2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HandbookHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PresetHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PresetHelper";
import { IPreset } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IGlobals";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { IQuestReward, IQuestRewards } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IQuest";
import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { BaseClasses } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/BaseClasses";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { Money } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Money";
import { QuestRewardType } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/QuestRewardType";
import { Traders } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Traders";
import { IBaseQuestConfig, IQuestConfig, IRepeatableQuestConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IQuestConfig";
import { ExhaustableArray } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/ExhaustableArray";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ItemFilterService } from "@spt-aki/services/ItemFilterService";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService";
import { SeasonalEventService } from "@spt-aki/services/SeasonalEventService";
import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil";
import { MathUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/MathUtil";
import { ObjectId } from "@spt-aki/utils/ObjectId";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil";
export class RepeatableQuestRewardGenerator
protected questConfig: IQuestConfig;
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil,
@inject("MathUtil") protected mathUtil: MathUtil,
@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil,
@inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("PresetHelper") protected presetHelper: PresetHelper,
@inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("ObjectId") protected objectId: ObjectId,
@inject("ItemFilterService") protected itemFilterService: ItemFilterService,
@inject("SeasonalEventService") protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
this.questConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.QUEST);
* Generate the reward for a mission. A reward can consist of
* - Experience
* - Money
* - Items
* - Trader Reputation
* The reward is dependent on the player level as given by the wiki. The exact mapping of pmcLevel to
* experience / money / items / trader reputation can be defined in QuestConfig.js
* There's also a random variation of the reward the spread of which can be also defined in the config.
* Additionally, a scaling factor w.r.t. quest difficulty going from 0.2...1 can be used
* @param {integer} pmcLevel player's level
* @param {number} difficulty a reward scaling factor from 0.2 to 1
* @param {string} traderId the trader for reputation gain (and possible in the future filtering of reward item type based on trader)
* @param {object} repeatableConfig The configuration for the repeatable kind (daily, weekly) as configured in QuestConfig for the requested quest
* @returns {object} object of "Reward"-type that can be given for a repeatable mission
public generateReward(
pmcLevel: number,
difficulty: number,
traderId: string,
repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig,
questConfig: IBaseQuestConfig,
): IQuestRewards
// difficulty could go from 0.2 ... -> for lowest difficulty receive 0.2*nominal reward
const levelsConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.levels;
const roublesConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.roubles;
const xpConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.experience;
const itemsConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.items;
const rewardSpreadConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.rewardSpread;
const skillRewardChanceConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.skillRewardChance;
const skillPointRewardConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.skillPointReward;
const reputationConfig = repeatableConfig.rewardScaling.reputation;
const effectiveDifficulty = Number.isNaN(difficulty) ? 1 : difficulty;
if (Number.isNaN(difficulty))
// rewards are generated based on pmcLevel, difficulty and a random spread
const rewardXP = Math.floor(
effectiveDifficulty * this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, xpConfig)
* this.randomUtil.getFloat(1 - rewardSpreadConfig, 1 + rewardSpreadConfig),
const rewardRoubles = Math.floor(
effectiveDifficulty * this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, roublesConfig)
