import "reflect-metadata"; import type { ItemHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ItemHelper"; import type { IItem, IUpdRepairable } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import type { ITemplateItem } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt/utils/HashUtil"; import { container } from "tsyringe"; import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; describe("ItemHelper", () => { let itemHelper: ItemHelper; beforeEach(() => { itemHelper = container.resolve("ItemHelper"); }); afterEach(() => { vi.restoreAllMocks(); }); describe("isValidItem", () => { it("should return false when item details are not available", () => { const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("non-existent-item"); expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when item is a quest item", () => { const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("590de92486f77423d9312a33"); // "Gold pocket watch on a chain" expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when item is of an invalid base type", () => { const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("5fc64ea372b0dd78d51159dc", ["5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567"]); // "Cultist knife" expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when item's price is zero", () => { // Unsure if any item has price of "0", so mock the getItemPrice method to return 0. vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getItemPrice").mockReturnValue(0); const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("5fc64ea372b0dd78d51159dc"); expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when item is in the blacklist", () => { const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("6087e570b998180e9f76dc24"); // "Superfors DB 2020 Dead Blow Hammer" expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return true when item is valid", () => { const result = itemHelper.isValidItem("5fc64ea372b0dd78d51159dc"); // "Cultist knife" expect(result).toBe(true); }); }); describe("isOfBaseclass", () => { it("should return true when item has the given base class", () => { // ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" of base class "MedKit". const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclass("590c657e86f77412b013051d", "5448f39d4bdc2d0a728b4568"); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it("should return false when item does not have the given base class", () => { // ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" not of base class "Knife". const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclass("590c657e86f77412b013051d", "5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567"); expect(result).toBe(false); }); }); describe("isOfBaseclasses", () => { it("should return true when item has the given base class", () => { // ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" of base class "MedKit". const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses("590c657e86f77412b013051d", ["5448f39d4bdc2d0a728b4568"]); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it("should return false when item does not have the given base class", () => { // ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit" not of base class "Knife". const result = itemHelper.isOfBaseclasses("590c657e86f77412b013051d", ["5447e1d04bdc2dff2f8b4567"]); expect(result).toBe(false); }); }); describe("getItemPrice", () => { it("should return static price when it is greater than or equal to 1", () => { const staticPrice = 1; const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice); const result = itemHelper.getItemPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBe(staticPrice); }); it("should return dynamic price when static price is less than 1", () => { const staticPrice = 0; const dynamicPrice = 42069; const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice); vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(dynamicPrice); const result = itemHelper.getItemPrice(tpl); // Failing because getDynamicItemPrice is called incorrectly. expect(result).toBe(dynamicPrice); }); it("should return 0 when neither handbook nor dynamic price is available", () => { const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(0); vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(0); const result = itemHelper.getItemPrice(tpl); // Failing because getStaticItemPrice will return 1 on a failed lookup. ??? expect(result).toBe(0); }); }); describe("getItemMaxPrice", () => { it("should return static price when it is higher", () => { const staticPrice = 420; const dynamicPrice = 69; const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice); vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(dynamicPrice); const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBe(staticPrice); }); it("should return dynamic price when it is higher", () => { const staticPrice = 69; const dynamicPrice = 420; const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(staticPrice); vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(dynamicPrice); const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBe(dynamicPrice); }); it("should return either when both prices are equal", () => { const