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synced 2025-02-13 09:50:43 -05:00
Various Async improvements (#1044)
- Done some slight refactoring to `DatabaseImporter` to get rid of the old loading methods that have been sitting unused for sometime, as well as slightly refactoring `loadAsync` for better readability and using map's wherever possible, this should also yield a slight performance improvement? - Updated VFS to use node:fs/promises rather than our own promisfying of those methods. - Got rid of commands on VFS, I don't see why these are necessary anymore? If there's a good reason to still leave these I can revert this. - Changed loadImages to loadImagesAsync --------- Co-authored-by: Chomp <27521899+chompDev@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ export class SeasonalEventService {
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ export class DatabaseImporter implements OnLoad {
await this.hydrateDatabase(this.filepath);
const imageFilePath = `${this.filepath}images/`;
const directories = this.vfs.getDirs(imageFilePath);
this.loadImages(imageFilePath, directories, [
const directories = await this.vfs.getDirsAsync(imageFilePath);
await this.loadImagesAsync(imageFilePath, directories, [
@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ export class DatabaseImporter implements OnLoad {
* Find and map files with image router inside a designated path
* @param filepath Path to find files in
public loadImages(filepath: string, directories: string[], routes: string[]): void {
public async loadImagesAsync(filepath: string, directories: string[], routes: string[]): Promise<void> {
for (const directoryIndex in directories) {
// Get all files in directory
const filesInDirectory = this.vfs.getFiles(`${filepath}${directories[directoryIndex]}`);
const filesInDirectory = await this.vfs.getFilesAsync(`${filepath}${directories[directoryIndex]}`);
for (const file of filesInDirectory) {
// Register each file in image router
const filename = this.vfs.stripExtension(file);
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { JsonUtil } from "@spt/utils/JsonUtil";
import { ProgressWriter } from "@spt/utils/ProgressWriter";
import { VFS } from "@spt/utils/VFS";
import { Queue } from "@spt/utils/collections/queue/Queue";
import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
@ -11,141 +10,72 @@ export class ImporterUtil {
@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil,
) {}
* Load files into js objects recursively (asynchronous)
* @param filepath Path to folder with files
* @returns Promise<T> return T type associated with this class
public async loadRecursiveAsync<T>(
filepath: string,
onReadCallback: (fileWithPath: string, data: string) => void = () => {},
onObjectDeserialized: (fileWithPath: string, object: any) => void = () => {},
): Promise<T> {
const result = {} as T;
// get all filepaths
const files = this.vfs.getFiles(filepath);
const directories = this.vfs.getDirs(filepath);
// add file content to result
for (const file of files) {
if (this.vfs.getFileExtension(file) === "json") {
const filename = this.vfs.stripExtension(file);
const filePathAndName = `${filepath}${file}`;
await this.vfs.readFileAsync(filePathAndName).then((fileData) => {
onReadCallback(filePathAndName, fileData);
const fileDeserialized = this.jsonUtil.deserializeWithCacheCheck(fileData, filePathAndName);
onObjectDeserialized(filePathAndName, fileDeserialized);
result[filename] = fileDeserialized;
// deep tree search
for (const dir of directories) {
result[dir] = this.loadRecursiveAsync(`${filepath}${dir}/`);
// set all loadRecursive to be executed asynchronously
const resEntries = Object.entries(result);
const resResolved = await Promise.all(resEntries.map((ent) => ent[1]));
for (let resIdx = 0; resIdx < resResolved.length; resIdx++) {
resEntries[resIdx][1] = resResolved[resIdx];
// return the result of all async fetch
return Object.fromEntries(resEntries) as T;
* Load files into js objects recursively (synchronous)
* @param filepath Path to folder with files
* @returns
public loadRecursive<T>(
filepath: string,
onReadCallback: (fileWithPath: string, data: string) => void = () => {},