* this.randomUtil.getFloat(1 - rewardSpreadConfig, 1 + rewardSpreadConfig),
const rewardNumItems = this.randomUtil.randInt(
Math.round(this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, itemsConfig)) + 1,
const rewardReputation =
100 * effectiveDifficulty * this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, reputationConfig)
* this.randomUtil.getFloat(1 - rewardSpreadConfig, 1 + rewardSpreadConfig),
) / 100;
const skillRewardChance = this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, skillRewardChanceConfig);
const skillPointReward = this.mathUtil.interp1(pmcLevel, levelsConfig, skillPointRewardConfig);
// Possible improvement -> draw trader-specific items e.g. with this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(val._id, ItemHelper.BASECLASS.FoodDrink)
let roublesBudget = rewardRoubles;
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let rewardItemPool = this.chooseRewardItemsWithinBudget(repeatableConfig, roublesBudget, traderId);
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
`Generating daily quest for ${traderId} with budget ${roublesBudget} for ${rewardNumItems} items`,
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
const rewards: IQuestRewards = { Started: [], Success: [], Fail: [] };
let rewardIndex = 0;
// Add xp reward
if (rewardXP > 0)
rewards.Success.push({ value: rewardXP, type: QuestRewardType.EXPERIENCE, index: rewardIndex });
// Add money reward
this.addMoneyReward(traderId, rewards, rewardRoubles, rewardIndex);
const traderWhitelistDetails = repeatableConfig.traderWhitelist.find((x) => x.traderId === traderId);
if (
&& this.randomUtil.getChance100(traderWhitelistDetails.weaponRewardChancePercent)
// Add a random default preset weapon as reward
const defaultPresetPool = new ExhaustableArray(
let chosenPreset: IPreset;
while (defaultPresetPool.hasValues())
const randomPreset = defaultPresetPool.getRandomValue();
const tpls = randomPreset._items.map((item) => item._tpl);
const presetPrice = this.itemHelper.getItemAndChildrenPrice(tpls);
if (presetPrice <= roublesBudget)
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
this.logger.debug(` Added weapon ${tpls[0]} with price ${presetPrice}`);
roublesBudget -= presetPrice;
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
chosenPreset = this.jsonUtil.clone(randomPreset);
if (chosenPreset)
// use _encyclopedia as its always the base items _tpl, items[0] isn't guaranteed to be base item
this.generateRewardItem(chosenPreset._encyclopedia, 1, rewardIndex, chosenPreset._items),
if (rewardItemPool.length > 0)
for (let i = 0; i < rewardNumItems; i++)
let rewardItemStackCount = 1;
const itemSelected = rewardItemPool[this.randomUtil.randInt(rewardItemPool.length)];
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemSelected._id, BaseClasses.AMMO))
// Don't reward ammo that stacks to less than what's defined in config
if (itemSelected._props.StackMaxSize < repeatableConfig.rewardAmmoStackMinSize)
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2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
// Choose smallest value between budget fitting size and stack max
rewardItemStackCount = this.calculateAmmoStackSizeThatFitsBudget(
// 25% chance to double, triple quadruple reward stack (Only occurs when item is stackable and not weapon, armor or ammo)
if (this.canIncreaseRewardItemStackSize(itemSelected, 70000))
rewardItemStackCount = this.getRandomisedRewardItemStackSizeByPrice(itemSelected);
rewards.Success.push(this.generateRewardItem(itemSelected._id, rewardItemStackCount, rewardIndex));
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const itemCost = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPresetOrItemPrice(itemSelected._id);
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
roublesBudget -= rewardItemStackCount * itemCost;
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
this.logger.debug(` Added item ${itemSelected._id} with price ${rewardItemStackCount * itemCost}`);
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
// If we still have budget narrow down possible items
if (roublesBudget > 0)
// Filter possible reward items to only items with a price below the remaining budget
2024-04-01 08:38:23 +00:00
rewardItemPool = this.filterRewardPoolWithinBudget(rewardItemPool, roublesBudget, 0);
if (rewardItemPool.length === 0)
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
this.logger.debug(` Reward pool empty with ${roublesBudget} remaining`);
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
break; // No reward items left, exit
// Add rep reward to rewards array
if (rewardReputation > 0)
