import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { IHideoutImprovement, Productive, TraderData, TraderInfo } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { ProfileChange } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterBase"; import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse"; import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil"; @injectable() export class EventOutputHolder { /** What has client been informed of this game session */ protected clientActiveSessionStorage: Record = {}; constructor( @inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil, @inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, ) {} // TODO REMEMBER TO CHANGE OUTPUT protected output: IItemEventRouterResponse = { warnings: [], profileChanges: {} }; public getOutput(sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse { if (!this.output.profileChanges[sessionID]) { this.resetOutput(sessionID); } return this.output; } /** * Reset the response object to a default state * Occurs prior to event being handled by server * @param sessionID Players id */ public resetOutput(sessionID: string): void { const pmcData: IPmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID); this.output.warnings = []; this.output.profileChanges[sessionID] = { _id: sessionID, experience: pmcData.Info.Experience, quests: [], ragFairOffers: [], weaponBuilds: [], equipmentBuilds: [], items: { new: [], change: [], del: [] }, production: {}, improvements: {}, skills: { Common: [], Mastering: [], Points: 0 }, health: this.jsonUtil.clone(pmcData.Health), traderRelations: {}, // changedHideoutStashes: {}, recipeUnlocked: {}, questsStatus: [], }; } /** * Update output object with most recent values from player profile * @param sessionId Session id */ public updateOutputProperties(sessionId: string): void { const pmcData: IPmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionId); const profileChanges: ProfileChange = this.output.profileChanges[sessionId]; profileChanges.experience = pmcData.Info.Experience; = this.jsonUtil.clone(pmcData.Health); profileChanges.skills.Common = this.jsonUtil.clone(pmcData.Skills.Common); // Always send skills for Item event route response profileChanges.skills.Mastering = this.jsonUtil.clone(pmcData.Skills.Mastering); // Clone productions to ensure we preseve the profile jsons data profileChanges.production = this.getProductionsFromProfileAndFlagComplete( this.jsonUtil.clone(pmcData.Hideout.Production), ); profileChanges.improvements = this.jsonUtil.clone(this.getImprovementsFromProfileAndFlagComplete(pmcData)); profileChanges.traderRelations = this.constructTraderRelations(pmcData.TradersInfo); // Fixes container craft from water collector not resetting after collection this.resetSptIsCompleteFlaggedCrafts(pmcData.Hideout.Production); } /** * Convert the internal trader data object into an object we can send to the client * @param traderData server data for traders * @returns dict of trader id + TraderData */ protected constructTraderRelations(traderData: Record): Record { const result: Record = {}; for (const traderId in traderData) { const baseData = traderData[traderId]; result[traderId] = { salesSum: baseData.salesSum, disabled: baseData.disabled, loyalty: baseData.loyaltyLevel, standing: baseData.standing, unlocked: baseData.unlocked, }; } return result; } /** * Return all hideout Improvements from player profile, adjust completed Improvements' completed property to be true * @param pmcData Player profile * @returns dictionary of hideout improvements */ protected getImprovementsFromProfileAndFlagComplete(pmcData: IPmcData): Record { for (const improvementKey in pmcData.Hideout.Improvement) { const improvement = pmcData.Hideout.Improvement[improvementKey]; // Skip completed if (improvement.completed) { continue; } if (improvement.improveCompleteTimestamp < this.timeUtil.getTimestamp()) { improvement.completed = true; } } return pmcData.Hideout.Improvement; } /** * Return productions from player profile except those completed crafts the client has already seen * @param pmcData Player profile * @returns dictionary of hideout productions */ protected getProductionsFromProfileAndFlagComplete( productions: Record, ): Record { for (const productionKey in productions) { const production = productions[productionKey]; if (!production) { // Could be cancelled production, skip item to save processing continue; } // Complete and is a water collector craft // Needed as canister craft (water collector) is continuous if (production.sptIsComplete && productionKey === "5d5589c1f934db045e6c5492") { continue; } // Skip completed if (!production.inProgress) { continue; } // Client informed of craft, remove from data returned if (this.clientActiveSessionStorage[productionKey]?.clientInformed) { delete productions[productionKey]; continue; } // Flag started craft as having been seen by client if (production.Progress > 0 && !this.clientActiveSessionStorage[productionKey]?.clientInformed) { this.clientActiveSessionStorage[productionKey] = { clientInformed: true }; } } return productions; } /** * Required as continuous productions don't reset and stay at 100% completion but client thinks it hasn't started * @param productions Productions in a profile */ protected resetSptIsCompleteFlaggedCrafts(productions: Record): void { for (const productionKey in productions) { const production = productions[productionKey]; if (production.sptIsComplete) { production.sptIsComplete = false; production.Progress = 0; production.StartTimestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); } } } }