onObjectDeserialized: (fileWithPath: string, object: any) => void = () => {},
): T {
const result = {} as T;
// get all filepaths
const files = this.vfs.getFiles(filepath);
const directories = this.vfs.getDirs(filepath);
// add file content to result
for (const file of files) {
if (this.vfs.getFileExtension(file) === "json") {
const filename = this.vfs.stripExtension(file);
const filePathAndName = `${filepath}${file}`;
const fileData = this.vfs.readFile(filePathAndName);
onReadCallback(filePathAndName, fileData);
const fileDeserialized = this.jsonUtil.deserializeWithCacheCheck(fileData, filePathAndName);
onObjectDeserialized(filePathAndName, fileDeserialized);
result[filename] = fileDeserialized;
// deep tree search
for (const dir of directories) {
result[dir] = this.loadRecursive(`${filepath}${dir}/`);
return result;
public async loadAsync<T>(
filepath: string,
strippablePath = "",
onReadCallback: (fileWithPath: string, data: string) => void = () => {},
onObjectDeserialized: (fileWithPath: string, object: any) => void = () => {},
): Promise<T> {
const directoriesToRead = new Queue<string>();
const filesToProcess = new Queue<VisitNode>();
const promises = new Array<Promise<any>>();
const result = {} as T;
const files = this.vfs.getFiles(filepath);
const directories = this.vfs.getDirs(filepath);
// Fetch files and directories concurrently for the root path
const [files, directories] = await Promise.all([
directoriesToRead.enqueueAll(directories.map((d) => `${filepath}${d}`));
filesToProcess.enqueueAll(files.map((f) => new VisitNode(filepath, f)));
// Queue to process files and directories for the root path first.
const filesToProcess = files.map((f) => new VisitNode(filepath, f));
const directoriesToRead = directories.map((d) => `${filepath}${d}`);
while (directoriesToRead.length !== 0) {
const directory = directoriesToRead.dequeue();
if (!directory) continue;
filesToProcess.enqueueAll(this.vfs.getFiles(directory).map((f) => new VisitNode(`${directory}/`, f)));
directoriesToRead.enqueueAll(this.vfs.getDirs(directory).map((d) => `${directory}/${d}`));
const allFiles = [...filesToProcess];
const progressWriter = new ProgressWriter(filesToProcess.length - 1);
// Method to traverse directories and collect all files recursively
const traverseDirectories = async (directory: string) => {
const [directoryFiles, subDirectories] = await Promise.all([
while (filesToProcess.length !== 0) {
const fileNode = filesToProcess.dequeue();
if (!fileNode || this.vfs.getFileExtension(fileNode.fileName) !== "json") {
// Add the files from this directory to the processing queue
const fileNodes = directoryFiles.map((f) => new VisitNode(directory, f));
// Recurse into subdirectories
for (const subDirectory of subDirectories) {
await traverseDirectories(`${directory}/${subDirectory}`);
// Start recursive directory traversal
const traversalPromises = directoriesToRead.map((dir) => traverseDirectories(dir));
await Promise.all(traversalPromises); // Ensure all directories are processed
// Setup the progress writer with the total amount of files to load
const progressWriter = new ProgressWriter(allFiles.length);
const fileProcessingPromises = allFiles.map(async (fileNode) => {
if (this.vfs.getFileExtension(fileNode.fileName) !== "json") {
return Promise.resolve(); // Skip non-JSON files
const filePathAndName = `${fileNode.filePath}${fileNode.fileName}`;
.then(async (fileData) => {
onReadCallback(filePathAndName, fileData);
return this.jsonUtil.deserializeWithCacheCheckAsync<any>(fileData, filePathAndName);
.then(async (fileDeserialized) => {
onObjectDeserialized(filePathAndName, fileDeserialized);
const strippedFilePath = this.vfs.stripExtension(filePathAndName).replace(filepath, "");
this.placeObject(fileDeserialized, strippedFilePath, result, strippablePath);
.then(() => progressWriter.increment()),
// Ensure we're attempting to read the correct file path
const filePathAndName = `${fileNode.filePath}${fileNode.filePath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"}${fileNode.fileName}`;
await Promise.all(promises).catch((e) => console.error(e));
try {
const fileData = await this.vfs.readFileAsync(filePathAndName);
onReadCallback(filePathAndName, fileData);
