using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using Aki.Reflection.Patching; using EFT; using EFT.UI; using HarmonyLib; using System.Collections.Generic; using EFT.Game.Spawning; using System; using Aki.PrePatch; namespace Aki.Debugging.Patches { // TODO: Instantiation of this is fairly slow, need to find best way to cache it public class SptSpawnHelper { private readonly List playerSpawnPoints; private readonly Random _rnd = new Random(); private readonly GStruct381 _spawnSettings = new GStruct381(); public SptSpawnHelper() { IEnumerable locationSpawnPoints = GClass2946.CreateFromScene(); var playerSpawns = locationSpawnPoints.Where(x => x.Categories.HasFlag(ESpawnCategoryMask.Player)).ToList(); this.playerSpawnPoints = locationSpawnPoints.Where(x => x.Categories.HasFlag(ESpawnCategoryMask.Player)).ToList(); } public void PrintSpawnPoints() { foreach (var spawnPoint in playerSpawnPoints) { ConsoleScreen.Log("[AKI PMC Bot spawn] Spawn point " + spawnPoint.Id + " location is " + spawnPoint.Position.ToString()); } } public ISpawnPoint SelectSpawnPoint() { // TODO: Select spawn points more intelligently return this.playerSpawnPoints[_rnd.Next(this.playerSpawnPoints.Count)]; } public List SelectSpawnPoints(int count) { // TODO: Fine-grained spawn selection if (count > this.playerSpawnPoints.Count()) { ConsoleScreen.Log($"[AKI PMC Bot spawn] Wanted ${count} but only {this.playerSpawnPoints.Count()} found, returning all"); return this.playerSpawnPoints; } return this.playerSpawnPoints.OrderBy(x => _rnd.Next()).Take(count).ToList(); } } public class PMCBotSpawnLocationPatch : ModulePatch { protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return AccessTools.Method(typeof(BotSpawner), "TryToSpawnInZoneInner"); } [PatchPrefix] public static bool PatchPrefix(GClass1483 __instance, GClass591 data) { var firstBotRole = data.Profiles[0].Info.Settings.Role; if ((int)firstBotRole != AkiBotsPrePatcher.sptBearValue || (int)firstBotRole != AkiBotsPrePatcher.sptUsecValue) { ConsoleScreen.Log("[AKI PMC Bot spawn] Spawning a set of Scavs. Skipping..."); return true; } var helper = new SptSpawnHelper(); var newSpawns = helper.SelectSpawnPoints(data.Count); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { ConsoleScreen.Log($"[AKI PMC Bot spawn] Trying to spawn bot {i}"); var currentSpawnData = data.Separate(1); // Unset group settings // TODO: Allow for PMC bot groups? currentSpawnData.SpawnParams.ShallBeGroup = null; var spawnPointDetails = newSpawns[i]; var currentZone = __instance.GetClosestZone(spawnPointDetails.Position, out float _); // CorePointId of player spawns seems to always be 0. Bots will not activate properly if this ID is used // TODO: Verify if CorePointId of 1 is acceptable in all cases ConsoleScreen.Log($"[AKI PMC Bot spawn] spawn point chosen: {spawnPointDetails.Name} Core point id was: {spawnPointDetails.CorePointId}"); currentSpawnData.AddPosition(spawnPointDetails.Position, spawnPointDetails.CorePointId); __instance.SpawnBotsInZoneOnPositions(newSpawns.GetRange(i, 1), currentZone, currentSpawnData); } return false; } } }