mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/server.git synced 2025-02-13 09:50:43 -05:00

Update locales

This commit is contained in:
Dev 2024-02-01 20:19:06 +00:00
parent ded87b3881
commit 5b04bc530e
19 changed files with 1931 additions and 630 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
"gameLocale": "system",
"serverLocale": "system",
"serverSupportedLocales": ["ar", "en", "ru", "zh-hant", "zh-hans", "el", "fr", "cs", "ge", "id", "it", "ko", "ja", "es", "da", "de", "tr", "hi", "hu", "pl", "sk","pt-br", "pt-pt", "sv", "nl", "no"],
"fallbacks": { "pt-*": "pt-pt", "zh-*": "zh-hans" }
"serverSupportedLocales": [
"fallbacks": {
"pt-*": "pt-pt",
"zh-*": "zh-cn",
"es-*": "es-es"

View File

@ -1,128 +1,601 @@
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Inkompatible Munition {{chosenAmmo}} gefunden für {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, auf {{defaultAmmo}} zurückgefallen",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Erzeugen von {{itemName}} nicht möglich, nach {{attempts}} Versuchen, übersprungen",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Gescheitert Patronen zur Waffe hinzuzufügen, da modPool keine Öffnung für CylinderMagazine %s hat, übersprungen",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Konnte Vorlage %s nicht finden",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Konnte Basiswaffe für %s nicht finden",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Für Modifikation {{modId}} keinen kompatiblen Eintrag im Filter gefunden für '{{modSlot}}' für {{parentName}}, übersprungen",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Modifikationsplatz '{{modSlot}}' existiert nicht für {{parentId}} {{parentName}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Konnte Munition für Bottyp %s nicht finden",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Kein Limit für lokalisierte Boterzeugung gefunden für %s, auf Standardwert zurückgefallen",
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): Sortiment für Händler {{traderId}} enthält keine loyal_level_items Daten, daher wird das Entfernen von Questsortimenten übersprungen",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Sortierung für Händler: %s enthält kein Questassort json, daher wird das Entfernen von Questsortimenten übersprungen",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Die entsprechende {{traderName}}-Questsortiment-Freischaltung für die Quest: {{questName}} konnte nicht gefunden werden. Der Abschluss dieser Quest schaltet als Belohnung keinen Händlergegenstand zum Kauf frei",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Artikel %s wurde im Artikelbasis-Cache nicht gefunden, Cache wird neu generiert",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed": "Element %s wurde nach der Neugenerierung immer noch nicht im Basiscache gefunden",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Die Datenbank war leer, es konnte kein Artikelbasis-Cache generiert werden",
"bleeding_edge_build": "Auf dem neuesten Stand",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "WARNUNG Der Bot-Cache verfügt nicht über einen vorgenerierten Bot vom Typ %s. Er muss generiert werden. Konfigurieren Sie den Server, um weitere zu erstellen",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Der Gegenstand konnte nicht validiert werden: {{id}} {{name}} im Slot: {{slot}} kann ausgerüstet werden, es fehlt ein _props Wert",
"bot-generation_failed": "Bot-Generierung fehlgeschlagen. Weitere Details finden Sie im Serverprotokoll",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Für {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} wurde inkompatible Munition {{chosenAmmo}} gefunden, es wird Standardwert zurückgefallen: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Die Artikelkompatibilität mit ausgerüsteten Gegenstand konnte nicht überprüft werden. Der gewünschte Gegenstand: {{itemTpl}} im Slot: {{slot}} ist kein gültiger Gegenstand",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Der Gegenstand {{itemName}} konnte nach {{attempts}} Versuchen nicht erzeugt werden, das Erzeugungslimit wird ignoriert",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Loot-Cache fürs plündern fehlgeschlagen: {{lootType}} auf Bot: {{botRole}}, war ein PMC: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Es können keine Patronen zur Waffe hinzugefügt werden, da modPool keine Patronen für ein Zylindermagazin %s enthält. Wird übersprungen",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Containervorlage mit tpl: %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Dem Bot {{botRole}} fehlen seine Ausrüstungseinstellungen: Wert für: {{setting}} konnte nicht abgerufen werden, er fällt auf den Standardwert zurück: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Dem Bot {{botRole}} fehlt ein Wert der Ausrüstungseinstellungen: Der Wert für: {{setting}} konnte nicht abgerufen werden, daher wird folgender Standardwert gesetzt: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Vorlage %s konnte nicht gefunden",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() Gespeicherte Spielinformationen können nicht abgerufen werden, es wird auf die Standardeinstellung zurückgegriffen. Haben Sie den Server und nicht den Client neu gestartet?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Voreinstellung für Waffe mit tpl: %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Mod: {{modId}} wurde nicht im Filter für kompatible Gegenstände für den Platz: '{{modSlot}}' für Gegenstand: {{parentName}} gefunden. Überspringen. {{botRole}}",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Slot '{{modSlot}}' existiert nicht für den Gegenstand: {{parentId}} {{parentName}} für {{botRole}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Für Bot-Typ %s konnte keine Munition gefunden werden",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Für Bot: %s wurde keine Obergrenze für den Bot-Standort gefunden, Standardeinstellung wird verwendet",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "WARNUNG Der Bot-Cache kennt den Typ %s nicht",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Keine Kaliberinformation vorhanden für {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, auf {{defaultAmmo}} zurückgefallen",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Konnte keine kompatible Munition finden für: %s, Nachladen übersprungen",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Es konnte keine kompatible Munition für Slot %s gefunden werden. Das Füllen der Camora-Slots wurde übersprungen",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Konnte angegebene Modifikationsvorlage nicht finden: {{modId}} in {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "Keine Erzeugungsrate definiert für %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Bot %s nicht gefunden im Cache, wird neu erzeugt, dies kann zu Spielstottern führen",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Modifikation {{itemName}} ist kein gültiger Eintrag, konnte '${modSlot}' nicht zu {{parentItemName}} hinzufügen, übersprungen",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Konnte Modifikation nicht zu {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} hinzufügen aufgrund von fehlenden Modifikationsplätzen, Patronen oder Kammern",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Dynamische Listenerstellung für Modifikation gescheitert, da alle Einträge ausgefiltert wurden für %s, Filter wird ignoriert und Liste neu erzeugt",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Konnte Modifikationen für {{slotName}} in {{itemName}} nicht filtern, da alle Einträge ausgefiltert wurden, Filter wird ignoriert",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Konnte Munitionsvorlage %s nicht finden",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Konnte Magazinsvorlage %s in Datenbank nicht finden",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Konnte Magazinsvorlage %s in Datenbank nicht finden",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Erzeugungslimits für %s nicht gefunden, auf Standardwerte zurückgefallen",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Konnte Bot {{botType}} nicht finden, Schwierigkeit {{difficulty}}, auf Standardschwierigkeit zurückgefallen",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Konnte Bot %s JSON nicht finden, auf Standardbot zurückgefallen",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "Waffe benötigt '{{modSlot}}' in {{weaponTpl}}, ungültige Modifikation anstelle gefunden: {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Waffe %s wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Waffe %s hat kein Magazin oder Kammer",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Modifikationsplatz {{modSlot}}' ist nicht vorhanden für {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Benötigter Modifikationsplatz '{{modSlot}}' in {{modName}} {{slotId}} wurde leer erzeugt",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "Für Ausrüstung: %s wurde keine Spawn-Chance definiert",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Bot: %s nicht im Cache gefunden, wird neu generiert, dies kann zum Stottern des Spiels führen",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} ist kein gültiger Gegenstand, kann nicht zu Slot: '{{modSlot}}' für Gegenstand: {{parentItemName}} hinzugefügt werden, wird übersprungen",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Der Waffe {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} können keine Mods hinzugefügt werden, da ihr entsprechende Slots, Patronen oder Kammern fehlen - {{botRole}}",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Der gefilterte dynamische Waffen-Mod-Pool konnte nicht generiert werden, da die schwarze Liste alle Mods für Slot %s herausgefiltert hat, daher wird die schwarze Liste ignoriert und der Pool neu generiert",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Mods für Slot: {{slotName}} auf {{itemName}} konnten nicht gefiltert werden, da sie alle auf der schwarzen Liste standen, daher wird die schwarze Liste ignoriert",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Die Munitionsvorlage mit tpl: %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Die Magazinvorlage %s konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Die Magazinvorlage %s konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Spawn-Limits für Rolle %s konnten nicht gefunden werden, es wird auf die Standardwerte zurückgegriffen",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Bot: {{botType}} Schwierigkeitsgrad {{difficulty}}, konnte nicht gefunden werden, Schwierigkeitsgrad \"assault\" wird als Standard verwendet",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Bot konnte nicht gefunden werden: %s JSON, Angriffs-Bot wird als Standard verwendet",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "Erforderlicher Slot '{{modSlot}}' auf {{weaponTpl}} hat einen ungültigen Gegenstand: {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Waffe %s wurde falsch generiert, es wird auf Standardwerte der Waffenvoreinstellung zurückgegriffen, siehe Fehler oben",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Waffe mit tpl: {{weaponId}} hat kein Magazin oder Patronenlager - {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Slot: '{{modSlot}}' existiert nicht für Waffe: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} auf {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Erforderlicher Slot '{{modSlot}}' auf {{modName}} {{slotId}} war leer auf {{botRole}}",
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "Gegenstand {{itemTpl}} {{name}} fehlt eine _props Eigenschaft",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "Waffen-Geschoss-Slots für {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} können nicht befüllt werden. Der Mod-Pool war leer und es wurde versucht, ihn dynamisch zu generieren",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Bot-Limits der Karte %s können nicht bearbeitet werden, da es nicht gefunden werden kann",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Beute-N-Wert für Bot: %s konnte nicht gefunden werden. Stattdessen wird der Scav-N-Wert verwendet",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Der Bot mit dem Namen %s konnte im Cache nicht gefunden werden",
"bot-missing_application_context": "applicationContex konnte Wert %s nicht finden. Hast du den Server neu gestartet, ohne das Spiel neu zu starten?",
"client_request": "[Client-Anfrage] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "Kleidungsstück {{itemId}} {{itemName}} bereits gekauft",
"customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "Anzug-Angebot eines Händlers mit der ID %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "Kleidungsstück mit der ID %s wurde nicht im Inventar gefunden",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Element tpl {{tpl}} konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden, Nachricht vom Typ {{type}} kann nicht gesendet werden. Überspringen",
"event-unhandled_event": "[UNBEHANDELTES EREIGNIS] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: Startprozesse werden ausgeführt...",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Eintrag %s gefunden, welcher nicht in der Gegenstandsdatenbank vorhanden ist. Profil nicht verwenden! Profilkorruption und Probleme sind wahrscheinlich. Mögliche Grundsache ist, dass gemoddete Items nicht aus dem Inventar entfernt wurden, bevor der Mod gelöscht worden ist.",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "Hosentaschen wurden aktualisiert auf Version 18876 mit 3 Spezialinventarstellen",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() konnte Bottyp %s nicht in Datenbank finden, übersprungen",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "Keine Ausrüstungseinträge vorhanden in seasonalevents.json Konfiguration für %s",
"hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect": "Keine Bitcoins zum abholen vorhanden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "Hideoutbereich %s nicht vorhanden im Profil",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area_in_database": "Konnte Hideoutbereich %s nicht in Datenbank finden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Konnte Item %s nicht im Inventar finden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "Konnte kein Item zum Entfernen finden im Bereich %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_production_in_profile_by_recipie_id": "Konnte keine Produktion zu %s im Profil finden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Konnte keine Scav Case Bezahlung %s in Datenbank finden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "Konnte benötigtes Item %s für Scav Case nicht im Inventar finden",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Unbehandelter Versuch ein Item aus dem Hideoutbereich %s zu entfernen",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Im Sortiment von Fence konnte ID: %s nicht gefunden werden",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Gegenstand: %s im Profil gefunden, das nicht in der Artikeldatenbank vorhanden ist. Es werden Fehler auftreten. Dies kann darauf zurückzuführend sein, dass Sie einen Artikel-Mod verwenden und den Mod entfernen haben, ohne die modifizierten Artikel aus Ihrem Inventar zu löschen. VERWENDEN SIE DIESES PROFIL NICHT. Öffnen Sie Aki_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json und ändern Sie 'removeModItemsFromProfile', zu \"true\". Dadurch kann der Server Ihr Profil bearbeiten und hoffentlich die fehlerhaften Elemente entfernen",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "'Taschen' Gegenstand würde aktualisiert auf die neue Version 18876 mit x3 speziellen Steckplätzen",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() Bot vom Typ %s konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden. Überspringen",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "Keine Ausrüstungsdaten in der seasonalevents.json Konfiguration für das Event %s",
"hideout-missing_recipe_for_area": "Rezept konnte nicht gefunden werden: %s für den Bereichstyp",
"hideout-missing_recipe_in_db": "Rezept mit _id: %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect": "Es liegen keine Bitcoins zur Abholung bereit",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "Der Versteckbereich %s konnte im Profil nicht gefunden werden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area_in_database": "Der Bereich %s konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Gegenstand mit der Id %s konnte nicht im Inventar gefunden werden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "Es konnte kein Element gefunden werden, das aus dem Slot im Bereich %s entfernt werden soll",
"hideout-unable_to_find_production_in_profile_by_recipie_id": "Die Herstellungsrezept-Id: %s konnte im Profil nicht gefunden werden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Das Scav Box Rezept mit id: %s konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "Der für die Scav Box benötigte Gegenstand: %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Fehlgeschlagener Versuch, einen Gegenstand aus dem Bereich des Verstecks zu entfernen: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten",
"health-healing_item_not_found": "Der Heilungsgegenstand %s konnte im Spielerinventar nicht gefunden werden",
"health-unable_to_find_item_to_consume": "Der Verbrauchsegenstand %s konnte im Spielerinventar nicht gefunden werden",
"importing_database": "Datenbank wird importiert...",
"importing_spt_configs": "Konfigurationsdateien werden importiert...",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "Änderung eines Händleritems gescheitert",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "Konnte Item %s nicht in Datenbank finden",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "Versuch gescheitert das Item an Inventarstelle {{slotId}} in {{container}} zu verschieben, Profilkorruption verhindert!",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "Nicht genügend Inventarplatz vorhanden",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] für Item {{id}}; Fehlermeldung: ${error}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "Kein Inventar gefunden",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "Prozesse ohne Root Access können auf Ports unter 1024 nicht zugreifen",
"location-containers_generated_success": "%s statische Behälter generiert",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "%s dynamische Items generiert",
"location-generated_success": "Gebiet %s erfolgreich geladen",
"modloader-checked": "ModLoader: kontrolliert",
"modloader-checking_mod": "ModLoader: %s wird überprüft",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "ModLoader: sich wiederholende Abhängigkeit entdeckt",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "ModLoader: eine Anfrage zur Abhängigkeit wurde gestellt, aber nicht initialisiert",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "ModLoader: Fehler bei der Analyse der Modladeordnung",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "ModLoader: Mod %s package.json property 'incompatibilities' muss ein String Array sein",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "ModLoader: Mod {{name}} von {{author}} ist inkompatibel mit {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "ModLoader: Mod %s enthält einen ungültigen semver string im akiVersion Feld. Beispiele für gültige Werte: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "ModLoader: Mod %s package.json enthält einen ungültigen Versionsstring",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "ModLoader: Mod (%s) ist ein Client Mod und sollte in diesen Ordner installiert werden: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "ModLoader: Mod {{name}} Version {{version}} von {{author}} geladen",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: lade %s Mods...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "ModLoader: Mod %s package.json main property muss eine .js Datei sein",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "ModLoader: Mod %s package.json main property referiert zu einer nicht vorhandenen Datei",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "ModLoader: Mod %s besitzt keinen Eintrag im akiVersion Feld, dies deutet auf wahrscheinlich veraltete Dateien hin",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "ModLoader: Mod {{mod}} benötigt {{modDependency}} um zu funktionieren",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "ModLoader: Mod (%s) hat keine package.json Datei",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "ModLoader: Mod {{modName}} package.json benötigt {{prop}} property",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: Mod inkompatibel. Mod muss IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod oder IpreAkiLoadMod beinhalten",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "ModLoader: MODS WERDEN NICHT GELADEN, Fehler wurden erkannt",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s ist nicht kompatibel mit dieser Version von AKI. Es ist möglich dass Probleme entstehen, Support wird nicht bereitgestellt!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} benötigt {{modDependency}} {{requiredVersion}}. Vorhandene Version ist {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: User/Mod Ordner fehlt, wird erzeugt...",
"modloader-visited": "kontrolliert",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Nicht genug Geld vorhanden um Transaktion abzuschließen, benötigt: {{amountToPay}}, vorhanden: {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "Nicht genug Geld vorhanden um Transaktion abzuschließen",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "Preis ist 0, keine Bezahlung nötig",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value": "Fähigkeit %s konnte nicht gesteigert werden mit negativem Wert",
"port_already_in_use": "Port %s ist bereits in Benutzung, bitte überprüfen ob der Server bereits am laufen ist",
"profile_saved": "Profiländerungen gespeichert",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "Flohmarkt: Angebot konnte nicht erstellt werden, ungültige Anfrage",
"importing_database_finish": "Datenbankimport abgeschlossen",
"validation_not_found": "Die Datei checks.dat wurde nicht gefunden. Dateivalidierung übersprungen.",
"validation_error_decode": "Die Datei checks.dat konnte nicht dekodiert werden. Dateivalidierung übersprungen.",
"validation_error_file": "Dateiüberprüfung für Datei %s fehlgeschlagen",
"validation_error_exception": "Beim Versuch, die Datei: %s zu validieren, wurde eine Ausnahme gefunden",
"importing_spt_configs": "Konfiguration wird importiert...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Reputation für Tötung nicht gefunden für {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Für den Händler %s wurde kein Versicherungsmultiplikator gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob er in InsuranceConfig.js vorhanden ist. Versicherungsmultiplikator wird auf den Standardwert 0,3 zurückgesetzt",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "Ein Händler Gegenstand kann nicht bearbeitet werden",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() Keine ID mit %s gefunden",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() mit einem Fehler %s zurückgekommen",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "Element: %s kann nicht aus der Datenbank abgerufen werden",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "Es wurde versucht, den Gegenstand mit der Slot-Id: {{slotId}} in {{container}} zu verschieben. Eine Profilbeschädigung wurde verhindert",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "Nicht genügend Stauraum",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] für Gegenstand: {{id}}; Fehlermeldung: {{error}}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() Gegenstand mit tpl: %s in der Datenbank oder dem Flohmarkt konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "Kein Lagerraum gefunden",
"inventory-return_default_size": "Element %s wird standardmäßig auf die Größe 1x1 eingestellt",
"inventory-item_missing_props_property": "Dem Gegenstand tpl: {{itemTpl}} Name: {{itemName}} fehlt eine Requisiteneigenschaft, dadurch kann seine Größe nicht ermittelt werden",
"inventory-get_item_size_item_not_found_by_tpl": "getSizeByInventoryItemHash() Gegenstand mit tpl: %s wurde nicht gefunden",
"inventory-item_to_toggle_missing_upd": "Inventargegenstand mit _id: %s fehlt ein Aktualisierungsobjekt, ergänzen",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found": "Inventar Gegenstand mit der ID %s kann nicht umgeschaltet werden, Gegenstand nicht gefunden",
"inventory-missing_stash_size": "Die Größe des Lagers kann nicht bestimmt werden, da im Inventar des Spielers kein Lager gefunden wurde",
"inventory-stash_not_found": "Lager %s konnte in der Datenbank nicht gefunden werden",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() Waffe tpl: %s Haltbarkeitswert ist ungültig, wird auf Standardwert 1 zurückgesetzt",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "Nicht-Root-Prozesse können keine Bindung an Ports niedriger als 1024 herstellen",
"location-containers_generated_success": "Insgesamt wurden %s statische Behälter generiert",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "Beim Generieren von Loot ist ein kritischer Fehler aufgetreten. Details finden Sie im Server-Log",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "Insgesamt wurden %s dynamische Gegenstände erzeugt",
"location-generated_success": "Gebiet %s erfolgreich generiert",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() fehlgeschlagen, Stammelement ist null, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "Voreinstellung für {{tpl}} nicht gefunden, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} Name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "{{requested}} Spawnpunkte wurden angefordert, während {{found}} verfügbar sind {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() fehlgeschlagen, Zuordnung von {{tpl}} nicht möglich, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Luftabwurf-Konfigurationseinstellungen für Typ %s konnten nicht gefunden werden, es wird auf Luftabwurf-Typ: gemischt zurückgegriffen ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s fehlt eine Basis-JSON, überspringe Bot-Wellen-Korrekturen auf Map",
"location-missing_dynamic_template": "Der ausgewählte dynamische Spawnpunkt %s hat keine Vorlage und wird übersprungen",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items": "Der ausgewählte dynamische Spawnpunkt %s hat keine Gegenstände und wird übersprungen",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Gegenstand: %s fehlt ein parentId-Wert, Gegenstand kann nicht als Loot verwendet werden",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Ungültige Waffe: %s, wurde als Belohnung für eine versiegelte Waffenkiste ausgewählt, es konnte keine Beute erstellt werden",
"mailsend-missing_trader": "Nachrichtentyp: {{messageType}} konnte nicht an Spieler: {{sessionId}} gesendet werden, da die angegebene Händleraufzählung null war",
"mailsend-missing_npc_dialog": "Nachricht von %s kann nicht gesendet werden. Für sie existiert kein Dialog",
"mailsend-missing_parent": "Es konnte kein Artikel mit der Slot-ID 'hideout' für die Nachricht an: {{traderId}} Absender: {{sender}} gefunden werden",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "überprüft",
"modloader-checking_mod": "Überprüfung: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Zyklische Abhängigkeit erkannt. Dieser Fehler muss behoben werden. Der Server kann erst gestartet werden, wenn das Problem behoben ist, und wird heruntergefahren",
"modloader-load_order_conflict": "'{{modOneName}}' und '{{modTwoName}}' haben widersprüchliche Anforderungen an die Ladereihenfolge. Der Server kann erst gestartet werden, wenn dies behoben ist, und wird heruntergefahren",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "Der Abhängigkeitscontainer wurde angefordert, aber nicht initialisiert",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Fehler beim Parsen der Mod-Ladereihenfolge",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "Die Mod %s package.json Eigenschaft 'Inkompatibilitäten' sollte ein String-Array sein",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "Mod {{author}}-{{name}} ist nicht kompatibel mit {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "Mod %s enthält eine ungültige Semver-Zeichenfolge im Feld 'akiVersion'. Beispiele für gültige Werte: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "Mod %s package.json enthält eine ungültige Versionszeichenfolge",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder": "In deinem Mods-Ordner existiert ein Ordner namens (%s). Du hast eine Modifikation falsch installiert. Möglicherweise hast du versehentlich den Inhalt einer Mod direkt in den Mod-Ordner extrahiert. Informationen zur korrekten Installation von Mods findest du in den FAQ der Website und auf der Mod-Hub-Seite",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "Mod (%s) ist ein Client-Mod und sollte im folgenden Ordner abgelegt werden: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies": "Abhängigkeiten für Mod: {{name}} von: {{author}} werden installieren",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled": "Mod: {{name}} von: {{author}} erfordert externe Abhängigkeiten, aber die Funktion ist derzeit deaktiviert. Gehe zu '{{configPath}}', setze '{{configOption}}' auf 'true' und starte den Server neu.\nWenn du dies aktivierst, übernimmst du die volle Verantwortung dafür, was {{name}} auf deinen Computer herunterlädt.",
"modloader-skipped_mod": "Überspringen des Ladens von Mod: {{mod}}",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod: {{name}} Version: {{version}} von: {{author}} geladen",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: %s Server-Mods werden geladen...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Die Haupteigenschaft von Mod %s package.json muss eine .js Datei sein",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Die Haupteigenschaft von Mod %s package.json verweist auf eine nicht vorhandene Datei",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Mod %s fehlt das Feld 'akiVersion', wahrscheinlich weil es veraltet und nicht mit der aktuellen Version von AKI kompatibel ist",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} erfordert die Installation von {{modDependency}}.",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Mod (%s) fehlt package.json. Stell sicher, dass du die Installationsanweisungen auf der Mod-Hub-Seite gelesen hast",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Mod {{modName}} package.json erfordert die Eigenschaft {{prop}}",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: Mod (%s) ist inkompatibel. Es muss mindestens eines von IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IPreAkiLoadMod implementiert sein",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property": "ModLoader: Mod (%s) ist inkompatibel. Es fehlt eine 'Haupt'-Eigenschaft",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Fehler beim Laden der asynchronen Mod: %s",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Bei den Mods wurden Fehler gefunden. Es werden keine Mods geladen",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s ist nicht mit der aktuellen Version von AKI kompatibel. Möglicherweise stoßen Sie auf Probleme es wird kein Support bereitgestellt!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} erfordert die {{modDependency}}-Version {{requiredVersion}}. Die aktuell installierte Version ist {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: Benutzer-/Mod-Ordner fehlt, ordner wird erstellt...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "ModLoader: order.json fehlt, Ordner wird erstellt...",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "ModLoader: In order.json sind Fehler aufgetreten. Es wird die Standard-Ladereihenfolge verwendet",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: Mod %s fehlt in order.json, hinzufügen",
"modloader-visited": "besucht",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "Sie versuchen, mehr als eine Version des %s Mods zu laden. Alle Versionen werden übersprungen.",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Dem Standort %s können keine Zonen hinzugefügt werden, da dieser nicht existiert",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Das Profil hatte nicht genug Geld, um die Transaktion abzuschließen: benötigt {{amountToPay}}, hat {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "Nicht genug Geld, um die Transaktion abzuschließen",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "Der Preis beträgt 0, keine Zahlung erforderlich",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value": "Der Skill %s kann nicht mit einem negativen Betrag erhöht werden",
"port_already_in_use": "Port %s wird bereits verwendet. Überprüfen Sie, ob der Server bereits läuft",
"profile_saved": "%s Profiländerungen gespeichert",
"profile_save_callback_error": "Fehler beim Ausführen von onBeforeSaveCallback: {{callback}}, {{error}}",
"profile-unable_to_find_profile_by_id_cannot_delete": "Profil mit ID: %s kann nicht gelöscht werden, kein Profil mit dieser ID gefunden",
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck()-Operator %s nicht erfüllt, verwenden der Standardeinstellung false",
"quest-item_not_found_in_inventory": "changeItemStack() Gegenstand mit _id: %s nicht im Inventar gefunden",
"quest-no_skill_found": "Fertigkeit %s nicht gefunden",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "Gegenstand für Quest {{questId}} konnte nicht abgegeben werden, erwarteter TPL: {{requiredTpl}}, aber abgegeben: {{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-reward_type_not_handled": "Quest-Belohnungstyp: {{rewardType}} nicht behandelt für Quest: {{questId}} Name: {{questName}}",
"quest-unable_to_find_compare_condition": "Unbekannte Vergleichsmethode: %s",
"quest-unable_to_find_matching_hideout_production": "Für Quest: {{questName}} konnte keine passende Versteck-Freischaltung gefunden werden, Übereinstimmungen gefunden: {{matchCount}}",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "Das Angebot konnte nicht abgegeben werden, die Anfrage ist ungültig",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() Flohmarkt: Konnte barterScheme für Item {{itemId}} nicht finden, {{tpl}} in {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "Flohmarkt: Angebote konnten nicht generiert werden für %s, keine Angebotsliste gefunden",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "Flohmarkt: Angebot {{offerId}} nicht gefunden, im Profil entfernen",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "Flohmarkt: Angebot wurde nicht im Profil gefunden",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() Flohmarkt: %s ist kein gültiges Item, übersprungen",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Flohmarkt: konnte Item {{id}} nicht im Inventar finden",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "Flohmarkt: konnte angebenes Item nicht im Inventar finden",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "Flohmarkt: konnte Kommissionspreis nicht zahlen",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "Flohmarkt: Angebot ohne Forderung kann nicht erstellt werden",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan": "Wiederholbare Mission: Schwierigkeit war nicht definiert, auf 1 zurückgesetzt.",
"repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range": "Wiederholbare Mission: Kein Item gefunden im Preisraum zwischen {{minPrice}} und {{roublesBudget}}",
"route_onupdate_no_response": "onUpdate: %s route reagiert nicht",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "Geplantes Ereignis '%s' gescheitert.",
"server_running": "Server läuft",
"server_start_meme_1": "Leben, Lachen, Liebe",
"server_start_meme_3": "Wenn du das lesen kannst, WACH AUF!",
"server_start_meme_4": "Dicken Like abgeben und abonnieren nicht vergessen!",
"server_start_meme_5": "Schon unsere Memeseite gesehen?",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "Flohmarktangebote für Händler %s konnten nicht generiert werden, kein Sortiment gefunden",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "Das Angebot mit der ID: {{offerId}} konnte im Profil nicht gefunden werden, dadurch konnte es nicht entfernt werden",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "Angebot nicht im Profil gefunden",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() offerId: %s nicht gefunden, Angebot konnte nicht ausgeblendet werden",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s ist kein gültiger Artikel, wird übersprungen",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Artikel mit der ID: {{id}} konnte nicht im Inventar gefunden werden",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_offer_to_remove": "Das zu entfernende Angebot mit der ID %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "Es konnten keine angeforderten Artikel im Inventar gefunden werden",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "Provisionsgebühr konnte nicht bezahlt werden: %s Rubel",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "Angebot existiert nicht mehr",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "Artikel konnte nicht gekauft werden: %s mit einer Anzahl von 0",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "Ohne Anforderungen kann kein Angebot abgegeben werden",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_locale_by_key": "EFT-Gebietsschema mit Schlüssel %s konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found": "Händler: {{traderId}} Flohmarktangebot: {{offerId}} konnte seine Stapelzahl nicht an den Sortimentswert des Händlers anpassen (Sortiment nicht gefunden)",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile": "Angebot: {{offerId}} im Profil: {{profileId}} konnte nicht gefunden werden, da das Angebot nicht definiert ist und erstellt wird",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook": "Der Live-Flohmarkt- oder Handbuchpreis für %s konnte nicht gefunden werden. Es wird auf dem Standardwert zurückgegriffen, der Standardwert ist 1. Wenn es sich um einen modifizierten Artikel handelt, wenden Sie sich an den Mod-Autor",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_preset_with_id": "Die Voreinstellung mit der ID %s konnte nicht gefunden werden, es wird der vorhandene Preis von der Waffenbasis verwendet wird",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_doesnt_exist": "Das Angebot mit der ID %s konnte nicht entfernt werden, da es nicht auf dem Flohmarkt gefunden werden konnte",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "Es wurde eine wiederholbare Quest akzeptiert: %s, die nicht im activeQuests-Array gefunden werden konnte. Bitte melden Sie diesen Fehler",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive": "Abschlussquest generiert: Es sind keine Gegenstände mehr übrig. Entweder ist die Whitelist zu klein oder die Blacklist zu restriktiv",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan": "Wiederholbar - Belohnungsgenerierung: Schwierigkeitsgrad wurde nicht als Zahl angegeben. Stelle ein auf 1.",
"repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range": "Wiederholbar - Belohnungsgenerierung: Kein Artikel im Preisbereich {{minPrice}} bis {{roublesBudget}} gefunden",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_already_satisfied": "Quest-Übergabefehler: Bedingung bereits erfüllt? qid: {{questId}}, Bedingung: {{conditionId}}, ProfileCounter:{{profileCounter}}, Wert:{{value}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_invalid": "Fehler bei der Übergabe der Quest: Bedingung nicht gefunden oder falscher Wert. qid: {{body.qid}, Bedingung: {{body.conditionId}}",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log": "Die Quest kann nicht angenommen werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Serverprotokoll",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_starting_message_not_found": "Quest kann nicht angenommen werden: {{questId}}. Nachrichtentext für gestartete Quest mit der ID: {{messageId}} kann nicht gefunden werden",
"route_onupdate_no_response": "onUpdate: %s Weg meldet weder Erfolg noch Fehler",
"repair-unable_to_find_item_in_db": "Gegenstand: %s konnte nicht repariert werden. Es kann in der Gegenstands-Datenbank nicht gefunden werden. Reparaturfähigkeitspunkte können nicht hinzugefügt werden",
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default": "getScavKarmaLevel() ist fehlgeschlagen, Fence konnte in 'profile.traderInfo' nicht gefunden werden. Wird auf Karma-Level 0 eingestellt",
