import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { BotWeaponGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/BotWeaponGenerator"; import { BotGeneratorHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/BotGeneratorHelper"; import { BotHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/BotHelper"; import { HandbookHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/HandbookHelper"; import { InventoryHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/InventoryHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/WeightedRandomHelper"; import { Inventory as PmcInventory } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { IBotType, Inventory, ModsChances } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotType"; import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { BaseClasses } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/BaseClasses"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { EquipmentSlots } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/EquipmentSlots"; import { ItemAddedResult } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ItemAddedResult"; import { LootCacheType } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/bots/IBotLootCache"; import { IItemSpawnLimitSettings } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/bots/IItemSpawnLimitSettings"; import { IBotConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IBotConfig"; import { IPmcConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IPmcConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { BotLootCacheService } from "@spt-aki/services/BotLootCacheService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService"; import { ICloner } from "@spt-aki/utils/cloners/ICloner"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; @injectable() export class BotLootGenerator { protected botConfig: IBotConfig; protected pmcConfig: IPmcConfig; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("InventoryHelper") protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("HandbookHelper") protected handbookHelper: HandbookHelper, @inject("BotGeneratorHelper") protected botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, @inject("BotWeaponGenerator") protected botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, @inject("WeightedRandomHelper") protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, @inject("BotHelper") protected botHelper: BotHelper, @inject("BotLootCacheService") protected botLootCacheService: BotLootCacheService, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, @inject("RecursiveCloner") protected cloner: ICloner, ) { this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.BOT); this.pmcConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.PMC); } protected getItemSpawnLimitsForBot(botRole: string): IItemSpawnLimitSettings { // Init item limits const limitsForBotDict: Record = {}; this.initItemLimitArray(botRole, limitsForBotDict); return { currentLimits: limitsForBotDict, globalLimits: this.getItemSpawnLimitsForBotType(botRole) }; } /** * Add loot to bots containers * @param sessionId Session id * @param botJsonTemplate Base json db file for the bot having its loot generated * @param isPmc Will bot be a pmc * @param botRole Role of bot, e.g. asssult * @param botInventory Inventory to add loot to * @param botLevel Level of bot */ public generateLoot( sessionId: string, botJsonTemplate: IBotType, isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, botLevel: number, ): void { // Limits on item types to be added as loot const itemCounts = botJsonTemplate.generation.items; const backpackLootCount = Number( this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.backpackLoot.weights), ); const pocketLootCount = Number( this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.pocketLoot.weights), ); const vestLootCount = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.vestLoot.weights); const specialLootItemCount = Number( this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.specialItems.weights), ); const healingItemCount = Number(this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.healing.weights)); const drugItemCount = Number(this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.drugs.weights)); const foodItemCount = Number(this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(; const drinkItemCount = Number(this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.drink.weights)); const currencyItemCount = Number( this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.currency.weights), ); const stimItemCount = Number(this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.stims.weights)); const