const fileDeserialized = await this.jsonUtil.deserializeWithCacheCheckAsync<any>(fileData, filePathAndName);
onObjectDeserialized(filePathAndName, fileDeserialized);
const strippedFilePath = this.vfs.stripExtension(filePathAndName).replace(filepath, "");
this.placeObject(fileDeserialized, strippedFilePath, result, strippablePath);
} finally {
return progressWriter.increment(); // Update progress after each file
// Wait for all file processing to complete
await Promise.all(fileProcessingPromises).catch((e) => console.error(e));
return result;
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import "reflect-metadata";
import crypto from "node:crypto";
import fs from "node:fs";
import * as fsPromises from "node:fs/promises";
import path, { resolve } from "node:path";
import { promisify } from "node:util";
import type { IAsyncQueue } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/IAsyncQueue";
import { writeFileSync } from "atomically";
import { checkSync, lockSync, unlockSync } from "proper-lockfile";
@ -11,37 +11,7 @@ import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
export class VFS {
accessFilePromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, mode?: number) => Promise<void>;
copyFilePromisify: (src: fs.PathLike, dst: fs.PathLike, flags?: number) => Promise<void>;
mkdirPromisify: (
path: fs.PathLike,
options: fs.MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive: true },
) => Promise<string | undefined>;
readFilePromisify: (path: fs.PathLike) => Promise<Buffer>;
writeFilePromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, data: string, options?: any) => Promise<void>;
readdirPromisify: (
path: fs.PathLike,
options?: BufferEncoding | { encoding: BufferEncoding; withFileTypes?: false },
) => Promise<string[]>;
statPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike, options?: fs.StatOptions & { bigint?: false }) => Promise<fs.Stats>;
unlinkPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike) => Promise<void>;
rmdirPromisify: (path: fs.PathLike) => Promise<void>;
renamePromisify: (oldPath: fs.PathLike, newPath: fs.PathLike) => Promise<void>;
constructor(@inject("AsyncQueue") protected asyncQueue: IAsyncQueue) {
this.accessFilePromisify = promisify(fs.access);
this.copyFilePromisify = promisify(fs.copyFile);
this.mkdirPromisify = promisify(fs.mkdir);
this.readFilePromisify = promisify(fs.readFile);
this.writeFilePromisify = promisify(fs.writeFile);
this.readdirPromisify = promisify(fs.readdir);
this.statPromisify = promisify(fs.stat);
this.unlinkPromisify = promisify(fs.unlinkSync);
this.rmdirPromisify = promisify(fs.rmdir);
this.renamePromisify = promisify(fs.renameSync);
constructor(@inject("AsyncQueue") protected asyncQueue: IAsyncQueue) {}
public exists(filepath: fs.PathLike): boolean {
return fs.existsSync(filepath);
@ -49,10 +19,7 @@ export class VFS {
public async existsAsync(filepath: fs.PathLike): Promise<boolean> {
try {
// Create the command to add to the queue
const command = { uuid: crypto.randomUUID(), cmd: async () => await this.accessFilePromisify(filepath) };
// Wait for the command completion
await this.asyncQueue.waitFor(command);
await fsPromises.access(filepath);
// If no Exception, the file exists
return true;
@ -67,8 +34,7 @@ export class VFS {
public async copyAsync(filepath: fs.PathLike, target: fs.PathLike): Promise<void> {
const command = { uuid: crypto.randomUUID(), cmd: async () => await this.copyFilePromisify(filepath, target) };
await this.asyncQueue.waitFor(command);
await fsPromises.copyFile(filepath, target);
public createDir(filepath: string): void {
@ -76,12 +42,7 @@ export class VFS {
public async createDirAsync(filepath: string): Promise<void> {
const command = {
uuid: crypto.randomUUID(),
cmd: async () =>
await this.mkdirPromisify(filepath.substr(0, filepath.lastIndexOf("/")), { recursive: true }),
await this.asyncQueue.waitFor(command);
await fsPromises.mkdir(filepath.slice(0, filepath.lastIndexOf("/")), { recursive: true });
public copyDir(filepath: string, target: string, fileExtensions?: string | string[]): void {
@ -133,18 +94,18 @@ export class VFS {
public async readFileAsync(path: fs.PathLike): Promise<string> {
