mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/server.git synced 2025-02-13 09:50:43 -05:00

Remove unused function

This commit is contained in:
Dev 2024-02-02 17:22:49 +00:00
parent 796d63b3e2
commit 83c3cd5f8b

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@ -200,322 +200,6 @@ export class InventoryHelper
* @deprecated - use addItemToStash()
* BUG: Passing the same item multiple times with a count of 1 will cause multiples of that item to be added (e.g. x3 separate objects of tar cola with count of 1 = 9 tarcolas being added to inventory)
* @param pmcData Profile to add items to
* @param request request data to add items
* @param output response to send back to client
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param callback Code to execute later (function)
* @param foundInRaid Item added will be flagged as found in raid
* @param addUpd Additional upd properties for items being added to inventory
* @param useSortingTable Allow items to go into sorting table when stash has no space
* @returns IItemEventRouterResponse
public addItem(
pmcData: IPmcData,
request: IAddItemRequestData,
output: IItemEventRouterResponse,
sessionID: string,
callback: () => void,
foundInRaid = false,
addUpd = null,
useSortingTable = false,
): IItemEventRouterResponse
/** All items to add + their children */
const itemsToAddPool: Item[] = [];
/** Root items to add to inventory */
const rootItemsToAdd: IAddItemTempObject[] = [];
for (const requestItem of request.items)
if (this.presetHelper.isPreset(requestItem.item_id))
const preset = this.jsonUtil.clone(this.presetHelper.getPreset(requestItem.item_id));
const presetItems = preset._items;
// Add FiR status to preset if needed
if (foundInRaid || this.inventoryConfig.newItemsMarkedFound)
for (const item of presetItems)
if (!item.upd)
item.upd = {};
if (foundInRaid)
item.upd.SpawnedInSession = true;
// Push preset data into pool array
requestItem.sptIsPreset = true;
// Remap requests item id to preset root items id
requestItem.item_id = presetItems[0]._id;
else if (this.paymentHelper.isMoneyTpl(requestItem.item_id))
itemsToAddPool.push({ _id: requestItem.item_id, _tpl: requestItem.item_id });
else if (request.tid === Traders.FENCE)
const fenceItems = this.fenceService.getRawFenceAssorts().items;
const itemIndex = fenceItems.findIndex((i) => i._id === requestItem.item_id);
if (itemIndex === -1)
this.logger.debug(`Tried to buy item ${requestItem.item_id} from fence that no longer exists`);
const message = this.localisationService.getText("ragfair-offer_no_longer_exists");
return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, message);
const purchasedItemWithChildren = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems(
addUpd = purchasedItemWithChildren[0].upd; // Must persist the fence upd properties (e.g. durability/currentHp)
else if (request.tid === "RandomLootContainer")
itemsToAddPool.push({ _id: requestItem.item_id, _tpl: requestItem.item_id });
// Only grab the relevant trader items and add unique values
const traderItems = this.traderAssortHelper.getAssort(sessionID, request.tid).items;
const relevantItems = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems(traderItems, requestItem.item_id);
const toAdd = relevantItems.filter((traderItem) =>
!itemsToAddPool.some((item) => traderItem._id === item._id)
); // what's this
// Split stacks into allowed sizes if needed
// e.g. when buying 300 ammo from flea but max stack size is 50
this.splitStackIntoSmallerStacks(itemsToAddPool, requestItem, rootItemsToAdd);
// Find an empty slot in stash for each of the items being added
const stashFS2D = this.getStashSlotMap(pmcData, sessionID);
const sortingTableFS2D = this.getSortingTableSlotMap(pmcData);
for (const itemToAdd of rootItemsToAdd)
// Update Items `location` properties
const itemWithChildren = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems(itemsToAddPool, itemToAdd.itemRef._id);
const errorOutput = this.placeItemInInventoryLegacy(
if (errorOutput)
return errorOutput;
// Found slot for every item (stash or sorting table), run callback and catch failure (e.g. payMoney() as player doesnt have enough)
if (typeof callback === "function")
catch (err)
// Callback failed
const message = typeof err === "string" ? err : this.localisationService.getText("http-unknown_error");
return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, message);
// Update UPD properties and add to output.profileChanges/pmcData.Inventory.items arrays