grenadeCount = Number(this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(itemCounts.grenades.weights)); // Forced pmc healing loot if (isPmc && this.pmcConfig.forceHealingItemsIntoSecure) { this.addForcedMedicalItemsToPmcSecure(botInventory, botRole); } const botItemLimits = this.getItemSpawnLimitsForBot(botRole); const containersBotHasAvailable = this.getAvailableContainersBotCanStoreItemsIn(botInventory); // This set is passed as a reference to fill up the containers that are already full, this aliviates // generation of the bots by avoiding checking the slots of containers we already know are full const containersIdFull = new Set(); // Special items this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.SPECIAL, botJsonTemplate), containersBotHasAvailable, specialLootItemCount, botInventory, botRole, botItemLimits, undefined, undefined, containersIdFull, ); // Healing items / Meds this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.HEALING_ITEMS, botJsonTemplate), containersBotHasAvailable, healingItemCount, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Drugs this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.DRUG_ITEMS, botJsonTemplate), containersBotHasAvailable, drugItemCount, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Food this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.FOOD_ITEMS, botJsonTemplate), containersBotHasAvailable, foodItemCount, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Drink this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.DRINK_ITEMS, botJsonTemplate), containersBotHasAvailable, drinkItemCount, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Currency this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.CURRENCY_ITEMS, botJsonTemplate), containersBotHasAvailable, currencyItemCount, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Stims this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.STIM_ITEMS, botJsonTemplate), containersBotHasAvailable, stimItemCount, botInventory, botRole, botItemLimits, 0, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Grenades this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.GRENADE_ITEMS, botJsonTemplate), [EquipmentSlots.POCKETS, EquipmentSlots.TACTICAL_VEST], // Can't use containersBotHasEquipped as we dont want grenades added to backpack grenadeCount, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Backpack - generate loot if they have one if (containersBotHasAvailable.includes(EquipmentSlots.BACKPACK)) { // Add randomly generated weapon to PMC backpacks if (isPmc && this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.pmcConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackChancePercent)) { this.addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot( sessionId, botInventory, EquipmentSlots.BACKPACK, botJsonTemplate.inventory, botJsonTemplate.chances.weaponMods, botRole, isPmc, botLevel, containersIdFull, ); } this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.BACKPACK, botJsonTemplate), [EquipmentSlots.BACKPACK], backpackLootCount, botInventory, botRole, botItemLimits, this.pmcConfig.maxBackpackLootTotalRub, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); } // TacticalVest - generate loot if they have one if (containersBotHasAvailable.includes(EquipmentSlots.TACTICAL_VEST)) { // Vest this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.VEST, botJsonTemplate), [EquipmentSlots.TACTICAL_VEST], vestLootCount, botInventory, botRole, botItemLimits, this.pmcConfig.maxVestLootTotalRub, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); } // Pockets this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.POCKET, botJsonTemplate), [EquipmentSlots.POCKETS], pocketLootCount, botInventory, botRole, botItemLimits, this.pmcConfig.maxPocketLootTotalRub, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); // Secure // only add if not a pmc or is pmc and flag is true if (!isPmc || (isPmc && this.pmcConfig.addSecureContainerLootFromBotConfig)) { this.addLootFromPool( this.botLootCacheService.getLootFromCache(botRole, isPmc, LootCacheType.SECURE, botJsonTemplate), [EquipmentSlots.SECURED_CONTAINER], 50, botInventory, botRole, null, -1, isPmc, containersIdFull, ); } } /** * Get an array of the containers a bot has on them (pockets/backpack/vest) * @param botInventory Bot to check * @returns Array of available slots */ protected getAvailableContainersBotCanStoreItemsIn(botInventory: PmcInventory): EquipmentSlots[] { const result = [EquipmentSlots.POCKETS]; if (botInventory.items.find(item => item.slotId === EquipmentSlots.TACTICAL_VEST)) { result.push(EquipmentSlots.TACTICAL_VEST); } if (botInventory.items.find(item => item.slotId === EquipmentSlots.BACKPACK)) { result.push(EquipmentSlots.BACKPACK); } return result; } /** * Force healing items onto bot to ensure they can heal in-raid * @param botInventory Inventory to add items to * @param botRole Role of bot (sptBear/sptUsec) */ protected addForcedMedicalItemsToPmcSecure(botInventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string): void { // surv12 this.addLootFromPool( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention { "5d02797c86f774203f38e30a": 1 }, [EquipmentSlots.SECURED_CONTAINER], 1, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, true, ); // AFAK this.addLootFromPool( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention { "60098ad7c2240c0fe85c570a": 1 }, [EquipmentSlots.SECURED_CONTAINER], 10, botInventory, botRole, null, 0, true, ); } /** * Get a biased random number * @param min Smallest size * @param max Biggest size * @param nValue Value to bias choice * @returns Chosen number */ protected getRandomisedCount(min: number, max: number, nValue: number): number { const range = max - min; return this.randomUtil.getBiasedRandomNumber(min, max, range, nValue); } /** * Take random items from a pool and add to an inventory until totalItemCount or totalValueLimit or space limit is reached * @param pool Pool of items to pick from with weight * @param equipmentSlots What equipment slot will the loot items be added to * @param totalItemCount Max count of items to add * @param inventoryToAddItemsTo Bot inventory loot will be added to * @param botRole Role of the bot loot is being generated for (assault/pmcbot) * @param itemSpawnLimits Item spawn limits the bot must adhere to * @param totalValueLimitRub Total value of loot allowed in roubles * @param isPmc Is bot being generated for a pmc */ protected addLootFromPool( pool: Record, equipmentSlots: string[], totalItemCount: number, inventoryToAddItemsTo: PmcInventory, botRole: string, itemSpawnLimits: IItemSpawnLimitSettings = null, totalValueLimitRub = 0, isPmc = false, containersIdFull = new Set(), ): void { // Loot pool has items const poolSize = Object.keys(pool).length; if (poolSize > 0) { let currentTotalRub = 0; let fitItemIntoContainerAttempts = 0; for (let i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) { // Pool can become empty if item spawn limits keep removing items if (Object.keys(pool).length === 0) { return; } const weightedItemTpl = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(pool); const itemResult = this.itemHelper.getItem(weightedItemTpl); const itemToAddTemplate = itemResult[1]; if (!itemResult[0]) { this.logger.warning( `Unable to process item tpl: ${weightedItemTpl} for slots: ${equipmentSlots} on bot: ${botRole}`, ); continue; } if (itemSpawnLimits) { if (this.itemHasReachedSpawnLimit(itemToAddTemplate, botRole, itemSpawnLimits)) { // Remove item from pool to prevent it being picked again delete pool[weightedItemTpl]; i--; continue; } } const newRootItemId = this.hashUtil.generate(); const itemWithChildrenToAdd: Item[] = [{ _id: newRootItemId, _tpl: itemToAddTemplate._id, ...this.botGeneratorHelper.generateExtraPropertiesForItem(itemToAddTemplate, botRole), }]; // Is Simple-Wallet / WZ wallet if (this.botConfig.walletLoot.walletTplPool.includes(weightedItemTpl)) { const addCurrencyToWallet = this.randomUtil.getChance100(this.botConfig.walletLoot.chancePercent); if (addCurrencyToWallet) { // Create the currency items we want to add to wallet const itemsToAdd = this.createWalletLoot(newRootItemId); // Get the container grid for the wallet const containerGrid = this.inventoryHelper.getContainerSlotMap(weightedItemTpl); // Check if all the chosen currency items fit into wallet const canAddToContainer = this.inventoryHelper.canPlaceItemsInContainer( this.cloner.clone(containerGrid), // MUST clone grid before passing in as function modifies grid itemsToAdd, ); if (canAddToContainer) { // Add each currency to wallet for (const itemToAdd of itemsToAdd) { this.inventoryHelper.placeItemInContainer( containerGrid, itemToAdd, itemWithChildrenToAdd[0]._id, "main", ); } itemWithChildrenToAdd.push(...itemsToAdd.flatMap(moneyStack => moneyStack)); } } } // Some items (ammBox/ammo) need extra changes this.addRequiredChildItemsToParent(itemToAddTemplate, itemWithChildrenToAdd, isPmc, botRole); // Attempt to add item to container(s) const itemAddedResult = this.botGeneratorHelper.addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot( equipmentSlots, newRootItemId, itemToAddTemplate._id, itemWithChildrenToAdd, inventoryToAddItemsTo, containersIdFull, ); // Handle when item cannot be added if (itemAddedResult !