const read = await this.readFilePromisify(path);
const read = await fsPromises.readFile(path);
if (this.isBuffer(read)) {
return read.toString();
return read;
private isBuffer(value: any): value is Buffer {
return value?.write && value.toString && value.toJSON && value.equals;
private isBuffer(value: Buffer | string): value is Buffer {
return Buffer.isBuffer(value);
public writeFile(filepath: any, data = "", append = false, atomic = true): void {
public writeFile(filepath: string, data = "", append = false, atomic = true): void {
const options = append ? { flag: "a" } : { flag: "w" };
if (!this.exists(filepath)) {
@ -163,18 +124,18 @@ export class VFS {
public async writeFileAsync(filepath: any, data = "", append = false, atomic = true): Promise<void> {
public async writeFileAsync(filepath: string, data = "", append = false, atomic = true): Promise<void> {
const options = append ? { flag: "a" } : { flag: "w" };
if (!(await this.exists(filepath))) {
await this.createDir(filepath);
await this.writeFilePromisify(filepath, "");
if (!(await this.existsAsync(filepath))) {
await this.createDirAsync(filepath);
await fsPromises.writeFile(filepath, "");
if (!append && atomic) {
await this.writeFilePromisify(filepath, data);
await fsPromises.writeFile(filepath, data);
} else {
await this.writeFilePromisify(filepath, data, options);
await fsPromises.writeFile(filepath, data, options);
@ -185,11 +146,8 @@ export class VFS {
public async getFilesAsync(filepath: string): Promise<string[]> {
const addr = await this.readdirPromisify(filepath);
return addr.filter(async (item) => {
const stat = await this.statPromisify(path.join(filepath, item));
return stat.isFile();
const entries = await fsPromises.readdir(filepath, { withFileTypes: true });
return entries.filter((entry) => entry.isFile()).map((entry) => entry.name);
public getDirs(filepath: string): string[] {
@ -199,11 +157,8 @@ export class VFS {
public async getDirsAsync(filepath: string): Promise<string[]> {
const addr = await this.readdirPromisify(filepath);
return addr.filter(async (item) => {
const stat = await this.statPromisify(path.join(filepath, item));
return stat.isDirectory();
const entries = await fsPromises.readdir(filepath, { withFileTypes: true });
return entries.filter((entry) => entry.isDirectory()).map((entry) => entry.name);
public removeFile(filepath: string): void {
@ -211,7 +166,7 @@ export class VFS {
public async removeFileAsync(filepath: string): Promise<void> {
await this.unlinkPromisify(filepath);
await fsPromises.unlink(filepath);
public removeDir(filepath: string): void {
@ -244,7 +199,7 @@ export class VFS {
await Promise.all(promises);
await this.rmdirPromisify(filepath);
await fsPromises.rmdir(filepath);
public rename(oldPath: string, newPath: string): void {
@ -252,18 +207,18 @@ export class VFS {
public async renameAsync(oldPath: string, newPath: string): Promise<void> {
await this.renamePromisify(oldPath, newPath);
await fsPromises.rename(oldPath, newPath);
protected lockFileSync(filepath: any): () => void {
protected lockFileSync(filepath: string): () => void {
return lockSync(filepath);
protected checkFileSync(filepath: any): boolean {
protected checkFileSync(filepath: string): boolean {
return checkSync(filepath);
protected unlockFileSync(filepath: any): void {
protected unlockFileSync(filepath: string): void {
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import { LinkedList } from "@spt/utils/collections/lists/LinkedList";
export class Queue<T> {
private list: LinkedList<T>;
public get length(): number {
return this.list.length;
constructor() {
this.list = new LinkedList<T>();
* Adds an element to the end of the queue.
public enqueue(element: T): void {
* Iterates over the elements received and adds each one to the end of the queue.
public enqueueAll(elements: T[]): void {
for (const element of elements) {
* Removes the first element from the queue and returns it's value. If the queue is empty, undefined is returned and the queue is not modified.
public dequeue(): T | undefined {
return this.list.shift();
* Returns the first element's value.
public peek(): T | undefined {
return this.list.getHead();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user