price = 42069; const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getStaticItemPrice").mockReturnValue(price); vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getDynamicItemPrice").mockReturnValue(price); const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBe(price); }); it("should return 0 when item does not exist", () => { const tpl = "non-existent-item"; const result = itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(tpl); // Failing because getStaticItemPrice will return 1 on a failed lookup. ??? expect(result).toBe(0); }); }); describe("getStaticItemPrice", () => { it("should return handbook price when it is greater than or equal to 1", () => { const price = 42069; const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; const handbookHelperGetTemplatePriceSpy = vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).handbookHelper, "getTemplatePrice"); handbookHelperGetTemplatePriceSpy.mockReturnValue(price); const result = itemHelper.getStaticItemPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBe(price); }); it("should return 0 when handbook price is less than 1", () => { const price = 0; const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit" const handbookHelperGetTemplatePriceSpy = vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).handbookHelper, "getTemplatePrice"); handbookHelperGetTemplatePriceSpy.mockReturnValue(price); const result = itemHelper.getStaticItemPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBe(price); }); }); describe("getDynamicItemPrice", () => { it("should return the correct dynamic price when it exists", () => { const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit" const result = itemHelper.getDynamicItemPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); }); it("should return 0 when the dynamic price does not exist", () => { const tpl = "non-existent-item"; const result = itemHelper.getDynamicItemPrice(tpl); expect(result).toBe(0); }); }); describe("fixItemStackCount", () => { it("should set upd.StackObjectsCount to 1 if upd is undefined", () => { const initialItem: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "" }; const fixedItem = itemHelper.fixItemStackCount(initialItem); expect(fixedItem.upd).toBeDefined(); expect(fixedItem.upd?.StackObjectsCount).toBe(1); }); it("should set upd.StackObjectsCount to 1 if upd.StackObjectsCount is undefined", () => { const initialItem: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "", upd: {} }; const fixedItem = itemHelper.fixItemStackCount(initialItem); expect(fixedItem.upd).toBeDefined(); expect(fixedItem.upd?.StackObjectsCount).toBe(1); }); it("should not change upd.StackObjectsCount if it is already defined", () => { const initialItem: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "", upd: { StackObjectsCount: 5 } }; const fixedItem = itemHelper.fixItemStackCount(initialItem); expect(fixedItem.upd).toBeDefined(); expect(fixedItem.upd?.StackObjectsCount).toBe(5); }); }); describe("getItems", () => { it("should call databaseService.getItems() and jsonUtil.clone() methods", () => { const databaseServerGetTablesSpy = vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).databaseService, "getItems"); const clonerSpy = vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).cloner, "clone"); itemHelper.getItems(); expect(databaseServerGetTablesSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(clonerSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should return a new array, not a reference to the original", () => { const tables = container.resolve("DatabaseServer").getTables(); const originalItems = Object.values(tables.templates.items); const clonedItems = itemHelper.getItems(); // Change something in the cloned array clonedItems[0]._id = "modified"; // Validate that the original array remains unchanged expect(originalItems[0]._id).not.toBe("modified"); }); }); describe("getItem", () => { it("should return true and the item if the tpl exists", () => { // ID 590c657e86f77412b013051d is a "Grizzly medical kit". const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; const tables = container.resolve("DatabaseServer").getTables(); const item = tables.templates.items[tpl]; const [isValid, returnedItem] = itemHelper.getItem(tpl); expect(isValid).toBe(true); expect(returnedItem).toBe(item); }); it("should return false and undefined if the tpl does not exist", () => { const tpl = "non-existent-item"; const [isValid, returnedItem] = itemHelper.getItem(tpl); expect(isValid).toBe(false); expect(returnedItem).