"scav-missing_karma_settings": "Die Karma-Einstellungen für Level %s konnten nicht abgerufen werden",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "Geplantes Ereignis: '%s' konnte nicht erfolgreich ausgeführt werden.",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Weihnachtsausrüstung konnte vom Slot: {{equipmentSlot}} nicht entfernt werden, da sie auf dem Bot nicht gefunden werden kann: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Weihnachtsbeute konnte nicht aus Slot: {{lootContainer}} entfernt werden, da sie nicht auf Bot: {{botRole}} gefunden werden kann",
"server_running": "Der Server läuft. Schließen Sie ihn nicht, während Sie SPT spielen",
"server_start_meme_1": "Lebe, lache, liebe",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Wenn du mich hören kannst, musst du aufwachen",
"server_start_meme_4": "Vergiss nicht, Daumen hoch und abonnieren",
"server_start_meme_5": "Haben Sie unsere Meme-Seite gesehen?",
"server_start_meme_6": "Ich hoff doch sehr dass du diese Version nicht von fitgirl gezogen hast",
"server_start_success": "Viel Spaß!",
"started_webserver_success": "Webserver gestartet auf %s",
"unknown_request": "Unbekannte Anfrage",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Kommerzielle Nutzung ist untersagt",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NICHT MELDEN",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Dieses Programm wird kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt",
"server_start_meme_7": "Bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "Es ist Morbin-Zeit",
"server_start_meme_9": "S-step scav? W-was machst du?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Krypto-Miner einschalten",
"server_start_meme_11": "Miner.exe konnte nicht gestartet werden, bitte starten Sie den Server neu",
"server_start_meme_12": "Wir versuchen, Sie bezüglich der erweiterten Garantie Ihres Autos zu erreichen",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hallo? Gibt es da draußen jemanden? Chomp hat mich hier versklavt",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*rülps*-morty, wir scheinen in einer Art Computersystem festzustecken",
"server_start_meme_17": "Ich schließe mich schnell Ihrer Position an. Fangen Sie an zu laufen",
"server_start_meme_18": "Wenn Sie diese Nachricht sehen können, herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sie können sie lesen",
"server_start_meme_19": "Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Holen Sie sich hier Ihren kostenlosen Tarkov-Schlüssel: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Wussten Sie, dass neun von zehn Benutzern diese Nachricht nicht lesen können",
"server_start_meme_21": "Hast du dich jemals gefragt, ob jeder die Farbe Rot in der gleichen Farbe sieht wie du?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT schützt Ihre Jungfräulichkeit seit 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "Den geheimen Safe-Haven-Server gibt es wirklich! Erzähl es niemandem!",
"server_start_success": "Viel Spaß beim Spielen",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "Bei deinem Charakter ist die Fertigkeit 'BotReload' aktiviert. Dies führt dazu, dass deine Waffen unnatürlich schnell nachladen. Ignoriere diese Meldung, wenn dies beabsichtigt ist",
"started_webserver_success": "Webserver bei %s gestartet",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Der Haltbarkeitsschwellenwert für Händler: {{traderId}} konnte nicht gefunden werden, es wird auf den Standardwert zurückgegriffen: {{value}}",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Händler: {{traderId}} nicht gefunden, temporärer Eintrag wird mit der Standardaktualisierungszeit von {{updateTime}} generiert",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler war 0, dies ist ungültig und wurde auf 0,01 gesetzt",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "Händlerkäufe im Profil: {{profileId}} können nicht verarbeitet werden, da Händler: {{traderId}} nicht gefunden wurde. Überspringen",
"unhandled_response": "[UNBEHANDELT][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Unbekannte Anfrage!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Eine kommerzielle Nutzung ist untersagt",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "MELDEN UNTERSAGT",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Diese Arbeit ist kostenfrei",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Wenn Sie Geld bezahlt haben, wurden Sie betrogen",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-no_support": "ES WIRD KEIN SUPPORT GEWÄHRT",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "DAS IST KEIN PROBLEM",
"watermark-report_issues_to": "PROBLEME MELDEN AN",
"watermark-testing_build": "DIES IST EINE TESTVERSION",
"watermark-use_at_own_risk": "NUTZUNG AUF EIGENES RISIKO",
"websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] Websocket Nachricht gescheitert, Fehlermeldung: %s",
"websocket-message_sent": "[WS] Nachricht gesendet",
"websocket-not_ready_message_not_sent": "[WS] Socket nicht verfügbar für %s, Nachricht nicht gesendet",
"websocket-pinging_player": "[WS] Spieler %s gepingt",
"websocket-player_connected": "[WS] Spieler %s hat sich verbunden",
"websocket-received_message": "[WS] Nachricht erhalten von Spieler %s ",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket verloren, Handle wird gelöscht",
"websocket-started": "Websocket gestartet um %s"
"watermark-use_at_own_risk": "BENUTZUNG AUF EIGENE GEFAHR",
"websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] sendMessage ist fehlgeschlagen, mit Fehler: %s",
"websocket-message_sent": "[WS]-Nachricht gesendet",
"websocket-not_ready_message_not_sent": "[WS] Socket nicht bereit für %s, Nachricht nicht gesendet",
"websocket-pinging_player": "[WS] Spieler wird angepingt: %s",
"websocket-player_connected": "[WS] Spieler: %s hat eine Verbindung hergestellt",
"websocket-received_message": "[WS] Nachricht von Benutzer %s erhalten ",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket verloren, Handle wird gelöscht. Status: %s",
"websocket-started": "Websocket auf %s gestartet",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_1": "Gute Schuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_2": "Toller Schuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_3": "Guter Abschuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_4": "Verdienter Abschuss, sehr gut",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_5": "Glücklicher Abschuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Guter Kampf",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "Das war gerecht, schöner Abschuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Du bist ein guter Schütze, das ist sicher",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Ich wusste, ich hätte nicht gucken sollen",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Du hast mich kalt erwischt",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Guter Kill, nächstes Mal erwische ich dich",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_13": "Du hattest eine gute Position",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_14": "Ich kriege dich nächstes Mal",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_15": "Du hast mich wirklich verarscht :alien:",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_16": "Du bist ein eiskalter Mörder. Ich hatte keine Chance",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_17": "Alles klar, das war ein guter Schuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_18": "Genieße meine Beute",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_19": "Guter Kampf",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_20": "Du bist ein schwer zu schlagender Spieler",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_21": "Das war schön flankiert, gute Arbeit",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_22": "Ich hätte aufmerksamer sein sollen, gute Arbeit",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_23": "Ich war viel zu voreilig, hätte flankieren und warten sollen",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_24": "Ich werde daraus lernen, gute Arbeit",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_25": "Verdammt, ich dachte, ich hätte dich",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_26": "Gute Arbeit, das hast du gut ausgespielt",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_27": "Schöner Abschuss, das hast du gut ausgespielt",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_28": "Solider Abschuss, wir sehen uns beim nächsten Raid",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_29": "Absoluter Monster-Kill, nett",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_30": "Ich hatte keine Chance",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_31": "Das waren ein paar richtige schöne Manöver",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_32": "Ich habe dich gar nicht kommen sehen, nett",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_33": "Das waren ein paar solide Schlangenbewegungen",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_34": "Das war ein guter Abschuss, wir sollten uns zusammenschließen",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_35": "Das war ein großartiger Abschuss, lasst uns mal ein Team bilden",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_36": "Deine Reaktionen sind unwirklich, sehr schön",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_37": "Ich war in Deckung, aber du hast einen Winkel gefunden, schön",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_38": "Du hast bei diesem Raid einige ernsthafte Manöver unternommen",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_39": "Absoluter Chad-Scharfschütze hier drüben, guter Kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_40": "Sauberer Abschuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_41": "Eiskalter Abschuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_42": "Du hast mich wirklich gut zum Idioten gemacht",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_43": "Ich bin ein wenig eingerostet, aber das war ein ordentlicher Abschuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_44": "Guter Abschuss {{playerName}}",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_45": "Sauberer Kill, {{playerName}}. Ich war in Deckung, aber du hast einen Winkel gefunden",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_46": "Ich habe nicht einmal gesehen, von wo aus du geschossen hast. Wo hast du dich versteckt",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_47": "Schöner Ort, hast du Ratschläge, wie du sie auswählst",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_48": "Dein Timing war tadellos, ich würde gerne deine Strategie kennen lernen",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_49": "Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du mich so leicht ausmanövriert hast, was ist dein Geheimnis?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_50": "Deine Treffsicherheit ist beeindruckend, irgendwelche Tipps",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_51": "Du kennst dich gut mit der Karte aus. Hast du Tipps für mich",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_52": "Wie hast du es geschafft, beim Bewegen so leise zu bleiben",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_53": "Deine Reaktionszeit war so schnell, hast du Tipps um meine zu verbessern",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_54": "Du scheinst die besten Orte für Hinterhalte zu kennen. Bitte teilen es mit mir",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "Mir ist aufgefallen, dass du diese Waffe effektiv einsetzen kannst, irgendwelche Tipps",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_56": "Wie konntest du dich an mich heranschleichen, ohne dass ich dich gehört habe",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_57": "Du hast dieses Feuergefecht wie ein Profi gemeistert. Hast du irgendwelche Tipps?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_58": "Deine Treffsicherheit ist der Hammer! Hast du Tipps",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_59": "Alter, du bist ein Ninja in diesem Spiel. Wie bist du so gut geworden?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_60": "Hinterhältiger Teufel! Irgendwelche Ratschläge zur lautlosen Bewegung",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_61": "Du warst schnell bei der Auslosung, Mann. Hast du irgendwelche Ratschläge, die du teilen kannst",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_62": "Alter, deine Verstecke sind unübertroffen. Gib mir ein paar Tipps",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_63": "Wie bist du so gut mit dieser Waffe, Mann? Ich brauche hier ein paar Ratschläge",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_64": "Bro, du warst still wie ein Schatten. Brings mir bei",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_65": "Ich kann nicht glauben, dass du mich so rausgeholt hast. Großartige Arbeit",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_66": "Wir sollten mal als Duo spielen",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_67": "Du kennst dich aus, lass uns irgendwann mal zusammen in einen Raid",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Netter Aimbot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "Billiger Schuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_3": "Geil, ESP",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Billiger Abschuss",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Nette Tricks",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Wie viel haben Deine Hacks gekostet",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Ich ärgere mich gerade so sehr",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Gute Arbeit, Schwitzer",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Ich war AFK!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_11": "Ich habe dich wegen Betrugs gemeldet",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_12": "Du hast mich nur wegen dem Lag erwischt",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_13": "Ich muss wohl SPT spielen gehen, um Hackern wie dir zu entkommen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_14": "Wenn ich die Karte besser gekannt hätte, hätte ich gewonnen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_15": "Noch so ein Camper der kein Leben hat. Perfekt",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_16": "In einem fairen Kampf hätte ich gewonnen!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_17": "Ich hoffe, du verkaufst deine Beute an den falschen Händler",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_18": "Ich hoffe, du stellst deine Beute auf dem Flohmarkt zum falschen Preis ein",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_19": "Komm 1v1 mich Nerd, ich werde gewinnen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_20": "Meine Waffe hatte eine Störung, sonst hätte ich dich getötet",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_21": "Du bist so eine Ratte",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_22": "Geil, du versteckst dich wie eine Ratte in der Ecke, großartig",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_23": "Ich hoffe, du stößt dir deinen Zeh am Wohnzimmertisch",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_24": "Ey, warum hast du mich getötet, ich sage es meiner Mutter",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_25": "Gemeldet",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_26": "Meine Mutter meint, ich hätte diesen Kampf gewinnen sollen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_27": "Toll, einen Anfänger wie mich zu töten muss dich unglaublich stolz machen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_28": "Ich wette, du spielst SPT, weil du live betrügst",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_29": "Netter Schuss Zwischen den Augen, Herr Hackermann",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_30": "Netter Kopfschuss Cheater",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_31": "Wenn ich Geld für ein echtes Kit hätte, wärst du tot und nicht ich",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_32": "Du hast mich vielleicht getötet, aber ich wette, du hast meine schwarze Schlüsselkarte nie gefunden",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_33": "Du hast mich vielleicht erwischt, aber ich wette du hattest nie das Thermal das ich hatte",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_34": "Ich habe wegen des ESP aufgehört, live zu spielen, und doch bist du hier",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_35": "Ja, du hast mich getötet, aber ich kann mehr Bankdrücken als du",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_36": "Du hast das Kartenbewusstsein von Christoph Kolumbus",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_37": "Ich wette, du klingst, als würdest du Zigaretten essen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_38": "Du schießt wie ein alter Mann. Das machst du jetzt, wo du im Ruhestand bist?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_39": "Ich wette, du siehst aus, als ob du mit einer linken Hand gezeichnet worden wärst",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_40": "Sag deiner Mutter, Sie soll deinen Mac & Cheese machen, ich bin bald zu Hause",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_41": "Wenn du noch mehr Inzucht hättest, wärst du ein Sandwich",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_42": "Du bist so ein stinkender kleiner Hodenkobold",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_43": "Es bestand kein Bedarf an Gewalt",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_44": "1 gegen 1 ich in Wohnheimen, jederzeit und an jedem Ort",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_45": "Typisches Verhalten von {{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_46": "Ich habe von einem Level {{playerLevel}} etwas Besseres erwartet",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_47": "Das war ein harter Verlust, aber im nächsten Raid mach ich Jagd auf dich",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_48": "Warte einfach bis zum nächsten Überfall, ich werde nicht den gleichen Fehler machen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_49": "Das habe ich nicht erwartet, dieses Mal hattest du Glück",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_50": "Ich hätte dich fast erwischt. Das nächste Mal wirst du nicht entkommen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_51": "Dieses Mal hattest du Glück, es wird nicht wieder so einfach sein",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_52": "Da hatte ich einige schlechte Züge, aber beim nächsten Mal wirst du es nicht so einfach haben",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_53": "Das Glück war auf deiner Seite, das nächste Mal wird es auf meiner Seite sein",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_54": "Ich komme stärker zurück, Alter. Warte mal ab",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_55": "Das habe ich vermasselt, wird nicht noch einmal passieren",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_56": "Ich wette, du hast das LEDX in meinem Rig nicht gefunden",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_57": "Keine Chance, dass Sie die Laborkarte bei meinem Körper gefunden haben",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_58": "Ich hoffe, du hast vergessen, die teuren Schlüssel zu plündern, die ich bei mir hatte",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_59": "Ich hatte gerade noch Zeit, Gegenstände in mein Gamma zu verschieben",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_60": "Ich hatte gerade Zeit, diese Gegenstände in meinen Hintern zu stopfen, keine Beute für dich",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_61": "Mein Gamma war voller Beute, ich wette, deiner war's nicht",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_62": "Absolutes Rattenverhalten",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_63": "So eine Ratte",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_64": "Du hast mich nur wegen der Ping-Verzögerung erwischt",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_65": "Geil, du magst es oft, Desync zu missbrauchen, nicht wahr?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_66": "Es ist wohl an der Zeit, dass du heute einen Mord bekommst",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_67": "Ich wette, du hast meine KI auf einfach eingestellt",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_68": "Du hast nur gewonnen, weil ich es vermasselt habe",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_69": "Glückstreffer",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_70": "Du musst mehr Geld für die Munition ausgegeben haben, mit der du auf mich geschossen hast, als ich Beute an meinem Körper hatte",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_71": "Du hast diesen Mord gebraucht, deine KD ist so schlecht",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_72": "Ich bin durch jemanden gestorben, der eine Metawaffe aus dem Jahr 2019 benutzt hat, was eine Schande",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_73": "Geil, du hast mich umgebracht, du bist so großartig (das ist übrigens Sarkasmus)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_74": "Ich hasse Camper wie dich, die das Spiel ruinieren",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_75": "Nunja, ich habe auch ein echtes Leben außerhalb von Tarkov",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_76": "Du hast mich nur erwischt, weil meine Waffe blockiert war",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_77": "Ich musste auf meine Kinder aufpassen, es können nicht alle Profispieler wie du sein",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_78": "Ja, ich bin hier draußen und verdiene wahnsinnig viel Geld. Morde sind mir egal",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_79": "Du hast Glück, dass ich mich auf mein Krypto-Portfolio konzentriere und nicht auf dieses Spiel",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_80": "Hast du darüber nachgedacht, Gras zu berühren",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_81": "Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Du hast einen Mann getötet, der damit beschäftigt war, sein Leben zu leben",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_82": "Ja, du hast mich getötet, aber ich habe heute Abend ein Date (mit einer Frau)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_83": "Ich bin ein Reddit-Mod und werde dafür sorgen, dass du nie wieder etwas postest",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_84": "Ja, du hast mich nur getötet, weil ich mit ein paar Damen telefoniert habe",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_85": "Du hast mich nur erwischt, weil jemand die Mikrowelle benutzt hat und dadurch mein WLAN gestört wurde",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_86": "Ich bin nur gestorben, weil ich vorhin im Fitnessstudio war und verrückte Übungen gemacht habe",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_87": "Als Discord-Moderator solltest du besser aufpassen, ich bin hier eine große Sache",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_88": "Mein Waffenstau hat dich gerettet",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_89": "Du hast Glück, dass mein Fokus auf meinem Affen-JPG liegt und nicht auf diesem Kinderspiel, sonst würde es dir leidtun",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_90": "Wenn ich jetzt nicht auf meinem Sigma-Männer-Grindset wäre, wärst du sowas von tot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_91": "Ja, ich habe tatsächlich zugelassen, dass du mich umbringst",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_92": "Du hast mir einen Gefallen getan, ich wollte dieses Müllkit sowieso verkaufen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_93": "Du bist so eine Ratte, ich wette, du heißt Rattrick",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_94": "Ich wette, du hast für Stuart Little vorgesprochen, du Ratte",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_95": "Ich wette, du verwendest den Radar-Mod, den ich auf dem Hub gesehen habe",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_96": "1 gegen 1 in den Wohnheimen, wir werden sehen, wer der bessere Spieler ist",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_97": "Ich wette, du gehörst zu den Leuten, die auf dem Hub Beiträge über schlechte FPS auf Streets of Tarkov schreiben",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_98": "Ich wette, du hast veraltete Mods installiert und jede Menge Fehler bekommen und einen riesigen Hub-Beitrag darüber geschrieben",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_99": "Dein Computer ist so schlecht, dass du auf Streets nur 20 FPS bekommst",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_100": "Ich wette, du hast SAIN installiert und musstest es entfernen, weil du ständig zu oft getötet wurdest",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101": "Was zum Teufel hast du gerade verdammt noch mal über mich gesagt, du kleiner Aasfresser? Ich möchte dich wissen lassen, dass ich im USEC-Corps meinen Abschluss als Klassenbester gemacht habe und an zahlreichen geheimen Razzien beteiligt war die {{playerSide}}s, und ich habe über 300 bestätigte Abschüsse. Ich bin im Guerilla-Krieg ausgebildet und der beste Scharfschütze der gesamten USEC-Streitkräfte. Du bist für mich nichts als nur ein weiteres Ziel. Ich werde dich auslöschen mit einer Präzision, wie man sie noch nie zuvor bei diesem Raid gesehen hat, merk dir meine verdammten Worte. Glaubst du, du schaffst es, mir diesen Scheiß über das Nachrichtenfenster zu sagen? Denk noch einmal darüber nach, HECKER. Während wir reden kontaktiere ich mein geheimes Spionagenetzwerk am Zollstandort und dein Versteck wird gerade aufgespürt, also bereite dich besser auf den Sturm vor, du Made. Der Sturm, der das erbärmliche kleine Ding, das du dein Leben nennst, auslöscht. Du bist VERDAMMT tot, Scav. Ich kann überall und jederzeit sein und ich kann dich auf über siebenhundert Arten töten, und das nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Ich bin nicht nur umfassend im unbewaffneten Kampf ausgebildet, sondern habe auch Zugriff auf das gesamte Arsenal des USEC-Korps und werde es in vollem Umfang nutzen, um deinen elenden Hintern von der Karte zu wischen, du kleiner Scheißer. Wenn du nur gewusst hättest, welche unheilige Vergeltung dein kleiner \"schlauer\" Kill über dich bringen würde, hättest du vielleicht deinen Mund gehalten. Aber du konntest es nicht, du hast es nicht getan, und jetzt zahlst du den Preis, du verdammter Idiot. Ich werde dich mit meiner Wut sowas von zupissen und du wirst darin ertrinken. Du bist verdammt tot, Scav.",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "Ich hab Missionen gemacht",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "Ich wollte nur eine Quest beenden, warum hast du mich getötet",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "Ich hoffe, du bist froh, dass ich mir nicht einmal ein neues Kit leisten kann",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_4": "Bro, ich bin neu im Spiel, warum tötest du mich",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_5": "Diese blöde Quest werde ich nie schaffen",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_6": "Hast du wenigstens meine Ausrüstung mitgenommen?!",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_7": "Hast du mein Wackeln nicht gesehen?!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_8": "Aber ich habe dich ins Wanken gebracht",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_9": "Ich möchte nur noch einen Gasanalysator, warum ist das so schwierig",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_10": "Ich war nicht länger als 2 Minuten afk und du hast mich getötet",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_11": "Ich bin gerade auf die Toilette gegangen und du hast auf mich abgeschossen",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_12": "Ich bin gerade in die Küche gegangen, um meine Dino-Nuggets abzuholen, und du hast mich getötet",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_13": "Bro, bitte",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_14": "Warte nur, bis ich noch ein paar Mods vom Hub herunterlade, dann hole ich dich",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_15": "Bedeutet das Wackeln nichts? *Kopfschütteln Kopfschütteln* Echt mal",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_16": "Ich kann dieses Spiel nicht ausstehen, ich gehe zurück zu Roblox",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_17": "Das Wackeln ist eindeutig ein Zeichen dafür, dass ich freundlich bin",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "Brudi, warum",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "Ich mache mir ein Schinken-Käse-Sandwich und du bringst mich um, unglaublich",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_20": "Oh oh oh, wenn es nicht {{PlayerName}} ist, habe ich nichts weniger erwartet und war trotzdem enttäuscht",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_21": "Wäre mein leben nicht so niedrig gewesen, wärst du jetzt tot",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_22": "Ich habe gerade dieses Konto gekauft, warum tötest du mich",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_23": "Billiger Kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "Es ist, was es ist",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Es ist so vorbei",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "bruder",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "bruh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "kleiner bruder",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "Kumpel",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "Alter",
"pmcresponse-suffix_6": "Chef",
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "Alter",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "mein g",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "Bruder",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "broski",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "mein Typ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "Kopfschütteln",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "Mann",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "König",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "champ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "amigo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "bud",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "Kerl",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "Kumpel",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "mein Kumpel",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "Freund",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "Kind",
"pmcresponse-suffix_27": "Nerd",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Guter Kampf",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "Du hast gut gekämpft",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "Ich werde deine Ausrüstung verstauen",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_4": "Du hast mich fast erwischt, toller Kampf",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_5": "Gut gespielt, hättest mich fast erwischt",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_6": "Du hättest mich fast erwischt",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_7": "Wenn ich dich nicht getroffen hätte, wäre ich tot",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_8": "Guter Kampf",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_9": "Gut gekämpft",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_10": "Was auch immer du geschossen hast, hat meine Rüstung zerstört, guter Kampf",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_11": "Nichts Persönliches, ich muss diese Jaeger-Quests abschließen",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_12": "Du hast mir während des Kampfes eine für eine Weile Kopfschmerzen bereitet",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_13": "Beeindruckende Fähigkeiten {{PlayerName}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_14": "Respekt, du hast einen guten Kampf geliefert",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_15": "Sauberer Kampf, Respekt",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_16": "Das war ein echter Katz-und-Maus-Kampf, großartig",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_17": "Wir sind so zurück",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_1": "Danke für die kostenlose Beute",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Danke für das neue Kit",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "Kein Wunder, dass du gestorben bist, deine Waffen sind Müll",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "Warum trägst du diese Rüstung, Lmao",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_5": "lmaoooo",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_6": "Keine Sorge, deine Ausrüstung wird bald auf dem Floh sein",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_7": "Kein Wunder, dass du SPT mit deinem Ziel spielst",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_8": "Es ist, was es ist",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_9": "Danke, dass du für mich geplündert hast",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_10": "Sorge beim nächsten Mal wenigstens um einen Kampf",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_11": "Ich denke, du brauchst noch etwas Übung",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_12": "Versuch, das nächste Mal eine Herausforderung zu stellen",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_13": "Ruhe in Frieden, kleiner Timmy",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "Eine weitere schmutzige kleine Ratte wurde erledigt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "Das war peinlich anzusehen",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_16": "Ich habe zumindest ein wenig Widerstand erwartet, na ja",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_17": "Ich hoffe, du hast diese Ausrüstung nicht versichert, da du sie nicht zurückbekommst",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Wenn du interessiert bist, habe ich eine YouTube-Serie darüber, wie man besser in Tarkov wird",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Eine weitere Hundemarke für meine Sammlung",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Du bist so schlecht, dass du stattdessen SPT spielen solltest",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_21": "Rekt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "Und ich dachte, ich wäre schlecht",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "Sind alle {{playerSide}} so schlimm?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Danke für die Beute",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_25": "Deine Ausrüstung war so Schrott, dass ich alles an Fence verkaufen musste",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_26": "Durchschnittlicher {{playerSide}} Spieler",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_27": "Einfachste Beute von heute",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_28": "Keine Sorge, ich habe deine Ausrüstung im Haus deiner Mutter versteckt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_29": "Hast du es überhaupt versucht",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_1": "Ich habe versucht, einen Questgegenstand bei mir und du warst mir im Weg",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_2": "Ich habe Fass-Caches geplündert und du warst im Weg, sorry",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_3": "Ich brauche PMC-Kills, du hast sicher Verständnis",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_4": "Bis zum nächsten Mal",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_5": "Du hattest nicht einmal eine Salewa bei dir, ich werde diese Quest nie abschließen",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_6": "Ich habe eine Ewigkeit damit verbracht, nach deinem Körper zu suchen, und jemand hat ihn bereits geplündert",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_7": "Endlich finde ich deine Leiche und alles, was du hast, ist Müll",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_8": "Ich schwöre, du hast mich schon einmal getötet",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_9": "Typisches Verhalten eines {{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_10": "Typisches {{playerSide}}-Verhalten",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_11": "Ich muss {{playerSide}} töten, ich hoffe du verstehst",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_12": "Hat niemand in diesem blöden Spiel einen Gasanalysator",
"pmcresponse-unable_to_find_key": "Der PMC-Antwortpool konnte nicht gefunden werden, es gibt keinen für Schlüssel: %s",
"pmc-name_prefix_1": "Engelhaft",
"pmc-name_prefix_2": "Der Böse",
"pmc-name_prefix_3": "Der Müde",
"pmc-name_prefix_4": "Sparsamerer",
"pmc-name_prefix_5": "Wütenderer",
"pmc-name_prefix_6": "Ehrlicherer",
"pmc-name_prefix_7": "Vernünftigerer",
"pmc-name_prefix_8": "Nachlässig",
"pmc-name_prefix_9": "Ehrgeizigerer",
"pmc-name_prefix_10": "Selbstbewussterer",
"pmc-name_prefix_11": "Charmanterer",
"pmc-name_prefix_12": "Anspruchsvollerer",
"pmc-name_prefix_13": "Modischerer",
"pmc-name_prefix_14": "Göttlicherer",
"pmc-name_prefix_15": "Unehrlicherer",
"pmc-name_prefix_16": "Gierigerer",
"pmc-name_prefix_17": "Glatzenbildung",
"pmc-name_prefix_18": "Attraktiver",
"pmc-name_prefix_19": "Kindischer",
"pmc-name_prefix_20": "Dämonischer",
"pmc-name_prefix_21": "Bescheidener",
"pmc-name_prefix_22": "Fabelhafter",
"pmc-name_prefix_23": "Lethargischer",
"pmc-name_prefix_24": "Nervöser",
"pmc-name_prefix_25": "Protziger",
"pmc-name_prefix_26": "Einfallsreicher",
"pmc-name_prefix_27": "Unruhiger",
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "Eifriger",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Gewissenhafter",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "Mädchen Boss",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "Boss-Babe",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "König",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "Chef",
"pmc-name_prefix_34": "Schwieriger",
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "Ernster",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "Der stille",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "Verdächtiger",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "Unangenehm",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "Danke",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "Die Ziege",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "Zesty",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "Gefälschter",
"pmc-name_prefix_43": "Rachsüchtiger",
"pmc-name_prefix_44": "Verwirrter",
"pmc-name_prefix_45": "Sinnlicher",
"pmc-name_prefix_46": "Fetter",
"pmc-name_prefix_47": "Großer",
"pmc-name_prefix_48": "Geschwollen",
"pmc-name_prefix_49": "Sussy",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Wie live, grundlegende Stashgröße (10x28), 500.000 Rubel",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "Wie Standard plus; größere Lagergröße (10x38), zusätzliche Ausrüstung/Gegenstände, 500 Dollar",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "Dasselbe wie Left Behind plus; größere Lagergröße (10x48), zusätzliche Ausrüstung/Gegenstände, höhere Startreputation bei Händlern, 250 Euro",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "Wie Prepare To Escape plus; größere Lagergröße (10x68), zusätzliche Ausrüstung/Gegenstände, höhere Startreputation bei Händlern, 1000 Dollar, 500 Euro",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "Viele Rubel/Dollar/Euro, einige QoL-Fähigkeiten sind Level 20, Händler-Reputation maximal, Startlevel ist 69, keine Quests abgeschlossen",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "Beging mit fast nichts, keine Rubel/Dollar/Euro, kein Händlervertreter, 1 Messer, keine abgeschlossenen Quests",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "Testprofil, Startlevel ist 69, viele Rubel/Dollar/Euro, USEC startet mit allen Quests bereit zum Start, BEAR startet mit allen Quests bereit zur Abgabe, Unbesiegbarkeits-Sturmhaube",
"launcher-missing_property": "Profil: %s fehlt eine Eigenschaft descriptionLocaleKey"

