mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/patcher.git synced 2025-02-13 09:52:45 -05:00

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2021-08-01 00:36:37 -04:00
// - redo search pattern;
// - compare both directories against eachother, not just one to the other
// - add ability to handle missing directories
using System.IO;
using Aki.Common.Utils;
using Aki.ByteBanger;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace PatcherUtils
2021-12-17 16:02:31 -05:00
//public class FileCompare
// public string PatchBase;
// public string TargetBase;
// public string CompareBase;
// private int fileCount;
// private int fileIt;
// private int diffCount = 0;
// private int newCount = 0;
// private int delCount = 0;
// private int matchCount = 0;
// private List<FileInfo> TargetPaths;
// private List<FileInfo> ComparePaths;
// private List<LineItem> AdditionalInfo = new List<LineItem>();
// /// <summary>
// /// Provides patch generation progress changes
// /// </summary>
// public event ProgressChangedHandler ProgressChanged;
// protected virtual void RaiseProgressChanged(int progress, int total, string Message = "", params LineItem[] AdditionalLineItems)
// {
// int percent = (int)Math.Floor((double)progress / total * 100);
// ProgressChanged?.Invoke(this, progress, total, percent, Message, AdditionalLineItems);
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Compare a target file to an assumed compareable file.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="targetFile">The known target path</param>
// /// <param name="assumedCompareFile">The assumed comparable file path</param>
// /// <returns>True if a comparison was made | False if a comparison could not be made</returns>
// private bool Compare(string targetFile, string assumedCompareFile)
// {
// string patchFilePath = targetFile.Replace(TargetBase, PatchBase);
// //we know our target file exists
// byte[] targetData = VFS.ReadFile(targetFile);
// if(!File.Exists(assumedCompareFile))
// {
// //save the data we won't have in our target as new
// VFS.WriteFile($"{patchFilePath}.new", Zlib.Compress(targetData, ZlibCompression.Maximum));
// newCount++;
// return true;
// }
// //now our compare file is known to exist
// byte[] compareData = VFS.ReadFile(assumedCompareFile);
// // get diffs
// DiffResult result = PatchUtil.Diff(compareData, targetData);
// switch (result.Result)
// {
// case DiffResultType.Success:
// VFS.WriteFile($"{patchFilePath}.bpf", result.PatchInfo.ToBytes());
// diffCount++;
// return true;
// case DiffResultType.FilesMatch:
// matchCount++;
// return true;
// default:
// return false;
// }
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Compares the base folders and generates patch files.
// /// </summary>
// /// <returns>True if patches were generated successfully | False if patch generation failed</returns>
// public bool CompareAll()
// {
// DirectoryInfo targetDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(TargetBase);
// DirectoryInfo compareDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(CompareBase);
// AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Diff Patch", "0"));
// AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("New Patch", "0"));
// AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Del Patch", "0"));
// AdditionalInfo.Add(new LineItem("Files Match", "0"));
// if (!targetDirInfo.Exists || !compareDirInfo.Exists)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("Target or Compare folder does not exist");
// return false;
// }
// //Get all the files recursively
// TargetPaths = new List<FileInfo>(targetDirInfo.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
// ComparePaths = new List<FileInfo>(compareDirInfo.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
// RaiseProgressChanged(0, fileCount, "Generating diffs...");
// /* Comparing Target files -> Compare files
// * - Exists = Diff (.bfd file)
// * - Doesn't Exist = New (.new file)
// *
// * Once everything has been compared from one side, any remaining paths in our ComparePaths
// * are things that don't exist in our target and can be deleted (.del file)
// */
// for (int x = 0; x < TargetPaths.Count; x++)
// {
// FileInfo file = TargetPaths[x];
// string assumedComparePath = file.DirectoryName.Replace(TargetBase, CompareBase);
// if (!Compare(file.FullName, VFS.Combine(assumedComparePath, file.Name)))
// {
// return false;
// }
// //remove any existing files from our ComparePaths
// FileInfo assumedFile = new FileInfo(VFS.Combine(assumedComparePath, file.Name));
// if (assumedFile.Exists && ComparePaths.Exists(x => x.FullName == assumedFile.FullName))
// {
// ComparePaths.Remove(ComparePaths.Where(x => x.FullName == assumedFile.FullName).FirstOrDefault());
// }
// AdditionalInfo[0].ItemValue = diffCount.ToString();
// AdditionalInfo[1].ItemValue = newCount.ToString();
// AdditionalInfo[3].ItemValue = matchCount.ToString();
// fileIt++;
// RaiseProgressChanged(fileIt, fileCount, file.Name, AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
// }
2021-08-01 00:36:37 -04:00
2021-12-17 16:02:31 -05:00
// if (ComparePaths.Count == 0)
// {
// //if there are no files to delete, just return true
// return true;
// }
// //progress reset for files that need to be deleted
// RaiseProgressChanged(0, ComparePaths.Count, "Processing .del files...");
// fileIt = 0;
// fileCount = ComparePaths.Count;
// //the paths remaining in ComparePaths don't exist in our target and need to be removed during patching.
// foreach (FileInfo file in ComparePaths)
// {
// //add del files replace root dir with patch base
// string patchFilePath = file.FullName.Replace(CompareBase, PatchBase);
// VFS.WriteFile($"{patchFilePath}.del", new byte[0]);
// delCount++;
// AdditionalInfo[2].ItemValue = delCount.ToString();
// fileIt++;
// RaiseProgressChanged(fileIt, fileCount, "", AdditionalInfo.ToArray());
// }
// return true;
// }
// public FileCompare(string TargetBase, string CompareBase, string PatchBase)
// {
// this.TargetBase = TargetBase;
// this.CompareBase = CompareBase;
// this.PatchBase = PatchBase;
// fileCount = VFS.GetFilesCount(TargetBase);
// fileIt = 0;
// }
2021-08-01 00:36:37 -04:00