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe("isItemInDb", () => { it("should return true if getItem returns true as the first element", () => { const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit" const result = itemHelper.isItemInDb(tpl); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it("should return false if getItem returns false as the first element", () => { const tpl = "non-existent-item"; const result = itemHelper.isItemInDb(tpl); expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should call getItem with the provided tpl", () => { const itemHelperSpy = vi.spyOn(itemHelper, "getItem"); const tpl = "590c657e86f77412b013051d"; // "Grizzly medical kit" itemHelper.isItemInDb(tpl); expect(itemHelperSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tpl); }); }); describe("getItemQualityModifier", () => { it("should return 1 for an item with no upd", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "590c657e86f77412b013051d", // "Grizzly medical kit" }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(1); }); it("should return 1 for an item with upd but no relevant fields", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "590c657e86f77412b013051d", // "Grizzly medical kit" upd: {}, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(1); }); it("should return correct value for a medkit", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "590c657e86f77412b013051d", // "Grizzly medical kit" upd: { MedKit: { HpResource: 900, // 1800 total }, }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(0.5); }); it("should return correct value for a repairable helmet", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5b40e1525acfc4771e1c6611", upd: { Repairable: { Durability: 19, MaxDurability: 38 } }, }; const getRepairableItemQualityValueSpt = vi .spyOn(itemHelper as any, "getRepairableItemQualityValue") .mockReturnValue(0.5); const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(getRepairableItemQualityValueSpt).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toBe(0.5); }); it("should return correct value for a reparable weapon", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b", // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun" upd: { Repairable: { Durability: 20, MaxDurability: 100 } }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBeCloseTo(0.447); }); it("should return correct value for a food or drink item", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5448fee04bdc2dbc018b4567", // "Bottle of water (0.6L)" upd: { FoodDrink: { HpPercent: 30, // Not actually a percentage, but value of max 60. }, }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(0.5); }); it("should return correct value for a key item", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5780cf7f2459777de4559322", // "Dorm room 314 marked key" upd: { Key: { NumberOfUsages: 5 } }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(0.5); }); it("should return correct value for a resource item", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5d1b36a186f7742523398433", // "Metal fuel tank" upd: { Resource: { Value: 50, // How much fuel is left in the tank. UnitsConsumed: 50, // How much fuel has been used in the generator. }, }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(0.5); }); it("should return correct value for a repair kit item", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" upd: { RepairKit: { Resource: 600 } }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(0.5); }); it("should return 0.01 for an item with upd but all relevant fields are 0", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" upd: { RepairKit: { Resource: 0 } }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemQualityModifier(item); expect(result).toBe(0.01); }); }); describe("getRepairableItemQualityValue", () => { it("should return the correct quality value", () => { const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun" const repairable: IUpdRepairable = { Durability: 50, MaxDurability: 100 }; const item: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "" }; // Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method. const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item); expect(result).toBe(Math.sqrt(0.5)); }); it("should fall back to using Repairable MaxDurability", () => { const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun" weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property. const repairable: IUpdRepairable = { Durability: 50, MaxDurability: 200, // This should be used now. }; const item: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "" }; // Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method. const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item); expect(result).toBe(Math.sqrt(0.25)); }); it("should return 1 if durability value is invalid", () => { const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun" weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property. const repairable: IUpdRepairable = { Durability: 50, MaxDurability: undefined, // Remove the MaxDurability property value... Technically an invalid Type. }; const item: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "" }; // Mock the logger's error method to prevent it from being actually called. const loggerErrorSpy = vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).logger, "error").mockImplementation(() => {}); // Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method. const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item); expect(loggerErrorSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toBe(1); }); it("should not divide by zero", () => { const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun" weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property. const repairable: IUpdRepairable = { Durability: 50, MaxDurability: 0, // This is a problem. }; const