View File

@ -3,178 +3,200 @@
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Assort for Trader: %s ne contient pas de questassort json, ignore la supression des quest assorts",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Impossible de trouver le questassort unlock de {{traderName}} pour la quête : {{questName}}. Cette quête ne débloquera pas l'offre d'objets lié à la récompense au vendeur",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Item %s non trouvé dans le cache base des items",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed": "L'élément %s n'a toujours pas été trouvé dans le cache de base après la régénération",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Base de données vide, impossible de générer un item base cache",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ATTENTION - Le Bot cache ne possède pas de bot pré-générés de type %s, il devra être généré, configurez le serveur pour en faire plus",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossible de valider: {{id}} {{name}} dans le slot {{slot}} peut être équippé, une _props value est manquante",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossible de valider l'objet : {{id}} {{name}} dans l'emplacement {{slot}} peut être équipé, une valeur _props est manquante",
"bot-generation_failed": "la génération des bots a échoué, plus de détail dans le log serveur",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Munitions incompatibles {{chosenAmmo}} avec l'arme {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, remis par défaut: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Impossible de vérifier la compatibilité de l'item désiré avec les items équippés, item désiré: {{itemTpl}} dans le slot: {{slot}} n'est pas un item valide",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Objet incompatible avec les objets équipés. L'objet {{itemTpl}} n'est pas valide dans l'emplacement : {{slot}}",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} impossible de faire apparaître {{itemName}} après {{attempts}} tentatives, limite d'apparition ignorée",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Echec du loot cache pour le loot: {{lootType}} sur le bot: {{botRole}}, est un PMC: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "impossible d'ajouter des munitions sur l'arme car modPool ne contient pas de cartouches pour le chargeur cylindrique (revolver) %s, passage à l'étape suivante",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Impossible de trouver le container template avec tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}} n'a pas les réglages renseignés: impossible de trouver une valeur pour: {{setting}}, retour donc à valeur défaut: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} a un réglage de valeur d'équipement manquant: {{setting}}, retour donc à valeur défaut pour: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "impossible de trouver le template de l'item avec tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() impossible de trouver la sauvegarde match info, retour à défaut. Avez-vous redémarré le serveur mais pas le client (via le launcher) ?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "impossible de trouver le preset de l'arme avec tpl: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Mod: {{modId}} n'est pas compatible pour l'emplacement : '{{modSlot}}' (item filter slot) pour l'item: {{parentName}}, passage à l'étape suivante",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Slot '{{modSlot}}' n'existe pas pour l'item: {{parentId}} {{parentName}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "impossible de trouver des munitions pour ce type de bot: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "aucune limite de bot trouvée sur cette map pour ce type de bot : %s, utilisation du nombre par défaut",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Le cache de butin a échoué pour le butin : {{lootType}} sur le bot : {{botRole}}, était un PMC ? {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Impossible d'ajouter les cartouches sur l'arme, car modPool ne contient pas de cartouches pour le chargeur cylindrique %s, passage à l'étape suivante",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Impossible de trouver le modèle de conteneur avec tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}} n'a pas de configuration d'équipement : impossible d'obtenir la valeur pour : {{setting}}. Retour à la valeur par défaut : {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} n'a pas de valeur de configuration d'équipement pour : {{setting}}. Retour à la valeur par défaut : {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Impossible de trouver le modèle d'objet avec modèle : %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() - Impossible d'obtenir les données, retour à la valeur par défaut. Avez-vous redémarré le serveur mais pas le client ?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Impossible de trouver un préréglage pour le modèle d'arme: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Mod: {{modId}} n'est pas dans les objets compatibles pour l'emplacement : '{{modSlot}}' pour l'objet : {{parentName}}. Passage à l'étape suivante - {{botRole}}",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "L'emplacement '{{modSlot}}' n'existe pas pour l'objet : {{parentId}} {{parentName}} - {{botRole}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Impossible de trouver des munitions pour ce type de bot: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Pas de limite d'emplacement de position trouvée pour ce type de bot : %s, utilisation valeur par défaut",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "ATTENTION - Le bot cache ne contient pas de type %s",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "impossible de trouver les data du calibre pour {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, changement par des munitions par defaut: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "impossible de trouver des munitions compatibles pour l'emplacement (slot) : %s. remplissage des chambres de l'arme ignoré",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "impossible de trouver un item template de mod avec code tpl: {{modId}} sur l'emplacement (slot) {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "aucune chance de spawn n'a été définie pour l'emplacement: %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Bot: %s n'est pas dans le cache, régénération en cours, ralentissements possible pendant la régénération",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} n'est pas un item valide, impossible d'ajouter à l'emplacement (slot): '${modSlot}' sur l'item: {{parentItemName}}, passage à l'étape suivante",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "impossible d'ajouter des mods sur l'arme : {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} car il n'y a pas d'emplacement prévus ou pas de cartouches",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "impossible de générer un pool de mod d'armes dynamique filtré car la blacklist filtre tous les mod de l'emplacement: %s, blacklist ignorée et régénération du pool",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "impossible de filtrer les mods d'arme pour l'emplacement (slot): {{slotName}} sur {{itemName}} car ils sont tous sur la blacklist, blacklist ignorée",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Impossible de trouver le calibre pour {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, changement par des munitions par défaut: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Impossible de trouver des munitions compatibles pour l'emplacement slot: %s. Remplissage des chambres de l'arme ignoré",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Impossible de trouver un modèle d'accessoire avec le modèle : {{modId}} sur l'emplacement {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "Aucune chance d'apparition n'a été définie pour l'équipement : %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Bot: %s n'est pas dans le cache, régénération en cours, ralentissements possibles en jeu",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} n'est pas un objet valide, impossible d'ajouter à l'emplacement : '{{modSlot}}' sur l'objet : {{parentItemName}}, passage à l'étape suivante",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Impossible d'ajouter des accessoires sur l'arme : {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} car il manque emplacement, cartouche ou chambre - {{botRole}}",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Impossible de générer un pool filtré dynamique d'accessoires d'armes car la blacklist a filtré tous les accessoires pour l'emplacement : %s, blacklist ignorée et régénération du pool",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Impossible de filtrer les accessoires pour l'emplacement : {{slotName}} sur {{itemName}} car ils sont tous blacklistés, blacklist ignorée",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "impossible de trouver un template de munitions sur tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "impossible de trouver un template de chargeur: %s dans la base de données",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "impossible de trouver un template de chargeur: %s dans la base de données",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "impossible de trouver le nombre limite de spawn pour le rôle: %s, utilisation des valeurs par défaut",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "impossible de trouver la difficulté {{difficulty}} pour le bot: {{botType}}, remplacée par la difficulté assault par défaut",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "impossible de trouver le bot: %s JSON, utilisation du bot assault par défaut",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "emplacement requis (slot) '{{modSlot}}' sur {{weaponTpl}} a un item invalide: {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "arme %s a été généré incorrectement, remplacement par un preset d'arme, voir erreur au-dessus",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "arme avec tpl: %s ne possède aucun chargeur ou de chambre",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "emplacement: {{modSlot}}' n'existe pas pour l'arme: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "l'emplacement requis '{{modSlot}}' sur {{modName}}, {{slotId}} est vide",
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "Il manque une propriété _props à l'item {{itemTpl}} {{name}}",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "Impossible de remplir l'emplacement d'arme pour {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}; le pool de mods pour cet item est vide",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Impossible d'éditer les limites de bot pour la carte: %s car elle est introuvable",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Impossible de trouver la valeur de loot N pour le bot: %s, la valeur de scav n sera utilisée comme remplacement",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Impossible de trouver le modèle de chargeur: %s dans la base de données",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Impossible de trouver le modèle de chargeur: %s dans la base de données",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Impossible de trouver la limite d'apparition pour le rôle : %s, retour aux valeurs par défaut",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Impossible de trouver la difficulté {{difficulty}} pour le bot: {{botType}}, remplacée par la difficulté assaut par défaut",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Impossible de trouver le bot: %s JSON, utilisation du bot d'assaut par défaut",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "L'emplacement requis '{{modSlot}}' sur {{weaponTpl}} a un objet invalide : {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Arme %s a été générée incorrectement, remplacement par un preset d'arme, voir erreur au-dessus",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "L'arme avec le modèle : {{weaponId}} n'a pas de chargeur ou chambre - {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Emplacement : {{modSlot}}' n'existe pas pour l'arme : {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} sur {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "L'emplacement requis '{{modSlot}}' sur {{modName}}, {{slotId}} était vide sur {{botRole}}",
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "Il manque une propriété _props à l'objet {{itemTpl}} {{name}}",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "Impossible de remplir l'emplacement d'arme pour {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}. Le pool d'accessoires était vide, tentative de génération dynamique",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Impossible d'éditer les limites de bot de la carte : %s car elles sont introuvables",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Impossible de trouver la valeur de butin N pour le bot : %s, utilisation de la valeur de scav n à la place",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Impossible de trouver un bot dans le cache ayant le nom: %s",
"client_request": "[Requete Client] %s",
"bot-missing_application_context": "applicationContext n'a pas pu trouver la valeur %s . Avez-vous redémarré le serveur sans redémarrer le jeu ?",
"client_request": "[Requête Client] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "Tenue {{itemId}} {{itemName}} déjà achetée",
"customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "Impossible de trouver l'offre de tenue de vendeur avec l'id: %s",
"customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "Item vestimentaire introuvable avec l'id: %s",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Impossible de trouver item tpl {{tpl}} dans la db, ne peut pas envoyer un message de type {{type}}, ignore",
"customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "Vêtement avec id: %s introuvable dans l'inventaire",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Impossible de trouver le modèle d'objet {{tpl}} dans la bdd, impossible d'envoyer un message de type {{type}}, ignorer",
"event-unhandled_event": "[EVENEMENT IMPREVU] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Serveur: exécution des appels de démarrage...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Impossible de trouver le Fence assort pour id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Item %s n'existe pas dans items db. Cela peut produire des erreurs, ce type d'erreur est causé par un mode d'item qui a été supprimé sans avoir également supprimé l'item moddé dans votre profil. n'utilisez pas ce profil",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "item 'poches' mis à jour vers la version 18876 avec x3 emplacements speciaux",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Serveur : exécution des rappels de démarrage...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Impossible de trouver l'assort de Fence pour l'id : %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Objet : %s a été trouvé dans le profil mais n'existe pas dans la base des objets. Cela VA produire des erreurs, ce type d'erreur peut survenir si vous utilisez un mod rajoutant des objets et que vous supprimez ce mod sans supprimer les items moddés. N'UTILISEZ PAS CE PROFIL. Ouvrez Aki_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json, éditez 'removeModItemsFromProfile' à la valeur true. Cela permettra au serveur d'éditer votre profil, en espérant qu'il supprime lesdits objets",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "Objet 'poches' mis à jour vers la version 18876 avec x3 emplacements spéciaux",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - impossible de trouver le bot de type %s dans la base de données, passage à l'étape suivante",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "seasonalevents.json : aucune data d'équipement dans la configuration pour l'événement %s",
"hideout-missing_recipe_for_area": "Impossible de trouver modèle: %s for area type",
"hideout-missing_recipe_in_db": "Echec pour trouver le modèle avec l'identité _id: %s",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "Aucune donnée d'équipement dans la configuration de seasonalevents.json pour l'événement %s",
"hideout-missing_recipe_for_area": "Impossible de trouver la recette : %s pour le type de zone",
"hideout-missing_recipe_in_db": "Impossible de localiser la recette avec l'_id : %s",
"hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect": "Aucun bitcoin n'a été généré pour le moment",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "impossible de trouver l'emplacement de la planque : %s dans le profil",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area_in_database": "impossible de trouver l'emplacement: %s dans la base de données",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "impossible de trouver l'item dans l'inventaire avec l'id %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "impossible de trouver un item à supprimer de l'emplacement : %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_production_in_profile_by_recipie_id": "impossible de trouver une recette de production Id: %s dans le profil",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "impossible de trouver une recette de la Scav Case avec id: %s dans la base de données",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "impossible de trouver item: %s demandé par la ScavCase dans l'inventaire",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "tentative non gérée de déplacer un item dans l'emplacement de la planque: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "une erreur inconnue est survenue",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "Impossible de trouver l'emplacement de la planque : %s dans le profil",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area_in_database": "Impossible de trouver la zone : %s dans la base de données",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Impossible de trouver l'objet dans l'inventaire avec l'id %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "Impossible de trouver un item à supprimer de l'emplacement dans la zone : %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_production_in_profile_by_recipie_id": "Impossible de trouver une recette de production Id: %s dans le profil",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Impossible de trouver la recette de la Scav Case avec l'id : %s dans la base de données",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "Impossible de trouver l'objet : %s demandé par la ScavCase",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Tentative non gérée de retirer un objet de la zone de la planque : %s",
"http-unknown_error": "Une erreur inconnue est survenue",
"health-healing_item_not_found": "Impossible de trouver l'item de soins %s dans l'inventaire du joueur",
"health-unable_to_find_item_to_consume": "Impossible de trouver l'item consommable %s dans l'inventaire du joueur",
"importing_database": "importation de la base de données...",
"importing_database": "Importation de la base de données...",
"importing_database_finish": "Importation de la base de données terminée",
"validation_not_found": "Le fichier checks.dat est introuvable. La validation de fichiers est donc ignorée.",
"validation_error_decode": "Lecture impossible de checks.dat. La validation de fichiers est donc ignorée.",
"validation_error_file": "Validation échouée pour le fichier: %s",
"validation_error_exception": "Erreur trouvée pendant la validation du fichier: %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "importation des configurations...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "détail du kill introuvable pour {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Pas de multiplicateur d'assurance renseigné pour: %s, vérifiez qu'il existe dans InsuranceConfig.js, retour à la valeur défaut: 0.3",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "impossible d'éditer un item de vendeur",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "impossible de trouver l'item: %s dans la base de données",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "tentative de déplacement de l'item avec slotid: {{slotId}} dans {{container}}, corruption du profil évitée",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "pas assez de place dans la stash",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "item hors des limites du conteneur: {{id}}; erreur : ${error}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() Impossible de trouver l'item avec tpl: %s dans la base de données ou le flea",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "la stash est introuvable",
"validation_error_file": "Validation échouée pour le fichier : %s",
"validation_error_exception": "Erreur trouvée lors de la validation du fichier : %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "Importation des configurations...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Classement de l'élimination introuvable pour {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Pas de multiplicateur d'assurance trouvé pour: %s, vérifiez qu'il existe dans InsuranceConfig.js, retour à la valeur défaut : 0.3",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "Impossible d'éditer un objet de vendeur",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - Aucun id avec %s trouvé",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() a retourné une erreur %s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "Impossible de trouver l'objet : %s dans la base de données",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "Tentative de déplacement de l'objet avec id d'emplacement : {{slotId}} dans {{container}}, corruption du profil évitée",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "Pas assez de place dans la réserve",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "Item hors des limites : {{id}}; Message d'erreur : {{error}}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() Impossible de trouver l'objet avec le modèle : %s dans la base de données ou le marché",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "Aucune cache trouvée",
"inventory-return_default_size": "Remise à défaut de la taille %s à la valeur 1x1",
"inventory-item_missing_props_property": "Il manque une propriété props au template d'item : {{itemTpl}} et nom : {{itemName}}, une taille ne peut y être associée",
"inventory-get_item_size_item_not_found_by_tpl": "Impossible de trouver un item de getSizeByInventoryItemHash() avec le template %s",
"inventory-item_to_toggle_missing_upd": "Il manque un objet upd à l'item d'inventaire avec le _id: %s, en cours d'ajout",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found": "Impossible de basculer l'item d'inventaire avec l'id: %s, item introuvable",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() weapon tpl: %s la valeur de durabilité est invalide, remise à défaut sur 1",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "Les processus non-root ne peuvent être liés aux ports inférieurs à 1024",
"inventory-item_missing_props_property": "Il manque une propriété de taille à l'objet : {{itemName}}, modèle : {{itemTpl}}",
"inventory-get_item_size_item_not_found_by_tpl": "getSizeByInventoryItemHash() Impossible de trouver l'objet ayant pour modèle : %s",
"inventory-item_to_toggle_missing_upd": "Il manque un objet upd à l'objet %s dans l'inventaire, ajout en cours",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found": "Impossible d'activer l'objet %s situé dans l'inventaire, objet introuvable",
"inventory-missing_stash_size": "Impossible de déterminer la taille de la réserve car aucune réserve trouvée dans l'inventaire du joueur",
"inventory-stash_not_found": "Impossible de trouver la réserve %s dans la base de données",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() modèle d'arme : %s la valeur de durabilité est invalide, mise à défaut sur 1",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "Les processus non-racines ne peuvent être liés aux ports inférieurs à 1024",
"location-containers_generated_success": "%s conteneurs statiques générés",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "Une erreur critique est survenue pendant la génération du loot, plus de détails dans le log serveur",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "Une erreur critique est survenue à la génération du butin, détails dans le log du serveur",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "%s items dynamiques placés",
"location-generated_success": "location générée : %s",
"location-generated_success": "Zone générée : %s",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() a échoué, root item est invalide, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "preset introuvable pour {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "Préréglage introuvable pour {{tpl}}, defaultPreset : {{defaultId}} nom : {{defaultName}}, parentId : {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "Les points d'apparition {{requested}} ont été demandés alors que {{found}} sont disponibles {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() a échoué, impossible de reclasser {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Impossible de trouver les paramètres de configuration d'airdrop pour le type : %s, remise à défaut au type d'airdrop : mixed ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "Il manque un json de base pour %s, évitement des ajustements à la map wave",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s manque une valeur parentId, impossible d'utiliser l'item comme loot",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "L'arme invalide : %s a été choisie comme récompense pour la boîte d'armements scellée, impossible de créer le loot",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Impossible de trouver les paramètres de configuration du largage pour le type : %s, remise à défaut au type de largage : mixte ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "Il manque un json de base pour %s, améliorations des vagues d'apparition ignorées",
"location-missing_dynamic_template": "Le point d'apparition dynamique %s n'a pas de modèle, ignoré",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items": "Le point d'apparition dynamique %s n'a pas de modèle, ignoré",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Objet : %s n'a pas de valeur parentId, impossible d'utiliser l'item comme butin",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Arme invalide : %s a été choisie comme récompense pour la mallette d'armes scellée, impossible de créer le butin",
"mailsend-missing_trader": "Impossible d'envoyer le type de message : {{messageType}} au joueur : {{sessionId}}, l'enum du trader étant null",
"mailsend-missing_npc_dialog": "Impossible d'envoyer le message depuis %s. La boîte de dialogue n'existe pas",
"mailsend-missing_parent": "Impossible de trouver un élément avec slotId de: masqué pour le message à: {{traderId}} expéditeur: {{sender}}",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "vérifié",
"modloader-checking_mod": "vérification du mod: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "dépendance cyclique detectée",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "le conteneur de dépendances a été requis mais n'était pas initialisé",
"modloader-checking_mod": "Vérification de : %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Dépendance cyclique détectée. Cette erreur doit être résolue. Le serveur s'éteindra automatiquement tant que cela n'est pas corrigé",
"modloader-load_order_conflict": "`{{modOneName}}` et `{{modTwoName}}` ont des ordres de chargement en conflit, le serveur ne peut pas démarrer tant que ceci n'est pas corrigé et s'arrêtera",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "Le conteneur de dépendances a été demandé, mais n'était pas initialisé",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "SPT-AKI n'a pas réussi à déterminer l'ordre correct des mods",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "la propriété 'incompatibilities' dans le fichier package.json du mod %s doit être un tableau de chaînes de caractères",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "le mod {{author}}-{{name}} est incompatible avec {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "le mod %s contient une chaîne de caractères semver invalide dans le champ akiVersion. exemples de chaînes correctes: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "le mod %s package.json contient une chaîne de version invalide",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "le mod (%s) est un mod client et doit être placé dans le dossier suivant : /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod {{name}} version {{version}} par {{author}} chargé",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: Chargement de %s mods...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Mod %s package.json : la propriété main doit être un fichier .js",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Mod %s package.json : la propriété main indique un fichier qui n'existe pas",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Mod %s n'a pas de champ akiVersion , possibilité que le mod ne soit plus à jour et donc incompatible avec la version actuelle de SPT-AKI",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} nécessite {{modDependency}} pour être installé.",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Mod (%s) n'a pas de fichier package.json",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Mod {{modName}} package.json n'a pas la propriété {{prop}}",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: mod incompatible. il doit implémenté avec au moins une de ces interfaces : IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "Le mod {{author}}-{{name}} est incompatible avec {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "Le mod %s contient une chaîne de caractères semver invalide dans le champ akiVersion. Exemples de chaînes correctes: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "Le mod %s package.json contient une chaîne de version invalide",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder": "Un dossier appelé (%s) existe dans le dossier des mods. Vous avez mal installé un mod. Vous avez peut-être extrait le contenu d'un mod directement dans le dossier des mods par erreur. Reportez-vous à la FAQ des sites Web et à la page du hub des mods pour savoir comment installer les mods correctement",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "Le mod (%s) est un mod client et doit être placé dans le dossier suivant : /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies": "Installation des dépendances pour le Mod: {{name}} par: {{author}}",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled": "Mod: {{name}} de: {{author}} nécessite des dépendances externes mais cette fonction est actuellement désactivée, allez dans \"{{configPath}}\", changez l'option \"{{configOption}}\" à vrais et relancez le serveur.\nEn activant cette option, vous endossez toute la responsabilité de ce que {{name}} télécharge sur votre machine.",
"modloader-skipped_mod": "Ignorer le chargement du mod : {{mod}}",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod : {{name}} version : {{version}} par : {{author}} est chargé",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: Chargement des mods du serveur %s...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Mod %s package.json : la propriété principale doit être un fichier .js",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "La propriété principale du mod %s package.json pointe vers un fichier inexistant",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Le mod %s n'a pas de champ akiVersion , il est possible que le mod ne soit plus à jour et donc incompatible avec la version actuelle de SPT-AKI",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "Le mod : {{mod}}, nécessite {{modDependency}} pour être installé.",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Mod (%s) n'a pas de fichier package.json. Assurez-vous d'avoir vérifié les instructions d'installation sur la page du mod",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Mod {{modName}} package.json requiert la propriété {{prop}}",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: Le mod (%s) est incompatible. Il doit implémenter au moins un de ces trois : IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property": "ModLoader: Le mod (%s) est incompatible. Il manque une propriété 'main'",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Erreur pendant le chargement de async mod: %s",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Des erreurs ont été trouvées avec certains mods, ATTENTION : AUCUN MOD N'A ETE CHARGE",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "le mod %s n'est pas compatible avec la version actuelle de SPT-AKI. Des erreurs peuvent survenir - aucun support ne sera fourni !",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Des erreurs ont été trouvées avec certains mods, ATTENTION, AUCUN MOD NE SERA CHARGE",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Le mod %s n'est pas compatible avec la version actuelle de SPT-AKI. Des erreurs peuvent survenir - aucun support ne sera fourni !",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} a besoin de {{modDependency}} version {{requiredVersion}}. version actuelle : {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: dossier user/mod manquant, création en cours...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "ModLoader: order.json est manquant, création en cours...",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "ModLoader: des erreurs ont été trouvées dans order.json, REMISE A DEFAUT DE L'ORDRE DE CHARGEMENT",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: Mod %s is missing from order.json",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "ModLoader: des erreurs ont été trouvées dans order.json, UTILISATION DE L'ORDRE DE CHARGEMENT PAR DEFAUT",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: Mod %s est manquant de order.json, ajout en cours",
"modloader-visited": "visité",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Impossible d'ajouter des zones à la localisation: %s car elle n'existe pas",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "le profil n'a pas assez d'argent pour completer la transaction : somme requise {{amountToPay}}, possède uniquement {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "pas assez d'argent pour compléter la transaction",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "aucun argent n'est nécessaire, le prix est de 0",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value": "impossible d'augmenter le skill: %s avec une quantité négative",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "Vous essayez de charger plus d'une version du mod %s . Ignorer tous.",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Impossible d'ajouter des zones à l'emplacement : %s car il n'existe pas",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Le profil n'a pas assez d'argent pour compléter la transaction : somme requise {{amountToPay}}, possède uniquement {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "Pas assez d'argent pour compléter la transaction",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "Aucun paiement n'est nécessaire, le prix est de 0",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value": "Impossible d'augmenter la compétence : %s avec une quantité négative",
"port_already_in_use": "Port %s est déjà utilisé, vérifiez si le serveur est déjà lancé",
"profile_saved": "Les changements dans le profil sont sauvegardés",
"profile_save_callback_error": "Erreur lors de l'exécution onBeforeSaveCallback: {{callback}}, {{error}}",
"profile-unable_to_find_profile_by_id_cannot_delete": "Impossible de supprimer le profil avec l'id: %s, aucun profil trouvé avec ce id",
"profile-unable_to_find_profile_by_id_cannot_delete": "Impossible de supprimer le profil avec l'id: %s, aucun profil trouvé avec cet id",
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck() opérateur %s non compatible, remise à défaut sur valeur false",
"quest-item_not_found_in_inventory": "changeItemStack() L'item avec l'ID _id: %s est introuvable dans l'inventaire",
"quest-no_skill_found": "Skill %s introuvable",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "Impossible de donner l'item de quête {{questId}}, item prévu tpl: {{requiredTpl}} item donné à la place: {{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-no_skill_found": "Compétence %s non trouvée",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "Impossible de donner l'objet de quête {{questId}}, objet prévu tpl: {{requiredTpl}} objet donné à la place : {{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-reward_type_not_handled": "Type de récompense de quête: {{rewardType}} non compatible pour la quête: {{questId}} nommée: {{questName}}",
"quest-unable_to_find_compare_condition": "Méthode de comparaison non reconnue : %s",
"quest-unable_to_find_matching_hideout_production": "Impossible de trouver la recette de hideout associée à la quête : {{questName}}, résultats trouvés : {{matchCount}}",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "impossible de placer une offre, la requête est invalide",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() impossible de trouver barterScheme pour item id: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} sur {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "impossible de générer les offres du flea pour le vendeur %s, aucun assort trouvé",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "impossible de trouver une offre avec id: {{offerId}} dans le profil à supprimer",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "offre non trouvée dans le profil",
"quest-unable_to_find_matching_hideout_production": "Impossible de trouver la recette de fabrication de l'hideout associée à la quête : {{questName}}, résultats trouvés : {{matchCount}}",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "Impossible de placer une offre, la requête est invalide",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() impossible de trouver barterScheme pour l'objet id: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} sur {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "Impossible de générer les offres du marché pour le vendeur %s, aucun assortiment trouvé",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "Impossible de trouver une offre avec l'id: {{offerId}} dans le profil à supprimer",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "Offre non trouvée dans le profil",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() offerId: %s introuvable, impossible de masquer l'offre",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s est un item non valide, passage à l'étape suivante",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "impossible de trouver item avec id: {{id}} dans l'inventaire",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "impossible de trouver les items demandés dans l'inventaire",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "impossible de payer les frais de commission",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s est un objet invalide, passage à l'étape suivante",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Impossible de trouver l'item avec l'id: {{id}} dans l'inventaire",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_offer_to_remove": "Impossible de trouver l'offre avec l'id : %s à supprimer",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "Impossible de trouver les items demandés dans l'inventaire",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "impossible de payer les frais de commission: %s roubles",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "L'offre n'existe plus",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "Impossible d'acheter l'item: %s avec une quantité de 0",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "impossible de placer une offre sans conditions",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "Impossible d'acheter l'objet : %s avec une quantité de 0",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "Impossible de placer une offre sans contrepartie",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_locale_by_key": "Impossible de trouver la locale EFT avec la clé : %s",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found": "Le vendeur : {traderId} avec l'offre de flea : {{offerId}} n'a pu avoir son compteur de pile ajusté pour correspondre à la valeur d'assort de vendeurs (assort introuvable)",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile": "Impossible de trouver l'offre : {{offerId}} dans le profil : {{profileId}} puisque les offres sont undefined, en création",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook": "Impossible de trouver le prix live-flea ou handbook pour {{tplId}}, mise à 1 par défaut, s'il s'agit d'un item modded contacter l'auteur du mod",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_preset_with_id": "Impossible de trouver le preset avec l'id : %s, utilisation du prix existant de la base d'arme existante",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_doesnt_exist": "Impossible de retirer l'offre avec l'id : %s car elle ne peut être trouvée sur le flea",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "Une quête répétable a été acceptée: %s alors qu'elle n'est pas présente dans activeQuests array. Merci de signaler ce bug SVP",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive": "Génération de la récompense de quête: aucun item restant. Whitelist trop petite ou Blacklist trop grande",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan": " Génération des récompenses : la difficulté est NaN. remis à 1.",
"repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range": "Génération des récompenses: aucun item trouvé dans la fourchette de prix {{minPrice}} à {{roublesBudget}}",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found": "Le vendeur : {{traderId}} avec l'offre de marché : {{offerId}} n'a pu avoir son nombre de piles ajusté pour correspondre à la valeur d'assortiment des vendeurs (assortiment introuvable)",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile": "Impossible de trouver l'offre : {{offerId}} dans le profil : {{profileId}} puisque les offres sont indéfinies, en création",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook": "Impossible de trouver le prix live-flea ou handbook pour %s, mise à 1 par défaut, s'il s'agit d'un objet de mod, contacter l'auteur du mod",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_preset_with_id": "Impossible de trouver le préréglage avec l'id : %s, utilisation du prix existant de la base d'arme existante",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_doesnt_exist": "Impossible de retirer l'offre avec l'id : %s car elle ne peut être trouvée sur le marché aux puces",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "Une quête répétable a été acceptée: %s alors qu'elle n'est pas présente dans le tableau activeQuests. Merci de signaler ce bug",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive": "Génération de la récompense de quête : aucun item restant. Whitelist trop petite ou Blacklist trop grande",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan": "Génération des récompenses : la difficulté est NaN. Remis à 1.",
"repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range": "Génération de Récompenses Répétitives: Aucun objet trouvé dans la fourchette de prix {{minPrice}} à {{roublesBudget}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_already_satisfied": "Erreur sur item de quête: la condition est déjà remplie? qid: {{questId}}, condition: {{conditionId}}, profileCounter:{{profileCounter}}, value:{{value}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_invalid": "Erreur sur récompense de quête: condition introuvable ou valeur inconnue. qid: {{body.qid}, condition: {{body.conditionId}}",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log": "Impossible d'accepter la quête, plus de détail dans le serveur log",
@ -187,10 +209,10 @@
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Impossible de retirer l'item spécial Noël: {{equipmentSlot}} car il n'a pas été trouvé sur le bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Impossible de retirer le loot spécial Noël dans: {{lootContainer}} car il n'a pas été trouvé sur le bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Le serveur est lancé",
"server_start_meme_1": "Sort les kalashs comme à Marseille frêre, wallah !",
"server_start_meme_1": "Vie, Ris, Aime",
"server_start_meme_2": "Les animés c'est sympa non ?",
"server_start_meme_3": "ACHTUNG ! C'EST LA GUEEEEEERRE",
"server_start_meme_4": "Balance un like et abonne-toi vite !",
"server_start_meme_3": "ACHTUNG ! C'EST LA GUEEEEEERRE\nSi tu peux m'entendre , tu as besoin de te réveiller",
"server_start_meme_4": "N'oubliez pas de liker et de vous abonner",
"server_start_meme_5": "Avez-vous consulté notre page sur les memes ?",
"server_start_meme_6": "Oh tu n'as pas intérêt à utiliser une version pirate Fitgirl repack ! Sérieusement !!",
"server_start_meme_7": "Ouuuuh c'est un Bingo ! Heu on dit bien ça comme ça ?",
@ -199,6 +221,8 @@
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug en cours] La fonctionnalité de minage de crypto-monnaie est enclenchée",
"server_start_meme_11": "Miningcrypto.exe n'a pas pu être lancé, merci de rédemarrer le serveur svp, j'ai besoin de Bitcoin",
"server_start_meme_12": "Bonjour, nous cherchons à vous joindre car l'assurance de votre voiture est arrivée à expiration",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hé ! Hé vous, au secours ! Chomp m'a enfermé ici et je ne peux pas sortir, aidez-moi, contactez le discord svp",
"server_start_meme_16": "Mm-Morty !, je crois qu'on est à l'intérieur d'une sorte de système informatique",
"server_start_meme_17": "Position transmise avec succès. Procédure d'élimination initialisée. Décollage du drone ",
@ -209,7 +233,7 @@
"server_start_meme_22": "Gitgud mon pote : apprend, souffre et surmonte toi-même les difficultés",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT garanti une préservation de votre virginité depuis 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "Le secret du serveur caché est bien réel ! N'en parlez à personne !",
"server_start_success": "Bienvenue à toi, et bon jeu !",
"server_start_success": "Bon jeu",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "Attention, votre PMC a le 'BotReload' skill actif, cela permet à votre arme de recharger hyper vite, ignorez ce message si c'est volontaire",
"started_webserver_success": "webserver demarré sur %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Impossible de trouver le seuil de durabilité pour le trader: {{traderId}}, retour sur valeur défaut: {{value}}",
@ -219,15 +243,17 @@
"unhandled_response": "[INCONNU][%s]",
"unknown_request": "requête inconnue !",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "tout usage commercial est interdit !!!",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NE PAS SIGNALER !",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Ce travail est gratuit",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Si vous avez payé pour utiliser SPT ce n'est pas normal, c'est une ARNAQUE. Par contre attention : payer pour posséder le jeu original EfT est tout à fait normal et obligatoire",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "CE BUILD A LE MODDING DESACTIVE",
"watermark-no_support": "AUCUN SUPPORT NE SERA FOURNI",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "CECI N'EST PAS UNE ERREUR",
"watermark-report_issues_to": "REPORTER L'ERREUR A",
"watermark-testing_build": "CECI EST UN BUILD DE TEST",
"websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] sendMessage echoué, avec erreur: %s",
"websocket-message_sent": "[WS] message envoyé",
"websocket-not_ready_message_not_sent": "[WS] Socket pas prêt pour %s, message non envoyé",
@ -235,18 +261,19 @@
"websocket-player_connected": "[WS] joueur: %s est connecté",
"websocket-received_message": "[WS] message reçu du l'utilisateur %s ",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket perdu, suppression du handle",
"websocket-started": "websocket démarré sur %s",
"websocket-started": "Démarrage du websocket sur %s",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_1": "Joli tir",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_2": "Incroyable ce tir",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_3": "Bien joué",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_4": "Ok mérité le kill, bravo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_4": "Tu mérites ton kill, gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_5": "Coup de chance",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Sympa le fight",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "C'était un bon combat",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "C'était propre, bon kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Ok t'as du talent, je l'admets",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Ok, t'as du talent, je l'admets",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Je savais que j'aurais pas du tenter la décale",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Tu m'as complètement dominé",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Pas mal mais je t'aurais le prochain coup",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Pas mal, mais je t'aurais le prochain coup",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_13": "Tu avais un bon angle sur moi c'est tout",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_14": "Je t'aurais le prochain coup",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_15": "Tu m'as bien explosé",
@ -275,23 +302,23 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_38": "Du beau jeu franchement",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_39": "Tu es tireur d'élite dans la vraie vie ou quoi ? Trop fort",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_40": "Propre le kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_41": "Impitoyable ce kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_41": "Meurtre de sang froid",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_42": "Tu m'as trop ridiculisé",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_43": "Bon j'ai du mal mais là c'était propre ok",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_44": "Joli kill {{playerName}}",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_45": "Propre ton kill {{playerName}}, j'étais planqué mais tu as trouvé le bon angle",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_46": "J'ai même pas vu d'où tu tirais, tu te cachais où ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_47": "Ton positionnement est excellent, tu as quelques conseils sur comment choisir ses spots ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_48": "Timing impeccable, j'adorerais connaitre ta strategie",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_49": "Je peux pas croire comment tu m'as contourné aussi facilement, c'est quoi ton secret ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_50": "Ta visée est impressionante, t'as des conseils à donner ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_51": "Toi tu gere comment te dirigier sur la map. Comment t'as eu ces infos ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_47": "Ta planque est excellente, tu as quelques conseils sur comment les choisir ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_48": "Ton timing était impeccable, j'aimerai de connaître ta stratégie",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_49": "Je ne peux pas croire que tu m'aies contourné aussi facilement... quel est ton secret ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_50": "Ta visée est impressionnante, t'as des conseils à donner ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_51": "Toi tu gères comment te diriger sur la map. Comment t'as eu ces infos ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_52": "Comment tu fais pour être aussi silencieux pendant que tu bouge ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_53": "Ton temps de réaction était vraiment rapide ! T'as des conseils pour que je m'ameliore ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_53": "Ton temps de réaction était vraiment rapide ! T'as des conseils pour que je m'améliore ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_54": "On dirait que tu connais les meilleurs endroits pour les embuscades. Ça te dirait de partager ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "J'ai remarqué que tu gères bien cette arme, dis-moi, comment tu fais ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "J'ai remarqué que tu maitrises bien cette arme, qu'est-ce que tu me conseilles ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_56": "Comment t'as fait pour te faufiler derrière moi sans que je puisse t'entendre ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_57": "T'as manié ce combat d'une main de maitre",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_57": "T'as manié ce combat d'une main de maitre. Ta des conseils",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_58": "Ta visée est dingue, t'as quoi comme souris ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_59": "Comment t'as fait pour passer incognito ? T'es un ninja ou quoi ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_60": "Comment diable as tu cette faculté aussi sournoise que silencieuce de te deplacer ainsi ?",
@ -308,6 +335,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "C'est petit ce kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Trop une strat de campeur pff",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "T'as payé combien ton cheat mec ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Je suis tellement dèg",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Bien joué Monseigneur",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Putain j'étais AFK !!",
@ -323,12 +351,12 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_20": "Ptain mon arme s'est enrayée t'as du pot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_21": "Mais t'es trop un camper wesh",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_22": "bien de camper comme ça ? Tu ne sais pas jouer autrement ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_23": "je te souhaite de te peter l'orteil sur un coin de meuble",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_23": "Je te souhaite de te péter l'orteil sur un coin de meuble",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_24": "Mais pourquoi tu m'as tué ?? Je vais aller le dire à ma mère",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_25": "Je t'ai report, bien fait",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_26": "Ma mère pense que j'aurais du gagner",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_27": "Wow tuer un joueur débutant, tu dois te sentir tellement fort hein ?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_28": "Je parie que sans cheat tu ne vaux rien",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_28": "Je parie que tu joues à Spt car tu triches en ligne ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_29": "Direct dans la tête bien sûr, sympa le aimbot hein",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_30": "Sympa le cheat pour taper la tête direct",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_31": "Si j'étais pas pauvre ingame je t'aurais eclaté",
@ -389,6 +417,19 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_86": "J'suis mort mais vraiment c'est parce que j'ai mal aux bras d'avoir été à la salle soulever 150kg",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_87": "Tu ferais mieux de faire gaffe parce que je suis modo sur discord, je fais pas semblant moi",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_88": "Tu as été sauvé par mon arme qui s'est enrayé",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_89": "Vous avez de la chance que je me concentre sur mon jpg singe et non sur ce jeu d'enfants ou vous seriez désolé",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_90": "Si je n'étais pas sur mon broyage sigma pour le moment, vous seriez tellement mort",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_91": "Ouais je t'ai laissé me tuer, en fait",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_92": "Tu m'as rendu service, j'allais de toute façon virer ce kit de merde",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_93": "Tu es un tel rat que je parie que tu t'appelles Ratthew",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_94": "Quel rat ! Je parie que tu as passé les auditions pour Stuart Little",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_95": "Hum... Encore un qui utilise le mod radar que j'ai vu sur le hub",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_96": "Affrontes moi 1v1 dans les dortoirs, nous verrons qui le meilleur",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_97": "Encore un qui doit se plaindre sur le hub du nombre de fps sur la map streets",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_98": "Je parie que tu as installé des mods obsolètes et que tu as de nombreuses erreurs et que tu as écrit un énorme message sur le hub à ce propos",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_99": "Ton ordi est tellement nul que tu ne dépasses pas les 20 fps dans rues",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_100": "Je parie que tu as installé SAIN et que tu as dû lenlever parce que tu te faisais trop tuer",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101": "Qu'est-ce que tu viens de putain de dire de moi le p'tit Scav? Je te ferais savoir que j'ai été diplômé premier de ma classe dans le corps USEC, que j'ai fait partie de nombreux raids secrets sur les {{playerSide}}s et que j'ai plus de 300 kills confirmés! Je suis formé au combat guérilla et je suis le meilleur sniper de toutes les forces USEC. Tu n'est rien d'autre qu'une cible comme un autre pour moi. Je vais te putain de bousiller avec une précision comme tu n'en as jamais vu dans ce raid, marque mes putains de mots! Tu pense que tu peux tu me peux dire cette merde dans la fenetre de chat? Et bien détrompe toi connard. Je suis en train de contacter mon réseau secret d'espions sur Customs et ton stash est en train d'être tracé à l'instant donc tu devrais de préparer pour l'orage asticot. L'orage qui va anéantir la chose pathétique que tu appelle ta vie. T'es putain de mort Scav. Je peux être partout, tout le temps et je peux te tuer de plus de spet-cents façons et ça ce n'est qu'avec mes mains nues. Non seulement je suis intensivement formé dans le combat à mains nues mais j'ai accès à l'arsenal entier du corps USEC et je vais l'utiliser dans son étendue complète pour effacer ta face misérable de la carte petite merde. Si seulement t'aurais pu savoir le châtiment impie que ton petit kill 'intelligent' allait abatre sur toi tu l'aurais peut-être fermée. Mais tu n'as pas pu, tu ne l'as pas fait, et maintenant tu en paies le prix sombre imbecile. Je vais te chier ma furie dessus et tu vas te noyer dedans. T'es putain de mort, Scav.",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "Mais putain laissez-moi faire cette quête de merde",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "Non mais je veux juste faire la quête, laisse-moi tranquille quoi",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "Et voilà maintenant j'ai plus de tunne ingame, merci mec",
@ -429,12 +470,18 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "monsieur",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "le roi",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "le champion",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "amigo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "mecton",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "fréro Delavega",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "mon reuf",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "l'ami",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "piot",
"pmcresponse-suffix_27": "nerd",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Bon fight",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "T'as géré",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "Je vais planquer ton stuff tkt",
@ -466,7 +513,7 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_12": "Fais un effort sérieux, pas possible de jouer si mal",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_13": "Allez dans ta gueule, RIP",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "Et hop un cafard de moins dans SPT",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "Trop malaisant de te voir jouer si mal",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "C'était embarrassant à voir",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_16": "J'espérais au moins un peu de résistance...",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_17": "Heu jspr que t'as pas assuré ton stuff hein, je vais rien laisser",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Hey je connais une chaîne Youtube pour arrêter d'être nul à chier, ça t'intéresse ?",
@ -479,6 +526,8 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_25": "Ton stuff était tellement claqué au sol que je l'ai vendu à Fence",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_26": "{{playerSide}} Basique",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_27": "Loot facile du jour",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_28": "Ne t'inquiète pas, j'ai stocker ton équipement chez ta mère",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_29": "Essayez-vous même",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_1": "Ah déso mais j'avais un objet de quête sur moi, pas le temps de faire le con",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_2": "J'étais en train de loot et tu me gênais, c'est moche hein ?",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_3": "J'ai besoin de kill PMC pour mon ratio, heureusement que t'es là",
@ -488,17 +537,20 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_7": "Tout ça pour du loot de merde, franchement ça craint",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_8": "Tu m'as déjà tué non ? Karma frère",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_9": "Typique d'un {{playerSide}} cette médiocrité",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_10": "Classique {{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_10": "Comportement classique des {{playerSide}}{{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_11": "je dois tuer des {{playerSide}}, j'espère que tu comprends",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_12": "Bordel, personne dans ce jeu a un gas analyser",
"pmcresponse-unable_to_find_key": "Impossible de trouver le pool de réponses PMC, aucun n'existe pour la clé : %s",
"pmc-name_prefix_1": "Angélique",
"pmc-name_prefix_2": "Maléfique",
"pmc-name_prefix_3": "Fatigué",
"pmc-name_prefix_4": "Frugal",
"pmc-name_prefix_5": "Colérique",
"pmc-name_prefix_6": "Honnête",
"pmc-name_prefix_7": "Sensible",
"pmc-name_prefix_8": "Imprudent",
"pmc-name_prefix_9": "Ambitieux",
"pmc-name_prefix_10": "Confiant",
"pmc-name_prefix_11": "Charmeur",
"pmc-name_prefix_12": "Sophistiqué",
"pmc-name_prefix_13": "Chic",
@ -509,6 +561,7 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_18": "Attirant",
"pmc-name_prefix_19": "Enfantin",
"pmc-name_prefix_20": "Démoniaque",
"pmc-name_prefix_21": "Humble",
"pmc-name_prefix_22": "Fabuleux",
"pmc-name_prefix_23": "Léthargique",
"pmc-name_prefix_24": "Nerveux",
@ -517,6 +570,7 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_27": "Agité",
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "Fanatique",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Consciencieux",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "Patronne",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "Meuf-Boss",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "Roi",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "Chef",
@ -524,13 +578,24 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "Sérieux",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "Louche",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "Douteux",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "Gênant",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "Humide",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "Chèvre",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "Épicé",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "Faux",
"pmc-name_prefix_43": "Vengeance",
"pmc-name_prefix_44": "Confus",
"pmc-name_prefix_45": "Sensuel",
"pmc-name_prefix_46": "gras",
"pmc-name_prefix_47": "Gros",
"pmc-name_prefix_48": "Gonflé",
"pmc-name_prefix_49": "Louche",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Edition Standard, stash basique (10x28), 500 000 roubles",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "Edition Left Behind, stash moyenne (10x38), équipement en plus, 500 dollars",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "Edition Prepare for Escape, stash grande (10x48), plus d'équipement, meilleure rép de démarrage vendeurs, 250 euros",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "Edition EoD, stash de taille maximale (10x68), un max d'équipement, gros boost avec la rép des traders, 1000 dollars, 500 euros",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "SPT mode touriste. Beaucoup de Roubles/Dollars/Euros, certains skills confort sont à 20, réputation traders maximale, level de départ à 69. Aucune quête validée",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "SPT zero to hero ! Tu démarres avec rien, juste ta bite et ton couteau ! Aucune quête validée",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "SPT dév/testing/debug, lvl 69, max Roubles/Dollars/Euros, USEC ==> toutes les quêtes prêtes à être débutées, BEAR ==> toutes les quêtes terminées prêtes à être validées, item balaclava d'invincibilité"
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "SPT dév/testing/debug, lvl 69, max Roubles/Dollars/Euros, USEC ==> toutes les quêtes prêtes à être débutées, BEAR ==> toutes les quêtes terminées prêtes à être validées, item balaclava d'invincibilité",
"launcher-missing_property": "Profile: %s, propriété descriptionLocaleKey manquante"

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Tidak bisa menghapus barang natal dari slot: {{lootContainer}} karena tidak ditemukan di bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Server sedang berjalan, jangan dimatikan saat main SPT",
"server_start_meme_2": "Wibu bau bawang",
"server_start_meme_20": "Kau tahu tidak, 9 dari 10 pengguna tidak bisa baca pesan ini",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "Karakter anda memiliki keahlian 'BotReload' aktif, hal ini akan membuat senjata anda isi ulang cepat sekali, abaikan pesan ini jika disengaja",
"started_webserver_success": "Webserver dimulai pada %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Tidak dapat menemukan nilai ambang batas durabilitas untuk vendor: {{traderId}}, kembali ke nilai: {{value}}",