for (const rootItemToAdd of rootItemsToAdd)
let newIdForItem = this.hashUtil.generate();
const originalKeyToNewKeyMap: string[][] = [[rootItemToAdd.itemRef._id, newIdForItem]]; // Every item id + randomly generated id
let rootItemUpd: Upd = { StackObjectsCount: rootItemToAdd.count };
// If item being added is preset, load preset's upd data too.
if (rootItemToAdd.isPreset)
// Iterate over properties in upd and add them
for (const updID in rootItemToAdd.itemRef.upd)
rootItemUpd[updID] = rootItemToAdd.itemRef.upd[updID];
if (addUpd)
// Iterate over properties in addUpd and add them
for (const updID in addUpd)
rootItemUpd[updID] = addUpd[updID];
// Item has buff, add to item being sent to player
if (rootItemToAdd.itemRef.upd?.Buff)
rootItemUpd.Buff = this.jsonUtil.clone(rootItemToAdd.itemRef.upd.Buff);
// Add ragfair upd properties
if (addUpd)
rootItemUpd = { ...addUpd, ...rootItemUpd };
// Hideout items need to be marked as found in raid
// Or in case people want all items to be marked as found in raid
if (foundInRaid || this.inventoryConfig.newItemsMarkedFound)
rootItemUpd.SpawnedInSession = true;
// Remove invalid properties prior to adding to inventory
// Add root item to client return object
_id: newIdForItem,
_tpl: rootItemToAdd.itemRef._tpl,
parentId: rootItemToAdd.containerId,
slotId: "hideout",
location: { x: rootItemToAdd.location.x, y: rootItemToAdd.location.y, r: rootItemToAdd.location.rotation ? 1 : 0 },
upd: this.jsonUtil.clone(rootItemUpd),
// Add root item to player inventory
_id: newIdForItem,
_tpl: rootItemToAdd.itemRef._tpl,
parentId: rootItemToAdd.containerId,
slotId: "hideout",
location: { x: rootItemToAdd.location.x, y: rootItemToAdd.location.y, r: rootItemToAdd.location.rotation ? 1 : 0 },
upd: this.jsonUtil.clone(rootItemUpd), // Clone upd to prevent multi-purchases of same item referencing same upd object in memory
// Edge case - ammo boxes need cartridges added to result
if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(rootItemToAdd.itemRef._tpl, BaseClasses.AMMO_BOX))
this.hydrateAmmoBoxWithAmmo(pmcData, rootItemToAdd, originalKeyToNewKeyMap[0][1], sessionID, output, foundInRaid);
// Loop over item + children
while (originalKeyToNewKeyMap.length > 0)
// Iterate item + children being added
for (const arrayIndex in itemsToAddPool)
const itemDetails = itemsToAddPool[arrayIndex];
// Does parent match original key
if (itemDetails?.parentId !== originalKeyToNewKeyMap[0][0])
// Skip when items parent isnt on remap (root item)
// Create new id for child item
newIdForItem = this.hashUtil.generate();
const itemSlotId = itemDetails.slotId;
// If its from ItemPreset, load presets upd data too.
if (rootItemToAdd.isPreset)
rootItemUpd = { StackObjectsCount: rootItemToAdd.count };
for (const updID in itemDetails.upd)
rootItemUpd[updID] = itemDetails.upd[updID];
if (foundInRaid || this.inventoryConfig.newItemsMarkedFound)
rootItemUpd.SpawnedInSession = true;
// Is root item
if (itemSlotId === "hideout")
// Add child item to client return object
_id: newIdForItem,
_tpl: itemDetails._tpl,
parentId: originalKeyToNewKeyMap[0][1],
slotId: itemSlotId,
location: { x: rootItemToAdd.location.x, y: rootItemToAdd.location.y, r: "Horizontal" },
upd: this.jsonUtil.clone(rootItemUpd),
// Add child item to player inventory
_id: newIdForItem,
_tpl: itemDetails._tpl,
parentId: originalKeyToNewKeyMap[0][1],
slotId: itemDetails.slotId,
location: { x: rootItemToAdd.location.x, y: rootItemToAdd.location.y, r: "Horizontal" },
upd: this.jsonUtil.clone(rootItemUpd),
// Child of item being added
// Item already has location property, use it
const itemLocation = {};
if (itemDetails.location !== undefined)
itemLocation["location"] = itemDetails.location;
// Clone upd so we dont adjust the underlying data
const upd = this.jsonUtil.clone(itemDetails.upd);
_id: newIdForItem,
_tpl: itemDetails._tpl,
parentId: originalKeyToNewKeyMap[0][1],
slotId: itemSlotId,
upd: upd,
_id: newIdForItem,
_tpl: itemDetails._tpl,
parentId: originalKeyToNewKeyMap[0][1],
slotId: itemDetails.slotId,
upd: upd,
this.logger.debug(`Added: ${itemDetails._tpl} with id: ${newIdForItem} to inventory`);
// Add mapping of child item to new id
originalKeyToNewKeyMap.push([itemDetails._id, newIdForItem]);
// Remove mapping now we're done with it
originalKeyToNewKeyMap.splice(0, 1);
return output;
* Remove properties from a Upd object used by a trader/ragfair
* @param upd Object to update