using Aki.Reflection.Patching; using Diz.Jobs; using Diz.Resources; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Aki.Common.Utils; using Aki.Custom.Models; using Aki.Custom.Utils; using DependencyGraph = DependencyGraph; using Aki.Reflection.Utils; namespace Aki.Custom.Patches { public class EasyAssetsPatch : ModulePatch { private static readonly FieldInfo _bundlesField; static EasyAssetsPatch() { _bundlesField = typeof(EasyAssets).GetField($"{EasyBundleHelper.Type.Name.ToLowerInvariant()}_0", PatchConstants.PrivateFlags); } public EasyAssetsPatch() { _ = nameof(IEasyBundle.SameNameAsset); _ = nameof(IBundleLock.IsLocked); _ = nameof(BundleLock.MaxConcurrentOperations); _ = nameof(DependencyGraph.GetDefaultNode); } protected override MethodBase GetTargetMethod() { return typeof(EasyAssets).GetMethods(PatchConstants.PublicDeclaredFlags).SingleCustom(IsTargetMethod); } private static bool IsTargetMethod(MethodInfo mi) { var parameters = mi.GetParameters(); return (parameters.Length == 6 && parameters[0].Name == "bundleLock" && parameters[1].Name == "defaultKey" && parameters[4].Name == "shouldExclude"); } [PatchPrefix] private static bool PatchPrefix(ref Task __result, EasyAssets __instance, [CanBeNull] IBundleLock bundleLock, string defaultKey, string rootPath, string platformName, [CanBeNull] Func shouldExclude, [CanBeNull] Func bundleCheck) { __result = Init(__instance, bundleLock, defaultKey, rootPath, platformName, shouldExclude, bundleCheck); return false; } private static async Task Init(EasyAssets instance, [CanBeNull] IBundleLock bundleLock, string defaultKey, string rootPath, string platformName, [CanBeNull] Func shouldExclude, Func bundleCheck) { // platform manifest var path = $"{rootPath.Replace("file:///", string.Empty).Replace("file://", string.Empty)}/{platformName}/"; var filepath = path + platformName; var jsonfile = filepath + ".json"; var manifest = File.Exists(jsonfile) ? await GetManifestJson(jsonfile) : await GetManifestBundle(filepath); // create bundles array from obfuscated type var bundleNames = manifest.GetAllAssetBundles() .Union(BundleManager.Bundles.Keys) .ToArray(); var bundles = (IEasyBundle[])Array.CreateInstance(EasyBundleHelper.Type, bundleNames.Length); // create bundle lock if (bundleLock == null) { bundleLock = new BundleLock(int.MaxValue); } // create bundle of obfuscated type for (var i = 0; i < bundleNames.Length; i++) { bundles[i] = (IEasyBundle)Activator.CreateInstance(EasyBundleHelper.Type, new object[] { bundleNames[i], path, manifest, bundleLock, bundleCheck }); await JobScheduler.Yield(EJobPriority.Immediate); } // create dependency graph instance.Manifest = manifest; _bundlesField.SetValue(instance, bundles); instance.System = new DependencyGraph(bundles, defaultKey, shouldExclude); } // NOTE: used by: // - EscapeFromTarkov_Data/StreamingAssets/Windows/cubemaps // - EscapeFromTarkov_Data/StreamingAssets/Windows/defaultmaterial // - EscapeFromTarkov_Data/StreamingAssets/Windows/dissonancesetup // - EscapeFromTarkov_Data/StreamingAssets/Windows/Doge // - EscapeFromTarkov_Data/StreamingAssets/Windows/shaders private static async Task GetManifestBundle(string filepath) { var manifestLoading = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(filepath); await manifestLoading.Await(); var assetBundle = manifestLoading.assetBundle; var assetLoading = assetBundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync(); await assetLoading.Await(); return (CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest)assetLoading.allAssets[0]; } private static async Task GetManifestJson(string filepath) { var text = VFS.ReadTextFile(filepath); /* we cannot parse directly as , because... [Error : Unity Log] JsonSerializationException: Expected string when reading UnityEngine.Hash128 type, got 'StartObject' <>. Path '['assets/content/weapons/animations/simple_animations.bundle'].Hash', line 1, position 176. we need to first convert it to a slimmed-down type (BundleItem), then convert back to BundleDetails. */ var raw = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(text); var converted = raw.ToDictionary(GetPairKey, GetPairValue); // initialize manifest var manifest = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); manifest.SetResults(converted); return manifest; } public static string GetPairKey(KeyValuePair x) { return x.Key; } public static BundleDetails GetPairValue(KeyValuePair x) { return new BundleDetails { FileName = x.Value.FileName, Crc = x.Value.Crc, Dependencies = x.Value.Dependencies }; } } }