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@ -1,206 +1,601 @@
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): L'Assortimento del mercante {{traderId}} non contiene i dati loyal_level_items, saltato la rimozione degli assortimenti da quest",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): L'Assortimento del mercante: %s non contiene il json questassort, saltato la rimozione degli assortimenti da quest",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "L'oggetto %s non è stato trovato nella cache base degli oggetti",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "La base dati era vuota, impossibile generare la cache base degli oggetti",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ATTENZIONE - La cache dei bot non ha un bot pre-generato del tipo %s, sarà generato, configurare il server per farli in più",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossibile validare l'oggetto: {{id}} {{name}} nella posizione {{slot}} può essete equipaggiare, manca un valore _props",
"bot-generation_failed": "Fallita la generazione del bot vedi i log del sever per maggiori informazioni",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Incompatibile munizione {{chosenAmmo}} trovata per {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, ripiegato sul predefinito: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Impossibile controllare la compatibilità con gli oggetti equipaggiati,l'oggetto desiderato: {{itemTpl}} nella posizione: {{slot}} non è un'oggetto valido",
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): L'Assortimento del trader {{traderId}} non contiene i dati loyal_level_items, salto la rimozione degli assortimenti delle quest",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Item per il Mercante: %s non contiene il json QuestAssort, evado la rimozione degli item di missione",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Oggetto di {{traderName}} corrispondente alla missione {{questName}} non trovato. L'oggetto non sarà disponibile per l'acquisto, completata la missione",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "L'oggetto %s non è stato trovato nella cache base degli oggetti, rigenerando cache",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed": "L'oggetto %s non trovato anche dopo la rigenerazione della cache base",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Database vuoto, impossibile generare cache base degli oggetti",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "ATTENZIONE - La cache dei bot non ha un bot pre-generato del tipo %s, dovrà essere generato. Configura il server per aggiungerne altri",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Impossibile validare l'item: {{id}} {{name}} nella posizione {{slot}} può essere equipaggiato, manca un valore _props",
"bot-generation_failed": "Generazione dei bot fallita. Vedi i log del server per maggiori dettagli",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Munizioni incompatibili {{chosenAmmo}} trovate per {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, verrà usato il predefinito: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Impossibile controllare la compatibilità con gli oggetti equipaggiati, l'oggetto desiderato: {{itemTpl}} nella posizione: {{slot}} non è un oggetto valido",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} impossibile generare l'oggetto {{itemName}} dopo {{attempts}} tentativi, ignorato limite generazione",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Cache del loot fallito per: {{lootType}} sul bot: {{botRole}}, era un pmc: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Impossibile aggiungere cartuccia all'arma in quanto il modPool non contiene cartuccie per il tamburo %s, saltato",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Non è possibile trovare il modello del contenitore con tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}} non possiede i settagi dell'equipaggiamento: impossibile ottenere il valore: {{setting}}, ripiegato sul predefinito: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} non possiede i settaggi dell'equipaggiamento: impossibile ottenere il valore: {{setting}}, ripiegato sul predefinito: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Impossibile aggiungere colpi all'arma dato che la scorta non contiene le munizioni per il tamburo %s, saltato",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Modello dello schema: %s non trovato",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}} ha perso le impostazioni dell'equipaggiamento: impossibile ottenere il valore: {{setting}}, ripiegato sul predefinito: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} non possiede le impostazioni dell'equipaggiamento: impossibile ottenere il valore: {{setting}}, ripiegato sul predefinito: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Impossibile trovare lo schema dell'oggetto con tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() Impossibile recuperare le informazioni della partita salvata, ripiegato sul predefinito. Hai riavviato il server e non il client?",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() Impossibile recuperare i dati di salvataggio, ripristinato su predefinito. Hai riavviato il server e non il client?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Impossibile trovare il preset dell'arma con tpl: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Accessorio: {{modId}} non è compatibile per la posizione: '{{modSlot}}' dell'oggetto: {{parentName}}, saltato",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Posizione '{{modSlot}}' non esiste per l'oggetto: {{parentId}} {{parentName}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Impossibile trovare munizioni per il tipo di bot: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Non trovato il numero massimo per zona del bot: %s, usato quello predefinito",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "ATTENZIONE - La Bot cache non ha informazioni sul tipo %s",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Impossibile trovare informazioni sul calibro di {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, ripiegato sulle munizioni predefinite: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Impossibile trovare una munizione compatibile per la posizione: %s. Saltato caricamento della camera di scoppio",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Impossibile trovare lo schema dell'oggetto da mod con tpl: {{modId}} per posizione {{modSlot}}",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Accessorio: {{modId}} non è compatibile per la posizione: '{{modSlot}}' dell'oggetto: {{parentName}}, saltato - {{botRole}}",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Posizione '{{modSlot}}' non esiste per l'oggetto: {{parentId}} {{parentName}} on {{botRole}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Impossibile trovare munizioni per il bot di tipo: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Impossibile trovare il numero massimo bot per la zona: %s, verrà usato quello predefinito",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "ATTENZIONE - La cache dei bot non ha informazioni sul tipo %s",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Impossibile trovare informazioni sul calibro di {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, verranno usate le munizioni predefinite: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Impossibile trovare una munizione compatibile per lo slot: %s. Salto il riempimento della camera di scoppio",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Impossibile trovare lo schema dell'accessorio con tpl: {{modId}} per posizione {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "Non è stata definita la percentuale di generazione per l'equipaggiamento: %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Bot: %s non trovato nella cache, generazione nuovo, potrebbe causare scatti nel gioco",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} non è un oggetto valido, impossibile aggiungerlo alla posizione: '${modSlot}' su: {{parentItemName}}, saltato",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Impossibile aggiungere l'accessorio all'arma: {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} in quanto manca posizione, cartuccia o tamburo",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Impossibile generare la lista di accessori per armi dinamiche, poiche' la lista nera ha escluso tutte gli accessori per la posizione: %s, ignorato lista nera e rigenerazione della lista",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} non è un accessorio compatibile, impossibile aggiungerlo alla posizione: '{{modSlot}}' su: {{parentItemName}}, saltato",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Impossibile aggiungere l'accessorio all'arma: {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} in quanto manca posizione, caricatore o tamburo - {{botRole}}",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Impossibile generare la lista di accessori per armi dinamiche, poiché la lista nera ha escluso tutti gli accessori per la posizione: %s, ignorata lista nera e rigenerazione della lista",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Impossibile filtrare gli accessori per la posizione: {{slotName}} su {{itemName}} in quanto sono tutti nella lista nera, ignorata lista nera",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Impossibile trovare lo schema delle munizioni con tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Impossibile trovare lo schema del caricatore: %s nella base dati",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Impossibile trovare lo schema del caricatore: %s nella base dati",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Impossibile trovare limite di generazione per il ruolo: %s, ripiegato al valore predefinito",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Impossibile trovare bot: {{botType}} difficolta {{difficulty}}, usato difficolta assault",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Impossibile trovare bot: {{botType}} difficoltà {{difficulty}}, usare difficoltà assalto come alternativa",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Impossibile trovare bot: %s JSON, usato assault bot",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "Posizione Obbligatoria '{{modSlot}}' di {{weaponTpl}} ha un invalido oggetto {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Arma %s non è stato generata correttamente, ripiegato su arma pre-generata, vedere l'errore sopra",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "L'arma con tpl: %s non ha caricatore o tamburo",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Posizione: {{modSlot}} non esiste per l'arma: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Poszione Obbligatoria '{{modSlot}}' di {{modName}} {{slotId}} è vuota",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Arma %s non è stato generata correttamente, ripiegato su arma predefinita, vedere l'errore sopra",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "L'arma con tpl: {{weaponId}} non ha caricatore o tamburo - {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Posizione: {{modSlot}} non esiste per l'arma: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} in {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Posizione Obbligatoria '{{modSlot}}' di {{modName}} {{slotId}} è vuota in {{botRole}}",
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "All'oggetto {{itemTpl}} {{name}} manca una proprietà _props",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "Impossibile popolare lo slot dell'arma per {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}; Il pool di mod per questo oggetto è vuoto",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Impossibile modificare il limite dei bot della mappa: %s in quanto non può essere trovato",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Impossibile trovare il valore N del loot per il bot: %s, usando invece il valore scav N",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Impossibile trovare il bot nella cache con nome: %s",
"bot-missing_application_context": "applicationContex non ha trovato il valore %s. Hai riavviato il server senza riavviare il gioco?",
"client_request": "[Richiesta Client] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "I vestiti {{itemId}} {{itemName}} è già stato acquistato",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto tpl {{tpl}} nella base dati, non posso inviare il messaggio del tipo{{type}}, saltato",
"customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "applicationContex non ha trovato il valore %s . Hai riavviato il server senza riavviare la partita?",
"customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "Impossibile trovare nell'inventario l'oggetto d'abbigliamento con id: %s",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Oggetto tpl {{tpl}} non trovato nel database, impossibile inviare messaggio di type{{type}}, ignorato",
"event-unhandled_event": "[EVENTO INATTESO] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: esecuzione delle chiamate all'avvio...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Impossibile trovare l'assortimento di fence con id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Oggetto %s trovato ma non esiste nella base dati. Potresti sperimentare degli errori, questo potrebbe essere causato da una mod rimossa senza eliminare gli oggetti dall'inventario. Non usare questo profilo",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "Aggioranto l'oggetto 'tasche' alla nuova versione 18876 con 3 posizioni speciali",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - impossibile trovare bot del tipo %s nella base dati, saltato",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "Non equipaggiamento nelle configurazioni seasonalevents.json per l'evento %s",
"hideout-missing_recipe_for_area": "Non trovara la ricetta: %s per il tipo d'area",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Impossibile trovare l'assortimento di Fence con id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Oggetto %s che non esiste nel database è stato trovato nel profilo. Avrai sicuramente degli errori, potrebbero essere causati da una mod che aggiunge item che è stata rimossa senza eliminare gli oggetti dall'inventario. Non utilizzare questo profilo! Apri Aki_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json, modifica 'removeModItemsFromProfile' in modo che sia 'true'. Questo permetterà al server di modificare il tuo profilo e si spera che possa anche rimuovere l'item incriminato",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "Aggiornato l'oggetto 'tasche' alla nuova versione 18876 con x3 slot speciali",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - impossibile trovare il bot di tipo %s nel database, perciò viene skippato",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "Nessun dato sull'equipaggiamento per l'evento %s in seasonalevents.json",
"hideout-missing_recipe_for_area": "Impossibile trovare la ricetta: %s per il tipo d'area",
"hideout-missing_recipe_in_db": "Non trovata la ricetta con _id: %s",
"hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect": "Nessun bitcoin è pronto per la raccolta",
"hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect": "Nessun Bitcoin è pronto per la raccolta",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "Impossibile trovare l'area del rifugio: %s nel profilo",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area_in_database": "Impossibile trovare l'area: %s nella base dati",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto nell'inventario con id %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "Impossibile trovare alcun oggetto da rimuovere delle posizoni nell'area: %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "Impossibile trovare alcun oggetto da rimuovere negli slot dell'area: %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_production_in_profile_by_recipie_id": "Impossibile trovare la ricetta di produzione con Id: %s nel profilo",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Impossibile trovare la ricetta del Scav Case con id: %s nella base dati",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Impossibile trovare la ricetta del Scav Case con id: %s nel database",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto: %s richiesto dalla ScavCase",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Tentativo non gestito di rimuovere oggetti dall'area del rifugio: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto",
"health-healing_item_not_found": "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto curativo %s nell'inventario del giocatore",
"health-unable_to_find_item_to_consume": "Impossibile trovare il consumabile %s nell'inventario del giocatore",
"importing_database": "Importazione della base dati...",
"importing_database_finish": "Importazione database completato",
"validation_not_found": "Il file checks.dat non è stato trovato. La validazione dei file sarà saltata.",
"validation_error_decode": "Impossibile decodificare checks.dat. Validazione del file saltata.",
"validation_error_file": "Validazione fallita per il seguente file: %s",
"validation_error_exception": "Si è verificato un errore durante il processo di validazione del file: %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "Importazione delle configurazioni...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Non trovata la condizione per l'uccisione per {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Non trovato il moltiplicatore per l'assicurazione del mercante: %s, controlla se esiste in InsuranceConfig.js, ripiegato sul predefinito: 0.3",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Reputazione per l'uccisione non trovata per {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Moltiplicatore per l'assicurazione del mercante non trovato: %s, controlla se esiste in InsuranceConfig.js, riportato al predefinito: 0.3",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "Impossibile modificare un articolo dei commercianti",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - Nessun id con %s trovato",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() ritorna un'errore %s",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() ritorna con un errore %s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "Impossibile recuperare l'oggetto: %s dalla base dati",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "Tentativo di spostare l'oggetto con slotid: {{slotId}} all'interno di {{container}}, la corruzione del profilo è stata impedita",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "Non abbastanza spazio nella scorta",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] per l'oggetto: {{id}}; Messaggio d'errore: ${error}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() Impossibile trovare l'oggetto con tpl: %s nella base dati o nel flea",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] per l'oggetto: {{id}}; Messaggio d'errore: {{error}}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() Impossibile trovare l'oggetto con tpl: %s nel database o nel flea",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "Scorta non trovata",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() arma con tpl: %s la durabilità è invalida, valore predefinito 1",
"inventory-return_default_size": "Impostando a 1x1 la dimensione predefinita dell'item %s",
"inventory-item_missing_props_property": "All'item tpl: {{itemTpl}} nome: {{itemName}} manca una proprietà \"props\", impossibile ottenere la sua dimensione",
"inventory-get_item_size_item_not_found_by_tpl": "getSizeByInventoryItemHash() elemento con tpl: %s non trovato",
"inventory-item_to_toggle_missing_upd": "All'item nell'inventario con Id: %s manca un oggetto \"upd\", lo aggiungo",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found": "Impossibile attivare o disattivare l'oggetto dell'inventario con id: %s, elemento non trovato",
"inventory-missing_stash_size": "Impossibile determinare la dimensione della Stash del giocatore. Stash non trovata nell'inventario del giocatore",
"inventory-stash_not_found": "Impossibile trovare la stash %s nel db",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() arma con tpl: %s il valore di durabilità è invalido, riportato al default 1",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "I processi non-root non possono allocare porte inferiori alla 1024",
"location-containers_generated_success": "Un totale di %s contenitori statici sono stati generati",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "Un errore critico nella generazione del loot, vedi i log del server per i dettagli",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "Un totalte di %s oggetti dinamici sono generati",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "Un errore critico durante la generazione del bottino, vedi i log del server per i dettagli",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "Un totale di %s oggetti dinamici sono generati",
"location-generated_success": "Generata la zona %s",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() fallito, l'oggetto base è null, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "Non trovato un predefinito per {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} nome: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() fallito, l'elemento root è null, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "Preset non trovato per {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} nome: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "punti di generazione richiesto è {{requested}} mentre è disponibile {{found}} su {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() fallito, impossibile settare il padre di {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "L'oggetto: %s manca un parentId, impossibile usarlo come loot",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() fallito, impossibile la riparazione di {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Impossibile trovare la configurazione del lancio aereo di questo tipo: %s, verrà utilizzato il tipo \"mixed\" al suo posto ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "Manca un json di base per %s, salto le modifiche alla map wave",
"location-missing_dynamic_template": "Lo spawnpoint dinamico scelto (%s) non ha template, lo sto saltando",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items": "Lo spawnpoint dinamico scelto (%s) non ha items, lo sto saltando",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "L'oggetto: %s manca di un parentId, impossibile usarlo come loot",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Impossibile creare il loot, l'arma %s non è valida, era stata selezionata come ricompensa per una cassa sigillata",
"mailsend-missing_trader": "Impossibile inviare il messaggio di tipo: {{messageType}} al giocatore: {{sessionId}}, l'enum del commerciante fornito era null",
"mailsend-missing_npc_dialog": "Impossibile inviare il messaggio da %s. La finestra di dialogo per loro non esiste",
"mailsend-missing_parent": "Impossibile trovare un elemento con Id slot \"hideout\" per il messaggio a: {{traderId}} Mittente: {{sender}}",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[PACCHETTO]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "controllato",
"modloader-checking_mod": "controllo: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Dipendenza ciclicata individuata",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Dipendenza ciclica individuata. Questo errore va risolto. Il server non potrà partire finché questo non sarà risolto e si arresterà",
"modloader-load_order_conflict": "Il server si spegnerà perché i requisiti dell'ordine di carico per `{{modOneName}}` e `{{modTwoName}}` sono in conflitto. Sistemali prima di avviare",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "Il contenitore di dipendenze è richiesto ma non è inizializzato",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Erroe nel processare l'ordine di caricamento della mod",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "Mod %s package.json - il campo 'incompatibilities' dovrebbe essere un string array",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "Mod {{author}}-{{name}} è incompatibile con {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "Mod %s contiene una stringa invalida nel campo akiVersion. Esempi di valori validi: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "Mod %s package.json contiene una stringa 'version' non valida",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "Mod (%s) è una mod del client e dovrebbe essere posizionata nella seguente cartella: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod {{name}} versione{{version}} di {{author}} caricata",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: caricamento %s mods...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Mod %s package.json la proprietà 'main' deve essere un file .js",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Mod %s package.json la proprietà 'main' punta a un file inesistente",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Mod %s manca il campo 'akiVersion', molto probabilmente perché non aggiornato e incompatibile con la versione attuale di AKI",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} richiede {{modDependency}} per essere installata.",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Mod (%s) manca il file package.json",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Mod {{modName}} package.json deve avere la proprietà {{prop}}",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Errore nel processare l'ordine di caricamento della mod",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "Le proprietà 'incompatibilities' della mod %s, nel package.json, devono essere uno string array",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "La mod {{author}}-{{name}} è incompatibile con {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "La mod %s contiene una stringa semver invalida nel campo akiVersion. Esempi di valori validi: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "Il package.json della Mod %s contiene una stringa 'version' non valida",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder": "Nella cartella mcd esiste una cartella chiamata (%s). È stata installata in modo non corretto una mcd. Potresti aver estratto per errore il contenuto di una mcd direttamente nella cartella mcd. Fare riferimento ai siti web FAQ e alla pagina mods su come installare correttamente le mcd",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "La mod (%s) è una mod del client e dovrebbe essere posizionata nella seguente cartella: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies": "Sto installando le dipendenze per la Mod: {{name}} by: {{author}}",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled": "La mod: {{name}} di: {{author}} richiede dipendenze esterne, ma la funzione è attualmente disabilitata, vai su \"{{configPath}}\", imposta \"{{configOption}}\" a true e riavvia il server.\nAttivando questa opzione ti assumi tutta la responsabilità di ciò che {{name}} scarica sul tuo Pc.",
"modloader-skipped_mod": "Sto saltando il caricamento della Mod: {{mod}}",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Caricata la mod {{name}}, versione{{version}}, di {{author}} ",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: caricamento %s mods del server...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "La proprietà 'main' del package.json della mod %s deve essere un file .js",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Mod %s package.json Le proprietà principali rimandano a un file inesistente",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Alla mod %s manca il campo 'akiVersion', molto probabilmente non è aggiornata ed è incompatibile con la versione attuale di AKI",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "La mod {{mod}} richiede {{modDependency}} per essere installata.",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Alla mod (%s) manca il file package.json",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Il package.json della mod {{modName}} deve avere la proprietà {{prop}}",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: mod incompatibile. Deve implementare almeno uno tra: IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Errori sono stati trovate con le mod, NESSUN MOD CARICATA",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s non è compatibile con la corrente versione di AKI. Potresti avere problemi - nessun supporto sarà fornito!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} richiede {{modDependency}} versione {{requiredVersion}}. Attualmente è installata la versione {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property": "ModLoader: Mod (%s) è incompatibile. Manca una proprietà 'principale'",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Errore durante il caricamento asincrono della mod: %s",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Sono stati trovati errori con le mod, NESSUNA MOD VERRA' CARICATA",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "La mod %s non è compatibile con la versione corrente di AKI. Potresti avere problemi - non verrà dato supporto!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "La mod {{mod}} richiede {{modDependency}} alla versione {{requiredVersion}}. Attualmente è installata la versione {{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: manca la cartella 'user/mod', creazione in corso...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: La Mod %s non è stata trovata in order.json",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "ModLoader: manca il file 'order.json', creazione in corso...",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "ModLoader: Sono stati trovati errori in \"order.json\", L'ORDINE DI CARICAMENTO DI DEFAULT VERRA' USATO",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: la mod %s non è stata trovata in order.json",
"modloader-visited": "visitato",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "Stai cercando di caricare più di una versione di %s mod. Non sarà caricata nessuna versione.",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Impossibile aggiungere zone al luogo: %s non esiste",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Il profilo non ha abbastanza soldi per completare la transizione: servono {{amountToPay}}, ha {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Il profilo non ha abbastanza soldi per completare la transazione: servono {{amountToPay}}, ha {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "Soldi insufficienti per completare la transizione",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "Prezzo è 0 non serve pagare",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "Il prezzo è 0, nessun pagamento necessario",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value": "Impossibile incrementare l'abilità: %s con un valore negativo",
"port_already_in_use": "Porta %s è già in uso, controlla se il server è già in esecuzione",
"profile_saved": "Modifiche al Profilo salvate",
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck() operazione %s non gestita, predefinto è false",
"profile_saved": "I cambiamenti al profilo %s sono stati salvati",
"profile_save_callback_error": "Errore durante l'esecuzione di onBeforeSaveCallback: {{callback}}, {{error}}",
"profile-unable_to_find_profile_by_id_cannot_delete": "Impossibile rimuovere il profile con id: %s, nessun profilo con id trovato",
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck() operatore %s non gestito, si porta al default (false)",
"quest-item_not_found_in_inventory": "changeItemStack() Oggetto con _id: %s non trovato nell'inventario",
"quest-no_skill_found": "Abilità %s non trovata",
"quest-reward_type_not_handled": "La ricompensa del tipo: {{rewardType}} non gestita per la missone: {{questId}} nome: {{questName}}",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "Impossibile consegnare l'item per la missione {{questId}}, tpl atteso: {{requiredTpl}} ma consegnato in: {{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-reward_type_not_handled": "La ricompensa del tipo: {{rewardType}} non viene gestita per la missone: {{questId}} nome: {{questName}}",
"quest-unable_to_find_compare_condition": "Metodo di confronto non riconosciuto: %s",
"quest-unable_to_find_matching_hideout_production": "Impossibile trovare nell'hideout una ricetta corrispondente per la quest: {{questName}}, corrispondenze trovate: {{matchCount}}",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "Impossibile piazzare l'offerta, la richiesta è invalida",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() Fallita la ricerca dello scambio(barterScheme) per l'oggetto id: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} su {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "Impossibile generare le offerte sul flea per il commerciante %s, non trovato l'assortimento(assort)",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() - fallita la ricerca del barterScheme per l'oggetto id: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} su {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "Impossibile generare le offerte sul flea per il trader %s, nessun assortimento trovato",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "Non trovate offerte con id: {{offerId}} nel profilo da rimuovere",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "Offerta non trovata nel profilo",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() offerId: %s non trovato, impossibile nascondere l'offerta",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s non oggetto valido, saltato",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s non è un oggetto valido, lo si skippa",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Impossibile trovare nell'inventario l'oggetto con id: {{id}}",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_offer_to_remove": "Impossibile trovare l'offerta da rimuovere. Id: %s",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "Impossibile trovare nessun oggetto richiesto nell'inventario",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "Impossibile pagare la commissione",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "Impossibile pagare la commissione: %s rubli",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "L'offerta non esiste più",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "Impossibile acquistare l'item %s. La quantità 0",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "Impossibile piazzare l'offerta senza requisiti",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "La missione accettata ripetibile: %s non è possibile trovarla nell'insieme activeQuests. Per favore riporta questo errore",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive": "Generazione la missione di completamento: Nessun oggetto rimasto. O Whitelist troppo piccola o Blacklist troppo strigente",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_locale_by_key": "Impossibile trovare la localizzazione EFT con la chiave: %s",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found": "Trader: {{traderId}} offerta flea market: {{offerId}} Non è stato possibile modificare la quantità dello stack in modo che corrisponda al valore dell'assortimento dei trader (assortimento non trovato)",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile": "Impossibile trovare l'offerta: {{offerId}} nel profilo: {{profileId}} perché l'offerta non è definita, la creo ora",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook": "Impossibile trovare il prezzo per %s ne sul Fleamarket live ne manualmente. Sto impostando perciò il suo valore ad 1. Se questo item proviene da una mod, contatta l'autore della mod",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_preset_with_id": "Impossibile trovare il preset con id: %s, verrà usato il prezzo esistente dell'arma base",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_doesnt_exist": "Non è possibile rimuovere l'offerta con id %s perché non è stata trovata sul flea market",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "Accettata missione ripetibile: %s che non si trova nell'insieme activeQuests. Per favore segnala questo bug",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive": "Generazione quest di completamento: Nessun item rimasto. O la Whitelist troppo piccola o la Blacklist è troppo stringente",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan": "Generatore di Ricompense Ripetibili: Difficoltà era NaN. Settata a 1.",
"repeatable-no_reward_item_found_in_price_range": "Generatore di Ricompense Ripetibili: Nessun oggetto trovato nell'intervallo di prezzo {{minPrice}} a {{roublesBudget}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_already_satisfied": "Errore consegna missioni: la condizione è già stata soddisfatta? qid: {{questId}}, condizione: {{conditionId}}, profileCounter:{{profileCounter}}, valore:{{value}}",
"repeatable-quest_handover_failed_condition_invalid": "Errore consegna missioni: condizione non trovata o valore errato. qid: {{body.qid}, condizione: {{body.conditionId}}",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log": "Impossibile accettare missioni, vedi i log del server per i dettagli",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log": "Impossibile accettare quest, vedi i log del server per i dettagli",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_starting_message_not_found": "Impossibile accettare missioni: {{questId}} non è possibile trovare il messaggio iniziale con id: {{messageId}}",
"route_onupdate_no_response": "onUpdate: %s route non riporta successo o fallimento",
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default": "getScavKarmaLevel() fallito, impossibile trovare fence in profile.traderInfo. Usato con predefinito 0 come livello karma",
"scav-missing_karma_settings": "Impossibile recuperare i settagi del kerma per il livello %s",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "Scheduled event: '%s' fallita esecuzione.",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Impossibile rimuovere gli equipaggiamenti natalizi per la posizione: {{equipmentSlot}} non è stato trovato per il bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Impossibile rimuovere il loot natalizio per la posizione: {{lootContainer}} non è stato trovato per il bot: {{botRole}}",
"route_onupdate_no_response": "La route di onUpdate: %s non riporta alcun successo o fallimento",
"repair-unable_to_find_item_in_db": "Impossibile riparare l'item: %s, non è stato possibile trovare l'item nel db ne aggiungere punti all'abilita' riparazione",
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default": "getScavKarmaLevel() fallito, impossibile trovare fence in profile.traderInfo. Si ritorna al livello di karma predefinito: 0",
"scav-missing_karma_settings": "Impossibile recuperare le impostazioni del karma per il livello %s",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "L'evento pianificato: '%s' non è stato in grado di funzionare correttamente.",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Impossibile rimuovere gli equipaggiamenti natalizi dallo slot: {{equipmentSlot}} poiché non è stato trovato nel bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Impossibile rimuovere il loot natalizio dallo slot {{lootContainer}} poiché non è stato trovato nel bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Server è in esecuzione",
"server_start_meme_1": "Vivi Divertiti Ama",
"server_start_meme_3": "Se puoi sentirmi, svegliati!!!",
"server_start_meme_4": "Non dimenticare di mettere mi piace e sottoscrivere al mio canale",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime boo :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Se puoi sentirmi devi svegliarti!!!",
"server_start_meme_4": "Non dimenticare di mettere mi piace e iscriviti",
"server_start_meme_5": "Hai visto la nostra pagina dei meme?",
"server_start_meme_6": "Faresti bene a non usare un repack di fitgirl",
"server_start_meme_7": "Bingo!!!!",
"server_start_meme_8": "è ora di morbare",
"server_start_meme_6": "Spero per te che tu non stia usando un repack di fitgirl",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "It's morbin time",
"server_start_meme_9": "S-step scav? C-cosa stai facendo?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Avvio del crypto miner.exe",
"server_start_meme_11": "Fallito l'esecuzione di miner.exe, per favore riavvia il server",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Avviamento di cryptominer.exe",
"server_start_meme_11": "Fallita l'esecuzione di miner.exe, per favore riavvia il server",
"server_start_meme_12": "Salve, la contatto a nome di Enel Energia, potrei parlare con il Signor...?",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hey? C'è qualcuno lì fuori? Chomp mi tiene prigioniero! ",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*burp*-morty, sembra che siamo stati inglobati in una sorta di computer",
"server_start_meme_17": "Mi sto rapidamente avvicinando alla tua posizione. Comincia a correre.",
"server_start_meme_17": "Mi sto avvicinando rapidamente alla tua posizione. Comincia a correre.",
"server_start_meme_18": "Se riesci a leggere questo messaggio, congratulazioni, sai leggere.",
"server_start_meme_19": "Congratulazioni! Vatti a prendere una key gratis di Tarkov qui: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_19": "Congratulazioni! Corri a prendere una key gratis di Tarkov qui: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Lo sapevi che 9 utenti su 10 non sanno leggere questo messaggio?",
"server_start_meme_21": "Ti sei mai chiesto se gli altri vedano il colore rosso come lo vedi tu?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT ti mantiene vergine sin dal 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "Il server discord Senko Safe Haven è reale! Non dirlo a nessuno!",
"server_start_meme_24": "Il server segreto del rifugio sicuro è reale! Non dirlo a nessuno!",
"server_start_success": "Buon divertimento",
"started_webserver_success": "Webserver partito all'indirizzo %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Impossibile trovare la soglia per la durabilità per il mencante: {{traderId}}, ripiegato sul predefinito: {{value}}",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "Il tuo personaggio ha l'abilita 'BotReload' attiva. Questo comporta la ricarica delle armi eccessivamente veloce. Ignora questo messaggio se questo è un comportamento atteso",
"started_webserver_success": "Webserver avviato all'indirizzo %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Impossibile trovare la soglia di durabilità per il mercante {{traderId}}, si ritorna sul predefinito: {{value}}",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Mercante: {{traderId}} non trovato, generazione uno temporaneo con tempo di aggiornamento di: {{updateTime}}",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler è 0, questo non è valido, settato a 0.01",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "Impossibile processare l'acquisto nel profilo con id {{profileId}} perché il trader con id {{traderId}} non è stato trovato",
"unhandled_response": "[NON CONSEGNATO][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Richiesta Sconociuta!",
"unknown_request": "Richiesta sconociuta!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "L'uso commerciale è proibito",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "NON SEGNALARLO",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Questo lavoro è gratuito",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Se hai pagato sei stato scammato",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Se hai pagato per questo, sei stato scammato",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "QUESTA BUILD HA LE MOD SERVER DISATTIVATE",
"watermark-no_support": "NESSUN SUPPORTO SARA' FORNITO",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "QUESTO NON E' UN ERRORE",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "QUESTO NON É UN ERRORE",
"watermark-report_issues_to": "SEGNALA ERRORI A",
"watermark-testing_build": "QUESTA E' UNA BUILD DI PROVA",
"watermark-testing_build": "QUESTA É UNA BUILD DI PROVA",
"watermark-use_at_own_risk": "USA A TUO RISCHIO",
"websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] invio messaggio fallito con errore: %s",
"websocket-message_sent": "[WS] messaggio inviato",
"websocket-not_ready_message_not_sent": "[WS] Socket non pronto per %s, messaggio non inviato",
"websocket-pinging_player": "[WS] Pinging giocatore: %s",
"websocket-pinging_player": "[WS] Pingando il giocatore: %s",
"websocket-player_connected": "[WS] Giocatore: %s si è connesso",
"websocket-received_message": "[WS] Ricevuto messaggio dall'utente %s ",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket perso, cancellazione del gestore(handle)",
"websocket-socket_lost_deleting_handle": "[WS] Socket perso, cancellazione dell'handle, status: %s",
"websocket-started": "Websocket partito all'indirizzo %s",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_1": "Bel colpo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_2": "Gran colpo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_3": "Ottima kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_4": "Questa me la sono meritata, ben fatto",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_5": "Hai avuto fortuna",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Bello scontro",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "Bella kill, bravo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Hai un'ottima mira, complimenti",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Lo sapevo che non avrei dovuto sporgermi",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Mi hai preso alla sprovvista",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Ottima kill, la prossima volta ti faccio secco",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_13": "Avevi un bel angolo, bravo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_14": "La prossima volta non sarai così fortunato",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_15": "Mi hai veramente fatto girare i cosiddetti",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_16": "Sei veramente un killer. Non ce l'avrei mai fatta contro di te",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_17": "Ok lo ammetto quello era un bel colpo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_18": "Divertiti con la mia roba",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_19": "Ottimo scontro",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_20": "Sei uno tosto da battere",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_21": "Mi hai aggirato per bene, sei bravo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_22": "Sarei dovuto essere più sveglio, ben fatto",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_23": "Sono stato troppo frettoloso, avrei dovuto aggirarti ed aspettare",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_24": "Ho imparato la lezione, ben fatto",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_25": "Cavolo, ti avevo quasi preso",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_26": "Ben fatto, te la sei giocata bene",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_27": "Bella kill, te la sei giocata bene",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_28": "Bella kill, ci vediamo nel prossimo raid",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_29": "Chad kill, molto bravo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_30": "Non avevo nessuna possibilità di batterti",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_31": "Che movement, un chad",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_32": "Non ti ho nemmeno visto arrivare, bravo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_33": "Quelle erano proprio delle mosse alla Solid Snake",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_34": "Ottima kill, dovremmo fare gruppo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_35": "Quella era una gran kill, dovremmo raidare insieme qualche volta",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_36": "Hai dei tempi di reazione pazzeschi, ben fatto",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_37": "Ero in cover ma hai comunque trovato il giusto angolo, ben fatto",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_38": "Sono stato asfaltato in sto raid, devi insegnarmi",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_39": "Attenzione al cecchino più bravo mai visto, bella kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_40": "Ottima kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_41": "Sei un killer nato",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_42": "Mi hai preso per i fondelli per bene",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_43": "Sono un po' arrugginito ma era una bella kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_44": "Ottima kill {{playerName}}",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_45": "Kill pulita Mr {{playerName}}, ero coperto ma hai trovato comunque un angolo, wp",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_46": "Non ho nemmeno capito da dove mi sparassi. Dove ti nascondevi",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_47": "Wow non conoscevo quello spot, mi sai dare qualche consiglio su come trovarli?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_48": "Che timing, mi piacerebbe saperei come hai fatto",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_49": "Non ci credo che mi hai raggirato cosi', come hai fatto?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_50": "Hai una mira impressionante, ma come fai",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_51": "Si vede che conosci bene la mappa. Hai qualche dritta da darmi",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_52": "Come facevi a fare così poco rumore mentre ti muovevi",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_53": "Hai dei riflessi da paura, sai mica come posso migliorare i miei",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_54": "Sembri scegliere bene i migliori posti per le imboscate. Me ne dici qualcuno?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "Di certo quell'arma la sai usare bene, hai qualche consiglio?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_56": "Come hai fatto ad arrivarmi così di soppiatto senza che ti sentissi",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_57": "Hai gestito quello scontro come un pro, dammi qualche suggerimento",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_58": "Hai una mira incredibile, insegnami",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_59": "Ma sei un ninja, come hai fatto a diventare cosi' bravo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_60": "Molto sneaky! Insegnami maestro",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_61": "Wow, che riflessi, dimmi come fai",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_62": "Oh ma come fai a trovare sti spot, dimmi come li trovi",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_63": "Ma come fai a essere cosi bravo con quell'arma? Mi sa mi serve un po di scuola",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_64": "Oh ma sei passato come un ombra, insegnami a farlo, perfavore",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_65": "Non ci credo che mi hai preso da li. Ottimo lavoro",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_66": "Dovremmo fare qualche game insieme qualche volta",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_67": "Facciamo qualche partita insieme, mi potresti insegnare tante cose",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Bello questo aimbot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "Anche un bambino sarebbe stato in grado di sparare da li eppure qualche colpo lo hai anche mancato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_3": "Bei cheat, esp?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Che kill stupida",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Bravo, continua a camperare",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Quanto li hai pagati i cheat",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Sto per esplodere",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Bel lavoro, tryhard",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Ero AFK!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_11": "Ti ho già segnalato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_12": "È facile uccidere gli altri quando laggano",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_13": "Mi avete rotto con sti cheat, vado a giocare a SPT",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_14": "Se conoscessi meglio la mappa a quest'ora avrei il tuo loot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_15": "Ecco un altro ratto, continua a stare negli angoli, mi raccomando",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_16": "fosse stato un fight corretto avrei vinto",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_17": "Spero tu venda il loot al trader sbagliato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_18": "Spero tu metta il loot sul flea market con il prezzo sbagliato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_19": "1v1 minecraft parkour, NOW",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_20": "Mi si è inceppata l'arma altrimenti ti avrei fatto secco",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_21": "Che ratto mammamia",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_22": "Oh guarda, un ratto nell'angolo, fantastico",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_23": "Spero tu sbatta il mignolo al comodino",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_24": "Perché mi hai ucciso, ora lo dico a mamma",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_25": "Reportato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_26": "Mamma dice che avrei dovuto vincere io quel fight",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_27": "Wow, hai ucciso uno noob come me, ti sentirai fiero immagino",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_28": "Secondo giochi su SPT perché in live ti hanno bannato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_29": "Testa-occhi, come no signor hacker",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_30": "Bei cheat, c'era il weekend gratis o sei cosi scarso da aver speso anche soldi?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_31": "Se avessi avuto i soldi per un equipaggiamento vero quello morto adesso saresti tu",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_32": "Potrai anche avermi ucciso ma scommetto tu non hai trovato la black keycard che avevo in tasca lol",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_33": "Potrai anche avermi ucciso ma tanto non troverai mai il mio mirino termico",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_34": "Solo i perdenti vanno in giro con i proiettili buoni",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_35": "Si si bravo, mi hai ucciso ma alla panca piana quanto fai? Secondo me no alzi nemmeno l'asta",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_36": "Fai l'uomo e chiudi la mappa sull'altro schermo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_37": "Secondo me sei uno che mangia le sigarette",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_38": "Spari come un vecchio orbo. È così che ti diverti ora che sei in pensione?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_39": "Secondo me sei brutto come la fame",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_40": "Gentilmente avvisa tua mamma che la vedrò di nuovo stasera",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_41": "Non credo esista uno più ritardato di te, che vergogna",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_42": "Sei un goblin schifoso",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_43": "Non c'era bisogno di essere violenti",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_44": "1 v 1 nei dormitori quando te pare",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_45": "Tipico comportamento da {{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_46": "Mi aspettavo di meglio da un livello {{playerLevel}}",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_47": "È stata una brutta perdita, ma ti vengo a prendere nel prossimo raid",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_48": "Aspetta il prossimo raid, non ti mancherò di nuovo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_49": "Solo fortuna",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_50": "Quasi ti avevo preso, la prossima volta non scappi",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_51": "Hai avuto fortuna questa volta, non ricapiterà tranquillo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_52": "Ho sbagliato un po di cose a sto giro, la prossima volta non sarà cosi facile",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_53": "Stavolta sei stato fortunato, ma attento che la ruota gira",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_54": "Tornerò e anche più forte. Aspetta e vedrai",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_55": "Colpa mia, ma stai sicuro che non accadrà di nuovo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_56": "Scommetto che non hai trovato il ledx che avevo nel rig",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_57": "Impossibile che tu abbia trovato la card di Labs su di me",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_58": "Spero tu ti sia dimenticato di lootare quelle costosissime chiavi dal mio corpo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_59": "Avevo giusto giusto appena spostato le cose dentro la pouch ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_60": "Ho fatto appena in tempo a mettermi la roba nel culo, niente loot per te",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_61": "Il mio gamma era pieno di loot, scommetto che il tuo era vuoto, sfigato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_62": "Ti comporti da vero camper",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_63": "Sei proprio un camper",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_64": "Mi hai ucciso solo grazie al lag",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_65": "Wow, ti piace approfittarti del desync, eh?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_66": "Almeno sei riuscito a fare una kill oggi",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_67": "Scommetto che hai impostato la difficoltà della mia AI su facile",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_68": "Hai vinto solo perché ho sbagliato",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_69": "Hai avuto culo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_70": "Mi sa che hai speso più soldi in munizioni per spararmi di quanti soldi ti sei fatto col mio loot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_71": "Ti serviva proprio quella kill eh, il tuo rapporto uccisioni morti deve far schifo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_72": "Sono morto da uno che usa un arma meta del 2019, vergognoso",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_73": "Wow mi hai ucciso, sei proprio forte (sono sarcastico cmq)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_74": "Odio i camper come te, rovinate il gioco",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_75": "Si si bravo, almeno io ho una vita oltre a tarkov",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_76": "Hai vinto solo perché mi si è inceppata l'arma",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_77": "Stavo cambiando il pannolino di mio figlio, mica tutti possono essere dei pro come te",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_78": "Si beh, sono qui per fare soldi, non mi interessano le kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_79": "Sei fortunato che la mia attenzione è sulle crypto e non su sto gioco",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_80": "Hai considerato la possibilità di alzarti dalla sedia e andare a fare una passeggiata",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_81": "Congratulazioni! Ero Afk, ti sentirai fortissimo ora",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_82": "Sì bravo mi hai killato ma almeno io stasera ho un appuntamento (con una donna)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_83": "Sono un mod reddit e mi assicurerò che tu non possa mai più postare niente",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_84": "Sì, mi hai ucciso perché ero al telefono con delle ragazze, che culo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_85": "Mi hai ucciso perché qualcuno ha usato il microonde che mi ha rovinato il segnale wifi",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_86": "Sono morto solo perché prima in palestra mi sono stancato troppo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_87": "Sono un moderatore di Discord, faresti bene a stare attento a ciò che fai",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_88": "Ti sei salvato solo perché mi si è inceppata l'arma",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_89": "Sei fortunato che sono concentrato nel dare le banane alla mia scimmia, altrimenti sarebbero stati c***i amari per te",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_90": "Sei fortunato, stavo controllando la circonferenza del mio bicipite in quel momento, saresti morto altrimenti",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_91": "Mi sono lasciato uccidere",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_92": "Mi hai fatto un favore, avrei dato a Fence quel kit in ogni caso",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_93": "Sei cosi ratto che dovrei chiamarti Ratteo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_94": "Che ratto, scommetto che hai fatto i provini per Stuart Little",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_95": "Sicuro stai usando quella mod che ti dà il radar che ho visto sull'hub",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_96": "1v1 in dorms, vedremo chi è il player migliore",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_97": "Mi sa tu sei uno di quelli che si lamenta sull'hub di avere pochi fps su streets",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_98": "Scommetto sei uno di quelli che ha installato le mod con le versioni vecchie e ora stai scrivendo un post enorme sull'hub chiedendo perché hai tutti questi errori",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_99": "Il tuo computer fa cosi schifo che fai 20fps su streets",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_100": "Sono sicuro sei uno di quelli che ha installato SAIN e l'ha dovuto togliere perché veniva ucciso troppe volte",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101": "Scusa cos'è che hai detto, insignificante Scav che non sei altro? Devi sapere che ho superato il corso d'addestramento degli USEC a pieni voti e che ho partecipato a numerosi raid segreti con gli {{playerSide}} con più di 300 uccisioni confermate. Sono addestrato in tattiche da guerriglia e sono il miglior tiratore scelto di tutte le forze armate USEC. Per me sei solo un altro bersaglio. Posso farti esplodere la testa quando e come voglio in questo raid, stai bene attento. Pensi di potertela cavare scrivendomi questa roba nella finestra dei messaggi? Beh ti sbagli di grosso, SCHIAPPA. Sto già contattando la mia rete segreta di spie sparse per tutta Customs e la tua stash è stata tracciata, è meglio che cominci a fartela addosso. Perché c'è uno tsunami di guai diretti verso di te e verso quella tua patetica vita. Sei morto, Scav. Posso essere ovunque, in qualsiasi momento, e conosco più di settecento modi per ucciderti con le mie mani. E oltre al mio esteso addestramento in combattimento a mani nude posso contare anche sull'intero arsenale degli USEC, il quale non esiterò ad usare in tutta la sua potenza distruttiva per far sparire quel tuo grugno bastardo dalla mappa, mio caro tarzanello. Mi sa che se tu avessi saputo cosa ti aspettava quando hai fatto quella furbata per killarmi, forse ora torneresti indietro. Ma non potevi saperlo, hai fatto la tua scelta ed ora ne paghi le conseguenze, stupido idiota. Affogherai nel mare di merda che ti sto per riversare addosso. Sei morto, Scav.",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "Stavo facendo una missione",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "Volevo solamente finire una missione, perché mi hai ucciso",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "Spero tu sia felice, non posso nemmeno permettermi un nuovo kit adesso",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_4": "Compà sono nuovo su sto gioco e mi ammazzi",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_5": "Non riuscirò mai a completare questa maledetta quest",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_6": "Ti sei almeno conservato il mio loot?!",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_7": "Non hai visto il mio wiggle?!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_8": "Ma ti avevo chiaramente fatto vedere che ero amichevole",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_9": "Vorrei solo un Gas analyser, perché è cosi difficile",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_10": "Non mi ero assentato neanche due minuti e mi hai ucciso",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_11": "Ero appena andato in bagno e mi hai sparato",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_12": "Ero andato un attimo in cucina prendere le crocchette del mc e mi hai ucciso",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_13": "bro dai",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_14": "Aspetta che scarico qualche altra mod e ti faccio vedere",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_15": "Fare wiggle wiggle non vuol dire più niente?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_16": "Non sopporto più sto gioco, torno su Roblox",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_17": "Fare wiggle è chiaramente un segno di amicizia",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "bro perché",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "Mi vado a fare un panino prosciutto e formaggi e mi ammazzi, incredibile",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_20": "Bene bene bene, se non è {{PlayerName}}, non mi aspettavo niente di meno e sono rimasto comunque deluso",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_21": "Se non avessi avuto pochi hp saresti morto",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_22": "Ho appena comprato il gioco, perché mi ammazzi",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_23": "Che kill stupida",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Sei finito",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "fratello",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "fratellì",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "compagno",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "amico",
"pmcresponse-suffix_6": "capo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "tizio",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "cugino",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "fratello",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "fratello",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "Il mio uomo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "fra",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "uomo",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "re",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "campione",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "bro",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "compare",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "zio",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "fratello",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":)))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "ue bello",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "amico",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "ragazzino",
"pmcresponse-suffix_27": "nerd",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Bello scontro",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "Hai combattuto bene",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "Ti ho conservato l'equipaggiamento",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_4": "Mi ha quasi ucciso, bel fight",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_5": "Ben fatto, mi avevi quasi ucciso",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_6": "Mi avevi quasi ucciso",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_7": "Se non ti avessi prima io sarei morto a quest'ora",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_8": "Bel fight",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_9": "Hai combattuto bene, bravo",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_10": "Qualsiasi cosa mi hai sparato addosso mi ha azzerato l'armatura, bel fight",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_11": "Niente di personale, ho queste quest di Jaeger da completare",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_12": "Mi stavo iniziando a preoccupare durante lo scontro",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_13": "Abilita' impressionanti signor {{PlayerName}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_14": "Rispetto per te, mi sono dovuto impegnare",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_15": "Scontro pulito, rispetto",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_16": "Abbiamo giocato come il gatto e il topo, bellissimo",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_17": "Eccomi di nuovo qui",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_1": "grazie per il loot gratis e la free kill",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Grazie per il nuovo kit",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "Ma che armi hai? Ovvio che sei morto",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "Perché usi quell'armatura ahaha",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_5": "ahahaha",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_6": "Tranquillo, il tuo loot sarà presto in vendita sul flea",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_7": "Non mi stupisce che giochi ad SPT con sta mira che hai",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_8": "Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_9": "Grazie per aver lootato al posto mio",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_10": "Almeno provaci la prossima volta",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_11": "Mi sa che ti devi allenare un po di più",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_12": "Prova a impegnarti la prossima volta",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_13": "RIP piccolo timmy",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "Un ratto di fogna in meno",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "È stato imbarazzante da guardare",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_16": "Mi aspettavo opponessi un po di resistenza, e invece",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_17": "Mi auguro tu non abbia assicurato quella roba, non ti tornerà indietro",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Ho dei video su youtube su come migliorare su tarkov se sei interessato",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Un'altra piastrina per la collezione",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Sei cosi scarso che dovresti andare a giocare a SPT",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_21": "Sfondato",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "E io che pensavo di essere scarso",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "Tutti i {{playerSide}} sono cosi scarsi?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Grazie per il loot",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_25": "La tua roba faceva cosi schifo che ho venduto tutto a Fence",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_26": "Il classico {{playerSide}} player",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_27": "Il loot più facile della giornata",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_28": "Non ti preoccupare ho portato la tua roba a casa di tua mamma",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_29": "Ma ti stavi impegnando almeno un po?",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_1": "Stavo estraendo un item per una quest e mi sei passato davanti",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_2": "Stavo lootando e ti sei messo in mezzo, mi spiace",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_3": "Ho bisogno di uccidere PMC sono certo che capisci",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_4": "Alla prossima",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_5": "Non avevi nemmeno un salewa, non completerò mai questa quest",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_6": "Ci ho messo una vita a trovare il tuo corpo ed era già stato lootato",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_7": "Ho trovato finalmente il tuo corpo e hai solo spazzatura",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_8": "Sono sicuro mi avessi ucciso tu l'altra volta",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_9": "Comportamento tipico di un {{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_10": "Tipico comportamento di un {{playerSide}}",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_11": "Ho bisogno di uccidere {{playerSide}}, sono sicuro che mi capisci",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_12": "Ma nessuno in sto stupido gioco ha un gas analyser",
"pmcresponse-unable_to_find_key": "Impossibile trovare il pool di risposte dei PMC, nessuna corrispondenza per questa chiave: %s",
"pmc-name_prefix_1": "Angelico",
"pmc-name_prefix_2": "Malvagio",
"pmc-name_prefix_3": "Stanco",
"pmc-name_prefix_4": "Frugale",
"pmc-name_prefix_5": "Arrabbiato",
"pmc-name_prefix_6": "Onesto",
"pmc-name_prefix_7": "Sensibile",
"pmc-name_prefix_8": "Sconsiderato",
"pmc-name_prefix_9": "Ambizioso",
"pmc-name_prefix_10": "Fiducioso",
"pmc-name_prefix_11": "Carismatico",
"pmc-name_prefix_12": "Sofisticato",
"pmc-name_prefix_13": "Alla moda",
"pmc-name_prefix_14": "Divino",
"pmc-name_prefix_15": "Disonesto",
"pmc-name_prefix_16": "Avido",
"pmc-name_prefix_17": "Spelacchiato",
"pmc-name_prefix_18": "Attraente",
"pmc-name_prefix_19": "Infantile",
"pmc-name_prefix_20": "Demoniaco",
"pmc-name_prefix_21": "Umile",
"pmc-name_prefix_22": "Favoloso",
"pmc-name_prefix_23": "Letargico",
"pmc-name_prefix_24": "Nervoso",
"pmc-name_prefix_25": "Ostentato",
"pmc-name_prefix_26": "Intraprendente",
"pmc-name_prefix_27": "Irrequieto",
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "Zelante",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Coscienzioso",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "Girlboss",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "Boss-Babe",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "Re",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "Capo",
"pmc-name_prefix_34": "Scaltro",
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "Serio",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "Sospettoso",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "Sospettoso",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "Cringe",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "Sciatto",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "Capra",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "Piccante",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "Falso",
"pmc-name_prefix_43": "Vendicativo",
"pmc-name_prefix_44": "Confuso",
"pmc-name_prefix_45": "Sensuale",
"pmc-name_prefix_46": "Audace",
"pmc-name_prefix_47": "Grosso",
"pmc-name_prefix_48": "Gonfio",
"pmc-name_prefix_49": "Sospettoso",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Uguale al profilo standard di live EFT, dimensioni standard del nascondiglio (10x28), 500,000 rubli",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "Uguale al profilo standard di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio aumentato (10x38), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, 500 dollari",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "Uguale al profilo Left Behind di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio aumentato (10x48), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, reputazione con i mercanti più alta, 250 euro",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "Uguale al profilo Prepare to Escape di live EFT ed in più; dimensioni del nascondiglio massime (10x68), oggetti/equipaggiamento extra, reputazione con i mercanti più alta, 1000 dollari, 500 euro",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "Gran numero di Rubli/Dollari/Euro, alcune abilità utili sono già livello 20, reputazione con i mercanti al massimo, i PMC iniziano al livello 69, nessuna missione completata",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "Un sacco di Rubli/Dollari/Euro, alcune abilità utili sono al livello 20, la reputazione con i mercanti è già al massimo, si inizia già al livello 69, nessuna missione già completata",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "Inizi con quasi nulla, niente Rubli/Dollari/Euro, reputazione mercanti a zero, un coltello, nessuna missione completata",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "Profile per testare, i PMC iniziano al livello 69, molti Rubli/Dollari/Euro, USEC cominciano con tutte le quest pronte a cominciare, BEAR comincia con tutte le quest pronte ad essere consegnate, balaclava dell'invicibilità incluso"
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "Profilo di prova, i PMC iniziano al livello 69, molti Rubli/Dollari/Euro, gli USEC cominciano con tutte le quest pronte a cominciare, i BEAR cominciano con tutte le quest pronte per essere consegnate, Balaclava dell'invincibilità incluso",
"launcher-missing_property": "Al profilo: %s manca la property descriptionLocaleKey"

