using System; using SPT.Common; using SPT.Core.Patches; using BepInEx; namespace SPT.Core { [BepInPlugin("com.SPT.core", "SPT.Core", SPTPluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)] class SPTCorePlugin : BaseUnityPlugin { // Temp static logger field, remove along with plugin whitelisting before release internal static BepInEx.Logging.ManualLogSource _logger; public void Awake() { _logger = Logger; Logger.LogInfo("Loading: SPT.Core"); try { new ConsistencySinglePatch().Enable(); new ConsistencyMultiPatch().Enable(); new GameValidationPatch().Enable(); new BattlEyePatch().Enable(); new SslCertificatePatch().Enable(); new UnityWebRequestPatch().Enable(); new WebSocketPatch().Enable(); new TransportPrefixPatch().Enable(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError($"A PATCH IN {GetType().Name} FAILED. SUBSEQUENT PATCHES HAVE NOT LOADED"); Logger.LogError($"{GetType().Name}: {ex}"); throw; } Logger.LogInfo("Completed: SPT.Core"); } } }