item: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "" }; // Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method. const result = (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item); expect(result).toBe(1); }); it("should log an error if durability is invalid", () => { const weapon = itemHelper.getItem("5a38e6bac4a2826c6e06d79b")[1]; // "TOZ-106 20ga bolt-action shotgun" weapon._props.MaxDurability = undefined; // Remove the MaxDurability property. const repairable: IUpdRepairable = { Durability: 50, MaxDurability: undefined, // Remove the MaxDurability property value... Technically an invalid Type. }; const item: IItem = { _id: "", _tpl: "" }; const loggerErrorSpy = vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).logger, "error"); // Cast the method to any to allow access to private/protected method. (itemHelper as any).getRepairableItemQualityValue(weapon, repairable, item); expect(loggerErrorSpy).toBeCalled(); }); }); describe("findAndReturnChildrenByItems", () => { it("should return an array containing only the parent ID when no children are found", () => { const items: IItem[] = [ { _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null }, { _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: null }, { _id: "3", _tpl: "", parentId: "2", }, ]; const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "1"); expect(result).toEqual(["1"]); }); it("should return array of child IDs when single-level children are found", () => { const items: IItem[] = [ { _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null }, { _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: "1" }, { _id: "3", _tpl: "", parentId: "1", }, ]; const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "1"); expect(result).toEqual(["2", "3", "1"]); }); it("should return array of child IDs when multi-level children are found", () => { const items: IItem[] = [ { _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null }, { _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: "1" }, { _id: "3", _tpl: "", parentId: "2", }, { _id: "4", _tpl: "", parentId: "3" }, ]; const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "1"); expect(result).toEqual(["4", "3", "2", "1"]); }); it("should return an array containing only the parent ID when parent ID does not exist in items", () => { const items: IItem[] = [ { _id: "1", _tpl: "", parentId: null }, { _id: "2", _tpl: "", parentId: "1" }, ]; const result = itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenByItems(items, "3"); expect(result).toEqual(["3"]); }); }); describe("getItemStackSize", () => { it("should return 1 when item has no existing stack size", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" upd: {}, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemStackSize(item); expect(result).toBe(1); }); it("should return 1 when item has no upd property", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" }; const result = itemHelper.getItemStackSize(item); expect(result).toBe(1); }); it("should return 5 when item has existing stack size of 5", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" upd: { StackObjectsCount: 5 }, }; const result = itemHelper.getItemStackSize(item); expect(result).toBe(5); }); }); describe("hasBuyRestrictions", () => { it("should return true when item has buy restriction current and max properties", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" upd: { BuyRestrictionCurrent: 0, BuyRestrictionMax: 1 }, }; const result = itemHelper.hasBuyRestrictions(item); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it("should return false when item has no buy restriction current or max properties but does have upd property", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" upd: {}, }; const result = itemHelper.hasBuyRestrictions(item); expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when item has no buy restriction current, max or upd properties", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const item: IItem = { _id: itemId, _tpl: "591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef", // "Body armor repair kit" }; const result = itemHelper.hasBuyRestrictions(item); expect(result).toBe(false); }); }); describe("isDogtag", () => { it("should return true when tpl is a dogtag", () => { const result = itemHelper.isDogtag("59f32bb586f774757e1e8442"); // "Bear dogtag" expect(result).toBe(true); }); it("should return false when tpl is not a dogtag", () => { const result = itemHelper.isDogtag("591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef"); // "Body armor repair kit" expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when tpl is invalid", () => { const result = itemHelper.isDogtag("invalidTpl"); expect(result).toBe(false); }); }); describe("addCartridgesToAmmoBox", () => { it("should return an array with 1x ammoBox and 1x cartridge item", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const ammoBox: IItem[] = [ { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5c12619186f7743f871c8a32", // "9x39mm SPP gs ammo pack (8 pcs)" }, ]; const databaseServer = container.resolve("DatabaseServer"); const ammoBoxDetails = databaseServer.getTables().templates.items["5c12619186f7743f871c8a32"]; itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(ammoBox, ammoBoxDetails); expect(ammoBox.length).toBe(2); expect(ammoBox[1].upd.StackObjectsCount).toBe(8); }); it("should return an array with 1x ammoBox and 2x cartridge items", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const ammoBox: IItem[] = [ { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5737292724597765e5728562", // "5.45x39mm BP gs ammo pack (120 pcs)"" }, ]; const databaseServer = container.resolve("DatabaseServer"); const ammoBoxDetails = databaseServer.getTables().templates.items["5737292724597765e5728562"]; itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(ammoBox, ammoBoxDetails); expect(ammoBox.length).toBe(3); expect(ammoBox[1].upd.StackObjectsCount).toBe(60); expect(ammoBox[2].upd.StackObjectsCount).toBe(60); }); it("should keep original ammo box provided", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const ammoBox: IItem[] = [ { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5737292724597765e5728562", // "5.45x39mm BP gs ammo pack (120 pcs)"" }, ]; const databaseServer = container.resolve("DatabaseServer"); const ammoBoxDetails = databaseServer.getTables().templates.items["5737292724597765e5728562"]; itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(ammoBox, ammoBoxDetails); expect(ammoBox[0]._tpl).toBe("5737292724597765e5728562"); }); it("should return specific cartridge type for the given ammo box provided", () => { const itemId = container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(); const ammoBox: IItem[] = [ { _id: itemId, _tpl: "5737292724597765e5728562", // "5.45x39mm BP gs ammo pack (120 pcs)"" }, ]; const databaseServer = container.resolve("DatabaseServer"); const ammoBoxDetails = databaseServer.getTables().templates.items["5737292724597765e5728562"]; itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(ammoBox, ammoBoxDetails); expect(ammoBox[1]._tpl).toBe("56dfef82d2720bbd668b4567"); }); }); describe("isItemTplStackable", () => { it("should return true for a stackable item", () => { const result = itemHelper.isItemTplStackable("5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f"); // Roubles expect(result).toBe(true); }); it("should return false for an unstackable item", () => { const result = itemHelper.isItemTplStackable("591094e086f7747caa7bb2ef"); // "Body armor repair kit" expect(result).toBe(false); }); it("should return undefined for an unknown item", () => { const result = itemHelper.isItemTplStackable("fakeTpl"); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); it("should return undefined for an empty input", () => { const result = itemHelper.isItemTplStackable(""); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); }); describe("getItemName", () => { it("should return item name for a valid item", () => { const result = itemHelper.getItemName("5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f"); // "Roubles" expect(result).toBe("Roubles"); }); it("should return item short name for a valid item with empty full name", () => { const databaseServer = container.resolve("DatabaseServer"); databaseServer.getTables()["5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f Name"] = ""; const result = itemHelper.getItemName("5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f"); // "Roubles" expect(result).toBe("RUB"); }); it("should return item short name for a valid item with undefined full name", () => { const databaseServer = container.resolve("DatabaseServer"); databaseServer.getTables()["5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f Name"] = undefined; const result = itemHelper.getItemName("5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f"); // "Roubles" expect(result).toBe("RUB"); }); it("should return undefined for invalid item", () => { const result = itemHelper.getItemName("fake tpl"); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); it("should return undefined for empty string", () => { const result = itemHelper.getItemName(""); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); it("should return undefined for undefined", () => { const result = itemHelper.getItemName(undefined); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); }); describe("adoptOrphanedItems", () => { it("should adopt orphaned items by resetting them as base-level items", () => { const rootId = "root-id"; const items = [ { _id: "first-id", _tpl: "anything1", parentId: "does-not-exist", slotId: "main" }, { _id: "second-id", _tpl: "anything2", parentId: "first-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, { _id: "third-id", _tpl: "anything3", parentId: "second-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, { _id: "forth-id", _tpl: "anything4", parentId: "third-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, ]; // Iterate over the items and find the individual orphaned item. const orphanedItem = items.find((item) => !items.some((parent) => parent._id === item.parentId)); // Setup tests to verify that the orphaned item is in fact orphaned. expect(orphanedItem.parentId).toBe(items[0].parentId); expect(orphanedItem.slotId).toBe(items[0].slotId); // Execute the method. (itemHelper as any).adoptOrphanedItems(rootId, items); // Verify that the orphaned