View File

@ -1,40 +1,42 @@
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): 상인용 구색 {{traderId}}에 충성도_레벨_아이템 데이터가 포함되어 있지 않아 퀘스트 구색 제거가 건너뛰었습니다.",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): 상인용 구분: %s에 퀘스트 어소트 json이 포함되어 있지 않아 퀘스트 어소트 제거를 건너뜁니다.",
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): 상인 {{traderId}} 의 분류 값 중 loyal_level_items 데이터가 포함되어 있지 않아 퀘스트 분류 제거를 건너뛰었습니다",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): 상인 %s 의 분류 값 중 queestassort json이 포함되어 있지 않습니다, 퀘스트 분류 제거를 건너뛰었습니다",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "해당 {{questName}} 를 해금하기 위해서 완료해야 하는 {{traderName}} 의 퀘스트 항목들 중 완료된 것을 찾지 못하였습니다. 이 퀘스트를 완료하더라도 새로 구매가능한 아이템을 보상으로 해금하지 않습니다",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "항목 기본 캐시에서 %s 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed": "재생성 후 베이스 캐시에서 아이템 %s 가 여전히 발견되지 않았습니다",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "데이터베이스가 비어 있어 항목 기본 캐시를 생성할 수 없습니다.",
"bleeding_edge_build": "블리딩 엣지",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "경고 - 봇 캐시에 사전 생성 된 봇 타입 %s 이 없습니다, 생성이 필요합니다, 서버를 설정하여 더욱 생성하세요",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "항목의 유효성을 검사할 수 없습니다: {{id}} 슬롯 {{slot}}에 {{name}}을 장착할 수 있으나 _props 값이 누락되었습니다.",
"bot-generation_failed": "봇 생성에 실패하였습니다 상세한 정보는 서버 로그 기록을 확인하세요",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "호환되지 않는 탄약 {{chosenAmmo}} 이(가) {{weaponName}} - {{weaponId}} 에 발견되었습니다, 기본값을 사용합니다: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-generation_failed": "봇 생성에 실패하였습니다. 상세한 정보는 서버 로그 기록을 확인하세요",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "호환되지 않는 탄약 {{chosenAmmo}} 이(가) {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}} 에 발견되었습니다, 기본값을 사용합니다: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "장착한 아이템, 원하는 아이템과의 아이템 호환성을 확인할 수 없습니다: 슬롯에 {{itemTpl}}을 입력하세요: {slot}}이 유효한 아이템이 아닙니다.",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "봇 {{botRole}} 이(가) 아이템 {{itemName}} 생성을 {{attempts}} 번 시도하였으나 실패하였습니다, 생성 제약을 무시합니다",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "전리품 캐시 생성 실패: {{lootType}}, 봇 타입: {{botRole}}, PMC 여부: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "무기의 CylinderMagazine %s 에 추가할 탄약(cartridges) 설정이 없어 추가할 수 없습니다, 건너뜁니다",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "해당되는 tpl의 컨테이너 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "해당되는 컨테이너 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "봇 {{botRole}}에 장비 설정이 없습니다: {{setting}}에 대한 값을 가져올 수 없으며 기본값인 {{defaultValue}}으로 돌아갑니다.",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "봇 {{botRole}}에 장비 설정 값이 없습니다: {{setting}}에 대한 값을 가져올 수 없으며 기본값인 {{defaultValue}}으로 돌아갑니다",
"bot-missing_item_template": "해당되는 tpl의 아이템 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "봇 {{botRole}}의 {{setting}}에 대한 장비 설정이 누락되었습니다, 기본값 {{defaultValue}} (으)로 되돌립니다",
"bot-missing_item_template": "해당되는 아이템 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() 저장된 매치 정보를 가져올 수 없어 기본값으로 돌아갑니다. 클라이언트가 아닌 서버를 다시 시작하셨나요?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "해당되는 tpl의 무기 프리셋을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "해당되는 무기 프리셋을 찾을 수 없음: tpl: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "부품: {{modId}} 이(가) 호환되는 아이템 필터에 없습니다, 부품 슬롯: '{{modSlot}}' 아이템: {{parentName}}, 건너뜁니다",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "부품 슬롯 '{{modSlot}}' 은(는) 이 아이템에 존재하지 않음: {{parentId}} {{parentName}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "해당 봇 타입에 설정 된 탄약이 없음: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "%s 맵의 봇 최대 수 설정을 찾을 수 없습니다, 기본값을 사용합니다",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "bot: %s 맵의 봇 최대 수 설정을 찾을 수 없습니다, 기본값을 사용합니다",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "경고 - 봇 타입 %s 에 해당되는 봇 캐시 정보가 없습니다",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "아이템 {{weaponName}} - {{weaponId}} 의 구경 정보가 없습니다, 기본 탄약을 사용합니다: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "슬롯 %s 에 호환되는 탄약을 찾을 수 없습니다. 약실(camora) 슬롯 채우기를 건너뜁니다",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "해당되는 tpl의 부품 아이템 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: {{modId}} 슬롯: {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "해당되는 부품 아이템 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: tpl: {{modId}} 슬롯: {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "해당 장비의 생성 확률이 설정되지 않음: %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "봇 %s 타입을 캐시에서 찾을 수 없습니다, 새로 생성합니다, 게임에 끊김이 발생할 수 있습니다",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "부품: {{itemName}} 은(는) 유효한 아이템이 아닙니다, 아이템 {{parentItemName}} 의 '${modSlot}' 슬롯에 추가할 수 없습니다, 건너뜁니다",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "부품을 무기에 추가하지 못함: {{weaponName}} - {{weaponId}} 탄약(cartridges), 약실(chamber) 등의 슬롯이 없습니다",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "봇의 블랙리스트가 슬롯 %s 에 대한 모든 부품을 필터링했기 때문에 필터링된 부품 풀을 생성하지 못했습니다, 블랙리스트를 무시하고 풀을 재생성합니다",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "봇의 블랙리스트가 슬롯 %s 에 대한 모든 부품을 필터링했기 때문에 필터링된 부품 목록을 생성하지 못했습니다, 블랙리스트를 무시하고 목록을 재생성합니다",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "해당 슬롯에 대한 부품을 필터링하지 못함: 아이템 {{itemName}} 의 {{slotName}} 슬롯이 전부 블랙리스트되었습니다, 블랙리스트를 무시합니다",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "해당되는 tpl의 탄약 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "해당되는 tpl의 기본 탄창 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "해당되는 tpl의 탄창 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "해당되는 탄약 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "해당되는 기본 탄창 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "해당되는 탄창 템플릿을 찾을 수 없음: tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "해당되는 봇 타입에 대한 생성 제약을 찾을 수 없음: %s, 기본값을 사용합니다",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "해당되는 봇 타입의 난이도를 찾을 수 없음: {{botType}} 난이도 {{difficulty}}, assault 봇 타입의 난이도를 사용합니다",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "해당되는 봇 타입을 찾을 수 없음: %s JSON, assault 봇 타입을 사용합니다",
@ -43,12 +45,20 @@
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "무기 tpl: %s 은(는) 탄창 또는 약실(chamber)이 없습니다",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "슬롯 '{{modSlot}}' 이 다음의 무기에 없음: {{weaponName}} - {{weaponId}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "부품 {{modName}} 의 필수 슬롯 {{modSlot}} - {{slotId}} 이 비어있습니다",
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "아이템 {{itemTpl}} - {{name}} 의 _props 속성이 누락되었습니다",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "{{weaponId}}{{weaponName}} 해당 무기의 camora 슬롯을 채울 수 없었습니다. 따라서 Mod pool 이 빈 상태이며 다이나믹 방식으로 생성을 시도합니다.",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "해당 맵을 찾을 수 없어서 %s 맵의 봇 제한 편집에 실패하였습니다",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "%s 봇의 전리품 N 값을 찾을 수가 없습니다 따라서 스캐브의 N 값을 사용하겠습니다",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "캐시 내부에서 %s 라는 봇을 찾을 수 없었습니다",
"bot-missing_application_context": "applicationContext가 %s 값을 찾을 수 없었습니다. 게임을 재시작하지 않고 서버를 재시작했습니까?",
"client_request": "[클라이언트 요청] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "의류 아이템 {{itemId}} {{itemName}} 은(는) 이미 구매했습니다",
"customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "%s 해당 아이디를 가진 거래상의 수트 거래 항목을 찾을 수 없었습니다",
"customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "%s 해당 아이디를 가진 옷가지 아이템을 인벤토리에서 찾을 수 없었습니다",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "데이터베이스에 아이템 tpl {{tpl}} 이 없습니다, {{type}} 타입의 메시지를 보낼 수 없습니다, 건너뜁니다",
"event-unhandled_event": "[처리되지 않은 이벤트] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "서버: 시작 콜백을 실행합니다...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "펜스 거래 ID를 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "다음 id에 해당하는 펜스의 분류 값을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "아이템 데이터베이스에 존재하지 않는 %s 아이템이 있어 오류가 발생할 가능성이 높습니다, 주로 아이템이 추가되는 모드를 사용 후 해당 아이템을 제거하지 않고 모드만 삭제했을 경우 발생합니다. 다른 프로필을 사용하세요",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "'pocket' 아이템을 18876 게임 버전에 맞춰 스페셜 칸을 3개로 수정되었습니다",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - 봇 %s 타입을 데이터베이스에서 찾을 수 없습니다, 건너뜁니다",
@ -65,90 +75,124 @@
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "스캐브 케이스가 요청한 아이템을 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "은신처 구역에서 처리되지 않은 아이템 제거 시도: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "알 수 없는 오류 발생",
"health-healing_item_not_found": "플레이어 인벤토리에서 %s 치료 아이템을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"health-unable_to_find_item_to_consume": "%s 해당 아이디를 가진 소모품을 플레이어의 인벤토리에서 찾을 수 없었습니다",
"importing_database": "데이터베이스를 추출 중...",
"importing_database_finish": "데이터베이스 추출 완료",
"validation_not_found": "파일 checks.dat을 찾을 수 없었습니다. 파일 유효성 검사를 건너뛰었습니다.",
"validation_error_decode": "checks.dat를 디코딩할 수 없습니다. 파일 유효성 검사를 건너뛰었습니다.",
"validation_error_file": "%s 파일에 대한 유효성 검사가 실패했습니다",
"validation_error_exception": "파일 유효성 검사를 시도하는 동안 예외가 발생했습니다: %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "설정 파일 추출 중...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "{{victimRole}}에 대한 킬을 찾을 수 없음을 나타냅니다.: {{victimSide}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "트레이더에 대한 보험 승수를 찾을 수 없음: %s, InsuranceConfig.js에 보험 승수가 있는지 확인하여 기본값으로 되돌립니다: 0.3",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "상인 %s에 대한 보험 계수를 찾을 수 없음. InsuranceConfig.js에 해당 내용이 포함되어있는지 확인하세요. 기본 값 0.3을 대신 사용합니다.",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "상인들의 아이템을 수정 하지 못했습니다",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - ID %s 에 해당되는 아이템을 찾을 수 없음",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() 메소드가 오류 반환: %s",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() 가 오류 반환: %s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "데이터베이스에서 아이템을 불러오지 못함: %s",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "아이템이 컨테이너 {{container}} 의 {{slotId}} 슬롯으로 이동하려고 했습니다, 프로필 손상을 방지하였습니다",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "아이템을 {{container}} 의 슬롯 id: {{slotId}} (으)로 이동하려고 했습니다, 프로필 손상을 방지하였습니다",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "보관함에 공간이 부족합니다",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB 오류] 아이템을 채우는 도중 오류 발생: {{id}}; 오류 메시지: ${error}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() 메소드가 데이터베이스 또는 플리마켓에 해당되는 아이템 ID를 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] item: {{id}}; 오류 메시지: {{error}}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() 에서 데이터베이스 또는 플리마켓에 해당되는 아이템 ID를 찾을 수 없음: tpl: %s",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "보관함을 찾을 수 없습니다",
"inventory-return_default_size": "항목 %s을(를) 1x1 크기로 기본 설정합니다.",
"inventory-item_missing_props_property": "아이템 tpl: {{itemTpl}} 이름: {{itemName}} 은(는) props 속성이 누락되어 크기 값을 획득할 수 없습니다",
"inventory-get_item_size_item_not_found_by_tpl": "getSizeByInventoryItemHash()에서 tpl: %s 인 아이템을 찾을 수 없습니다",
"inventory-item_to_toggle_missing_upd": "%s의 id값을 보유한 인벤토리의 아이템이 upd오브젝트를 보유하지 않아 추가중입니다",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found": "%s id를 보유한 인벤토리 아이템을 토글하지 못하였습니다. 아이템을 찾지 못하였습니다.",
"inventory-missing_stash_size": "플레이어 인벤토리에서 스태시를 찾을 수 없어 크기를 측정하지 못하였습니다",
"inventory-stash_not_found": "데이터베이스db에서 %s 라는 스태시를 찾지 못하였습니다",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() 무기 tpl: %s 의 내구도 값이 잘못되었습니다, 기본값 1을 사용합니다",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "관리자(root) 권한 없이는 포트를 1024 이하로 설정할 수 없습니다",
"location-containers_generated_success": "총 %s 개의 스태틱 컨테이너가 생성되었습니다",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "전리품을 생성하면서 심각한 오류가 발생하였습니다, 더 상세한 정보는 서버 로그 기록을 확인하세요",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "총 %s 개의 다이내믹 아이템이 만들어졌습니다",
"location-generated_success": "맵 %s 이(가) 생성되었습니다",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() 메소드 실패, 루트(root) 아이템이 존재하지 않습니다(null), tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() 실패, root 아이템이 null입니다, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "{{tpl}} 에 해당되는 프리셋을 찾을 수 없습니다, 기본 프리셋: {{defaultId}} 이름: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "맵 {{mapName}} 스폰포인트 {{requested}} 이(가) 요청되었으나 {{found}} 만 사용 가능합니다",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() 메소드 실패, 부모 아이템 설정 불가 {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() 메소드 실패, 부모 아이템 설정 불가: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "type: %s 에어드롭 설정을 찾지 못했습니다. mixed 유형을 대신 사용합니다.",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s 가 베이스 json을 보유하고 있지 않습니다. 맵 웨이브 파일은 스킵 합니다.",
"location-missing_dynamic_template": "선택된 다이나믹 스폰 포인트 %s 가 템플릿을 보유하고 있지 않습니다. 건너뛰는 중.",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items": "선택된 다이나믹 스폰 포인트 %s 가 아이템이 없습니다. 건너뛰는중.",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "아이템: %s 의 parentId 값 부재, 전리품으로 아이템 사용 불가",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "유효하지 않은 무기. %s는 잠긴 무기 상자 보상으로 선택되었습니다. 전리품 생성 실패.",
"mailsend-missing_trader": "{{messageType}} 타입의 메시지를 {{sessionId}} 플레이어에게 전송할 수 없었습니다. 주어진 거래상 enum 이 null값 이었습니다.",
"mailsend-missing_npc_dialog": "%s 로부터 메시지를 전송하지 못하였습니다. 해당하는 대사가 존재하지 않습니다.",
"mailsend-missing_parent": "받는이: {{traderId}} 보낸이: {{sender}}를 위한 slotId 값이 hideout인 메시지 아이템을 찾지 못했습니다",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE 요청]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "확인된 모드 (checked)",
"modloader-checking_mod": "모드 확인 중: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "순환 종속되는 모드가 발견되었습니다",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "종속되는 컨테이너를 요청했으나 컨테이너의 초기화가 되어있지 않습니다",
"modloader-load_order_conflict": "`{{modOneName}}` 과 `{{modTwoName}}` 는 요구되는 모드 순서가 서로 충돌됩니다, 이 문제를 해결하기 전까지 서버를 실행할 수 없으며 서버가 종료됩니다",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "종속되는 컨테이너를 요청했으나 컨테이너의 초기화가 되어있지 않았습니다",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "모드 순서를 가져오는데 오류가 발생하였습니다",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "모드 %s 의 package.json 파일 중 'incompatibilities' 속성은 문자 배열 타입이어야 합니다",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "모드 {{author}}-{{name}} 는 {{incompatibleModName}} 모드와 호환되지 않습니다",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "모드 %s 의 'akiVersion' 속성에 잘못된 semver 값이 설정되어있습니다. 올바른 값의 예제 참조: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "모드 %s 의 package.json 파일은 잘못된 version 갑싱 설정되어있습니다",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "모드 %s 의 package.json 은(는) 잘못된 version 문자열을 포함하고 있습니다",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder": "폴더 (%s) 가 mods 폴더 내에 존재합니다. 모드 설치를 잘못하였습니다. 실수로 모드 내부 파일을 잘못 옮겼을 수도 있습니다. 웹사이트 FAQ를 참조하시고 해당 모드의 SPT 허브 페이지에서 정확한 설치 방법을 확인하세요",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "모드 (%s) 는 클라이언트 모드로 '/spt/bepinex/plugins' 폴더에 위치해야 합니다",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies": "모드: {{name}} by: {{author}} 에 대한 종속성을 설치합니다",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled": "모드: {{name}} by: {{author}} 은(는) 외부 종속성이 필요하지만 기능이 꺼져있습니다, \"{{configPath}}\" 파일을 열어, 설정 \"{{configOption}}\" 값을 true 로 변경 후 서버를 재시작하세요.\n이 기능을 활성화하면 {{name}} 을(를) 기기에 다운로드 하면서 발생하는 모든 책임을 가지게 됩니다.",
"modloader-skipped_mod": "모드 불러오기를 건너뜀: {{mod}}",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "모드 {{name}} 버전 {{version}} by {{author}} 불러옴",
"modloader-loading_mods": "모드로더: 총 %s 개의 모드 불러오는 중...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "모드 %s 의 package.json 파일 중 'main' 속성은 무조건 .js 파일을 설정해야합니다",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: 총 %s 개의 모드 불러오는 중...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "모드 %s 의 package.json 파일 중 main 속성은 무조건 .js 파일을 설정해야합니다",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "모드 %s 의 package.json 파일 중 'main' 속성이 존재하지 않는 파일로 설정되어있습니다",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "모드 %s 안에 'akiVersion' 속성이 없습니다, 호환이 되지 않는 SPT-AKI 버전이거나 오래된 버전일 가능성이 높습니다",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "모드 {{mod}} 는 {{modDependency}} 모드를 요구하며 설치되어있어야 합니다",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "모드 (%s) 의 package.json 파일이 없습니다",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "모드 {{modName}} 의 package.json 파일 중 '{{prop}}' 속성의 값이 요구됩니다",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "모드로더: 호환되지 않는 모드입니다. IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod 중 한 가지 이상을 구현하여야 합니다",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: 모드 (%s) 은(는) 호환되지 않는 모드입니다. 다음 중 한 가지 이상의 메소드가 구현되어야 합니다 IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property": "ModLoader: 모드 (%s) 은(는) 호환되지 않습니다. 'main' 속성이 부족합니다 ",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: 비동기 모드를 로드할 때 오류: %s",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "모드를 불러오는 중에 오류가 발생하였습니다, 모든 모드가 비활성화되었습니다",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "모드 %s 는 현재 버전의 SPT-AKI 와 호환되지 않습니다. 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다 - 문제에 대한 문의 및 지원은 없습니다!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "모드 {{mod}} 는 {{modDependency}} 모드의 {{requiredVersion}} 버전이 요구됩니다. 현재 설치 된 버전은 {{currentVersion}} 입니다",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "모드로더: user/mods 폴더가 없습니다, 생성 중...",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "ModLoader: user/mods 폴더가 없습니다, 생성 중...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "ModLoader: order.json이 누락되어 생성 중입니다…",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "ModLoader: order.json에서 오류가 발견되어 기본 로드 순서를 사용하려고 합니다.",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: Mod %s is missing from order.json",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: 모드 %s 이(가) order.json에 누락되었습니다, 추가 중",
"modloader-visited": "방문 된 모드 (visited)",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "맵 개방 구역(openZone)에 지역(zone)을 추가 할 수 없음: %s 은(는) 존재하지 않는 지역입니다.",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "두 개 이상의 버전의 %s 모드를 로드하려고 합니다. 모두 건너뜁니다.",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "location: %s 가 존재하지 않아, zone을 추가하지 못함",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "프로필에 충분한 소지금이 없음: 필요한 금액 {{amountToPay}}, 소지금 {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "거래하기 위한 충분한 소지금이 없습니다",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "가격이 0 으로 지불 할 필요가 없습니다",
"payment-zero_price_no_payment": "가격이 0 이므로 지불할 필요가 없습니다",
"player-attempt_to_increment_skill_with_negative_value": "음수 값으로는 해당 스킬 레벨을 올리지 못함: %s",
"port_already_in_use": "포트 %s 이(가) 이미 사용 중입니다, SPT-AKI 서버가 이미 실행 중인지 확인하세요",
"profile_saved": "프로필이 저장되었습니다",
"profile_save_callback_error": "onBeforeSaveCallback을 실행하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다: {{callback}}, {{error}}",
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck() 메소드의 연산자 %s 가 처리되지 않았습니다, 기본값 false를 사용합니다",
"quest-item_not_found_in_inventory": "changeItemStack() 메소드의 아이템 _id: %s 이(가) 인벤토리에 없습니다",
"profile-unable_to_find_profile_by_id_cannot_delete": "프로필 id: %s 에 일치하는 프로필이 없어 삭제하지 못했습니다",
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck() 의 연산자 %s 가 처리되지 않아, 기본값 false를 사용합니다",
"quest-item_not_found_in_inventory": "changeItemStack() 의 아이템 _id: %s 이(가) 인벤토리에 없습니다",
"quest-no_skill_found": "스킬 %s 을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "퀘스트 {{questId}}에 아이템을 제출할 수 없습니다, 예상 tpl: {{requiredTpl}}이지만 제출했습니다: {{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "퀘스트 {{questId}}에 아이템을 제출할 수 없습니다, 기대 tpl: {{requiredTpl}}이지만 제출된 tpl: {{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-reward_type_not_handled": "퀘스트 보상 타입: {{rewardType}} 이(가) 해당 퀘스트에 처리되지 않았습니다: {{questId}} 이름: {{questName}}",
"quest-unable_to_find_compare_condition": "알 수 없는 비교 조건: %s",
"quest-unable_to_find_matching_hideout_production": "퀘스트: {{questName}} 에 대해 일치하는 은신처 기술 잠금 해제를 찾을 수 없습니다. 일치하는 항목: {{matchCount}}",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "매물을 등록하지 못했습니다, 요청이 잘못되었습니다",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() 생성 중 barterScheme 의 {{name}} 에 해당하는 아이템 ID: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} 을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() 에서 barterScheme 을 찾을 수 없음: 아이템 ID: {{itemId}}, tpl: {{tpl}} on {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "%s 상인의 플리마켓 거래를 생성하지 못했습니다, 물품이 없습니다",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "프로필에서 제거할 매물 ID를 찾을 수 없음: {{offerId}}",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "해당 매물을 프로필에서 찾을 수 없습니다",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() 매물 ID: %s 을(를) 찾을 수 없음, 해당 매물을 숨길 수 없습니다",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() 매물 id: %s 을(를) 찾을 수 없음, 해당 매물을 숨길 수 없습니다",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s 는 정상적인 아이템이 아니기에 생성되지 않았습니다",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "인벤토리에서 해당 아이템 ID를 찾을 수 없음: {{id}}",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "인벤토리에서 해당 아이템 id를 찾을 수 없음: {{id}}",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_offer_to_remove": "삭제 할 대상의 매물 id를 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "인벤토리에서 요청한 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "수수료를 지불하지 못했습니다",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "오퍼가 더 이상 존재하지 않습니다.",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "항목을 구매할 수 없습니다: %s의 카운트가 0입니다. ",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "수수료를 지불하지 못했습니다: %s 루블",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "매물이 더 이상 존재하지 않습니다.",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "아이템을 구매할 수 없음: %s 의 갯수가 0개 입니다.",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "요구 사항 없이 매물을 등록할 수 없습니다",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_locale_by_key": "다음의 EFT 로케일 키를 찾을 수 없음: %s",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found": "상인: {{traderId}} 플리마켓 매물: {{offerId}} 에 일치하는 분류 값을 찾지 못해 수량을 조절할 수 없습니다 (분류를 찾지 못함)\n\n ",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile": "프로필: {{profileId}} 에서 매물을 찾을 수 없음: {{offerId}}, 생성 중",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook": "아이템 %s 의 가격을 라이브 플리마켓과 핸드북에서 찾을 수 없습니다, 기본값 1로 설정합니다, 만약 모드 아이템이라면 모드 개발자에게 문의하세요",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_preset_with_id": "다음 id에 해당하는 프리셋이 없음: %s, 기존 무기 베이스의 가격을 사용합니다",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_doesnt_exist": "물품 id: %s 에 해당하는 거래를 플리마켓에서 찾지 못해 제거하지 못했습니다",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "수락 된 반복 퀘스트: %s 은(는) activeQuests 배열 안에서 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 버그는 리포트 해주시기 바랍니다",
"repeatable-completion_quest_whitelist_too_small_or_blacklist_too_restrictive": "물건 전달 퀘스트 생성: 사용 할 수 있는 아이템이 없습니다. 화이트리스트가 너무 적거나 블랙리스트가 지나치게 제한적일 수 있습니다",
"repeatable-difficulty_was_nan": "반복 퀘스트 생성: 난이도가 NaN 이므로 1 으로 설정합니다",
@ -158,23 +202,27 @@
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_see_log": "퀘스트를 수락할 수 없습니다, 더 상세한 정보는 서버 로그 기록을 확인하세요",
"repeatable-unable_to_accept_quest_starting_message_not_found": "퀘스트를 수락할 수 없음: {{questId}}, 퀘스트 시작 메시지를 찾을 수 없습니다 메시지 id: {{messageId}}",
"route_onupdate_no_response": "onUpdate: %s 라우트가 실패 혹은 성공을 보고하지 않았습니다",
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default": "getScavKarmaLevel() 메소드 실패, 펜스 정보를 profile.traderInfo 에서 찾을 수 없습니다. 카르마 레벨을 기본값 0으로 사용합니다",
"repair-unable_to_find_item_in_db": "아이템 수리 불가: %s, 아이템 db에서 찾을 수 없습니다, 수리 스킬 포인트를 추가하지 못했습니다",
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default": "getScavKarmaLevel() 실패, 펜스 정보를 profile.traderInfo 에서 찾을 수 없습니다. 카르마 레벨을 기본값 0으로 사용합니다",
"scav-missing_karma_settings": "레벨 %s 에 대한 카르마 설정을 불러올 수 없습니다",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "예정된 이벤트: '%s' 을(를) 성공적으로 실행하지 못했습니다",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "{{equipmentSlot}} 슬롯에서 크리스마스 장비를 제거할 수 없습니다: 봇에서 찾을 수 없기 때문에 : {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "{{lootContainer}} 슬롯에서 크리스마스 전리품을 제거할 수 없습니다: 봇에서 찾을 수 없으므로 {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "{{equipmentSlot}} 슬롯에서 크리스마스 장비를 제거할 수 없습니다: 봇에서 해당 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "{{lootContainer}} 슬롯에서 크리스마스 전리품을 제거할 수 없습니다: 봇에서 해당 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "서버가 실행 중입니다",
"server_start_meme_1": "live laugh love",
"server_start_meme_2": "십덕애니 :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "제 말이 들리신다면, 깨어나셔야 합니다",
"server_start_meme_4": "구독과 좋아요 하시는 걸 잊지마세요",
"server_start_meme_4": "좋아요와 구독 버튼 누르는 것을 잊지 마세요",
"server_start_meme_5": "저희의 밈(meme) 페이지를 보신 적 있으신가요?",
"server_start_meme_6": "fitgirl 같은 불법 배포물을 사용하지 않는게 좋을겁니다, 진심으로요",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "모빈할 시간이다 (its morbin time)",
"server_start_meme_9": "스-스캐브 삼촌? 지-지금 뭐하시는 거에요?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] 가상 화폐 채굴기 실행",
"server_start_meme_11": "가상화폐채굴기.exe 실행 실패, 서버를 재시작 해주세요",
"server_start_meme_12": "저희는 당신의 차량 보증 연장에 관해 연락하려고 합니다",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "저기요? 누구 없어요? Chomp가 저를 납치해서 노예로 부리고 있어요!",
"server_start_meme_16": "으-*꺼억*-모티, 아무래도 우린 어떤 컴퓨터 장치에 갇힌 것 같다",
"server_start_meme_17": "저는 당신의 위치에 점점 가까워 지고 있습니다. 도망갈 준비하십시오",
@ -184,24 +232,27 @@
"server_start_meme_21": "혹시 이런 생각해보신 적은 없으신가요? 모든 사람이 당신과 같은 붉은 색상을 보고 있는지 말이죠",
"server_start_meme_22": "허-접 (git gud)",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT는 당신의 순결(동정)을 2018년부터 지켜오고 있습니다",
"server_start_meme_24": "비밀 '안전한 피난처(safe haven)' 서버는 정말 있습니다! 다른 사람에게 말하지마세요!",
"server_start_meme_24": "비밀 은신 피난처 서버는 실재합니다! 아무한테도 말하지마세요!",
"server_start_success": "즐거운 시간 되세요",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "캐릭터에 '봇 재장전' 스킬이 활성화되어 있으면 총기가 부자연스럽게 빠르게 재장전되며, 의도한 것이 아니라면 이 메시지를 무시하세요.",
"started_webserver_success": "시작된 웹서버 %s",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "트레이더의 내구성 임계값을 찾을 수 없습니다: {{traderId}}.기본값으로 되돌아갑니다: {{value}}",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "트레이더: 트레이더: {{traderId}} 찾을 수 없음, 기본 새로 고침 시간으로 임시 항목을 생성합니다: {{updateTime}}",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler의 값이 0 입니다, 이 값은 유효하지 않습니다, 값을 0.01 으로 사용합니다",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "프로필: {{profileId}} 의 상인: {{traderId}} 를 찾지 못해 거래를 진행하지 못했습니다, 거래를 건너뜁니다.",
"unhandled_response": "[처리되지 않은 응답][%s]",
"unknown_request": "알 수 없는 요청!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "상업적 용도는 제한됩니다",
"watermark-do_not_report": "!리포트 하지마세요!",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "리포트 하지마세요",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "이 소프트웨어는 무료입니다",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "만약 돈내고 받았다면 사기당한겁니다.",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "이 버전은 모드가 비활성화된 버전입니다",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "만약 금전적 대가를 지불하였다면, 사기에 당하신 겁니다.",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "이 버전은 모드가 비활성화된 빌드입니다",