const reward: IQuestReward = {
target: traderId,
value: rewardReputation,
type: QuestRewardType.TRADER_STANDING,
index: rewardIndex,
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
this.logger.debug(` Adding ${rewardReputation} trader reputation reward`);
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// Chance of adding skill reward
if (this.randomUtil.getChance100(skillRewardChance * 100))
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const targetSkill = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(questConfig.possibleSkillRewards);
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
const reward: IQuestReward = {
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
target: targetSkill,
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
value: skillPointReward,
type: QuestRewardType.SKILL,
index: rewardIndex,
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
this.logger.debug(` Adding ${skillPointReward} skill points to ${targetSkill}`);
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return rewards;
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* @param rewardItems List of reward items to filter
* @param roublesBudget The budget remaining for rewards
* @param minPrice The minimum priced item to include
* @returns True if any items remain in `rewardItems`, false otherwise
protected filterRewardPoolWithinBudget(
rewardItems: ITemplateItem[],
roublesBudget: number,
minPrice: number,
2024-04-01 08:38:23 +00:00
): ITemplateItem[]
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
2024-04-01 08:38:23 +00:00
return rewardItems.filter((item) =>
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
const itemPrice = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPresetOrItemPrice(item._id);
return itemPrice < roublesBudget && itemPrice > minPrice;
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* Get a randomised number a reward items stack size should be based on its handbook price
* @param item Reward item to get stack size for
* @returns Stack size value
protected getRandomisedRewardItemStackSizeByPrice(item: ITemplateItem): number
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
const rewardItemPrice = this.presetHelper.getDefaultPresetOrItemPrice(item._id);
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
if (rewardItemPrice < 3000)
return this.randomUtil.getArrayValue([2, 3, 4]);
if (rewardItemPrice < 10000)
return this.randomUtil.getArrayValue([2, 3]);
return 2;
* Should reward item have stack size increased (25% chance)
* @param item Item to possibly increase stack size of
* @param maxRoublePriceToStack Maximum rouble price an item can be to still be chosen for stacking
* @returns True if it should
protected canIncreaseRewardItemStackSize(item: ITemplateItem, maxRoublePriceToStack: number): boolean
2024-03-11 00:03:41 +00:00
return this.presetHelper.getDefaultPresetOrItemPrice(item._id) < maxRoublePriceToStack
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
&& !this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(item._id, [
&& !this.itemHelper.itemRequiresSoftInserts(item._id)
&& this.randomUtil.getChance100(25);
protected calculateAmmoStackSizeThatFitsBudget(
itemSelected: ITemplateItem,
roublesBudget: number,
rewardNumItems: number,
): number
// The budget for this ammo stack
const stackRoubleBudget = roublesBudget / rewardNumItems;
const singleCartridgePrice = this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(itemSelected._id);
// Get a stack size of ammo that fits rouble budget
const stackSizeThatFitsBudget = Math.round(stackRoubleBudget / singleCartridgePrice);
// Get itemDbs max stack size for ammo - don't go above 100 (some mods mess around with stack sizes)
const stackMaxCount = Math.min(itemSelected._props.StackMaxSize, 100);
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// Don't let result fall below 1
return Math.max(1, Math.min(stackSizeThatFitsBudget, stackMaxCount));
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* Select a number of items that have a colelctive value of the passed in parameter
* @param repeatableConfig Config
* @param roublesBudget Total value of items to return
* @returns Array of reward items that fit budget
protected chooseRewardItemsWithinBudget(
repeatableConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig,
roublesBudget: number,
traderId: string,
): ITemplateItem[]
// First filter for type and baseclass to avoid lookup in handbook for non-available items
const rewardableItemPool = this.getRewardableItems(repeatableConfig, traderId);
const minPrice = Math.min(25000, 0.5 * roublesBudget);