== ItemAddedResult.SUCCESS) { if (itemAddedResult === ItemAddedResult.NO_CONTAINERS) { // Bot has no container to put item in, exit this.logger.debug( `Unable to add: ${totalItemCount} items to bot as it lacks a container to include them`, ); break; } fitItemIntoContainerAttempts++; if (fitItemIntoContainerAttempts >= 4) { this.logger.debug( `Failed to place item ${i} of ${totalItemCount} items into ${botRole} containers: ${ equipmentSlots.join(",") }. Tried ${fitItemIntoContainerAttempts} times, reason: ${ ItemAddedResult[itemAddedResult] }, skipping`, ); break; } // Try again, failed but still under attempt limit continue; } // Item added okay, reset counter for next item fitItemIntoContainerAttempts = 0; // Stop adding items to bots pool if rolling total is over total limit if (totalValueLimitRub > 0) { currentTotalRub += this.handbookHelper.getTemplatePrice(itemToAddTemplate._id); if (currentTotalRub > totalValueLimitRub) { break; } } } } } protected createWalletLoot(walletId: string): Item[][] { const result: Item[][] = []; // Choose how many stacks of currency will be added to wallet const itemCount = this.randomUtil.getInt( this.botConfig.walletLoot.itemCount.min, this.botConfig.walletLoot.itemCount.max, ); for (let index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { // Choose the size of the currency stack - default is 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k, 25k const chosenStackCount = Number( this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(this.botConfig.walletLoot.stackSizeWeight), ); result.push([{ _id: this.hashUtil.generate(), _tpl: this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(this.botConfig.walletLoot.currencyWeight), parentId: walletId, upd: { StackObjectsCount: chosenStackCount }, }]); } return result; } /** * Some items need child items to function, add them to the itemToAddChildrenTo array * @param itemToAddTemplate Db template of item to check * @param itemToAddChildrenTo Item to add children to * @param isPmc Is the item being generated for a pmc (affects money/ammo stack sizes) * @param botRole role bot has that owns item */ protected addRequiredChildItemsToParent( itemToAddTemplate: ITemplateItem, itemToAddChildrenTo: Item[], isPmc: boolean, botRole: string, ): void { // Fill ammo box if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemToAddTemplate._id, BaseClasses.AMMO_BOX)) { this.itemHelper.addCartridgesToAmmoBox(itemToAddChildrenTo, itemToAddTemplate); } // Make money a stack else if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemToAddTemplate._id, BaseClasses.MONEY)) { this.randomiseMoneyStackSize(botRole, itemToAddTemplate, itemToAddChildrenTo[0]); } // Make ammo a stack else if (this.itemHelper.isOfBaseclass(itemToAddTemplate._id, BaseClasses.AMMO)) { this.randomiseAmmoStackSize(isPmc, itemToAddTemplate, itemToAddChildrenTo[0]); } // Must add soft inserts/plates else if (this.itemHelper.itemRequiresSoftInserts(itemToAddTemplate._id)) { this.itemHelper.addChildSlotItems(itemToAddChildrenTo, itemToAddTemplate, null, false); } } /** * Add generated weapons to inventory as loot * @param botInventory inventory to add preset to * @param equipmentSlot slot to place the preset in (backpack) * @param templateInventory bots template, assault.json * @param modChances chances for mods to spawn on weapon * @param botRole bots role .e.g. pmcBot * @param isPmc are we generating for a pmc */ protected addLooseWeaponsToInventorySlot( sessionId: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentSlot: string, templateInventory: Inventory, modChances: ModsChances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number, containersIdFull?: Set, ): void { const chosenWeaponType = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue([ EquipmentSlots.FIRST_PRIMARY_WEAPON, EquipmentSlots.FIRST_PRIMARY_WEAPON, EquipmentSlots.FIRST_PRIMARY_WEAPON, EquipmentSlots.HOLSTER, ]); const randomisedWeaponCount = this.randomUtil.getInt( this.pmcConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax.min, this.pmcConfig.looseWeaponInBackpackLootMinMax.max, ); if (randomisedWeaponCount > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < randomisedWeaponCount; i++) { const generatedWeapon = this.botWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon( sessionId, chosenWeaponType, templateInventory,, modChances, botRole, isPmc, botLevel, ); const result = this.botGeneratorHelper.addItemWithChildrenToEquipmentSlot( [equipmentSlot], generatedWeapon.weapon[0]._id, generatedWeapon.weapon[0]._tpl, [...generatedWeapon.weapon], botInventory, containersIdFull, ); if (result !