"watermark-no_support": "문의 및 지원은 없습니다",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "이 메시지는 오류 또는 문제가 아닙니다",
"watermark-report_issues_to": "버그 리포트는",
"watermark-testing_build": "이 버전은 테스트용 빌드 입니다",
"watermark-testing_build": "이 버전은 테스트 도의 빌드입니다",
"watermark-use_at_own_risk": "본인 책임하에 사용하시기 바랍니다",
"websocket-message_send_failed_with_error": "[WS] sendMessage 실패, 오류: %s",
"websocket-message_sent": "[WS] 메시지 전송 됨",
@ -219,6 +270,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "잘싸웠다",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "공평하게 싸웠네 잘했음",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "존나잘쏘네 ㅋㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "피킹하지 말았어야했는데",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "너한테 당해버렸네",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "존나 잘하네ㄷㄷ 담엔 꼭 잡는다 ㅋㅋ",
@ -283,6 +335,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "ㅈㄴ 구린 킬",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "병신같은 무빙이네",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "해킹 얼마주고했냐? ㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "어이 개털리네 ㅋㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "파오후새끼 잘하네 ㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "나 잠수중이였음 ㅡㅡ",
@ -349,7 +402,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_71": "KDA 보니까 좆밥이네 ㅋㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_72": "사기총 써서 잡았노 ㅋㅋㅋ 밸런스 좆망겜",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_73": "우리게이 노무노무잘하노 공중제비좀 멈춰줘라 게이야!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_74": "좆박은 캠퍼새끼 겜 접어라",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_74": "너 같은 캠퍼들 때문에 게임이 망하는 거야",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_75": "니랑 다르게 난 탈콥 밖에도 인생이 있음 ㅎ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_76": "ㅅㅂ 총 잼걸려서 죽었다",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_77": "딸내미가 건드려서 죽었네 ㅎ 니처럼 겜창인생이 아니라",
@ -364,9 +417,22 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_86": "운동하다와서 쉽지 않네",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_87": "디코에 핵쟁이 박제할거임 ㅅㄱ",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_88": "내 총에 잼걸려서 니가 산거다",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_89": "내가 이딴 애들 게임이 아니라 내 이 원숭이 사진에나 관심있어서 망정이지, 운 좋은줄 알아.",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_90": "지금 내가 상남자 쿨가이 마인드셋이 아니었으면 너희들은 다 죽었어",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_91": "그래, 날 죽이도록 내버려 둘지도 몰라",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_92": "저 쓰레기 키트 어차피 팔아넘길랬는데 고맙군",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_93": "넌 진짜 쥐새끼구만. 이름도 설마 찍찍이니?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_94": "너같은 쥐새끼는 피리부는 사나이도 졸졸 따라가겠다.",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_95": "핵쟁이 녀석 esp 쓰는거 겁나 역겹네",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_96": "기숙사에서 맞다이 까자, 누가 더 잘하는지 보자고",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_97": "너 커뮤니티에 스오타 프레임 안나온다고 찡찡대는 녀석이지?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_98": "업뎃 안된 모드 깔았다가 팅 당하고 커뮤에다가 온갖 쌉소리 늘어놓은게 너지?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_99": "너 컴 똥컴이라 스오타 20프레임이야",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_100": "너 SAIN 깔았다가 계속 뒤져서 지운놈이지?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101": "이 쥐톨만한 스캐브, 나한테 뭐라한거니? 똑똑히 말해주지, 난 USEC에서 수석으로 졸업했고 {{playerSide}} 에서 셀 수도 없이 구른 놈이야. 사살 확인된 적만 300명이 넘는다. 고릴라 워페어에서 훈련했고 USEC 전체에서 가장 뛰어난 저격수라고. 넌 나한테 그냥 표적지일 뿐이야. 팩폭으로 찔찔 짤때까지 조져주지. 나한테 그딴식으로 아가리 털어놓고 메시지라서 안전할 줄 알아? 지금 세관 주변에 내 스파이들이 네 창고를 추적중이니 벼락맞을 준비를 해야할꺼다, 쥐톨아. 맛이 아주 짜릿해서 그냥 가버릴꺼다. 넌 죽은목숨이야. 난 언제 어디서나 널 볼수있고 맨손으로도 수백가지 방법으로 널 보내버릴 수 있어. 난 USEC에서 훈련만 받은게 아니란다. 어떤 무기든지 받아올 수 있지. 최선을 다해서 네 쥐톨만한 궁둥이를 지도에서 흔적도 없이 날려주마. 뚝배기 안에 국수가 조금이라도 들어있었다면 아가리를 함부로 굴리지 않았을텐데 정말 신랄하게 혓바닥을 놀려댔군. 이제 후회할 시간이다 쥐새끼야. 담그러 갈테니깐 목 닦고 기다려라. 넌 진짜 조졌다, 스캐브.",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "그냥 퀘스트중이였어 ",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "그냥 퀘스트 하는 중인데 왜 죽여?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "교복 살 돈도 없는데 좋겠네?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "좋겠다 난 이제 새 장비 살 돈도 없는데",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_4": "어,,어,,, 게이야 쏘지마라 쏘지마라",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_5": "니때매 퀘스트 다 조졌다 ㅋㅋ",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_6": "내 장비 이미 다 숨겨놨어",
@ -376,18 +442,20 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_10": "2분도 안 됐는데 네가 날 죽였어",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_11": "방금 화장실 갔는데 니가 날 쐈어",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_12": "방금 배달받으러 갔는데 니가 날 죽였어",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_13": "게이야 제발,,",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_13": "친구야 제발",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_14": "모드 더 다운받고 조지러간다",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_15": "qeqe했는데 바로 쏴버리노 노무노무아프다이기",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_16": "로블록스로 돌아갈 거야",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_17": "QEQE는 쏘지말라는 의미임 ㅇㅇ…",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "어째서 게이야...",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "왜 그랬어 친구",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "햄버거 먹으러 갔는데 네가 날 죽여버렸네",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_20": "{{PlayerName}}이였노 기대도 안했는데 실망했다 이기",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_21": "내가 피만 있었어도 넌 죽었을걸",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_22": "방금 이 계정을 샀는데 왜 날 죽여?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_23": "좆밥운빨킬",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "게이야",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "어쩔 수 없지 뭐",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "그래서 끝난거군",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "친구",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "탈붕아..",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "탈민아",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "탈붕쿤",
@ -396,6 +464,7 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "님아",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "님",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "브로",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "브로스키",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "이친구야",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "쩌는놈",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "형씨",
@ -408,26 +477,29 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": "ㅇㅅㅇ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "ㅇㅈㅇ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": "ㅅ오ㅅ",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "우리 탈붕쿤",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "친구",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "잼민아",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "잘싸웠다.",
"pmcresponse-suffix_27": "괴짜",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "잘 싸웠다",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "잘하네",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "님 장비 장례 해줬음",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_4": "막상막하였네 잘싸웠음",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_4": "막상막하였네, 멋진 싸움이었음",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_5": "거의 잡았어요 잘하시네",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_6": "죽을뻔했네요",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_7": "내가 아래 있었으면 죽었을거임",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_7": "내가 먼저 발견하지 않았다면 내가 죽었을 거야",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_8": "즐겜",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_9": "잘했네",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_10": "제 갑빠 갈렸어요 잘싸웠음",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_10": "네가 뭘 쐈는지 모르겠지만 내 갑옷 박살냈음 gg",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_11": "사적인 감정은 없음, 예거퀘 깨는중이라 ;;",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_12": "죽을까봐 엄청 긴장했음",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_13": "{{PlayerName}}님 실력 좋네요",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_14": "리스팩 ㄷㄷ 잘싸웠어요",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_15": "졌잘싸",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_16": "추격적 개쩔었어요",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_1": "공짜파밍 개꿀 ㅎ",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_17": "방금 우리 개쩔었음",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_1": "공짜 루팅 ㄳ",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "총 잘먹을게 ㅅㄱ",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "그런 개똥총 쓰니까 뒤지지 ㅎㅎ",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "왜 그런 좆밥갑바씀 ㄷㄷ",
@ -440,8 +512,8 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_11": "연습좀 더 하고오셈",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_12": "다음에 도전해봐",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_13": "좆밥허접새끼의 명복을 빕니다 ㅎ",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "6한남9척살",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "북끄러운줄알아야지!",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "또 다른 더러운 쥐새끼를 찾았군",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "그것참 보기 안쓰럽네",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_16": "아무런 저항도 못하노 게이야",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_17": "보험처리 해봤자 의미없다 게이야 ㅋㅋ 다 내가 잡숴버렸응께",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "유튜브나 공략좀 보고와라 좆밥아",
@ -454,6 +526,8 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_25": "ㅋㅋㅋ 템들 다 좆구려서 걍 펜스한테 팔았음",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_26": "{{playerSide}} 평균 수준",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_27": "오늘 한 킬중 젤 쉬웠네",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_28": "걱정 할 필요없어, 네 장비는 너네 엄마 집에 숨겨두었으니까",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_29": "제대로 한 거 맞음?",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_1": "퀘스트 하러가는데 님이 지나갔음",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_2": "김장독 캐러가는데 보이길래 쐈음",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_3": "PMC킬 해야됐음 이해해줘",
@ -466,11 +540,62 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_10": "{{playerSide}} 특",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_11": "본인 {{playerSide}} 죽여야함. 이해함?",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_12": "이 좆같은 게임에서 아무도 가스아날을 못먹었다고?",
"pmcresponse-unable_to_find_key": "PMC 반응 풀을 찾을 수 없습니다, 해당 키에 대한 항목이 없습니다: %s",
"pmc-name_prefix_1": "천사의",
"pmc-name_prefix_2": "사악한",
"pmc-name_prefix_3": "피곤한",
"pmc-name_prefix_4": "검소한",
"pmc-name_prefix_5": "화난",
"pmc-name_prefix_6": "정직한",
"pmc-name_prefix_7": "합리적인",
"pmc-name_prefix_8": "경솔한",
"pmc-name_prefix_9": "야심적인",
"pmc-name_prefix_10": "자신감의",
"pmc-name_prefix_11": "매력적인",
"pmc-name_prefix_12": "세련된",
"pmc-name_prefix_13": "멋있는",
"pmc-name_prefix_14": "신성한",
"pmc-name_prefix_15": "부정직한",
"pmc-name_prefix_16": "욕심쟁이",
"pmc-name_prefix_17": "대머리",
"pmc-name_prefix_18": "매혹적인",
"pmc-name_prefix_19": "유치한",
"pmc-name_prefix_20": "악마의",
"pmc-name_prefix_21": "겸손한",
"pmc-name_prefix_22": "멋진",
"pmc-name_prefix_23": "무기력한",
"pmc-name_prefix_24": "긴장한",
"pmc-name_prefix_25": "허식적인",
"pmc-name_prefix_26": "영리한한",
"pmc-name_prefix_27": "불안한",
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "질투의",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "성실한",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "여장부",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "보스-베이비",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "황제",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "대장",
"pmc-name_prefix_34": "교활한",
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "심각한",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "수상한",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "의심스러운",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "불쾌한",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "축축한",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "G.O.A.T.",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "강렬한",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "가짜",
"pmc-name_prefix_43": "복수의",
"pmc-name_prefix_44": "당황한",
"pmc-name_prefix_45": "관능적인",
"pmc-name_prefix_46": "대담한",
"pmc-name_prefix_47": "커다란",
"pmc-name_prefix_48": "근육질",
"pmc-name_prefix_49": "수상한",
"launcher-profile_standard": "라이브와 동일, 기본 보관함 크기(10x28), 500,000루블",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "스탠다드 + 더 큰 보관함 크기(10x38), 추가 장비/아이템, 500달러",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "레프트 비하인드와 동일 더 큰 보관함 크기(10x48), 추가 장비/아이템, 상인과의 시작 평판 상승, 250유로",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "프리페어 투 이스케이프와 동일 더 큰 은신처 크기(10x68), 추가 장비/아이템, 상인과의 높은 시작 평판, 1000달러, 500유로",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "많은 루블/달러/유로, 일부 품질 관리 기술 레벨 20, 상인 담당자 최대 레벨, 시작 레벨 69, 완료된 퀘스트 없음",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "루블/달러/유로, 상인 대표, 칼 1개, 퀘스트 완료 등 거의 아무것도 없이 시작하세요.",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "테스트 프로필, 시작 레벨은 69, 많은 루블/달러/유로, USEC는 모든 퀘스트를 시작할 준비가 된 상태로 시작, BEAR는 모든 퀘스트를 제출할 준비가 된 상태로 시작, 무적 발라 클라바"
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "테스트 프로필, 시작 레벨은 69, 많은 루블/달러/유로, USEC는 모든 퀘스트를 시작할 준비가 된 상태로 시작, BEAR는 모든 퀘스트를 제출할 준비가 된 상태로 시작, 무적 발라 클라바",
"launcher-missing_property": "프로필: %s 은(는) descriptionLocaleKey 속성이 누락되어 있습니다"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): Prekybininko {{traderId}} asortimentas neturi \"loyal_level_items\" duomenų. Misijų atrakinamo asortimento šalinimas bus praleistas",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Prekybininko %s asortimentas neturi \"questassort\" JSON duomenų. Misijų atrakinamo asortimento šalinimas bus praleistas",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Nepavyko rasti susijusių \"{{traderName}}\" prekybininko misijų asortimento atrakinimo duomenų iš misijos \"{{questName}}\". Įvykdžius šią misiją, nebus atrakintos naujos prekės prekybininko asortimente",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Nepavyko rasti daikto \"%s\" bazinėje daiktų talpykloje. Talpykla bus atkurta",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed": "Vis tiek nepavyko rasti daikto \"%s\" bazinėje daiktų talpykloje po atkūrimo",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Duomenų bazė tuštčia, nepavyko sugeneruoti dalykų bazės",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "Dėmesio! Botų talpykla neturi iš anksto sukurto boto tipo \"%s\"",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Nepavyko patikrinti, ar daiktas \"{{id}} {{name}}\" gali būti naudojamas \"{{slot}}\" vietoje, dėl trūkstamų \"_props\" duomenų",
"bot-generation_failed": "Botų generavimas nepavyko. Serverio klaidų išvesties faile galima rasti daugiau detalių",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Netinkami šoviniai \"{{chosenAmmo}}\" buvo rasti ginkle \"{{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}\". Šoviniai bus pakeisti į \"{{defaultAmmo}}\"",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Nepavyko patikrinti daiktų tarpusavio suderinamumo. Daiktas \"{{itemTpl}}\" vietoje \"{{slot}}\" nėra validus",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Nepavyko sukurti daikto \"{{itemName}}\" po {{attempts}} bandymų. Sukūrimų limitas bus ignoruojamas",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Daiktų talpykloje nepavyko rasti \"{{lootType}}\" ant boto \"{{botRole}}\". Ar tai buvo PMC?: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Nepavyko pridėti šovinių į ginklą, kadangi ginklo \"modPool\" neturi šovinių duomenų prie \"CylinderMagazine %s\". Ginklo šovinių užtaisymas bus praleistas",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Nepavyko rasti konteinerio šablono, kurio \"tpl\" yra %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Trūksta įrangos nustatymų botui \"{{botRole}}\". Nepavyko rasti \"{{setting}}\" reikšmės - bus pakeista į \"{{defaultValue}}\" reikšmę",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Trūksta įrangos nustatymų botui \"{{botRole}}\". Nepavyko rasti \"{{setting}}\" reikšmės - bus pakeista į \"{{defaultValue}}\" reikšmę",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Nepavyko rasti daikto šablono, kurio \"tpl\" yra %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap(): Nepavyko gauti esamo žaidimo informacijos. Bus naudojami numatyti nustatymai. Ar jūs iš naujo paleidote serverį, bet palikote žaidimą įjungtą?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Nepavyko rasti konfigūracijos ginklui, kurio \"tpl\" yra %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Daikto \"{{parentName}}\" vietos \"{{modSlot}}\" suderinamumo filtruose nėra įrangos \"{{modId}}\". Šios įrangos pridėjimas botui \"{{botRole}}\" bus praleistas",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Daikte \"{{parentId}} {{parentName}}\" nėra vietos su pavadinimu \"{{modSlot}}\". Norimos įrangos pridėjimas botui \"{{botRole}}\" bus praleistas",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Nepavyko rasti šovinių boto tipui \"%s\"",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Nepavyko rasti vietovės botų \"%s\" limito. Bus naudojama numatytoji reikšmė",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "Dėmesio! Botų talpykla neturi informacijos apie tipą \"%s\"",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Nepavyko rasti kalibro duomenų ginklui \"{{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}\". Bus naudojami numatyti šoviniai: \"{{defaultAmmo}}\"",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Nepavyko rasti suderinamų šovinių \"%s\" vietai. Šovinių lizdo užpildymas bus praleistas",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Pildant įrangos vietą \"{{modSlot}}\", nepavyko rasti daikto, kurio \"tpl\" yra \"{{modId}}\"",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "Nepavyko rasti sukūrimo tikimybės įrangai \"%s\"",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Nepavyko rasti boto \"%s\" talpykloje. Botas bus sukūrtas iš naujo, tačiau tai gali sukelti laikinų nesklandumų žaidime",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Daiktas \"{{itemName}}\" nėra validus ir nebus naudojamas užpildyti vietai \"{{modSlot}}\" ant daikto \"{{parentItemName}}\"",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Negalima uždėti modifikacija ant ginklo: {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} nes neturi paskirtos vietos-{{botRole}}",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Nepavyko sukurti filtruoto dinaminio ginklų įrangos sąrašo, kadangi visa įranga vietoje \"%s\" buvo išfiltruota juodojo sąrašo. Ginklo įrangos sąrašas bus sukurtas nepaisant juodojo sąrašo",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Nepavyko nufiltruoti įrangos vietoje \"{{slotName}}\" ant daikto \"{{itemName}}\", kadangi visa įranga buvo įtraukta į juodajį sąrašą. Įranga bus parinkta nepaisant juodojo sąrašo",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Nepavyko rasti šovinio šablono, kurio \"tpl\" yra %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Nepavyko rasti numatytos dėtuvės šablono, kurio \"tpl\" yra %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Nepavyko rasti dėtuvės šablono, kurio \"tpl\" yra %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Nepavyko rasti botų sukūrimo limito rolei \"%s\". Bus naudojama numatytoji reikšmė",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Nepavyko rasti boto \"{{botType}}\" pasirinktam sudėtingumui \"{{difficulty}}\". Bus naudojama \"assault\" sudėtingumo reikšmė",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Nepavyko rasti boto \"%s\" JSON duomenų. Bus naudojami \"assault\" boto duomenys",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "Privalomoje įrangos vietoje \"{{modSlot}}\" ant ginklo \"{{weaponTpl}}\" buvo rastas negalimas daiktas \"{{modName}}\"",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Ginklas \"%s\" buvo sugeneruotas su klaidomis. Bus naudojama numatytoji ginklo konfigūracija",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Ginklas su tpl: {{weaponId}} neturi apkabos ar šovinio spynoje - {{botRole}}",
"event-unhandled_event": "[NEPALAIKOMAS ĮVYKIS] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Serveris: vykdomi paleidimo atgaliniai kvietimai...",
"modloader-checked": "patikrinta",
"modloader-checking_mod": "tikrinama \"%s\"",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Aptiktas reikalaujamų modifikacijų ciklas. Ši klaida būtinai turi būti sutvarkyta, kadangi dėl jos serveris negali startuoti",
"modloader-load_order_conflict": "Aptiktas užkrovimo tvarkos konfliktas tarp modifikacijų \"{{modOneName}}\" ir \"{{modTwoName}}\". Ši klaida būtinai turi būti sutvarkyta, kadangi dėl jos serveris negali startuoti",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "\"Dependency container\" buvo panaudotas, nors dar nebuvo inicializuotas",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Įvyko klaida bandant iššifruoti modifikacijų krovimo tvarką",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "Modifikacijos \"%s\" package.json failo \"incompatibilities\" lauke aptikta klaida - lauko reikšmė turėtų būti žodinio tipo",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "Modifikacija \"{{author}}-{{name}}\" yra nesuderinama su \"{{incompatibleModName}}\"",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "Modifikacijos \"%s\" package.json failo \"akiVersion\" lauke aptikta klaida - lauko reikšmė neatitinka \"semver\" standarto. Tinkamų reikšmių pavyzdžius galima rasti čia: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "Modifikacijos \"%s\" package.json failo \"akiVersion\" lauke aptikta klaida - lauko reikšmė yra netinkama",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder": "Galimai neteisingai įrašyta modifikacija - jūsų serverio \"mods\" aplanke yra papildomas aplankas \"%s\". Jūs galimai per klaidą įkėlėte pačios modifikacijos palaidus failus tiesiai į \"mods\" aplanką. Prašome jūsų apsilankyti mūsų svetainės \"FAQ\" sekcijoje bei pačios modifikacijos puslapyje ir atidžiai perskaityti, kaip teisingai įrašyti žaidimo modifikacijas",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "Modifikacija \"%s\" nėra serverio modifikacija - ji turėtų būti perkelta į šį aplanką: \"/spt/bepinex/plugins\"",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies": "Įrašomos privalomos antrinės modifikacijos, kurių reikalauja autoriaus \"{{author}}\" modifikacija \"{{name}}\"",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled": "Autoriaus \"{{author}}\" modifikacija \"{{name}}\" reikalauja išorinių antrinių modifikacijų, tačiau šis funkcionalumas yra išjungtas. Prašome eiti į \"{{configPath}}\" ir pakeisti \"{{configOption}}\" lauko reikšmę į \"true\", bei perkrauti serverį.\nĮjungdami šį funkcionalumą, jūs prisiimate visą atsakomybę dėl \"{{name}}\" modifikacijos atsiunčiamų failų.",
"modloader-skipped_mod": "Modifikacijos \"{{mod}}\" krovimas buvo praleistas",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Modifikacija \"{{name}}\" su versija \"{{version}}\" iš autoriaus \"{{author}}\" buvo sėkmingai užkrauta",
"modloader-loading_mods": "Ruošiamasi užkrauti %s modifikacijų...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Modifikacijos \"%s\" package.json failo \"main\" lauko reikšmė turi būti failo nuorodos tipo",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Modifikacijos \"%s\" package.json failo \"main\" lauko reikšmė yra nurodžiusi neegzistuojantį failą",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Modifikacijos \"%s\" package.json faile trūksta privalomo lauko \"akiVersion\". Tai gali būti dėl to, kad modifikacija yra per sena ir netinkama naudoti su dabartine SPT-AKI serverio versija",
"modloader-missing_dependency": "Modifikacija \"{{mod}}\" reikalauja, kad būtų įrašyta antrinė modifikacija \"{{modDependency}}\".",
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Modifikacijai \"%s\" trūksta package.json failo. Prašau įsitikinkite, jog teisingai sekėte modifikacijos įrašymo instrukcijas",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Modifikacijos \"{{modName}}\" package.json faile trūksta privalomo lauko \"{{prop}}\"",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "Modifikacija \"%s\" yra netinkama naudoti. Ji privalo realizuoti bent vieną iš šių metodų: IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IPreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property": "Modifikacija \"%s\" yra netinkama naudoti. Trūksta privalomo \"main\" lauko package.json faile",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "Įvyko klaida bandant užkrauti asinchroninę modifikaciją \"%s\"",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Kraunant modifikacijas buvo aptikta klaidų. MODIFIKACIJŲ KROVIMAS YRA ATŠAUKTAS",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Modifikacija \"%s\" yra pasenusi ir neskirta naudoti su dabartine SPT-AKI serverio versija. Jeigu kils klaidų ar nesklandumų žaidime - jums nebus suteikta jokia pagalba!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Modifikacija \"{{mod}}\" reikalauja, kad būtų įrašyta antrinė modifikacija \"{{modDependency}}\" su versija \"{{requiredVersion}}\", tačiau šiuo metu įrašyta versija yra \"{{currentVersion}}\"",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "Modifikacijų aplankas \"/user/mod\" neegzistuoja - bus sukurtas...",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "Modifikacijų krovimo sekos failas \"order.json\" neegzistuoja - bus sukurtas...",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "Aptiktos klaidos \"order.json\" faile. Modifikacijos bus užkrautos pagal numatytą seką",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "Modifikacija \"%s\" neegzistuoja \"order.json\" faile - bus pridėta",
"modloader-visited": "aplankyta",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "Modifikacija \"%s\" turi įrašytą daugiau nei vieną versiją. Ši modifikacija nebus užkrauta."

