import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil"; import { MathUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/MathUtil"; /** * Array of ProbabilityObjectArray which allow to randomly draw of the contained objects * based on the relative probability of each of its elements. * The probabilities of the contained element is not required to be normalized. * * Example: * po = new ProbabilityObjectArray( * new ProbabilityObject("a", 5), * new ProbabilityObject("b", 1), * new ProbabilityObject("c", 1) * ); * res = po.draw(10000); * // count the elements which should be distributed according to the relative probabilities * res.filter(x => x==="b").reduce((sum, x) => sum + 1 , 0) */ export class ProbabilityObjectArray extends Array> { constructor(private mathUtil: MathUtil, private jsonUtil: JsonUtil, ...items: ProbabilityObject[]) { super(); this.push(...items); } filter( callbackfn: (value: ProbabilityObject, index: number, array: ProbabilityObject[]) => any, ): ProbabilityObjectArray { return new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil, ...super.filter(callbackfn)); } /** * Calculates the normalized cumulative probability of the ProbabilityObjectArray's elements normalized to 1 * @param {array} probValues The relative probability values of which to calculate the normalized cumulative sum * @returns {array} Cumulative Sum normalized to 1 */ cumulativeProbability(probValues: number[]): number[] { const sum = this.mathUtil.arraySum(probValues); let probCumsum = this.mathUtil.arrayCumsum(probValues); probCumsum = this.mathUtil.arrayProd(probCumsum, 1 / sum); return probCumsum; } /** * Clone this ProbabilitObjectArray * @returns {ProbabilityObjectArray} Deep Copy of this ProbabilityObjectArray */ clone(): ProbabilityObjectArray { const clone = this.jsonUtil.clone(this); const probabliltyObjects = new ProbabilityObjectArray(this.mathUtil, this.jsonUtil); for (const ci of clone) { probabliltyObjects.push(new ProbabilityObject(ci.key, ci.relativeProbability,; } return probabliltyObjects; } /** * Drop an element from the ProbabilityObjectArray * * @param {string} key The key of the element to drop * @returns {ProbabilityObjectArray} ProbabilityObjectArray without the dropped element */ drop(key: K): ProbabilityObjectArray { return this.filter((r) => r.key !== key); } /** * Return the data field of a element of the ProbabilityObjectArray * @param {string} key The key of the element whose data shall be retrieved * @returns {object} The data object */ data(key: K): V { return this.filter((r) => r.key === key)[0]?.data; } /** * Get the relative probability of an element by its key * * Example: * po = new ProbabilityObjectArray(new ProbabilityObject("a", 5), new ProbabilityObject("b", 1)) * po.maxProbability() // returns 5 * * @param {string} key The key of the element whose relative probability shall be retrieved * @return {number} The relative probability */ probability(key: K): number { return this.filter((r) => r.key === key)[0].relativeProbability; } /** * Get the maximum relative probability out of a ProbabilityObjectArray * * Example: * po = new ProbabilityObjectArray(new ProbabilityObject("a", 5), new ProbabilityObject("b", 1)) * po.maxProbability() // returns 5 * * @return {number} the maximum value of all relative probabilities in this ProbabilityObjectArray */ maxProbability(): number { return Math.max( => x.relativeProbability)); } /** * Get the minimum relative probability out of a ProbabilityObjectArray * * Example: * po = new ProbabilityObjectArray(new ProbabilityObject("a", 5), new ProbabilityObject("b", 1)) * po.minProbability() // returns 1 * * @return {number} the minimum value of all relative probabilities in this ProbabilityObjectArray */ minProbability(): number { return Math.min( => x.relativeProbability)); } /** * Draw random element of the ProbabilityObject N times to return an array of N keys. * Drawing can be with or without replacement * @param count The number of times we want to draw * @param replacement Draw with or without replacement from the input dict (true = dont remove after drawing) * @param locklist list keys which shall be replaced even if drawing without replacement * @returns Array consisting of N random keys for this ProbabilityObjectArray */ public draw(count = 1, replacement = true, locklist: Array = []): K[] { const { probArray, keyArray } = this.reduce((acc, x) => { acc.probArray.push(x.relativeProbability); acc.keyArray.push(x.key); return acc; }, { probArray: [], keyArray: [] }); let probCumsum = this.cumulativeProbability(probArray); const drawnKeys = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const rand = Math.random(); const randomIndex = probCumsum.findIndex((x) => x > rand); // We cannot put Math.random() directly in the findIndex because then it draws anew for each of its iteration if (replacement || locklist.includes(keyArray[randomIndex])) { // Add random item from possible value into return array drawnKeys.push(keyArray[randomIndex]); } else { // We draw without replacement -> remove the key and its probability from array const key = keyArray.splice(randomIndex, 1)[0]; probArray.splice(randomIndex, 1); drawnKeys.push(key); probCumsum = this.cumulativeProbability(probArray); // If we draw without replacement and the ProbabilityObjectArray is exhausted we need to break if (keyArray.length < 1) { break; } } } return drawnKeys; } } /** * A ProbabilityObject which is use as an element to the ProbabilityObjectArray array * It contains a key, the relative probability as well as optional data. */ export class ProbabilityObject { key: K; relativeProbability: number; data: V; /** * Constructor for the ProbabilityObject * @param {string} key The key of the element * @param {number} relativeProbability The relative probability of this element * @param {any} data Optional data attached to the element */ constructor(key: K, relativeProbability: number, data: V = null) { this.key = key; this.relativeProbability = relativeProbability; = data; } } @injectable() export class RandomUtil { constructor(@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil, @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger) { } public getInt(min: number, max: number): number { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return (max > min) ? Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min) : min; } public getIntEx(max: number): number { return (max > 1) ? Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 2) + 1) : 1; } public getFloat(min: number, max: number): number { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } public getBool(): boolean { return Math.random() < 0.5; } public getPercentOfValue(percent: number, number: number, toFixed = 2): number { return Number.parseFloat(((percent * number) / 100).toFixed(toFixed)); } /** * Reduce a value by a percentage * @param number Value to reduce * @param percentage Percentage to reduce value by * @returns Reduced value */ public reduceValueByPercent(number: number, percentage: number): number { const reductionAmount = number * (percentage / 100); return number - reductionAmount; } /** * Check if number passes a check out of 100 * @param chancePercent value check needs to be above * @returns true if value passes check */ public getChance100(chancePercent: number): boolean { return this.getIntEx(100) <= chancePercent; } // Its better to keep this method separated from getArrayValue so we can use generic inferance on getArrayValue public getStringArrayValue(arr: string[]): string { return arr[this.getInt(0, arr.length - 1)]; } public getArrayValue(arr: T[]): T { return arr[this.getInt(0, arr.length - 1)]; } public getKey(node: any): string { return this.getArrayValue(Object.keys(node)); } public getKeyValue(node: { [x: string]: any; }): any { return node[this.getKey(node)]; } /** * Generate a normally distributed random number * Uses the Box-Muller transform * @param {number} mean Mean of the normal distribution * @param {number} sigma Standard deviation of the normal distribution * @returns {number} The value drawn */ public getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber(mean: number, sigma: number, attempt = 0): number { let u = 0; let v = 0; while (u === 0) { u = Math.random(); // Converting [0,1) to (0,1) } while (v === 0) { v = Math.random(); } const w = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * Math.log(u)) * Math.cos((2.0 * Math.PI) * v); const valueDrawn = mean + w * sigma; if (valueDrawn < 0) { if (attempt > 100) { return this.getFloat(0.01, mean * 2); } return this.getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber(mean, sigma, attempt++); } return valueDrawn; } /** * Draw Random integer low inclusive, high exclusive * if high is not set we draw from 0 to low (exclusive) * @param {integer} low Lower bound inclusive, when high is not set, this is high * @param {integer} high Higher bound exclusive * @returns {integer} The random integer in [low, high) */ public randInt(low: number, high?: number): number { if (high) { return low + Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low)); } return Math.floor(Math.random() * low); } /** * Draw a random element of the provided list N times to return an array of N random elements * Drawing can be with or without replacement * @param {array} list The array we want to draw randomly from * @param {integer} count The number of times we want to draw * @param {boolean} replacement Draw with or without replacement from the input array(defult true) * @return {array} Array consisting of N random elements */ public drawRandomFromList(list: Array, count = 1, replacement = true): Array { if (!replacement) { list = this.jsonUtil.clone(list); } const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const randomIndex = this.randInt(list.length); if (replacement) { results.push(list[randomIndex]); } else { results.push(list.splice(randomIndex, 1)[0]); } } return results; } /** * Draw a random (top level) element of the provided dictionary N times to return an array of N random dictionary keys * Drawing can be with or without replacement * @param {any} dict The dictionary we want to draw randomly from * @param {integer} count The number of times we want to draw * @param {boolean} replacement Draw with ot without replacement from the input dict * @return {array} Array consisting of N random keys of the dictionary */ public drawRandomFromDict(dict: any, count = 1, replacement = true): any[] { const keys = Object.keys(dict); const randomKeys = this.drawRandomFromList(keys, count, replacement); return randomKeys; } public getBiasedRandomNumber(min: number, max: number, shift: number, n: number): number { /* To whoever tries to make sense of this, please forgive me - I tried my best at explaining what goes on here. * This function generates a random number based on a gaussian distribution with an option to add a bias via shifting. * * Here's an example graph of how the probabilities can be distributed: * * Our parameter 'n' is sort of like σ (sigma) in the example graph. * * An 'n' of 1 means all values are equally likely. Increasing 'n' causes numbers near the edge to become less likely. * By setting 'shift' to whatever 'max' is, we can make values near 'min' very likely, while values near 'max' become extremely unlikely. * * Here's a place where you can play around with the 'n' and 'shift' values to see how the distribution changes: * */ if (max < min) { throw { name: "Invalid arguments", message: `Bounded random number generation max is smaller than min (${max} < ${min})`, }; } if (n < 1) { throw { name: "Invalid argument", message: `'n' must be 1 or greater (received ${n})` }; } if (min === max) { return min; } if (shift > (max - min)) { /* If a rolled number is out of bounds (due to bias being applied), we simply roll it again. * As the shifting increases, the chance of rolling a number within bounds decreases. * A shift that is equal to the available range only has a 50% chance of rolling correctly, theoretically halving performance. * Shifting even further drops the success chance very rapidly - so we want to warn against that */ this.logger.warning( "Bias shift for random number generation is greater than the range of available numbers.\nThis can have a very severe performance impact!", );`min -> ${min}; max -> ${max}; shift -> ${shift}`); } const gaussianRandom = (n: number) => { let rand = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) { rand += Math.random(); } return (rand / n); }; const boundedGaussian = (start: number, end: number, n: number) => { return Math.round(start + gaussianRandom(n) * (end - start + 1)); }; const biasedMin = shift >= 0 ? min - shift : min; const biasedMax = shift < 0 ? max + shift : max; let num: number; do { num = boundedGaussian(biasedMin, biasedMax, n); } while (num < min || num > max); return num; } /** * Fisher-Yates shuffle an array * @param array Array to shuffle * @returns Shuffled array */ public shuffle(array: Array): Array { let currentIndex = array.length; let randomIndex: number; // While there remain elements to shuffle. while (currentIndex !== 0) { // Pick a remaining element. randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex--; // And swap it with the current element. [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex]]; } return array; } }