them ___raidSettings_0.WavesSettings = ___raidSettings_1.WavesSettings; ___raidSettings_0.BotSettings = ___raidSettings_1.BotSettings; // Update backup to have same values as primary ___raidSettings_1 = ___raidSettings_0.Clone(); } [PatchPostfix] public static void PatchPostfix(ref RaidSettings ___raidSettings_0) { // This ensures scav raids show as 'local' instead of 'training', works in conjunction with prefix patches' "RaidMode = local" line ___raidSettings_0.IsPveOffline = true; // Bosses are never removed from pve raids, this forces the boss array to empty itself if the 'enable bosses' flag is unchecked if (!___raidSettings_0.WavesSettings.IsBosses) { ___raidSettings_0.SelectedLocation.BossLocationSpawn = []; } } } }