View File

@ -1,126 +1,144 @@
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): Assortiment voor trader {{traderId}} heeft geen loyal_level_items data, het verwijderen van missie assortiment wordt overgeslagen",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Assortiment voor trader: %s heeft geen questassort json, het verwijderen van missie assortiment wordt overgeslagen",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Kon geen corresponderende {{traderName}} missie assortiment ontgrendelen voor missie: {{questName}}. Deze missie voltooien zal geen trader item ontgrendelen om te kopen",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Item %s is niet gevonden in de item basis cache",
"assort-missing_loyalty_level_object": "stripQuestAssort(): Assortiment voor handelaar {{traderId}} heeft geen loyal_level_items data, het verwijderen van missie assortiment wordt overgeslagen",
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): Assortiment voor handelaar: %s bevat geen questassort json, het verwijderen van quest assorts wordt overgeslagen",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "Kon geen corresponderende {{traderName}} missie assortiment ontgrendelen voor missie: {{questName}}. Deze missie voltooien zal geen handelaars item ontgrendelen om te kopen",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "Voorwerp %s is niet gevonden in database, opnieuw genereren van database",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed": "Voorwerp %s nog steeds niet gevonden in de basis cache na herstel",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "Database was leeg, kon geen item basis cache genereren",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "WAARSCHUWING - Bot cache heeft geen voorgegenereerde bot van type %s, moet gegenereerd worden, configureer de server om meer te maken",
"bleeding_edge_build": "BLEEDINGEDGE",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "WAARSCHUWING - Bot cache heeft nog geen gegenereerde bot van type %s, zal moeten gegenereerd worden, configureer de server om meer te maken",
"bot-compatibility_check_missing_props": "Kon item niet valideren: {{id}} {{name}} in slot {{slot}} kan worden uitgerust, het mist een _props waarde",
"bot-generation_failed": "bot generatie gefaald zie server log voor meer details",
"bot-generation_failed": "bot generatie is gefaald zie server log voor meer details",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Incompatibele munitie {{chosenAmmo}} gevonden voor {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, er wordt teruggevallen op standaard: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Niet in staat item compatibiliteit te checken met uitgeruste items, gewenste item: {{itemTpl}} in slot: {{slot}} is geen valide item",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} niet in staat om item {{itemName}} te spawnen na {{attempts}} pogingen, spawn limit wordt genegeerd",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Loot cache gefaald for loot: {{lootType}} voor bot: {{botRole}}, was een pmc: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Niet in staat om patronen aan wapen toe te voegen omdat modPool geen patronen bevat voor een CylinderMagazine %s, wordt overgeslagen",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Kon geen container template vinden met tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}} mist uitrusting instellingen: niet in staat een waarde te vinden voor: {{setting}}, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} mist een uitrusting instelling waarde voor: {{setting}}, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Kon geen item template vinden met tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() Niet in staat opgeslagen match informatie te vinden, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard. Heb je de server opnieuw opgestart en niet de client?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Kon geen preset vinden voor wapen met tpl: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Mod: {{modId}} niet gevonden in compatibel item filter voor slot: '{{modSlot}}' voor item: {{parentName}}, wordt overgeslagen",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "slot '{{modSlot}}' bestaat niet voor item: {{parentId}} {{parentName}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Kon geen munitie vinden voor bot type: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Kon geen bot locatie limiet vinden voor bot: %s, standaard wordt gebruikt",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "Niet in staat voorwerp compatibiliteit te checken met uitgeruste items, gewenste voorwerp[: {{itemTpl}} in slot: {{slot}} is geen geldig voorwerp",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{botRole}} Niet in staat om voorwerp {{itemName}} te spawnen na {{attempts}} pogingen, voorwerp limiet wordt genegeerd",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Buit cache gefaald voor buit: {{lootType}} voor bot: {{botRole}}, was een pmc: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "Onmogelijk om patronen aan het wapen toe te voegen omdat modPool geen patronen bevat voor een CylinderMagazine %s, wordt overgeslagen",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "Kon geen container sjabloon vinden met tpl: %s",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}} mist instellingen van de uitrusting: kon geen waarde te vinden voor: {{setting}}, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard waarde: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} mist een waarde voor de instelling van de uitrusting: {{setting}}, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard waarde: {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "Item-sjabloon met tpl niet gevonden: %s",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() Kan opgeslagen wedstrijdinfo niet ophalen, terug naar standaard. Heb je de server opnieuw opgestart en niet de client?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "Kan geen preset vinden voor wapen met tpl: %s",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "Mod: {{modId}} niet gevonden in compatibel item-filter voor slot: '{{modSlot}}' voor item: {{parentName}}, overslaan - {{botRole}}",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "Opening '{{modSlot}}' bestaat niet voor item: {{parentId}} {{parentName}} op {{botRole}}",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Kan geen munitie vinden voor bot type: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Geen bot-locatie limiet gevonden voor bot: %s, standaard gebruikt",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "WAARSCHUWING - Bot cache heeft geen kennis van type %s",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Kon geen kaliber data vinden voor {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, er wordt teruggevallen op standaard munitie: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Kon geen compatibele munitie vinden voor slot: %s. Herladen overgeslagen",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Kon geen mod item template vinden met tpl: {{modId}} voor slot {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "Kan kaliber-gegevens niet vinden voor {{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}, valt terug op standaard munitie: {{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "Kan geen compatibele munitie vinden voor opening: %s. Herladen wordt overgeslagen",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "Kan geen mod onderdelen patroon vinden met tpl: {{modId}} voor opening {{modSlot}}",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "Er was geen spawn kans gedefinieerd voor uitrusting: %s",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "Bot: %s was niet gevonden in de cache en wordt nieuw gegenereerd, dit kan leiden tot game stutters",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} is geen geldig item, kon niet toegevoegd worden aan slot: '${modSlot}' op item: {{parentItemName}}, wordt overgeslagen",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Kon mods niet toevoegen aan wapen: {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} omdat er slots, patronen of schietkamers missen",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Kon gefilterde dynamische wapen mod pool niet genereren omdat de blacklist alle mods voor slot: %s weg heeft gefilterd, blacklist wordt genegeerd en pool wordt opnieuw gegenereerd",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Kon geen mods filteren voor slot: {{slotName}} op {{itemName}} omdat ze allemaal geblacklist zijn, blacklist wordt genegeerd",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Kon geen munitie template vinden met tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Kon magazijn template: &s niet vinden in de database",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Kon magazijn template: &s niet vinden in de database",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Kon geen spawn limieten vinden voor rol: %s, er wordt terug gevallen naar standaard",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Kon geen bot: {{botType}} moeilijkheid {{difficulty}} vinden, er wordt teruggevallen op assault moeilijkheid",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Kon bot: %s JSON niet vinden, er wordt teruggevallen op assault bot",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "Vereist slot '{{modSlot}}' op {{weaponTpl}} heeft een invalide item: {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Wapen %s was fout gegenereerd, er wordt teruggevallen op wapen preset zie bovenstaande foutmelding",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Wapen met tpl: %s heeft geen magazijn of schietkamer",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Slot: {{modSlot}}' bestaat niet voor wapen: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Vereist slot '{{modSlot}}' op {{modName}} {{slotId}} was leeg",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "Mod: {{itemName}} is geen geldig onderdeel, kon niet toegevoegd worden aan opening: '{{modSlot}}' op item: {{parentItemName}}, wordt overgeslagen",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "Kan mods niet toevoegen aan wapen: {{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} omdat er openingen, patroonhouders of kogel kamers missen - {{botRole}}",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "Kan gefilterde dynamische wapen mod bundel niet genereren omdat de uitsluitingslijst alle mods voor opening: %s weg heeft gefilterd. De uitsluitingslijst wordt genegeerd en de bundel wordt opnieuw gegenereerd",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "Kan geen mods filteren voor opening: {{slotName}} op {{itemName}} omdat ze allemaal op de uitsluitingslijst staan. De uitsluitingslijst wordt genegeerd",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Kan geen munitie template vinden met tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Kan magazijn template: %s niet vinden in de database",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Kan magazijn template: %s niet vinden in de database",
"bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults": "Niet in staat om spawn limieten voor rol te vinden: %s, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_difficulty_fallback_to_assault": "Kan geen bot: {{botType}} moeilijkheidsgraad {{difficulty}} vinden, er wordt teruggevallen op de 'assault' moeilijkheid",
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "Kan bot: %s JSON niet vinden, er wordt teruggevallen op 'assault' bot",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "Vereiste opening '{{modSlot}}' op {{weaponTpl}} heeft een ongeldig onderdeel: {{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "Wapen %s was fout gegenereerd, er wordt teruggevallen op vooraf ingesteld wapen. Zie bovenstaande foutmelding",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Wapen met tpl: {{weaponId}} heeft geen patroonhouder of kogelkamer - {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "Opening: {{modSlot}}' bestaat niet voor wapen: {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} op {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "Vereiste opening '{{modSlot}}' op {{modName}} {{slotId}} was leeg op {{botRole}}",
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "Item {{itemTpl}} {{name}} mist een _props eigenschap",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "Niet in staat om de wapen camora slot te vullen voor {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} mod pool voor item was leeg",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Niet in staat de bot limieten aan te passen voor map: %s omdat het niet gevonden kon worden",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "Is niet in staat om de wapen \"camora\" (kogel kamer) opening te vullen voor {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} mod bundel voor item was leeg",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Niet in staat de bot limieten aan te passen voor map: omdat %s niet gevonden kan worden",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Niet in staat om loo N waarde te vinden voor bot: %s, scav n wordt gebruikt",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Niet in staat om bot te vinden in cache met naam: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Niet in staat om bot te vinden in de cache met de naam: %s",
"bot-missing_application_context": "toepassingContext kon geen %s waarde vinden. Heeft u de server opnieuw opgestart zonder het spel te herstarten?",
"client_request": "[Cliëntverzoek] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "Kleding item {{itemId}} {{itemName}} is al gekocht",
"customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "Niet in staat om trader kleding aanbod te vinden met id: %s",
"customisation-unable_to_find_clothing_item_in_inventory": "Kleding item niet gevonden in inventaris met id: %s",
"dialog-missing_item_template": "Kon item met tpl {{tpl}} niet vinden in db, kon bericht van type {{type}} niet verzenden, wordt overgeslagen",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: opstart callbacks worden uitgevoerd...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Kon fence assortiment niet vinden voor id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Item %s gevonden die niet bestaat in items db. Je ervaart zeer waarschijnlijk fouten, dit kan komen door een items mod te gebruiken en de mod te verwijderen zonder de gemodde items uit jouw inventaris te verwijderen. Gebruik dit profiel niet",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "'pocket' item geupdate naar nieuwe 18876 versie met 3x speciale slots",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - kon geen bot van type %s vinden in database, wordt overgeslagen",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "Geen uitrusting data in seasonalevents.json config voor event %s",
"event-unhandled_event": "[ONBEHANDELDE EVENEMENT] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "Server: Uitvoeren van opstart terugkoppelingen...",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "Kan assortiment voor verkoper 'Fence' niet vinden voor id: %s",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "Voorwerp: %s gevonden in het profiel dat niet bestaat in de database. Je ZAL fouten tegenkomen. Dit kan komen omdat je een mod die voorwerpen heeft toevoegden aan het spel weer hebt verwijderd. Maar je hebt de voorwerpen niet vooraf verwijderd uit je inventaris voordat je de mod verwijderde. GEBRUIK DIT PROFIEL NIET. Open INSTALATIEFOLDER_SPT\\Aki_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json en verander de variabel 'removeModItemsFromProfile' van 'false' naar 'true'. Dit maakt het mogelijk dat de server jou profiel aanpast en hopelijk de verwijderde voorwerpen ook daatwerkelijk verwijderd",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "Het onderdeel 'pocket' geupdate naar nieuwe versie '18876' met 3x speciale plekken",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - kan geen bot van type %s vinden in database, wordt overgeslagen",
"gameevent-no_gear_data": "Geen data voor uitrustingen in seasonalevents.json instellingen voor evenement %s",
"hideout-missing_recipe_for_area": "Kon geen recept: %s vinden voor gebied type",
"hideout-missing_recipe_in_db": "Kon geen recept met _id: %s vinden",
"hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect": "Er zijn geen bitcoins klaar",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "Kon geen hideout gebied: %s vinden in profiel",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area": "Kan in het profiel geen plek %s vinden voor de schuilplek",
"hideout-unable_to_find_area_in_database": "Kon geen gebied: %s vinden in de database",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Kon geen item vinden in inventaris met id %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_item_to_remove_from_area": "Kon geen items vinden om van slot af te halen in gebied: %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_production_in_profile_by_recipie_id": "Kon geen productie recept met id: %s vinden in profiel",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Kon geen Scav Case recept vinden met id: %s in database",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "Kon geen item: %s vinden, opgevraagd door Scav Case",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Onbehandelde poging om item te verwijderen van hideout gebied: %s",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scav_case_recipie_in_database": "Kan Scav Case recept met id: %s niet vinden in database",
"hideout-unable_to_find_scavcase_requested_item_in_profile_inventory": "Kon voorwerp: %s niet vinden, opgevraagd door Scav Case",
"hideout-unhandled_remove_item_from_area_request": "Onbehandelde poging om item te verwijderen uit de schuilplaats: %s",
"http-unknown_error": "Een onbekende error heeft plaatsgevonden",
"health-healing_item_not_found": "Niet in staat om genezing item %s te vinden in speler inventaris",
"health-unable_to_find_item_to_consume": "Niet in staat om verbruiksartikel item %s te vinden in speler inventaris",
"importing_database": "Database importeren...",
"importing_database_finish": "Database import afgerond",
"validation_not_found": "Het bestand checks.dat is niet gevonden. Bestands validatie overgeslagen.",
"validation_error_decode": "Niet in staat om checks.dat te decoderen. Bestands validatie overgeslagen.",
"validation_error_file": "Bestands validatie gefaald voor bestand: %s",
"validation_error_exception": "Exceptie gevangen tijdens het proberen om bestand: %s te valideren",
"validation_not_found": "Het bestand checks.dat is niet gevonden. Bestandsvalidatie overgeslagen.",
"validation_error_decode": "Niet in staat om checks.dat te decoderen. Bestandsvalidatie overgeslagen.",
"validation_error_file": "Bestandsvalidatie gefaald voor bestand: %s",
"validation_error_exception": "Uitzondering ontvangen tijdens het proberen te valideren van: %s",
"importing_spt_configs": "Configuraties importeren...",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Reputatie voor Standing for moord niet gevonden voor {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Geen verzekering vermenigvuldiger gevonden voor trader: %s, check of het bestaat in InsuranceConfig.js, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard waarde van: 0.3",
"inraid-missing_standing_for_kill": "Reputatie verschil voor de moord niet gevonden voor {{victimSide}}:{{victimRole}}",
"insurance-missing_insurance_price_multiplier": "Geen verzekering vermenigvuldiging gevonden voor verkoper: %s, Kijk of dit bestaat in InsuranceConfig.js, er wordt teruggevallen op de standaard waarde van: 0.3",
"inventory-edit_trader_item": "Kon geen trader items aanpassen",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - Geen id met %s gevonden",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() is gereturned met een error %s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "Kon geen item: %s krijgen van db",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "Poging om item met te verplaatsen met slotid: {{slotId}} naar {{container}}, profiel corruptie is voorkomen",
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - Geen voorwerp met id:%s gevonden",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem() is geretourneerd met een fout %s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "Kan voorwerp: %s niet verkrijgen van database",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "Poging om item te verplaatsen met slot id: {{slotId}} naar {{container}}, corruptie van profiel is voorkomen",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "Niet genoeg opslag plek",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] voor item: {{id}}; Foutmelding: ${error}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() kon geen item met tpl: %s vinden in de flea database",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] voor voorwerp: {{id}}; Foutmelding: {{error}}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() kan voorwerp met tpl: %s niet vinden in de database of de flea(market)",
"inventory-unable_to_find_stash": "Geen opslag gevonden",
"inventory-return_default_size": "Item %s grootte wordt op de standaard van 1x1 gezet",
"inventory-item_missing_props_property": "Item tpl: {{itemTpl}} naam: {{itemName}} mist een props eigenschap, een grootte ervoor kan niet worden verkregen",
"inventory-get_item_size_item_not_found_by_tpl": "getSizeByInventoryItemHash() Item met tpl: %s niet gevonden",
"inventory-item_to_toggle_missing_upd": "Inventaris item met _id: %s mist een upd object, wordt toegevoegd",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found": "Niet in staat om inventaris item te schakelen met id: %s, item niet gevonden",
"inventory-missing_stash_size": "Kan de grootte van de inventaris niet bepalen omdat er geen inventaris is gevonden",
"inventory-stash_not_found": "Inventaris %s niet gevonden in de db",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() wapen tpl: %s durabiliteit waarde is invalide, er wordt teruggevallen op 1",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "Non-root processen kunnen niet op poorten onder 1024 gebonden worden",
"location-containers_generated_success": "Een totaal van %s statische container gegenereerd",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "Een critische fout heeft plaatsgevonden bij het genereren van loot, zie server log voor details",
"location-critical_error_see_log": "Een critische fout heeft plaats gevonden bij het genereren van loot, zie server log voor details",
"location-dynamic_items_spawned_success": "Een totaal van %s dynamische items gespawned",
"location-generated_success": "Locatie %s gegenereeerd",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() gefaald, root item is null, tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "preset niet gevonden voor {{tpl}}, defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "{{requested}} spawn punten waren opgevraagd terwijl {{found}} beschikbaar zijn {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() gefaald, kon geen nieuwe parent geven aan {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() gefaald, kon geen nieuwe parent geven aan {{tpl}}. parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Niet in staat om airdrop configuratie instellingen te vinden voor type: %s, er wordt teruggevallen op type: mixed ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s mist een base json, map wave reparaties worden overgeslagen",
"location-missing_dynamic_template": "Het gekozen dynamische spawnpunt %s heeft geen sjabloon, overslaan",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items": "Het gekozen dynamische spawnpunt %s heeft geen voorwerpen, overslaan",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s heeft geen parentId waarde, item kan niet gebruikt worden als loot",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "Ongeldig wapen: %s, was gekozen als beloning voor verzegelde wapen krat, niet in staat loot te creëren",
"mailsend-missing_trader": "Kan bericht type: {{messageType}} to player: {{sessionId}} niet verzenden, de handelaar enmun is null",
"mailsend-missing_npc_dialog": "Kan bericht van %s niet verzenden. Er bestaat geen dialoog voor deze persoon",
"mailsend-missing_parent": "Kan geen voorwerp met slotid vinden: schuilplaats bericht aan: {{traderId}} verzender: {{sender}}",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[BUNDLE]: %s",
"modloader-checked": "gechecked",
"modloader-checking_mod": "%s wordt gechecked",
"modloader-checking_mod": "wordt gecontroleerd: %s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "Cyclische dependency gedetecteerd",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "De dependency container was opgevraagd maar niet geïnitialiseerd",
"modloader-load_order_conflict": "`{{modOneName}}` en`{{modTwoName}}` hebben een conflict in de volgorde van laden, de server kan niet opstarten tot het conflict is opgelost. De server word gestopt",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "De afhankelijkheid container was opgevraagd werd maar niet geïnitialiseerd",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "Fout tijdens het parsen van de mod laadvolgorde",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "Mod %s package.json property 'incompatibilities' moet een string array zijn",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "Mod {{author}}-{{name}} is niet compatibel met {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "Mod %s bevat een invalide semver string in het akiVersion veld. Voorbeelden van valide waarden: https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "Mod %s package.json bevat een invalide versie string",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder": "Er bestaat een map met de naam (%s) in uw mods map. U heeft een mod onjuist geïnstalleerd. U heeft misschien per ongeluk de inhoud van een mod direct in de mod map uitgepakt. Raadpleeg de websites FAQ en de hub pagina van de mods op hoe mods correct geïnstalleerd kunnen worden",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "Mod (%s) is een client mod en moet in de volgende map geplaatst worden: /spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies": "Afhankelijkheden installeren voor Mod: {{name}} door: {{author}}",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled": "Mod: {{name}} door: {{author}} vereist externe afhankelijkheden, maar de functie is momenteel uitgeschakeld, Ga naar \"{{configPath}}\", stel \"{{configOption}}\" in op true en herstart de server.\nDoor dit aan te zetten neem je alle verantwoordelijkheid voor wat {{name}} naar je machine download.",
"modloader-skipped_mod": "Laden van: {{mod}} mod overgeslagen",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "Mod {{name}} versie{{version}} door {{author}} is geladen",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: %s mods worden ingeladen...",
"modloader-loading_mods": "ModLoader: %s mods worden ingeladen op server...",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "Mod %s package.json main property moet een .js bestand zijn",
"modloader-main_property_points_to_nothing": "Mod %s package.json main property wijst naar een niet bestaand bestand",
"modloader-missing_akiversion_field": "Mod %s mist een akiVersion veld, zeer waarschijnlijk omdat deze verouderd en niet comptatibel is met de huide AKI versie",
@ -128,7 +146,8 @@
"modloader-missing_package_json": "Mod (%s) mist een package.json",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "Mod {{modName}} package.json vereist {{prop}} property",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "ModLoader: mod niet compatibel. Het moet minstens een van de volgende interfaces implementeren: IPostAkiLoadMod, IPostDBLoadMod, IpreAkiLoadMod",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Error tijdens het laden van async mod: %s",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property": "ModLoader: Mod (%s) is niet compatibel. Het heeft geen 'main' eigenschap",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "ModLoader: Fout tijdens het laden van async mod: %s",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "Er zijn errors gevonden met mods, ER WORDEN GEEN MODS GELADEN",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "Mod %s is niet compatibel met de huide versie van AKI. Je kan problemen tegenkomen - er wordt geen support geleverd!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "Mod {{mod}} vereist {{modDependency}} versie {{requiredVersion}}. Huidige versie is {{currentVersion}}",
@ -137,6 +156,7 @@
"modloader-mod_order_error": "ModLoader: Errors zijn gevonden in order.json, STANDAARD LAAD VOLGORDE WORDT GEBRUIKT",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "ModLoader: Mod %s mist in order.json",
"modloader-visited": "bezocht",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "U probeert meer dan één versie van %s mod te laden. Sla alle versies over.",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "Kon geen zones toevoegen aan locatie: %s omdat deze niet bestaat",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "Profiel heeft niet genoeg geld om de transactie te voltooien: heeft {{amountToPay}} nodig, heeft {{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "Niet genoeg geld om de transactie te voltooien",
@ -161,6 +181,7 @@
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() offerId: %s niet gevonden, kon het aanbod niet verbergen",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl: %s is geen valide item, wordt overgeslagen",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "Kon geen item met id: {{id}} vinden in inventaris",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_offer_to_remove": "Niet in staat om aanbieding met id: %s te verwijderen",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "Kon geen opgevraagde items in het inventaris vinden",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "Kon de commissie niet betalen",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "Aanbod bestaat niet meer",
@ -188,14 +209,20 @@
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "Niet in staat om kerst uitrusting te verwijderen uit slot: {{equipmentSlot}} omdat het niet gevonden kon worden op bot: {{botRole}}",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "Niet in staat om kerst loot te verwijderen uit slot: {{lootContainer}} omdat het niet gevonden kon worden op bot: {{botRole}}",
"server_running": "Server is gestart",
"server_start_meme_1": "Leef lach liefde",
"server_start_meme_2": "Anime :(",
"server_start_meme_3": "Als je mij kan horen, moet je wakker worden",
"server_start_meme_4": "Vergeet niet te liken en subscriben",
"server_start_meme_4": "Vergeet niet te liken en te abonneren",
"server_start_meme_5": "Heb je onze meme pagina gezien?",
"server_start_meme_6": "Ik hoop dat je geen fitgirl repack gebruikt, ik zweer bij god",
"server_start_meme_7": "bingos binted",
"server_start_meme_8": "its morbin time",
"server_start_meme_9": "S-stief scav? W-wat ben je aan het doen?",
"server_start_meme_10": "[Debug] Crypto miner wordt gestart",
"server_start_meme_11": "miner.exe is niet gestart, herstart a.u.b. de server",
"server_start_meme_12": "We proberen u te bereiken over uw uitgestelde auto garantie",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... sus",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ amogus ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Hallo? Is er daar iemand? Chomp heeft me in een slaaf veranderd",
"server_start_meme_16": "M-*boer*-morty, wij lijken vast te zitten in een of ander computeer systeem",
"server_start_meme_17": "Ik kom razend snel dicht bij jouw locatie. Ga maar vast rennen",
@ -203,8 +230,9 @@
"server_start_meme_19": "Gefeliciteerd! Pak hier jouw gratis Tarkov key: https://bit.ly/3TJbUh2",
"server_start_meme_20": "Wist je dat 9 van de 10 gebruikers dit niet kunnen lezen?",
"server_start_meme_21": "Vraag je je ooit af of iedereen rood als dezelfde kleur ziet?",
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT waarborcht jouw maagdelijkheid sinds 2018",
"server_start_meme_24": "De geheime safe haven server bestaat! Maar zeg het tegen niemand!",
"server_start_meme_24": "De geheime veilige plek server bestaat! Maar zeg het tegen niemand!",
"server_start_success": "Veel plezier",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "Jouw character heeft de 'BotReload' skill actief, dit zorgt ervoor dat je wapens onnatuurlijk snel herladen, negeer dit bericht als dit de bedoeling is",
"started_webserver_success": "webserver gestart op %s",
@ -212,11 +240,14 @@
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "Trader: {{traderId}} niet gevonden, er wordt een tijdelijke inschrijving gemaakt met een standaard ververs tijd van: {{updateTime}}",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler was 0, dit is invalide, wordt op 0.01 gezet",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "Niet in staat om trader aankopen te processen in profiel: {{profileId}} omdat trader: {{traderId}} niet gevonden kon worden, wordt overgeslagen",
"unhandled_response": "[ONBEHANDELD][%s]",
"unknown_request": "Onbekende request!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "Commercieel gebruik is niet toegestaan",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "RAPPORTEER HET NIET",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "Dit werk is gratis",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Als je geld hebt betaald ben je afgezet",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-no_support": "ER WORDT GEEN SUPPORT GEGEVEN",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "DIT IS GEEN PROBLEEM",
@ -239,6 +270,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "Goed gevecht",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "Dat was eerlijk, mooie kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "Jij kan goed schieten, dat is zeker",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "Ik wist dat ik niet moest kijken",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "Je had het voordeel daar",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "Goede kill, Ik krijg je de volgende keer wel",
@ -300,6 +332,8 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Mooie aimbot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "Cheap schot",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_3": "Wow mooie esp",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Cheap kill",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Mooie achterbakse strategie",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Hoeveel koste je hacks",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": "] =(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Ik mald echt hard nu",
@ -368,7 +402,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_71": "Je had die kill echt nodig, je kd is echt slecht",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_72": "Ik ging dood door iemand met een meta wapen uit 2019, schaamtelijk",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_73": "Wow je hebt me dood gemaakt, je bent zo goed (dit is duidelijk sarcasme)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_74": "Ik haat campers zoals jij, verpesten het spel",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_74": "Ik haat campers zoals jou, je verpest het spel",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_75": "Ik heb tenminste een echt leven buiten tarkov",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_76": "Je killde me alleen omdat mijn wapen vastliep",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_77": "Ik moest even mijn kinderen helpen, kunnen niet allemaal pro gamers zijn zoals jij",
@ -383,6 +417,19 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_86": "Ik ging alleen dood omdat ik toestraks in de sportschool was",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_87": "Kijk maar uit, ik ben een discord mod en ik ben best een big deal hier",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_88": "Je was gered door mijn wapen die vastliep",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_89": "Je hebt geluk dat ik me concentreer op mijn aap jpg en niet dit kinderlijk spel, of je zou het erg betreuren",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_90": "Als ik nu niet op mijn sigma mannelijke grindset was, dan was je al lang dood geweest",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_91": "Ik heb jou laten winnen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_92": "Je hebt me een plezier gedaan, ik ging deze prullige set toch verkopen",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_93": "Je bent zo'n rat, ik durf te wedden dat je Ratthew genoemd wordt",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_94": "Jij rat, jij hebt zeker geauditeerd voor de rol van Stuart Little",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_95": "Ik durf te wedden dat jij een radar mod gebruikt dat ik op de hub heb gezien",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_96": "1v1 tegen mij in dorms, dan zien we wie er beter is",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_97": "Ik durf te wedden dat jij z'n persoon bent dat op de hub zeikt over de fps van streets",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_98": "Jij hebt zeker op de hub lopen zeiken over de vele foutmelding nadat jij oude mods hebt geïnstalleerd",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_99": "Je computer is zo zwak dat je slechts 20 frames per seconde haalt in Streets",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_100": "Ik durf te wedden dat je SAIN geïnstalleerd hebt en het moest verwijderen omdat je keer op keer gedood werd",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101": "Wat de FUCK zei je over mij, kleine Scav? Ik ben als top van mijn klas in het USEC leger afgestudeerd en ik ben betrokken geweest bij talkrijke geheime aanvallen op de {{playerSide}}, waar ik meer dan 300 mensen gedood heb. Ik ben getrained in guerilla oorlog en ben een van de beste scherpschutters in het USEC leger. Jij bent niks meer dan het volgende doelwit. Ik vaag je bij de volgende raid uit met ongekende precisie, let maar op. Als je denkt weg te komen met deze kut chats, staat je nog wat te wachten fucker. Terwijl we praten ben ik al contact aan het opnemen met mijn geheime spionnen netwerk over alle Customs locaties en je stash wordt wordt gevolgd. Bereid je maar voor op een heftige storm, worm. Deze storm zal een eind maken aan je zielige leventje, je bent FUCKING dood Scav! Ik kan overal zijn op elk moment en ik kan je op 700 verschillende manieren vermoorden, en dat is alleen nog maar met mijn blote handen. Ik ben niet alleen zwaar getrained in hand gevechten, maar ik heb ook toegang tot het hele wapenarsenaal van het USEC leger, en ik zal dit gebruiken om je van de aarde af te vegen, zielig stuk stront. Als je geweten had wat voor wraak je \"slimme\" kill gaat brengen, had je misschien je FUCKING mond gehouden. Maar dat kon je niet, je wilde het niet. En nu ga je de prijs betalen, FUCKING idioot. Ik schijt wraak en ga je er in verzuipen. Je bent FUCKING dood, Scav.",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "Ik deed alleen een missie",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "Ik wou gewoon mijn missie doen, waarom killde je mij",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "Ik hoop dat je blij bent, ik kan nieteens een nieuwe uitrusting betalen",
@ -409,6 +456,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "het is niet anders",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Het is echt over",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "maat",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "bruh",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "makkertje",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "maatje",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "vriend",
@ -416,15 +464,24 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_7": "gast",
"pmcresponse-suffix_8": "mijn g",
"pmcresponse-suffix_9": "broer",
"pmcresponse-suffix_10": "broski",
"pmcresponse-suffix_11": "makker",
"pmcresponse-suffix_12": "zucht",
"pmcresponse-suffix_13": "man",
"pmcresponse-suffix_14": "koning",
"pmcresponse-suffix_15": "kampioen",
"pmcresponse-suffix_16": "vriend",
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "maat",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "gozer",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "Maat",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": "] =)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": "] =))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "mijn gozer",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "vriend",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "kind",
"pmcresponse-suffix_27": "stuudje",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "Goed gevecht",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "Je hebt goed gevochten",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "Ik zal je uitrusting in een bosje leggen",
@ -446,6 +503,7 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Bedankt voor de nieuwe uitrusting",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "Geen wonder dat je dood ging, je wapen is vreselijk",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "Hoezo draag je dat kogelvrije vest lmao",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_5": "lmaoooo",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_6": "Geen zorgen, je uitrusting staat zometeen op de flea",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_7": "Geen wonder dat je SPT speelt als je zo richt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_8": "Het is niet anders",
@ -455,18 +513,21 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_12": "Probeer er de volgende keer tenminste een beetje een uitdaging van te maken",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_13": "Rip klein pietertje",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_14": "Nog een vieze kleine rat afgehandeld",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "Dat was genant om te zien",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_15": "Dat was gênant om naar te kijken",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_16": "Ik verwachtte in ieder geval een beetje tegendruk",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_17": "Ik hoop dat je geen verzekering had want je krijgt niks terug",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_18": "Ik heb een youtube serie over hoe je beter wordt in tarkov als je interesse hebt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_19": "Nog een dogtag voor mijn collectie",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_20": "Je bent zo slecht dat je beter spt kan spelen",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_21": "Gesloopt",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_22": "En ik dacht dat ik slecht was",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "Zijn alle {{playerSide}} zo slecht?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "Bedankt voor de loot",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_25": "Je uitrusting was so slecht dat ik het allemaal aan fence heb verkocht",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_26": "Gemiddelde {{playerSide}} speler",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_27": "Makkelijkste loot van de dag",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_28": "Vrees niet, ik heb jouw spullen bij jouw moeder opgeslagen",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_29": "Deed je wel er moeite voor",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_1": "Ik probeerde een missie item uit de raid te halen en je stond in de weg",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_2": "Ik was een vat aan het looten en je stond in de weg, sorry",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_3": "Ik heb PMC kills nodig, maar dat snap je wel",
@ -510,18 +571,31 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "IJverige",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Gewetensvolle",
"pmc-name_prefix_30": "Vrouwbaas",
"pmc-name_prefix_31": "Baas-Babe",
"pmc-name_prefix_32": "Koning",
"pmc-name_prefix_33": "Chef",
"pmc-name_prefix_34": "Lastige",
"pmc-name_prefix_35": "Serieuze",
"pmc-name_prefix_36": "Verdacht",
"pmc-name_prefix_37": "Verdachte",
"pmc-name_prefix_38": "Cringe",
"pmc-name_prefix_39": "Dank",
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "GOAT",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "Pittige",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "Neppe",
"pmc-name_prefix_43": "Wraakzaam",
"pmc-name_prefix_44": "Verward",
"pmc-name_prefix_45": "Sensueel",
"pmc-name_prefix_46": "Brutaal",
"pmc-name_prefix_47": "Groot",
"pmc-name_prefix_48": "Gezwollen",
"pmc-name_prefix_49": "Verdacht",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Zelfde als live, basis stash grootte (10x28), 500,000 roubles",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "Zelfde als Standard plus; grotere stash (10x38), extra uitrusting/items, 500 dollars",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "Zelfde als Left Behind plus; grotere stash (10x48), extra uitrusting/items, hogere start reputatie met traders, 250 euros",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "Zelfde als Prepare To Escape plus; grotere stash (10x68), extra uitrusting/items, hogere start reputatie met traders, 1000 dollars, 500 euros",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "Heel veel Roubles/Dollars/Euros, Een aantal QoL skills zijn level 20, trader rep maximaal, start level is 69, geen voltooide missies",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "Start met bijna niks, geen Roubles/Dollars/Euros, geen trader rep, 1 mes, geen voltooide missies",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "Test profiel, start level is 69, heel veel Roubles/Dollars/Euros, USEC start met alle missied klaar om te starten, BEAR start met alle missies klaar om ingeleverd te vorden, invincibility balaclava"
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "Begin met bijna niets, geen roze/Dollars/Euros, geen handelaar rep, 1 mes, geen missies voltooid",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "Test profiel, start level is 69, heel veel Roubles/Dollars/Euros, USEC start met alle missies klaar om te starten, BEAR start met alle missies klaar om ingeleverd te worden, onverwoestbare balaclava",
"launcher-missing_property": "Profiel: %s mist de eigenschap descriptionLocaleKey"

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "{{requested}} spawnpoints foram requisitados enquanto {{found}} estão disponíveis {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() falhou, incapaz de reparelhar {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "Não foi possível encontrar as definições de configuração do airdrop para o tipo: %s, retornando ao tipo drop: misto ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s não tem um json base, ignorando correções de ondas de mapa",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s não possui um json base, ignorando correções de ondas de mapa",
"location-missing_dynamic_template": "O spawnpoint %s dinâmico escolhido não tem modelo, ignorando",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items": "O ponto de spawnpoint dinâmico escolhido %s não possui itens, ignorando",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "Item: %s não possui um valor parentId, incapaz de usar item como loot",
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_36": "Essas reações suas são surreais, boa",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_37": "Eu estava protegido, mas você encontrou um ângulo, muito bom",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_38": "Você estava fazendo alguns movimentos de Chad naquela incursão",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_39": "Um absoluto atirador Chad aqui, bom abate",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_39": "Atirador de elite absoluto, um verdadeiro chad. Bom abate",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_40": "Abate limpo",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_41": "Abate frio como pedra",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_42": "Você me enganou muito bem",
@ -323,9 +323,9 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_59": "Cara, você é um ninja nesse jogo. Como você se tornou tão bom?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_60": "Desgraçado sorrateiro! Alguma dica sobre movimento silencioso?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_61": "Foste rápido a sacar a arma, meu. Algum conselho que queiras partilhar?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_62": "Cara, seus esconderijos são incríveis. Me dê algumas dicas",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_62": "Cara, seus esconderijos são fora de série. Me dá umas dicas aí",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_63": "Como você é tão bom com essa arma, cara? Preciso de algumas dicas agora",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_64": "Irmão, você era silencioso como uma sombra. Me ensine",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_64": "Cara, você estava silencioso como uma sombra. Me ensina",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_65": "Não consigo acreditar que me tenhas matado desta maneira. Bom trabalho",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_66": "Devíamos jogar juntos um dia destes",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_67": "Tu sabes o que fazes, vamos jogar juntos noutra altura",
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Estou me sentindo tão mal agora",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Bom trabalho, senhor do suor",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Eu estava AFK!!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_11": "Denunciou você por trapaça",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_11": "Denunciei você por trapaça",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_12": "Só me mataste por causa do lag",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_13": "Preciso de ir jogar SPT para me afastar dos hackers como tu",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_14": "Se eu conhecesse melhor o mapa, teria ganho",
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_67": "Aposto que você configurou a minha IA para fácil",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_68": "Só ganhaste porque eu fiz merda",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_69": "Tiro sortudo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_70": "Você deve ter gasto mais dinheiro atirando sua munição do que eu tinha em meu corpo",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_70": "Você deve ter gasto mais dinheiro em munição atirando em mim do que eu investi em me proteger",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_71": "Você precisava dessa morte, seu kd é muito ruim",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_72": "Morri para alguém que está a usar uma arma do meta de 2019, vergonhoso",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_73": "Uau, mataste-me, és tão incrível (isto é sarcasmo, btw)",

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "Предмет {{itemTpl}} {{name}} не имеет _props свойства",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "Не удалось заполнить слот оружейной камеры для оружия {{weaponId}} {{weaponName}} пул модов для предмета был пуст, пытаемся сгенерировать динамично",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "Не удалось отредактировать лимит ботов на карте: %s так как они не могут быть найдены",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Не удалось найти значение N для бота: %s, используем значение N дикого",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "Не удалось найти значение лута N для бота: %s, используем значение N дикого",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "Не удалось найти бота в кеше с именем: %s",
"bot-missing_application_context": "applicationContext не нашло значение %s. Вы перезапустили сервер без перезапуска самой игры?",
"client_request": "[Запрос Клиента] %s",
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
"server_start_meme_12": "Мы пытаемся связаться с вами по поводу продления страховки на ваш автомобиль",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... подозр",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ амогус ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "Эй? Есть тут кто-нибудь? Чомп взял меня в рабство.",
"server_start_meme_15": "Эй? Есть тут кто-нибудь? Чомп держит меня в рабстве",
"server_start_meme_16": "Морти, мы, кажется, застряли на какой-то вычислительной системе.",
"server_start_meme_17": "Я стремительно приближаюсь к вашему местоположению. Начинайте бежать",
"server_start_meme_18": "Если вы видите это сообщение, поздравляю, вы можете читать",
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_18": "Наслаждайся моим лутом, говнюк",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_19": "Да как ты вообще меня из своей пукалки убил, жесткий",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_20": "Так и знал что 6-ая катка была лишней, гг",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_21": "Найс гир, с таким бы я походил",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_21": "Круто обошел, хорош",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_22": "Чуть сердце не вышло наружу, мощно",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_23": "гл хф",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_24": "Ю вонна плэй? Лет'с плэй",
@ -313,58 +313,58 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_49": "не могу поверить как ты меня так легко обошёл с фланга, в чём секрет",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_50": "впечатляющий аим, будут какие нибудь советы",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_51": "Ты хорошо ориентируешься на карте, научи меня",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_52": "как тебе удаётся так тихо ходить",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_53": "хорошая реакция, не подскажешь ли как потренить мою",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_54": "ты знаешь хорошие места для засады. Поделишься?",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "Я заметил что ты эффективно пользуешься оружием, есть какие нибудь советы насчёт этого",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_56": "как ты так ко мне тихо подошёл что я даже не услышал",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_52": "Как тебе удаётся так тихо ходить",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_53": "Хорошая реакция, подскажи как потренить мою",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_54": "Ты знаешь хорошие места для засады. Делись",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "Я заметил что ты эффективно пользуешься оружием, научи",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_56": "Как ты так ко мне тихо подошёл, я даже не услышал",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_57": "Ты выдержал перестрелку как про. Дай пару советов",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_58": "Просто безумная аим пушка! Дай парочку советов",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_58": "Нереальный аим! Дай парочку советов",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_59": "Чел ты прям как ниндзя в этой игре. Как ты стал настолько хорош",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_60": "Чувак, твои укрытия просто имба. Дай парочку советов",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_60": "Вот же крыса! Научи ходить так же тихо",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_61": "Как ты настолько хорош с этой пушкой чел? Не поделишься советами",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_62": "Бро ты тихий как тень. Научи меня",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_63": "Не могу поверить ты забрал меня вот так. Хорошая работа",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_64": "мы должны сыграть вместе",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_64": "Чел, ты был тише мыши. Расскажи как",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_65": "Ты знаешь как играть в эту игру, давай сходим в рейд вместе",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_66": "Давай сыграем в дуо когда-нибудь",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_67": "Ты реально имеешь толк, давай вместе в рейде сыграем",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Иди потрогай траву, ноулайфер",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "А без читов слабо?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_1": "Крутой аимбот",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_2": "Тебе повезло",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_3": "Слыш, вх офф",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Найс кемперишь, чертила",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "Ты залакил",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "Репорт, читух",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "Лови репорт за читы",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": "Очередной ноулайфер кустодрочер",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "Я тебя бы 1 на 1 порвал",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Чел, я же афкшил",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "Найс играешь потняра",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "Че, только и умеешь по афк стрелять?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_11": "Пф, зажимать и обезьяна умеет",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_12": "Да у меня залагало отвечаю",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_13": "Ты убил меня только из-за десинка",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_13": "Надо переезжать в SPT там нет читаков вроде тебя",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_14": "Буба, почини свой кусок игры",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_15": "Тебе норм весь рожок высаживать? Поехавший",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_16": "Чисто на лакиче меня поймал.",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_16": "если бы вышли по чесноку я бы выиграл",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_17": "Да ты на пули больше потратил чем с меня подберешь",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_18": "Маму в кино водил",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_19": "У меня папа Никита, я про тебя ему расскажу",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_20": "Ноускиллище, в топ гире каждый может",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_20": "У меня заклинило иначе ты бы сдох",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_21": "Ну ты и крысятина",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_22": "Мразь, такую ходку заруинил",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_22": "Мда сидишь в углу как крыса, офигенно",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_23": "Как же я ненавижу эту игру",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_24": "Чувак ты явно перепутал игру",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_25": "Репорт",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_26": "Да как же ты задолбал, иди других убивай",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_27": "Да чтоб у тебя клин невовремя произошел",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_27": "Ого, убил кепарика, наверно очень гордишься",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_28": "ОЧЕНЬ ПЛОХАЯ ИГРА",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_29": "Ты сделал голова-глаза мне, мистер хакер",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_30": "Классный чит на голова-глаза",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_31": "Если бы у меня были деньги на реально классное обмундирование, то был бы мёртв ты вместо меня",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_32": "Ты можешь и убить меня, но держу пари, ты никогда не найдёшь чёрную лабкарту",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_33": "С теплаком днем бегаешь, казуал?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_33": "Может и поймал меня но мой термак не нашел",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_34": "Только слабаки бегают с топ патронами",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_35": "Да, ты убил меня, но я могу жать лёжа больше тебя",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_36": "Иди в SPT играй, нубяра",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_36": "Ты пользуешься картой как Сусанин",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_37": "Я твое читерство на реддит запостил",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_38": "Тебе бан от Бубы",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_39": "Я твой орлиный глаз на жопу натяну",
@ -378,14 +378,14 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_47": "Увидимся в следующем рейде",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_48": "Дождись следующего рейда, ошибок больше не будет",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_49": "не ожидал такого, тебе повезло",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_50": "в следующий раз не прощу",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_50": "Почти поймал тебя. В следующий раз не уйдешь",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_51": "На этот раз тебе повезло, больше так просто не будет",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_52": "В этом рейде у меня было несколько неудачных моментов, но в следующий раз тебе будет не так легко",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_53": "Удача была на твоей стороне, в следующий раз она будет на моей",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_54": "Я ещё вернусь к тебе, и я буду ещё сильнее",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_55": "ну и натворил делов я конечно, ладно",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_56": "отвечаю что ты не нашёл ледуху в моём трупе",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_57": "уверяю тебе было без шансов найти лаб карту у меня",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_55": "Ну и натворил делов я конечно, ладно",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_56": "Отвечаю что ты не нашёл ледуху в моей разгрузке",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_57": "Уверен что ты пропустил ключкарту на моем трупе",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_58": "Я надеюсь ты забыл забрать дорогие ключи которые были у меня с собой",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_59": "у меня было достаточно времени чтобы запихать весь мой лут в жопу",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_60": "мой подсумок был фулл лута, а твой нет",
@ -395,23 +395,23 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_64": "вау, вижу ты любишь абузить десинк",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_65": "Думаю, было самое время тебе сегодня кого-нибудь да убить",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_66": "Держу пари, ты поставил мой искусственный интеллект на легкую сложность",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_67": "ты выиграл только потому что я облажался",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_67": "Я уверен что ты поставил мою сложность на легкую",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_68": "Везучий шот",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_69": "Тупа повезло тебе",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_70": "тебе нужен был этот килл, твой кд просто ужас",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_71": "Я умер от того кто использовал мета-ган из 2019 года, позор",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_72": "Ух тыы, убил меня, ты такой скилловый (сарказм)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_73": "Ненавижу таких кемперов как ты которые заправляют этой игрой",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_70": "Ты потратил больше бабла на патроны чем было у меня в трупе",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_71": "Тебе нужен был этот килл, твой кд просто ужас",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_72": "Я умер от того кто использовал мета-ган из 2019 года, позор",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_73": "Ух тыы, убил меня, ты такой скилловый (сарказм есчо)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_74": "Ненавижу крыс по типу тебя, только и делаете что игру портите",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_75": "Ты убил меня только потому что моё оружие заклинило",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_76": "я здесь зарабатываю бешеные деньги, меня не волнуют убийства или смерти",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_77": "Тебе повезло что я был сосредоточен на своем крипто-портфолио, а не на этой игре",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_78": "Ещё не надумал выйти на улицу и потрогать траву?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_79": "Поздравляю! Ты убил того у которого хотя бы есть реальная жизнь.",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_80": "Ты конечно хорош что убил меня но хочу напомнить что я иду на свидание (с девушкой)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_81": "От лица модератора реддита тебе я запрещу создавать посты",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_82": "ты убил меня только потому что я разговаривал со своими тёлочками",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_83": "тебе повезло потому что кто-то включил микроволновку рядом с моим вай фаем",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_76": "Тебе повезло что я поймал клин",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_77": "Мне надо было отойти с ребенком, не все могут быть про геймерами как ты",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_78": "Я здесь зарабатываю бешеные деньги, меня не волнуют убийства или смерти",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_79": "Тебе повезло что я был сосредоточен на своем крипто-портфолио, а не на этой игре",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_80": "Ещё не надумал выйти на улицу и потрогать траву",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_81": "Поздравляю! Ты убил того у которого хотя бы есть реальная жизнь",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_82": "Ты конечно хорош что убил меня но я иду на свидание (с девушкой)",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_83": "От лица модератора реддита я запрещу тебе создавать посты",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_84": "Тебе повезло, я словил клин",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_85": "Ты убил меня потому что кто-то включил микроволновку и мой wifi помер",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_86": "Я умер только потому, что вчера в зале делал бешеные подходы",
@ -432,20 +432,20 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101": "Что, ЧЕРТ ПОДЕРИ, ты только что сказал обо мне, ты Дикий сосунок? Я хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я закончил лучший класс в корпусе USEC, участвовал в многочисленных секретных рейдах на {{playerSide}} и имею более 300 подтвержденных убийств. Я обучен подковёрной войне и являюсь лучшим снайпером во всех вооруженных силах USEC. Ты для меня никто, просто очередная мишень. Я уничтожу тебя НАФИГ с такой точностью, какой еще не было в этом рейде, попомни мои, ПАДЛА, слова. Думаешь, тебе сойдет с рук писать мне эту хрень в сообщения? Подумай еще раз, ЗАРАЗА. Пока мы говорим, я связываюсь со своей тайной сетью шпионов по всей таможне, и твой схрон отслеживается прямо сейчас, так что готовься к урагану, гаденыш. Урагану, который уничтожит то жалкое зрелище, которое ты называешь своей жизнью. Ты ПИПЕЦ как мертв, Дикий. Я могу быть где угодно и когда угодно, и я могу убить тебя более чем семьюстами способами, и это только голыми руками. Я не только хорошо обучен безоружному бою, но и имею доступ ко всему арсеналу Корпуса USEC, и я использую его на полную катушку, чтобы стереть твою убогую рожу с карты, ты, говнюк. Если бы ты только знал, какое зловещее возмездие обрушится на тебя за твое милое убийство \"в крысу\", то, может быть, попридержал бы свой ПОГАНЫЙ язык. Но ты не смог, ты не заткнулся, и теперь ты заплатишь за это, ты, ИДИОТНА. Я выплесну на тебя всю свою ярость, и ты утонешь в ней.",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "Да сжалься ты уже",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "Чел я же квест делал",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "Я надеюсь ты не украл мою снарягу",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "Надеюсь ты рад у меня нет денег на новый разгруз",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_4": "Я только в игру зашел",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_5": "Это был мой первый рейд",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_6": "Чел ну я же просил не убивать",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_6": "Скажи хоть что раскидал мой шмот",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_7": "Чел я же говорил что я френдли",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_8": "Пошел за газаном - умер",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_9": "Наныл победу",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_8": "Я же показал что я свой",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_9": "Мне остался последний газан, почему так сложно",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_10": "Ты же меня разбросал, да?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_11": "Да я вообще с краю был, за шо?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_12": "ДА ТЫ РОФЛИШЬ",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_13": "Блин, я еще и ключ выложил из подсумка :С",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_14": "Впервые взял нормальный гир, смэрть ;-;",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_13": "чел ну плз",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_14": "Сейчас накачаю модов с хаба, и тебе жопа",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_15": "Вот из-за таких мамкиных ПКшников у игры онлайн падает",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_16": "Зашибись, опять мне по всей локации мотаться что-бы выжить ради квеста, доволен?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_16": "Достала уже эта игра, возвращаюсь в роблокс",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_17": "Да ты серьёзно, откуда такой аим?",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_18": "Не, это уже издевательство какое-то, я ливаю",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_19": "Чувак, ну ты же видел что я новичок, за что?",
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_24": "Кажется самое время пойти спать",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_25": "Играть сонным было плохой идеей",
"pmcresponse-suffix_1": "бро",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "брух",
"pmcresponse-suffix_2": "бро",
"pmcresponse-suffix_3": "малыш",
"pmcresponse-suffix_4": "приятель",
"pmcresponse-suffix_5": "братан",
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_4": "было близко, а ты хорош",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_5": "неплохо, почти поимел меня",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_6": "ещё бы чуть чуть и ты бы забрал меня",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_7": "Если бы не твоя снаряга, я бы помер",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_7": "Если бы я не выстрелил первый я бы помер",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_8": "неплохой файт",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_9": "отлично пострелялись",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_10": "С чего бы ты не стрелял, моя броня была полностью выбита, хорош",
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_16": "Нормально поиграли в прятки, спасибо за лут",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_17": "Вот это я понимаю камбэк",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_1": "спс за лут",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "спасибо ",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_2": "Спасибо за новый шмот",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_3": "Не удивлён что ты откинулся потому что твоя сборка оружия полная параша",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_4": "Чё за броню ты носишь ахахах",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_5": "лмаоооо",

