mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/server.git synced 2025-02-13 09:50:43 -05:00

Added functionality to send player rewards based on cost of items sacrificed

This commit is contained in:
Dev 2024-08-25 14:32:29 +01:00
parent eee46aad30
commit c13d5c49a5

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@ -1301,9 +1301,17 @@ export class HideoutController {
pmcData: IPmcData,
request: IHideoutCircleOfCultistProductionStartRequestData,
): IItemEventRouterResponse {
const cultistCircleStashId = pmcData.Inventory.hideoutAreaStashes[HideoutAreas.CIRCLE_OF_CULTISTS];
// Sparse, just has id
const cultistCraftData = this.databaseService.getHideout().production.cultistRecipes[0];
const sacrificedItems: Item[] = this.getSacrificedItems(pmcData);
const sacrificedItemCostRoubles = sacrificedItems.reduce(
(sum, curr) => sum + (this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(curr._tpl) ?? 0),
const rewardAmountmultiplier = this.randomUtil.getFloat(0.8, 1.4);
const rewardAmountRoubles = sacrificedItemCostRoubles * rewardAmountmultiplier;
// Create production in pmc profile
this.hideoutHelper.registerCircleOfCultistProduction(sessionId, pmcData, cultistCraftData._id, sacrificedItems);
@ -1318,24 +1326,19 @@ export class HideoutController {
// What items can be rewarded by completion of craft
const cultistStashDbItem = this.itemHelper.getItem(ItemTpl.HIDEOUTAREACONTAINER_CIRCLEOFCULTISTS_STASH_1);
//const rewardItemPool = cultistStashDbItem[1]._props.Grids[0]._props.filters[0].Filter;
const rewardItemPool = this.getCultistCircleRewardPool(sessionId, pmcData);
// TODO, tie this into rouble cost of items sacrificed
const randomRewardItemCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(1, 4);
this.logger.warning(`cicle craft chose ${randomRewardItemCount} reward count`);
// Create array of rewards
// Prep rewards array (reward can be item with children, hence array of arrays)
const rewards: Item[][] = [];
const cultistCircleStashId = pmcData.Inventory.hideoutAreaStashes[HideoutAreas.CIRCLE_OF_CULTISTS];
for (let index = 0; index < randomRewardItemCount; index++) {
const itemTpl = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(rewardItemPool);
// Pick random rewards until we have exhausted the sacrificed items cost amount
let amountRoubles = 0;
while (amountRoubles < rewardAmountRoubles && rewardItemPool.length > 0) {
const randomItemTplFromPool = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(rewardItemPool);
const rewardItem: Item = {
_id: this.hashUtil.generate(),
_tpl: itemTpl,
_tpl: randomItemTplFromPool,
parentId: cultistCircleStashId,
slotId: slotId,
upd: {
@ -1344,10 +1347,18 @@ export class HideoutController {
// Increment price of rewards to give player and add to reward array
amountRoubles += this.itemHelper.getItemPrice(randomItemTplFromPool);
this.logger.warning(`Circle will reward ${rewards.length} items costing a total of ${amountRoubles} roubles`);
// TODO, tie this into rouble cost of items sacrificed
const randomRewardItemCount = this.randomUtil.getInt(1, 4);
this.logger.warning(`cicle craft chose ${randomRewardItemCount} reward count`);
// Get the container grid for cultist stash area
const cultistStashDbItem = this.itemHelper.getItem(ItemTpl.HIDEOUTAREACONTAINER_CIRCLEOFCULTISTS_STASH_1);
const containerGrid = this.inventoryHelper.getContainerSlotMap(cultistStashDbItem[1]._id);
const canAddToContainer = this.inventoryHelper.canPlaceItemsInContainer(
this.cloner.clone(containerGrid), // MUST clone grid before passing in as function modifies grid