mirror of https://github.com/sp-tarkov/server.git synced 2025-02-13 06:50:43 -05:00

Fixed repeatables breaking when using free refreshes

Refactored `changeRepeatableQuest()` to reduce looping and indentation
This commit is contained in:
Dev 2024-07-03 21:41:31 +01:00
parent 6ef6ae5020
commit c3e9236759
2 changed files with 107 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import { QuestHelper } from "@spt/helpers/QuestHelper";
import { RepeatableQuestHelper } from "@spt/helpers/RepeatableQuestHelper";
import { IPmcData } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import {
} from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ import { HideoutAreas } from "@spt/models/enums/HideoutAreas";
import { QuestStatus } from "@spt/models/enums/QuestStatus";
import { SkillTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/SkillTypes";
import { IQuestConfig, IRepeatableQuestConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IQuestConfig";
import { IGetRepeatableByIdResult } from "@spt/models/spt/quests/IGetRepeatableByIdResult";
import { IQuestTypePool } from "@spt/models/spt/repeatable/IQuestTypePool";
import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { EventOutputHolder } from "@spt/routers/EventOutputHolder";
@ -535,84 +535,84 @@ export class RepeatableQuestController
const fullProfile = this.profileHelper.getFullProfile(sessionID);
let repeatableToChange: IPmcDataRepeatableQuest = undefined;
let changeRequirement: IChangeRequirement;
// Check for existing quest in (daily/weekly/scav arrays)
const { quest: questToReplace, repeatableType: repeatablesInProfile }
= this.getRepeatableById(changeRequest.qid, pmcData);
// The trader existing quest is linked to
let replacedQuestTraderId: string;
// Subtype name of quest - daily/weekly/scav
const repeatableTypeLower = repeatablesInProfile.name.toLowerCase();
// Daily, weekly or scav repeatable type
for (const repeatablesInProfile of pmcData.RepeatableQuests)
// Save for later standing loss calculation
const replacedQuestTraderId = questToReplace.traderId;
// Update active quests to exclude the quest we're replacing
repeatablesInProfile.activeQuests = repeatablesInProfile.activeQuests
.filter((quest) => quest._id !== changeRequest.qid);
// Save for later cost calculation
const previousChangeRequirement = this.cloner.clone(repeatablesInProfile.changeRequirement[changeRequest.qid]);
// Delete the replaced quest change requrement as we're going to replace it
delete repeatablesInProfile.changeRequirement[changeRequest.qid];
// Get config for this repeatable sub-type (daily/weekly/scav)
const repeatableConfig = this.questConfig.repeatableQuests
.find((config) => config.name === repeatablesInProfile.name,
// Generate meta-data for what type/levelrange of quests can be generated for player
const allowedQuestTypes = this.generateQuestPool(repeatableConfig, pmcData.Info.Level);
const newRepeatableQuest = this.attemptToGenerateRepeatableQuest(pmcData, allowedQuestTypes, repeatableConfig);
if (!newRepeatableQuest)
// Check for existing quest in (daily/weekly/scav arrays)
const questToReplace = repeatablesInProfile.activeQuests
.find((repeatable) => repeatable._id === changeRequest.qid);
if (!questToReplace)
// Not found, skip to next repeatable sub-type
// Unable to find quest being replaced
const message = `Unable to generate repeatable quest of type: ${repeatableTypeLower} to replace trader: ${replacedQuestTraderId} quest ${changeRequest.qid}`;
// Subtype of quest - daily/weekly/scav
const repeatableTypeLower = repeatablesInProfile.name.toLowerCase();
// Save for later standing loss calculation
replacedQuestTraderId = questToReplace.traderId;
// Update active quests to exclude the quest we're replacing
repeatablesInProfile.activeQuests = repeatablesInProfile.activeQuests
.filter((quest) => quest._id !== changeRequest.qid);
// Save for later cost calculation
changeRequirement = this.cloner.clone(repeatablesInProfile.changeRequirement[changeRequest.qid]);
// Delete replaced quest change requrement
delete repeatablesInProfile.changeRequirement[changeRequest.qid];
// TODO: somehow we need to reduce the questPool by the currently active quests (for all repeatables)
// Get config for this repeatable sub-type (daily/weekly/scav)
const repeatableConfig = this.questConfig.repeatableQuests
.find((config) => config.name === repeatablesInProfile.name,
// Generate meta-data for what type levelrange of quests can be generated for player