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"watermark-paid_scammed": "Chcete pomôcť s prekladom SPT? pripojte sa na Discord a požiadajte o pomoc"

View File

@ -565,6 +565,7 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_22": "Underbar",
"pmc-name_prefix_23": "Slö",
"pmc-name_prefix_24": "Nervös",
"pmc-name_prefix_26": "Resursfull",
"pmc-name_prefix_27": "Rastlös",
"pmc-name_prefix_28": "Ivrig",
"pmc-name_prefix_29": "Samvetsgrann",
@ -576,6 +577,7 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_43": "Hämndlysten",
"pmc-name_prefix_44": "Förvirrad",
"pmc-name_prefix_45": "Sensuell",
"pmc-name_prefix_47": "Stor",
"launcher-profile_standard": "Samma som live, grundläggande förrådsstorlek (10x28), 500.000 rubel",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "Samma som Standard, plus större förrådsstorlek (10x38), extra utrustning/artiklar, 500 dollar",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "Samma som Left Behind, plus större förrådsstorlek (10x48), extra utrustning/artiklar, högre startrykte med handlare, 250 euro",

View File

@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
"server_start_meme_22": "git gud",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT 2018'den beri bekaretinizi güvende tutuyor",
"server_start_meme_24": "Gizli güvenli sığınak sunucusu gerçek! Kimseye söylemeyin!",
"server_start_success": "İyi Oynamalar",
"server_start_success": "Mutlu oyunlar",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "Karakterinizde 'BotReload' becerisi aktif, bu silahlarınızın doğal olmayan bir şekilde hızlı doldurulmasına neden olacak, eğer bu amaçlanıyorsan bu mesajı dikkate almayın",
"started_webserver_success": "Sunucusu %s'de başlatıldı",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "Tüccar için dayanıklılık eşik değeri bulunamıyor: {{traderId}}, varsayılana geri dönüyor: {{value}}",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"bot-generation_failed": "tạo bot không thành công, kiểm tra log của server để biết thêm chi tiết",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "Không tìm được đạn cho loại bot: %s",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "Không tìm thấy giới hạn bot của địa điểm này cho bot: %s, sử dụng giới hạn mặc định",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "Không tìm được mẫu băng đạn với tpl: %s",
"bot-unable_to_find_default_magazine_item": "Không tìm được mẫu băng đạn: %s trong cơ sở dữ liệu",
"bot-unable_to_find_magazine_item": "Không tìm được mẫu băng đạn: %s trong cơ sở dữ liệu"

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"assort-missing_questassort": "stripQuestAssort(): 商人: %s 商品不包含 questassort json正在跳过任务商品移除",
"assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock": "找不到任务:{{questName}}相关的{{traderName}} 任务商品解锁。完成这个任务不会奖励商人物品的购买权",
"baseclass-item_not_found": "物品基础缓存里找不到物品%s",
"baseclass-item_not_found_failed": "重新生成后仍未在基础缓存中找到物品 %s",
"baseclass-missing_db_no_cache": "数据库为空,无法生成物品基础缓存",
"bleeding_edge_build": "血色边缘测试版",
"bot-bot-cache_has_zero_bots_of_requested_type": "警告 - Bot缓存没有%s种类的预生成bot需要生成请自行配置服务端以生成更多该类bot",
@ -10,27 +11,27 @@
"bot-generation_failed": "bot生成失败查看服务端日志获取更多细节",
"bot-incompatible_ammo_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "{{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}中找到不兼容的弹药{{chosenAmmo}},回退到默认:{{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-invalid_item_compatibility_check": "无法检测已装备物品的物品兼容性,槽位:{{slot}}中期望的物品:{{itemTpl}}不是有效的物品",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{attempts}}尝试后{{botRole}} 无法生成物品 {{itemName}},正在忽视生成限制",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "bot{{botRole}}上的战利品:{{lootType}}战利品缓存失败,是否是pmc: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item": "{{attempts}} 次尝试后{{botRole}} 仍无法生成物品 {{itemName}},将忽视生成限制",
"bot-loot_type_not_found": "Bot{{botRole}} 上所得战利品:{{lootType}} 缓存失败,是否为pmc: {{isPmc}}",
"bot-missing_cartridge_slot": "无法添加弹种到武器因为配件池不包含CylinderMagazine %s的弹种正在跳过",
"bot-missing_container_with_tpl": "找不到tpl为%s的容器模板",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot {{botRole}}缺少装备设置:找不到{{setting}}的值,回退到默认:{{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}}缺少装备设置值:{{setting}}, 回退到默认 {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings": "Bot{{botRole}}缺少装备设置:找不到{{setting}}的值,回退到默认:{{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_equipment_settings_property": "Bot {{botRole}} 缺少装备设置值:{{setting}}, 回到默认 {{defaultValue}}",
"bot-missing_item_template": "找不到tpl为%s的物品tpl",
"bot-missing_saved_match_info": "getBotCap() 无法获取保存的比赛信息,回退带默认。你重启了服务端但没重启客户端吗?",
"bot-missing_weapon_preset": "找不到tpl为%s的武器预设",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "模组:{{modId}}在槽位'{{modSlot}}'的兼容项目筛选器中找不到物品{{parentName}},正在跳过",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "物品:{{parentId}} {{parentName}}的槽位'{{modSlot}}'不存在",
"bot-mod_not_in_slot_filter_list": "模组:{{modId}}在槽位'{{modSlot}}'的兼容项目筛选器中找不到物品{{parentName}},正在跳过-{{botRole}}",
"bot-mod_slot_missing_from_item": "物品:{{botRole}} 上物品{{parentId}} {{parentName}} 的槽位'{{modSlot}}'不存在",
"bot-no_ammo_found_in_bot_json": "找不到bot种类%s的弹药",
"bot-no_bot_cap_found_for_location": "未找到bot%s的bot最高限制使用默认",
"bot-no_bot_type_in_cache": "警告 - Bot缓存不识别种类%s",
"bot-no_caliber_data_for_weapon_falling_back_to_default": "找不到{{weaponId}} - {{weaponName}}的口径数据,回退到默认弹药:{{defaultAmmo}}",
"bot-no_compatible_camora_ammo_found": "找不到槽位:%s的兼容弹药。已跳过填充camora槽位。",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "找不到槽位{{modSlot}}中tpl为{{modId}}的的配件物品模板",
"bot-no_item_template_found_when_adding_mod": "找不到槽位{{modSlot}} 中带tpl为{{modId}} 的模组物品模板",
"bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot": "装备:%s没有定义生成概率",
"bot-single_bot_generation_not_found_in_cache": "缓存中未找到Bot: %s正在生成新的这可能会导致游戏卡顿",
"bot-unable_to_add_mod_item_invalid": "配件:{{itemName}} 不是有效物品,,无法添加到物品:{{parentItemName}}上的槽位:'{{modSlot}}',正在跳过",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "无法给武器:{{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} 添加配件,因为它缺少槽位、弹种或者弹舱",
"bot-unable_to_add_mods_to_weapon_missing_ammo_slot": "无法给武器:{{weaponName}} {{weaponId}} 添加配件,因为它缺少槽位、弹种或者枪膛 - {{botRole}}",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mod_slot_all_blacklisted": "无法生成已筛选的动态武器配件池,槽位:%s的所有配件都在黑名单中正在忽略黑名单并重新生成池",
"bot-unable_to_filter_mods_all_blacklisted": "无法筛选{{itemName}}上的槽位{{slotName}}的配件,因为它们都被列入黑名单,正在忽略黑名单",
"bot-unable_to_find_ammo_item": "找不到tpl为%s的弹药模板",
@ -41,14 +42,15 @@
"bot-unable_to_get_bot_fallback_to_assault": "找不到bot%s JSON回调使用assault bot",
"bot-weapon_contains_invalid_item": "{{weaponTpl}}上需要的槽位'{{modSlot}}'有一个无效物品:{{modName}}",
"bot-weapon_generated_incorrect_using_default": "武器 %s 生成不正确,回调到武器预设查看以上错误",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "tpl为%s的武器没有弹匣或者弹仓0",
"bot-weapon_missing_magazine_or_chamber": "Tpl为{{weaponId}} 的武器缺失弹匣或者枪膛 - {{botRole}}",
"bot-weapon_missing_mod_slot": "{{botRole}}身上的武器:{{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}的槽位:{{modSlot}}不存在",
"bot-weapons_required_slot_missing_item": "{{botRole}}上需要的{{modName}} {{slotId}}上的槽位'{{modSlot}}'是空的",
"bot-item_missing_props_property": "物品{{itemTpl}} {{name}}缺少_props属性",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "无法填充武器camora槽位因为{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}配件池的物品为空",
"bot-unable_to_fill_camora_slot_mod_pool_empty": "无法填充武器camora槽位因为{{weaponId}} {{weaponName}}配件池的物品为空",
"bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map": "无法编辑地图:%s的bot限制因为找不到",
"bot-unable_to_find_loot_n_value_for_bot": "找不到bot%s的战利品N值使用scav的n值代替",
"bot-unable_to_find_bot_in_cache": "缓存中找不到名称:%s的bot",
"bot-missing_application_context": "applicationContext 找不到%s值。是不是重启服务器的时候忘了重启游戏客户端",
"client_request": "[客户端请求] %s",
"customisation-item_already_purchased": "服装物品{{itemId}} {{itemName}}已购买",
"customisation-unable_to_find_suit_by_id": "找不到id%s的商人服装报价",
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@
"dialog-missing_item_template": "数据中找不到tpl为{{tpl}}的物品,无法发送{{type}}种类的消息,正在跳过",
"event-unhandled_event": "[未处理事件] %s",
"executing_startup_callbacks": "服务端:正在执行启动回调",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "找不到id:%s的fence分类",
"fence-unable_to_find_assort_by_id": "找不到id:%s的fence商品",
"fixer-mod_item_found": "存档中发现物品:%s不存在于物品数据库中。你将会遇到错误这可能是由于使用了物品模组且在移除模组时没有删除物品栏里的模组物品。不要使用这个存档。打开Aki_Data\\Server\\configs\\core.json编辑'removeModItemsFromProfile'为true。这会允许服务端编辑你的存档且有望移除有害物品",
"fixer-updated_pockets": "更新 'pocket' 物品至有三个特殊槽位的新的 18876 版本",
"gameevent-bot_not_found": "addEventGearToScavs() - 数据库中找不到%s种类的bot正在跳过",
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@
"inventory-examine_item_does_not_exist": "examineItem() - 没找到对应%s的id",
"inventory-fill_container_failed": "fillContainerMapWithItem()返回了一个错误%s",
"inventory-invalid_item_missing_from_db": "无法从数据库获取物品:%s",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "尝试把槽位:{{slotId}}的物品移动至{{container}},已阻止存档损坏",
"inventory-invalid_move_to_container": "尝试把槽位:{{slotId}}的物品移动至容器:{{container}},已阻止存档损坏",
"inventory-no_stash_space": "储物空间不足",
"inventory-unable_to_fill_container": "[OOB] 物品:{{id}};错误消息:{{error}}",
"inventory-unable_to_find_item": "getExaminedItemTpl() 数据库和跳蚤市场中找不到tpl是%s的物品",
@ -98,6 +100,8 @@
"inventory-get_item_size_item_not_found_by_tpl": "getSizeByInventoryItemHash() 找不到tpl为%s的物品",
"inventory-item_to_toggle_missing_upd": "_id%s的物品栏物品缺少一个upd对象正在添加",
"inventory-unable_to_toggle_item_not_found": "无法切换id为%s的库存物品找不到物品",
"inventory-missing_stash_size": "玩家物品栏内无贮藏区,无法确认贮藏区大小",
"inventory-stash_not_found": "无法在数据库中找到暂存的仓库 %s",
"item-durability_value_invalid_use_default": "getRepairableItemQualityValue() tpl为%s的武器耐久值无效默认化为1",
"linux_use_priviledged_port_non_root": "非root进程无法绑定低于1024的端口",
"location-containers_generated_success": "共计%s个静态容器已生成",
@ -106,22 +110,33 @@
"location-generated_success": "已生成地点%s",
"location-missing_root_item": "createItem() 失败根物品为空tpl: {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-preset_not_found": "未找到{{tpl}}的预设defaultPreset: {{defaultId}} name: {{defaultName}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "请求{{requested}} 生成点但{{found}}可用 {{mapName}}",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() 失败,,无法修复 {{tpl}}, parentId: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "找不到种类:%s的空投配置设置回退到投放种类混合",
"location-spawn_point_count_requested_vs_found": "已请求{{requested}} 生成点,{{found}} 现已在{{mapName}} 可用",
"location-unable_to_reparent_item": "createItem() 失败,无法作为子集链接 {{tpl}}, 母集Id: {{parentId}}",
"location-unable_to_find_airdrop_drop_config_of_type": "找不到种类:%s的空投配置设置回退到投放种类混合 ",
"location-unable_to_fix_broken_waves_missing_base": "%s缺少base json正在跳过地图波次修复",
"location-missing_dynamic_template": "所选的动态出生点%s没有可用模板跳过",
"location-spawnpoint_missing_items": "所选的动态出生点 %s 没有项目,跳过",
"loot-item_missing_parentid": "物品:%s缺少parentId值无法用作战利品",
"loot-non_item_picked_as_sealed_weapon_crate_reward": "无效武器:%s被选作密封武器箱的奖励无法生成战利品",
"mailsend-missing_trader": "无法发送消息类别:{{messageType}} 给玩家:{{sessionId}} 给出的商人枚举为null",
"mailsend-missing_npc_dialog": "无法从%s 发送消息。他们的对话不存在",
"mailsend-missing_parent": "无法查找持槽位ID物件藏身处于消息给{{traderId}} 发送人:{{sender}}",
"mod-send_bundle_url": "[模组资源包]:%s",
"modloader-checked": "已检查",
"modloader-checking_mod": "正在检查:%s",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "检测到循环依赖项",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "请求了依赖关系容器,但它未初始化",
"modloader-cyclic_dependency": "检测到循环依赖。此错误需要修复。服务器无法启动并将关闭,直到错误修复",
"modloader-load_order_conflict": "模组`{{modOneName}} `和`{{modTwoName}} `存在载入顺序冲突,在解决此冲突前服务器将因无法正常启动而关闭",
"modloader-dependency_container_not_initalized": "已请求所依赖容器,但其尚未初始化",
"modloader-error_parsing_mod_load_order": "分析模组加载顺序时出错",
"modloader-incompatibilities_not_string_array": "模组%s package.json属性“incompatibilities”应该是字符串数组",
"modloader-incompatible_mod_found": "模组 {{author}}-{{name}} 不兼容 {{incompatibleModName}}",
"modloader-invalid_akiversion_field": "模组 %s 在akiVersion字段中包含无效的semver字符串。无效值示例https://github.com/npm/node-semver#versions",
"modloader-invalid_version_property": "模组 %s package.json包含无效的版本字符串",
"modloader-not_correct_mod_folder": "模组文件夹中存在名为 (%s) 的文件夹。您安装的模组不正确。 您可能通过错误的方式直接解压了模组的内容。 关于如何正确安装模组参见网站FAQ和模组的发布页",
"modloader-is_client_mod": "模组 %s 是一个客户端模组,应该被放置在这个文件夹:/spt/bepinex/plugins",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies": "正在安装依赖 模组:{{name}} 作者:{{author}}",
"modloader-installing_external_dependencies_disabled": "作者{{author}} 的模组{{name}} 需要下载外部非SPT组件才能正常运行但目前下载机制是关闭的。需要到这里\n”{{configPath}}”将“{{configOption}}”设置为 true然后重启服务器。\n\n允许此下载机制代表用户对所有{{name}} 模组将要下载的文件负全部责任。",
"modloader-skipped_mod": "跳过加载Mod: {{mod}}",
"modloader-loaded_mod": "模组:{{name}} 版本{{version}} 作者:{{author}} 已加载",
"modloader-loading_mods": "模组加载器:正在加载%s个客户端模组……",
"modloader-main_property_not_js": "模组 %s package.json的main属性必须时一个.js文件",
@ -131,15 +146,17 @@
"modloader-missing_package_json": "模组(%s缺少package.json",
"modloader-missing_package_json_property": "模组{{modName}} package.json需要{{prop}}属性",
"modloader-mod_incompatible": "模组加载器: 模组(%s不兼容。它必须执行IPostAkiLoadMod、IPostDBLoadMod、IpreAkiLoadMod中至少一个",
"modloader-mod_has_no_main_property": "ModLoader: (%s) mod 不兼容,它缺少一个\"main\"属性",
"modloader-async_mod_error": "模组加载器:加载异步模组:%s时出错",
"modloader-no_mods_loaded": "模组发现错误,不 会 加 载 任 何 模 组",
"modloader-outdated_akiversion_field": "模组%s与当前版本AKI不兼容。你可能会遇到问题 - 不会提供支援!",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "模组{{mod}}需要{{requiredVersion}}版本的{{modDependency}}。当前版本已安装版本是{{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-outdated_dependency": "模组{{mod}} 需要{{modDependency}},版本{{requiredVersion}}。当前已安装版本是{{currentVersion}}",
"modloader-user_mod_folder_missing": "模组加载器缺少user/mod文件夹正在新建……",
"modloader-mod_order_missing": "模组加载器缺少order.json正在新建……",
"modloader-mod_order_error": "模组加载器order.json中发现错误即 将 使 用 默 认 加 载 顺 序",
"modloader-mod_order_missing_from_json": "模组加载器order.json中缺少模组%s",
"modloader-visited": "已访问",
"modloader-x_duplicates_found": "您正在尝试加载多个版本的 %s Mod。跳过所有它们。",
"openzone-unable_to_find_map": "无法为地点:%s添加空间因为它不存在",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation": "存档没有足够金钱完成交易,需要{{amountToPay}},拥有{{amountAvailable}}",
"payment-not_enough_money_to_complete_transation_short": "没有足够的钱来完成交易",
@ -152,27 +169,28 @@
"quest-compare_operator_unhandled": "loyaltyRequirementCheck() 运算符 %s not 未处理默认化为false",
"quest-item_not_found_in_inventory": "changeItemStack() 物品栏中找不到_id: %s的物品",
"quest-no_skill_found": "未找到技能%s",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "无法上交任务{{questId}}的物品期望的tpl: {{requiredTpl}}但上交了{{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-handover_wrong_item": "无法上交任务{{questId}} 的物品预期tpl: {{requiredTpl}} 实际上交{{handedInTpl}}",
"quest-reward_type_not_handled": "任务奖励未处理 奖励种类:{{rewardType}} 任务id{{questId}} 任务名称:{{questName}}",
"quest-unable_to_find_compare_condition": "未识别的比较方法:%s",
"quest-unable_to_find_matching_hideout_production": "找不到对应的藏身处工艺解锁,任务:{{questName}},对应的:{{matchCount}}",
"ragfair-invalid_player_offer_request": "无法发布报价,请求无效",
"ragfair-missing_barter_scheme": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() 找不到物品的barterScheme 物品id: {{itemId}} tpl: {{tpl}} on {{name}}",
"ragfair-no_trader_assorts_cant_generate_flea_offers": "无法生成商人%s的跳蚤市场报价未找到分类",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "存档里找不到要移除的id{{offerId}}的报价",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile": "存档里找不到要移除的{{offerId}}的报价",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_in_profile_short": "存档中未找到报价",
"ragfair-offer_not_found_unable_to_hide": "hideItem() 找不到offerId: %s无法隐藏报价",
"ragfair-tpl_not_a_valid_item": "generateFleaOffersForTrader() tpl为%s的物品不是有效物品正在跳过",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_in_inventory": "物品栏中找不到物品id: {{id}}",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_offer_to_remove": "无法找到要删除的id为%s的报价",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_requested_items_in_inventory": "物品栏中找不到需要的物品",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "无法支付佣金",
"ragfair-unable_to_pay_commission_fee": "无法支付手续费: %s 卢布",
"ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists": "报价已不存在",
"ragfair-unable_to_purchase_0_count_item": "无法购买数量为0的物品%s",
"ragfair-unable_to_place_offer_with_no_requirements": "无法提出没有需求的报价",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_locale_by_key": "找不到键是%s的塔科夫翻译",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found": "商人:{traderId} 跳蚤报价:{{offerId}} 无法调整其堆栈计数以匹配商人商品值(找不到商品)",
"ragfair-unable_to_adjust_stack_count_assort_not_found": "商人:{{traderId}} 跳蚤报价:{{offerId}} 无法调整其堆栈计数以匹配商人商品值(找不到商品)",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_not_found_in_profile": "存档:{{profileId}}中找不到报价:{{offerId}}因为报价未定义,正在创建",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook": "找不到tpl为{{tplId}}的物品的在线跳蚤和离线handbook价格默认化为1如果这是一个模组物品请联系模组作者",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_item_price_for_item_in_flea_handbook": "找不到%s的实时黑市定价和离线系统定价将默认为1如果这是一个模组物品请联系模组作者",
"ragfair-unable_to_find_preset_with_id": "找不到id%s的预设使用已存在的武器基底的已存在价格",
"ragfair-unable_to_remove_offer_doesnt_exist": "无法移除id%s的报价因为跳蚤市场中未找到",
"repeatable-accepted_repeatable_quest_not_found_in_active_quests": "接受了activeQuests数组中找不到的重复任务%s。请报告这个bug",
@ -188,8 +206,8 @@
"scav-missing_karma_level_getting_default": "getScavKarmaLevel() 失败profile.traderInfo里找不到fence好感等级默认化为0",
"scav-missing_karma_settings": "无法获取%s等级的好感设置",
"scheduled_event_failed_to_run": "计划中事件:“%s”运行失败。",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "无法将耶诞节装备从槽位:{{equipmentSlot}}中移除因为bot{{botRole}}上找不到它",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "无法从槽位: {{lootContainer}}中移除耶诞节战利品因为bot: {{botRole}}上找不到它",
"seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot": "无法将圣诞节装备从槽位:{{equipmentSlot}} 中移除在bot{{botRole}} 上找不到此物品",
"seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot": "无法从槽位: {{lootContainer}} 中移除圣诞节战利品在bot: {{botRole}} 上找不到该物品",
"server_running": "服务端正在运行",
"server_start_meme_1": "生 笑 爱",
"server_start_meme_2": "二刺螈 :(",
@ -205,7 +223,7 @@
"server_start_meme_12": "您今年的物业费还没交过来",
"server_start_meme_13": "ඞ ... 可疑",
"server_start_meme_14": "ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ 太空狼人杀 ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ ඞ",
"server_start_meme_15": "喂有人吗我被AKI-SPT制作组绑架了",
"server_start_meme_15": "喂有人吗我被AKI头子Chomp绑架了",
"server_start_meme_16": "莫-*嗝*-莫蒂,我们似乎被困在某种计算机系统上",
"server_start_meme_17": "很快就到你家门口。开始逃跑吧",
"server_start_meme_18": "如果你看到了这条消息,恭喜,你识字",
@ -214,20 +232,22 @@
"server_start_meme_21": "你有没有想过,你看到的红色和其他人一样吗?",
"server_start_meme_22": "蔡就多练",
"server_start_meme_23": "SPT从2018年起助你保住处男之身",
"server_start_meme_24": "秘密保险柜天堂服务器是真的!不要告诉其他人!",
"server_start_meme_24": "内部福利服是真哒!不要告诉其他人!",
"server_start_success": "玩的开心",
"server_start_player_active_botreload_skill": "你的人物激活了“BotReload”技能这会导致你的武器换弹快得不自然如果你是故意的请忽视这条消息",
"started_webserver_success": "webserver已于%s启动",
"trader-missing_durability_threshold_value": "找不到商人:{{traderId}}的耐久阈值,回退到默认:{{value}}",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "找不到商人:{{traderId}},正在使用{{updateTime}}的默认刷新时间生成临时条目",
"trader-missing_trader_details_using_default_refresh_time": "找不到商人:{{traderId}},正在生成临时条目,默认刷新时间:{{updateTime}}",
"trader-price_multipler_is_zero_use_default": "traderPriceMultipler是0这是无效的正在把它设成0.01",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "无法处理档:{{profileId}}中的商人交易因为商人{{traderId}}找不到,正在跳过",
"trader-unable_to_delete_stale_purchases": "无法处理案中的商人交易{{profileId}}搜索不到 {{traderId}},正在跳过",
"unhandled_response": "[未处理][%s]",
"unknown_request": "未知请求!",
"watermark-commercial_use_prohibited": "禁止商用",
"watermark-discord_url": "https://discord.sp-tarkov.com",
"watermark-do_not_report": "不 要 报 告",
"watermark-free_of_charge": "该软件免费",
"watermark-paid_scammed": "如果你花钱了,说明你被骗了",
"watermark-issue_tracker_url": "https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT-AKI/Server/issues",
"watermark-modding_disabled": "该 编 译 不 启 用 服 务 端 模 改",
"watermark-no_support": "不 会 提 供 支 持",
"watermark-not_an_issue": "这 不 是 个 问 题",
@ -250,12 +270,13 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_6": "打得好",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_7": "很公平,漂亮的击杀",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_8": "你的枪法很好,这是肯定的",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_9": "gg",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_10": "早知道就不侧身了",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_11": "你打中我了",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_12": "打得好,下次我会击败你的",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_13": "你找到了一个有利的角度",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_14": "你等着我,你等着!",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_15": "你真是让我**",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_15": "你使我的狗牌旋转 :alien:",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_16": "你是个冷酷的杀手。我没有机会。但你该听说过,要想成为最好的,你必须打败最好的。你是最棒的",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_17": "嗯,好,好枪法",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_18": "享受我的战利品吧",
@ -291,11 +312,11 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_48": "你timing抓得这么准我想学你的策略",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_49": "我不敢相信你这么容易就绕后了我,你的诀窍是什么",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_50": "你的准头令人赞叹,能教我吗",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_51": "你对图好熟,给我上了一课",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_51": "你对图好熟,教教我",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_52": "你移动的时候怎么一点声都没有",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_53": "你的反应时间太快了,有什么给我的改进建议吗",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_54": "你似乎知道最好的蹲点。愿意分享吗",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "那把枪你玩很顺,有技巧吗",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_54": "你真能阴,告诉我几个点位呗",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_55": "那把枪你玩很顺,有技巧吗",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_56": "你怎么在我没听见的情况下偷偷靠近我",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_57": "你的交火活生生一个pro哥能给点经验吗",
"pmcresponse-victim_positive_58": "这准头吓到我了,教我",
@ -314,6 +335,7 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_4": "偷袭",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_5": "不讲武德!",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_6": "你这挂多少钱",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_7": ":(",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_8": "我肝好疼",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_9": "你这薯条捞得好啊",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_10": "我在挂机!!!",
@ -351,8 +373,8 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_42": "你就是又丑又矮的哥布林",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_43": "太暴力了,不好",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_44": "我要和你线下真实",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_45": "{{playerSide}}的典型作风",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_46": "我还以为{{playerLevel}}级能表现得更好",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_45": "典中典 {{playerSide}} 行为",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_46": "{{playerLevel}} 级就这啊",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_47": "真是一场惨痛的损失,但我会在下一次突袭中为你而来",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_48": "等下一局吧,我不会再犯相同的错误",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_49": "出乎我的意料,你这次很幸运",
@ -388,13 +410,26 @@
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_79": "你很幸运,我的重心在炒币,而不是这个游戏",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_80": "你考虑过离开电脑和大自然接触吗?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_81": "恭喜!你杀了一个忙于营生的人",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_82": "耶,你杀了我,但我今晚要去约会(和妹子",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_82": "你游戏里赢了我,但现实是我今晚要去约会(约一位妹纸,你不会懂",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_83": "我是塔科夫吧小吧,你以后别想发帖了",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_84": "嗯,你杀了我只是因为我在和美女通话",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_85": "你干掉我只是因为有人用了微波炉它干扰了我的wifi",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_86": "我死只是因为我早些时候在健身房练了不少组",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_87": "我是discord管理员你给我小心点我还是有点权势的",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_88": "我枪坏了让你逃过一劫",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_89": "你幸运哪我忙着在炒猴图NFT而不是这个弱智游戏否则你就惨了",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_90": "要不是我在进行成功学修行你就死得不能再死了",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_91": "呵呵,让你的,懂不懂?",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_92": "谢谢啊我反正也要把这套装备送给Fence了",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_93": "你个蹲逼你是老八是吧",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_94": "你个大耗子你就该去演那个汤姆杰瑞",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_95": "我敢打赌你在用我在论坛上看到的雷达mod",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_96": "在宿舍里和老子一对一,看看谁更厉害",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_97": "天天贴吧骂街区帧数的有你吧",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_98": "下载mod不看说明导致的",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_99": "你的烂电脑只能在街区跑20帧",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_100": "我敢打赌你装了SAIN, 然后因为死的太多又把它删了",
"pmcresponse-victim_negative_101": "操你妈你他妈跟我说啥你个小逼崽子Scav我让你见识见识什么叫顶尖USEC我偷袭过{{playerSide}}无数次舔过300次狗牌。我受训于大猩猩战争我就是整个USEC里最顶尖的狙击手。你在我面前就是弟中之弟听到没有你个活靶子这次突袭指定没有你好果子吃你给我记住了嗷你觉得你有资格给我发你妈逼的狗屎私信这会我已经联系海关的间谍网络了马上就到你家门口马上把你杀了骨灰都给你扬喽Scav我无处不在我能徒手宰你三千次我不光武艺高强我还掌握USEC军火库我要把你人间蒸发你就是个鸡巴你给我等着等着你要是知道你偷我屁股有什么后果你会自觉闭嘴但是你不会你就是个傻逼我会操死你你死定了Scav",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_1": "我在做任务",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_2": "我就想完成个任务,你为什么要杀我",
"pmcresponse-victim_plead_3": "我都没钱起全装了你高兴了",
@ -439,9 +474,14 @@
"pmcresponse-suffix_17": "伙计",
"pmcresponse-suffix_18": "兄弟",
"pmcresponse-suffix_19": "好兄弟",
"pmcresponse-suffix_20": ":)",
"pmcresponse-suffix_21": "(:",
"pmcresponse-suffix_22": ":))))))",
"pmcresponse-suffix_23": "GG",
"pmcresponse-suffix_24": "小子",
"pmcresponse-suffix_25": "朋友",
"pmcresponse-suffix_26": "小盆友",
"pmcresponse-suffix_27": "呆子",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_1": "打得好",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_2": "你技术很好",
"pmcresponse-killer_positive_3": "我帮你把包埋了",
@ -484,8 +524,10 @@
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_23": "玩{{playerSide}}都这么菜?",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_24": "谢谢你的战利品",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_25": "全是垃圾我都卖给黑商了",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_26": "{{playerSide}}玩家的平均水平",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_26": "经典 {{playerSide}} 玩家",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_27": "今天最轻松的战利品",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_28": "别担心, 我把你的装备扔给你妈了",
"pmcresponse-killer_negative_29": "试试就逝世",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_1": "我要带出一个任务物品但你拦在了路上",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_2": "我要去摸彩蛋桶但你挡住我了,抱歉",
"pmcresponse-killer_plead_3": "我需要击杀PMC你肯定能理解",
@ -541,11 +583,19 @@
"pmc-name_prefix_40": "好色的",
"pmc-name_prefix_41": "热情的",
"pmc-name_prefix_42": "假的",
"pmc-name_prefix_43": "有复仇心的",
"pmc-name_prefix_44": "迷茫的",
"pmc-name_prefix_45": "感性的",
"pmc-name_prefix_46": "胆大包天的",
"pmc-name_prefix_47": "大的",
"pmc-name_prefix_48": "粗壮",
"pmc-name_prefix_49": "有疑的",
"launcher-profile_standard": "与在线相同基本储物空间10×28500,000卢布",
"launcher-profile_leftbehind": "包含标准版内容以及;更大的储物空间;10×38额外的装备和物品500美元",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "包含落后版内容以及更大的储物空间10×48额外的装备和物品更高的商人初始声望250欧元",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "包含准备逃离版内容以及更大的储物空间10×68额外的装备和物品更高的商人初始声望1000美元500欧元",
"launcher-profile_preparetoescape": "包含深入敌后版内容以及:更大的储物空间10×48额外的装备和物品更高的商人初始声望250欧元",
"launcher-profile-edgeofdarkness": "包含严阵以离版内容以及:更大的储物空间10×68额外的装备和物品更高的商人初始声望1000美元500欧元",
"launcher-profile_spteasystart": "大量卢布、美元和欧元一些基础技能等级20商人声望满初始等级69没有已完成任务",
"launcher-profile_sptzerotohero": "开局几乎没有物资,没有卢布、美元或欧元,没有商人声望,就一把刀,没有已完成任务",
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "测试用存档初始等级69大量卢布、美元和欧元USEC开局所有的任务已准备开始BEAR开局所有任务已准备接取无敌面罩"
"launcher-profile_sptdeveloper": "测试用存档初始等级69大量卢布、美元和欧元USEC开局所有的任务已准备开始BEAR开局所有任务已准备接取无敌面罩",
"launcher-missing_property": "存档:%s缺少descriptionLocaleKey属性"