== ItemAddedResult.SUCCESS) { this.logger.debug( `Failed to add additional weapon ${generatedWeapon.weapon[0]._id} to bot backpack, reason: ${ ItemAddedResult[result] }`, ); } } } } /** * Hydrate item limit array to contain items that have a limit for a specific bot type * All values are set to 0 * @param botRole Role the bot has * @param limitCount */ protected initItemLimitArray(botRole: string, limitCount: Record): void { // Init current count of items we want to limit const spawnLimits = this.getItemSpawnLimitsForBotType(botRole); for (const limit in spawnLimits) { limitCount[limit] = 0; } } /** * Check if an item has reached its bot-specific spawn limit * @param itemTemplate Item we check to see if its reached spawn limit * @param botRole Bot type * @param itemSpawnLimits * @returns true if item has reached spawn limit */ protected itemHasReachedSpawnLimit( itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, botRole: string, itemSpawnLimits: IItemSpawnLimitSettings, ): boolean { // PMCs and scavs have different sections of bot config for spawn limits if (!!itemSpawnLimits && Object.keys(itemSpawnLimits.globalLimits).length === 0) { // No items found in spawn limit, drop out return false; } // No spawn limits, skipping if (!itemSpawnLimits) { return false; } const idToCheckFor = this.getMatchingIdFromSpawnLimits(itemTemplate, itemSpawnLimits.globalLimits); if (!idToCheckFor) { // ParentId or tplid not found in spawnLimits, not a spawn limited item, skip return false; } // Increment item count with this bot type itemSpawnLimits.currentLimits[idToCheckFor]++; // Check if over limit if (itemSpawnLimits.currentLimits[idToCheckFor] > itemSpawnLimits.globalLimits[idToCheckFor]) { // Prevent edge-case of small loot pools + code trying to add limited item over and over infinitely if (itemSpawnLimits.currentLimits[idToCheckFor] > itemSpawnLimits[idToCheckFor] * 10) { this.logger.debug( this.localisationService.getText("bot-item_spawn_limit_reached_skipping_item", { botRole: botRole, itemName: itemTemplate._name, attempts: itemSpawnLimits.currentLimits[idToCheckFor], }), ); return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Randomise the stack size of a money object, uses different values for pmc or scavs * @param botRole Role bot has that has money stack * @param itemTemplate item details from db * @param moneyItem Money item to randomise */ protected randomiseMoneyStackSize(botRole: string, itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, moneyItem: Item): void { // Get all currency weights for this bot type let currencyWeights = this.botConfig.currencyStackSize[botRole]; if (!currencyWeights) { currencyWeights = this.botConfig.currencyStackSize.default; } const currencyWeight = currencyWeights[moneyItem._tpl]; this.itemHelper.addUpdObjectToItem(moneyItem); moneyItem.upd.StackObjectsCount = Number.parseInt(this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(currencyWeight)); } /** * Randomise the size of an ammo stack * @param isPmc Is ammo on a PMC bot * @param itemTemplate item details from db * @param ammoItem Ammo item to randomise */ protected randomiseAmmoStackSize(isPmc: boolean, itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, ammoItem: Item): void { const randomSize = itemTemplate._props.StackMaxSize === 1 ? 1 : this.randomUtil.getInt( itemTemplate._props.StackMinRandom, Math.min(itemTemplate._props.StackMaxRandom, 60), ); this.itemHelper.addUpdObjectToItem(ammoItem); ammoItem.upd.StackObjectsCount = randomSize; } /** * Get spawn limits for a specific bot type from bot.json config * If no limit found for a non pmc bot, fall back to defaults * @param botRole what role does the bot have * @returns Dictionary of tplIds and limit */ protected getItemSpawnLimitsForBotType(botRole: string): Record { if (this.botHelper.isBotPmc(botRole)) { return this.botConfig.itemSpawnLimits.pmc; } if (this.botConfig.itemSpawnLimits[botRole.toLowerCase()]) { return this.botConfig.itemSpawnLimits[botRole.toLowerCase()]; } this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_find_spawn_limits_fallback_to_defaults", botRole), ); return this.botConfig.itemSpawnLimits.default; } /** * Get the parentId or tplId of item inside spawnLimits object if it exists * @param itemTemplate item we want to look for in spawn limits * @param spawnLimits Limits to check for item * @returns id as string, otherwise undefined */ protected getMatchingIdFromSpawnLimits(itemTemplate: ITemplateItem, spawnLimits: Record): string { if (itemTemplate._id in spawnLimits) { return itemTemplate._id; } // tplId not found in spawnLimits, check if parentId is if (itemTemplate._parent in spawnLimits) { return itemTemplate._parent; } // parentId and tplid not found return undefined; } }