const allowedQuestTypes = this.generateQuestPool(repeatableConfig, pmcData.Info.Level);
const newRepeatableQuest = this.attemptToGenerateRepeatableQuest(pmcData, allowedQuestTypes, repeatableConfig);
if (newRepeatableQuest)
// Add newly generated quest to daily/weekly/scav type array
newRepeatableQuest.side = repeatableConfig.side;
// Find quest we're replacing in pmc profile quests array and remove it
this.questHelper.findAndRemoveQuestFromArrayIfExists(questToReplace._id, pmcData.Quests);
// Find quest we're replacing in scav profile quests array and remove it
fullProfile.characters.scav?.Quests ?? [],
const isFreeToReplace = this.useFreeRefreshIfAvailable(fullProfile, repeatablesInProfile, repeatableTypeLower);
if (!isFreeToReplace)
// not free, add change requirement cost
repeatablesInProfile.changeRequirement[newRepeatableQuest._id] = {
changeCost: newRepeatableQuest.changeCost,
changeStandingCost: this.randomUtil.getArrayValue([0, 0.01]),
// Not sure why we clone but we do
repeatableToChange = this.cloner.clone(repeatablesInProfile);
// Purge inactive repeatables
repeatableToChange.inactiveQuests = [];
return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, message);
if (!repeatableToChange)
// Add newly generated quest to daily/weekly/scav type array
newRepeatableQuest.side = repeatableConfig.side;
// Find quest we're replacing in pmc profile quests array and remove it
this.questHelper.findAndRemoveQuestFromArrayIfExists(questToReplace._id, pmcData.Quests);
// Find quest we're replacing in scav profile quests array and remove it
fullProfile.characters.scav?.Quests ?? [],
// Add new quests replacement cost to profile
repeatablesInProfile.changeRequirement[newRepeatableQuest._id] = {
changeCost: newRepeatableQuest.changeCost,
changeStandingCost: this.randomUtil.getArrayValue([0, 0.01]),
// Check if we should charge player for replacing quest
const isFreeToReplace = this.useFreeRefreshIfAvailable(fullProfile, repeatablesInProfile, repeatableTypeLower);
if (!isFreeToReplace)
// not free, Charge player
for (const cost of previousChangeRequirement.changeCost)
this.paymentService.addPaymentToOutput(pmcData, cost.templateId, cost.count, sessionID, output);
if (output.warnings.length > 0)
return output;
// Clone data before we send it to client
const repeatableToChangeClone = this.cloner.clone(repeatablesInProfile);
// Purge inactive repeatables
repeatableToChangeClone.inactiveQuests = [];
if (!repeatableToChangeClone)
// Unable to find quest being replaced
const message = this.localisationService.getText("quest-unable_to_find_repeatable_to_replace");
@ -621,28 +621,44 @@ export class RepeatableQuestController
return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, message);
for (const cost of changeRequirement.changeCost)
this.paymentService.addPaymentToOutput(pmcData, cost.templateId, cost.count, sessionID, output);
if (output.warnings.length > 0)
return output;
// Reduce standing with trader for not doing their quest
const traderOfReplacedQuest = pmcData.TradersInfo[replacedQuestTraderId];
traderOfReplacedQuest.standing -= changeRequirement.changeStandingCost;
traderOfReplacedQuest.standing -= previousChangeRequirement.changeStandingCost;
// Nullguard
output.profileChanges[sessionID].repeatableQuests ||= [];
// Update client output with new repeatable
return output;
* Find a repeatable (daily/weekly/scav) from a players profile by its id
* @param questId Id of quest to find
* @param pmcData Profile that contains quests to look through
* @returns IGetRepeatableByIdResult
protected getRepeatableById(questId: string, pmcData: IPmcData): IGetRepeatableByIdResult
for (const repeatablesInProfile of pmcData.RepeatableQuests)
// Check for existing quest in (daily/weekly/scav arrays)
const questToReplace = repeatablesInProfile.activeQuests
.find((repeatable) => repeatable._id === questId);
if (!questToReplace)
// Not found, skip to next repeatable sub-type
return { quest: questToReplace, repeatableType: repeatablesInProfile };
return undefined;
protected attemptToGenerateRepeatableQuest(
pmcData: IPmcData,
questTypePool: IQuestTypePool,

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import { IPmcDataRepeatableQuest, IRepeatableQuest } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IRepeatableQuests";
export interface IGetRepeatableByIdResult
quest: IRepeatableQuest
repeatableType: IPmcDataRepeatableQuest