{ "sptVersion": "3.10.5", "projectName": "SPT", "compatibleTarkovVersion": "", "serverName": "SPT Server", "profileSaveIntervalSeconds": 15, "sptFriendNickname": "SPT", "allowProfileWipe": true, "bsgLogging": { "verbosity": 6, "sendToServer": false }, "release": { "betaDisclaimerTimeoutDelay": 30 }, "fixes": { "fixShotgunDispersion": true, "removeModItemsFromProfile": false, "removeInvalidTradersFromProfile": false, "fixProfileBreakingInventoryItemIssues": false }, "survey": { "locale": { "en": { "question_1": "How off-topic is general chat on the SPT discord?", "question_1_answer_1": "Not at all", "question_1_answer_2": "A little", "question_1_answer_3": "Sometimes", "question_1_answer_4": "Somewhat often", "question_1_answer_5": "Quite often", "question_1_answer_6": "Most of the time", "question_1_answer_7": "Almost always", "question_1_answer_8": "Always", "question_1_answer_9": "NOT OFF TOPIC ENOUGH", "question_1_answer_10": "I LIVE TO MAKE GENERAL CHAT OFF TOPIC", "question_1_answer_11": "I am posting gifs to general chat as we speak", "question_2": "When you download a mod from the hub do you read the readme/mod description?", "question_2_answer_1": "What's a description", "question_2_answer_2": "I can't read", "question_2_answer_3": "I am illiterate", "question_2_answer_4": "I am too busy making general chat off-topic to read", "question_2_answer_5": "YOU WILL NEVER MAKE ME READ TEXT I WILL ASK IN GENERAL CHAT INSTEAD", "title": "Feedback survey", "time": "About 1 minute", "description": "This is the first SPT survey! Your survey doesn't get sent anywhere, its just for modders to see how it works and maybe make use of.", "farewell": "I told you at the start the survey doesn't get sent anywhere and yet you still completed it, curious." } }, "survey": { "id": 1, "welcomePageData": { "titleLocaleKey": "title", "timeLocaleKey": "time", "descriptionLocaleKey": "description" }, "farewellPageData": { "textLocaleKey": "farewell" }, "pages": [[0, 1]], "questions": [ { "id": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "titleLocaleKey": "question_1", "hintLocaleKey": "", "answerLimit": 10, "answerType": "MultiOption", "answers": [ { "id": 0, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_1" }, { "id": 1, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_2" }, { "id": 2, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_3" }, { "id": 3, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_4" }, { "id": 4, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_5" }, { "id": 5, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_6" }, { "id": 6, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_7" }, { "id": 7, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_8" }, { "id": 8, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_9" }, { "id": 9, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_10" }, { "id": 10, "questionId": 0, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_1_answer_11" } ] }, { "id": 1, "sortIndex": 1, "titleLocaleKey": "question_2", "hintLocaleKey": "", "answerLimit": 5, "answerType": "SingleOption", "answers": [ { "id": 0, "questionId": 1, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_2_answer_1" }, { "id": 1, "questionId": 1, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_2_answer_2" }, { "id": 2, "questionId": 1, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_2_answer_3" }, { "id": 3, "questionId": 1, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_2_answer_4" }, { "id": 4, "questionId": 1, "sortIndex": 1, "localeKey": "question_2_answer_5" } ] } ], "isNew": false } }, "features": { "autoInstallModDependencies": false, "compressProfile": false, "chatbotFeatures": { "sptFriendEnabled": true, "sptFriendGiftsEnabled": true, "commandoEnabled": true, "commandoFeatures": { "giveCommandEnabled": true }, "commandUseLimits": { "StashRows": 15 }, "ids": { "commando": "6723fd51c5924c57ce0ca01e", "spt": "6723fd51c5924c57ce0ca01f" } }, "createNewProfileTypesBlacklist": [] }, "customWatermarkLocaleKeys": [] }