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let rewardableItemPoolWithinBudget = rewardableItemPool.map((x) => x[1]);
2024-04-01 08:38:23 +00:00
rewardableItemPoolWithinBudget = this.filterRewardPoolWithinBudget(
if (rewardableItemPoolWithinBudget.length === 0)
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
this.localisationService.getText("repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range", {
minPrice: minPrice,
roublesBudget: roublesBudget,
// In case we don't find any items in the price range
rewardableItemPoolWithinBudget = rewardableItemPool.filter((x) =>
this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(x[0]) < roublesBudget
).map((x) => x[1]);
return rewardableItemPoolWithinBudget;
* Helper to create a reward item structured as required by the client
* @param {string} tpl ItemId of the rewarded item
* @param {integer} value Amount of items to give
* @param {integer} index All rewards will be appended to a list, for unknown reasons the client wants the index
* @returns {object} Object of "Reward"-item-type
protected generateRewardItem(tpl: string, value: number, index: number, preset: Item[] = null): IQuestReward
const id = this.objectId.generate();
const rewardItem: IQuestReward = { target: id, value: value, type: QuestRewardType.ITEM, index: index };
if (preset)
const rootItem = preset.find((x) => x._tpl === tpl);
rewardItem.items = this.itemHelper.reparentItemAndChildren(rootItem, preset);
rewardItem.target = rootItem._id; // Target property and root items id must match
const rootItem = { _id: id, _tpl: tpl, upd: { StackObjectsCount: value, SpawnedInSession: true } };
rewardItem.items = [rootItem];
return rewardItem;
* Picks rewardable items from items.json. This means they need to fit into the inventory and they shouldn't be keys (debatable)
* @param repeatableQuestConfig Config file
* @returns List of rewardable items [[_tpl, itemTemplate],...]
public getRewardableItems(
repeatableQuestConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig,
traderId: string,
): [string, ITemplateItem][]
// Get an array of seasonal items that should not be shown right now as seasonal event is not active
const seasonalItems = this.seasonalEventService.getInactiveSeasonalEventItems();
// check for specific baseclasses which don't make sense as reward item
// also check if the price is greater than 0; there are some items whose price can not be found
// those are not in the game yet (e.g. AGS grenade launcher)
return Object.entries(this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.items).filter(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
([tpl, itemTemplate]) =>
// Base "Item" item has no parent, ignore it
if (itemTemplate._parent === "")
return false;
if (seasonalItems.includes(tpl))
return false;
const traderWhitelist = repeatableQuestConfig.traderWhitelist.find((trader) =>
trader.traderId === traderId
return this.isValidRewardItem(tpl, repeatableQuestConfig, traderWhitelist?.rewardBaseWhitelist);
* Checks if an id is a valid item. Valid meaning that it's an item that may be a reward
* or content of bot loot. Items that are tested as valid may be in a player backpack or stash.
* @param {string} tpl template id of item to check
* @returns True if item is valid reward
protected isValidRewardItem(
tpl: string,
repeatableQuestConfig: IRepeatableQuestConfig,
itemBaseWhitelist: string[],
): boolean
if (!this.itemHelper.isValidItem(tpl))
return false;
// Check global blacklist
if (this.itemFilterService.isItemBlacklisted(tpl))
return false;
2024-03-23 10:50:17 +00:00
// item is reward blacklisted
if (this.itemFilterService.isItemRewardBlacklisted(tpl))
return false;
2024-03-10 23:15:03 +00:00
// Item is on repeatable or global blacklist
if (repeatableQuestConfig.rewardBlacklist.includes(tpl) || this.itemFilterService.isItemBlacklisted(tpl))
return false;
// Item has blacklisted base type
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(tpl, [...repeatableQuestConfig.rewardBaseTypeBlacklist]))
return false;
// Skip boss items
if (this.itemFilterService.isBossItem(tpl))
return false;
// Trader has specific item base types they can give as rewards to player
if (itemBaseWhitelist !== undefined)
if (!this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses(tpl, [...itemBaseWhitelist]))
return false;
return true;
protected addMoneyReward(traderId: string, rewards: IQuestRewards, rewardRoubles: number, rewardIndex: number): void
// PK and Fence use euros
if (traderId === Traders.PEACEKEEPER || traderId === Traders.FENCE)
this.handbookHelper.fromRUB(rewardRoubles, Money.EUROS),
// Everyone else uses roubles
rewards.Success.push(this.generateRewardItem(Money.ROUBLES, rewardRoubles, rewardIndex));