using Aki.Reflection.Patching; using Aki.Reflection.Utils; using EFT; using EFT.Bots; using EFT.UI.Matchmaker; using EFT.UI.Screens; using HarmonyLib; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using OfflineRaidAction = System.Action; // DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE REFERENCES IN CONSTRUCTOR // AND IN THE LoadOfflineRaidScreenForScavs METHOD AS WELL namespace Aki.SinglePlayer.Patches.ScavMode { public class LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch : ModulePatch { private static readonly MethodInfo _onReadyScreenMethod; private static readonly FieldInfo _isLocalField; private static readonly FieldInfo _menuControllerField; static LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch() { _ = nameof(MainMenuController.InventoryController); _ = nameof(TimeAndWeatherSettings.IsRandomWeather); _ = nameof(BotControllerSettings.IsScavWars); _ = nameof(WavesSettings.IsBosses); _ = GClass3166.MAX_SCAV_COUNT; // UPDATE REFS TO THIS CLASS BELOW !!! // `MatchmakerInsuranceScreen` OnShowNextScreen _onReadyScreenMethod = AccessTools.Method(typeof(MainMenuController), nameof(MainMenuController.method_42)); _isLocalField = AccessTools.Field(typeof(MainMenuController), "bool_0"); _menuControllerField = typeof(TarkovApplication).GetFields(PatchConstants.PrivateFlags).FirstOrDefault(x => x.FieldType == typeof(MainMenuController)); if (_menuControllerField == null) { Logger.LogError($"LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch() menuControllerField is null and could not be found in {nameof(TarkovApplication)} class"); } } protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { // `MatchMakerSelectionLocationScreen` OnShowNextScreen return AccessTools.Method(typeof(MainMenuController), nameof(MainMenuController.method_68)); } [PatchTranspiler] private static IEnumerable PatchTranspiler(ILGenerator generator, IEnumerable instructions) { var codes = new List(instructions); // The original method call that we want to replace var onReadyScreenMethodIndex = -1; var onReadyScreenMethodCode = new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.Method(typeof(MainMenuController), _onReadyScreenMethod.Name)); // We additionally need to replace an instruction that jumps to a label on certain conditions, since we change the jump target instruction var jumpWhenFalse_Index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < codes.Count; i++) { if (codes[i].opcode == onReadyScreenMethodCode.opcode && codes[i].operand == onReadyScreenMethodCode.operand) { onReadyScreenMethodIndex = i; continue; } if (codes[i].opcode == OpCodes.Brfalse) { if (jumpWhenFalse_Index != -1) { // If this warning is ever logged, the condition for locating the exact brfalse instruction will have to be updated Logger.LogWarning($"[{nameof(LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch)}] Found extra instructions with the brfalse opcode! " + "This breaks an old assumption that there is only one such instruction in the method body and is now very likely to cause bugs!"); } jumpWhenFalse_Index = i; } } if (onReadyScreenMethodIndex == -1) { throw new Exception($"{nameof(LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch)} failed: Could not find {nameof(_onReadyScreenMethod)} reference code."); } if (jumpWhenFalse_Index == -1) { throw new Exception($"{nameof(LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch)} failed: Could not find jump (brfalse) reference code."); } // Define the new jump label var brFalseLabel = generator.DefineLabel(); // We build the method call for our substituted method and replace the initial method call with our own, also adding our new label var callCode = new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, AccessTools.Method(typeof(LoadOfflineRaidScreenPatch), nameof(LoadOfflineRaidScreenForScav))) { labels = { brFalseLabel } }; codes[onReadyScreenMethodIndex] = callCode; // We build a new brfalse instruction and give it our new label, then replace the original brfalse instruction var newBrFalseCode = new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Brfalse, brFalseLabel); codes[jumpWhenFalse_Index] = newBrFalseCode; // This will remove a stray ldarg.0 instruction. It's only needed if we wanted to reference something from `this` in the method body. // This is done last to ensure that previous instruction indexes don't shift around (probably why this used to just turn it into a Nop OpCode) codes.RemoveAt(onReadyScreenMethodIndex - 1); return codes.AsEnumerable(); } private static void LoadOfflineRaidScreenForScav() { var profile = PatchConstants.BackEndSession.Profile; var menuController = (object)GetMenuController(); // Get fields from MainMenuController.cs var raidSettings = Traverse.Create(menuController).Field("raidSettings_0").GetValue(); var matchmakerPlayersController = Traverse.Create(menuController).Field($"{nameof(GClass3166).ToLowerInvariant()}_0").GetValue(); var gclass = new MatchmakerOfflineRaidScreen.GClass3155(profile?.Info, ref raidSettings, matchmakerPlayersController); gclass.OnShowNextScreen += LoadOfflineRaidNextScreen; // `MatchmakerOfflineRaidScreen` OnShowReadyScreen gclass.OnShowReadyScreen += (OfflineRaidAction)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(OfflineRaidAction), menuController, nameof(MainMenuController.method_72)); gclass.ShowScreen(EScreenState.Queued); } private static void LoadOfflineRaidNextScreen() { var menuController = GetMenuController(); var raidSettings = Traverse.Create(menuController).Field("raidSettings_0").GetValue(); if (raidSettings.SelectedLocation.Id == "laboratory") { raidSettings.WavesSettings.IsBosses = true; } // Set offline raid values _isLocalField.SetValue(menuController, raidSettings.Local); // Load ready screen method _onReadyScreenMethod.Invoke(menuController, null); } private static MainMenuController GetMenuController() { return _menuControllerField.GetValue(ClientAppUtils.GetMainApp()) as MainMenuController; } } }