items have been adopted. expect(orphanedItem.parentId).toBe(rootId); expect(orphanedItem.slotId).toBe("hideout"); }); it("should not adopt items that are not orphaned", () => { const rootId = "root-id"; const items = [ { _id: "first-id", _tpl: "anything1", parentId: rootId, slotId: "hideout" }, { _id: "second-id", _tpl: "anything2", parentId: "first-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, { _id: "third-id", _tpl: "anything3", parentId: "second-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, { _id: "forth-id", _tpl: "anything4", parentId: "third-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, ]; // Execute the method. const adopted = (itemHelper as any).adoptOrphanedItems(rootId, items); // Verify that the orphaned items have been adopted. expect(adopted).toStrictEqual(items); }); it("should remove location data from adopted items", () => { const rootId = "root-id"; const items = [ { _id: "first-id", _tpl: "anything1", parentId: "does-not-exist", slotId: "main", location: { x: 1, y: 2, r: 3, isSearched: true }, // Should be removed. }, { _id: "second-id", _tpl: "anything2", parentId: "first-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, { _id: "third-id", _tpl: "anything3", parentId: "second-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, { _id: "forth-id", _tpl: "anything4", parentId: "third-id", slotId: "slot-id" }, ]; // Execute the method. (itemHelper as any).adoptOrphanedItems(rootId, items); // Verify that the location property has been removed. expect(items).not.toHaveProperty("location"); }); }); describe("splitStack", () => { it("should return array of two items when provided item over its natural stack size limit", () => { const stackableItem: IItem = { _id: container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(), _tpl: "59e690b686f7746c9f75e848", // m995 upd: { StackObjectsCount: 80, // Default is 60 }, }; const result = itemHelper.splitStack(stackableItem); // "Roubles" expect(result.length).toBe(2); }); it("should return same count of items passed in when provided is natural stack size limit", () => { const stackableItem: IItem = { _id: container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(), _tpl: "59e690b686f7746c9f75e848", // m995 upd: { StackObjectsCount: 80, // Default is 60 }, }; const result = itemHelper.splitStack(stackableItem); // "Roubles" const itemCount = result.reduce((sum, curr) => sum + curr.upd.StackObjectsCount, 0); expect(itemCount).toBe(80); }); it("should return same item if below max stack size", () => { const stackableItem: IItem = { _id: container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(), _tpl: "59e690b686f7746c9f75e848", // m995 upd: { StackObjectsCount: 60, // Default is 60 }, }; const result = itemHelper.splitStack(stackableItem); // "Roubles" const itemCount = result.reduce((sum, curr) => sum + curr.upd.StackObjectsCount, 0); expect(itemCount).toBe(60); expect(result.length).toBe(1); }); it("should return same item if item has no StackObjectsCount property", () => { const stackableItem: IItem = { _id: container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(), _tpl: "59e690b686f7746c9f75e848", // m995 upd: {}, }; const result = itemHelper.splitStack(stackableItem); // "Roubles" expect(result.length).toBe(1); }); it("should return same item if item has no upd object", () => { const stackableItem: IItem = { _id: container.resolve("HashUtil").generate(), _tpl: "59e690b686f7746c9f75e848", // m995 }; const result = itemHelper.splitStack(stackableItem); // "Roubles" expect(result.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe("getRandomCompatibleCaliberTemplateId", () => { it("should return an item from the passed template's cartridge filter array", () => { const validAmmoItems = [ "5735ff5c245977640e39ba7e", "573601b42459776410737435", "573602322459776445391df1", "5736026a245977644601dc61", "573603562459776430731618", "573603c924597764442bd9cb", "5735fdcd2459776445391d61", ]; const mockTemplateItem = { _id: "571a29dc2459771fb2755a6a", _name: "mag_tt_toz_std_762x25tt_8", _props: { Cartridges: [{ _props: { filters: [{ Filter: validAmmoItems }] } }] }, }; vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).randomUtil, "getArrayValue").mockReturnValue(validAmmoItems[0]); const result = itemHelper.getRandomCompatibleCaliberTemplateId(mockTemplateItem as ITemplateItem); expect(validAmmoItems).toContain(result); }); it("should return null when passed template has empty cartridge property", () => { const fakeTemplateItem = { _props: { Cartridges: [{}] } }; const result = itemHelper.getRandomCompatibleCaliberTemplateId(fakeTemplateItem as ITemplateItem); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); it("should return null when undefined passed in", () => { const result = itemHelper.getRandomCompatibleCaliberTemplateId(undefined as ITemplateItem); expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); it("should log a warning when the template cartridge can not be found", () => { const mockLoggerWarning = vi.spyOn((itemHelper as any).logger, "warning"); itemHelper.getRandomCompatibleCaliberTemplateId(undefined as ITemplateItem); expect(mockLoggerWarning).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });