import crypto from "node:crypto"; import fs from "node:fs/promises"; import os from "node:os"; import path from "node:path"; import gulp from "gulp"; import { exec } from "gulp-execa"; import rename from "gulp-rename"; import pkg from "pkg"; import pkgfetch from "pkg-fetch"; import * as ResEdit from "resedit"; import manifest from "./package.json" assert {type: "json"}; const nodeVersion = "node18"; // As of pkg-fetch v3.5, it's v18.15.0 const stdio = "inherit"; const buildDir = "build/"; const dataDir = path.join(buildDir, "Aki_Data", "Server"); const serverExeName = "Aki.Server.exe"; const serverExe = path.join(buildDir, serverExeName); const pkgConfig = "pkgconfig.json"; const entries = { release: path.join("obj", "ide", "ReleaseEntry.js"), debug: path.join("obj", "ide", "DebugEntry.js"), bleeding: path.join("obj", "ide", "BleedingEdgeEntry.js"), }; const licenseFile = "../"; /** * Transpile src files into Javascript with SWC */ const compile = async () => await exec("swc src -d obj", {stdio}); // Packaging const fetchPackageImage = async () => { try { const output = "./.pkg-cache/v3.5"; const fetchedPkg = await pkgfetch.need({ arch: process.arch, nodeRange: nodeVersion, platform: process.platform, output, }); console.log(`fetched node binary at ${fetchedPkg}`); const builtPkg = fetchedPkg.replace("node", "built"); await fs.copyFile(fetchedPkg, builtPkg); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error while fetching and patching package image: ${e.message}`); console.error(e.stack); } }; const updateBuildProperties = async () => { if (os.platform() !== "win32") { return; } const exe = ResEdit.NtExecutable.from(await fs.readFile(serverExe)); const res = ResEdit.NtExecutableResource.from(exe); const iconPath = path.resolve(manifest.icon); const iconFile = ResEdit.Data.IconFile.from(await fs.readFile(iconPath)); ResEdit.Resource.IconGroupEntry.replaceIconsForResource( res.entries, 1, 1033, =>, ); const vi = ResEdit.Resource.VersionInfo.fromEntries(res.entries)[0]; vi.setStringValues({lang: 1033, codepage: 1200}, { ProductName:, FileDescription: manifest.description, CompanyName:, LegalCopyright: manifest.license, }); vi.removeStringValue({lang: 1033, codepage: 1200}, "OriginalFilename"); vi.removeStringValue({lang: 1033, codepage: 1200}, "InternalName"); vi.setFileVersion(...manifest.version.split(".").map(Number)); vi.setProductVersion(...manifest.version.split(".").map(Number)); vi.outputToResourceEntries(res.entries); res.outputResource(exe, true); await fs.writeFile(serverExe, Buffer.from(exe.generate())); }; /** * Copy various asset files to the destination directory */ const copyAssets = () => gulp.src(["assets/**/*.json", "assets/**/*.json5", "assets/**/*.png", "assets/**/*.jpg", "assets/**/*.ico"]).pipe( gulp.dest(dataDir), ); /** * Copy executables from node_modules */ const copyExecutables = () => gulp.src(["node_modules/@pnpm/exe/**/*"]).pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(dataDir, "@pnpm", "exe"))); /** * Rename and copy the license file */ const copyLicense = () => gulp.src([licenseFile]).pipe(rename("LICENSE-Server.txt")).pipe(gulp.dest(buildDir)); /** * Writes the latest Git commit hash to the core.json configuration file. */ const writeCommitHashToCoreJSON = async () => { try { const coreJSONPath = path.resolve(dataDir, "configs", "core.json"); const coreJSON = await fs.readFile(coreJSONPath, "utf8"); const parsed = JSON.parse(coreJSON); // Fetch the latest Git commit hash const gitResult = await exec("git rev-parse HEAD", {stdout: "pipe"}); // Update the commit hash in the core.json object parsed.commit = gitResult.stdout.trim() || ""; // Add build timestamp parsed.buildTime = new Date().getTime(); // Write the updated object back to core.json await fs.writeFile(coreJSONPath, JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 4)); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to write commit hash to core.json: ${error.message}`); } }; /** * Create a hash file for asset checks */ const createHashFile = async () => { const hashFileDir = path.resolve(dataDir, "checks.dat"); const assetData = await loadRecursiveAsync("assets/"); const assetDataString = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(assetData), "utf-8").toString("base64"); await fs.writeFile(hashFileDir, assetDataString); }; // Combine all tasks into addAssets const addAssets = gulp.series(copyAssets, copyExecutables, copyLicense, writeCommitHashToCoreJSON, createHashFile); /** * Cleans the build directory. */ const cleanBuild = async () => await fs.rm(buildDir, {recursive: true, force: true}); /** * Cleans the transpiled javascript directory. */ const cleanCompiled = async () => await fs.rm("./obj", {recursive: true, force: true}); /** * Recursively builds an array of paths for json files. * * @param {fs.PathLike} dir * @param {string[]} files * @returns {Promise} */ const getJSONFiles = async (dir, files = []) => { const fileList = await fs.readdir(dir); for (const file of fileList) { const name = path.resolve(dir, file); if ((await fs.stat(name)).isDirectory()) { getJSONFiles(name, files); } else if (name.slice(-5) === ".json") { files.push(name); } } return files; }; /** * Goes through every json file in assets and makes sure they're valid json. */ const validateJSONs = async () => { const assetsPath = path.resolve("assets"); const jsonFileList = await getJSONFiles(assetsPath); let jsonFileInProcess = ""; try { for (const jsonFile of jsonFileList) { jsonFileInProcess = jsonFile; JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(jsonFile)); } } catch (error) { throw new Error(`${error.message} | ${jsonFileInProcess}`); } }; /** * Hash helper function * * @param {crypto.BinaryLike} data * @returns {string} */ const generateHashForData = (data) => { const hashSum = crypto.createHash("sha1"); hashSum.update(data); return hashSum.digest("hex"); }; /** * Loader to recursively find all json files in a folder * * @param {fs.PathLike} filepath * @returns {} */ const loadRecursiveAsync = async (filepath) => { const result = {}; const filesList = await fs.readdir(filepath); for (const file of filesList) { const curPath = path.parse(path.join(filepath, file)); if ((await fs.stat(path.join(curPath.dir, curPath.base))).isDirectory()) { result[] = loadRecursiveAsync(`${filepath}${file}/`); } else if (curPath.ext === ".json") { result[] = generateHashForData(await fs.readFile(`${filepath}${file}`)); } } // set all loadRecursive to be executed asynchronously const resEntries = Object.entries(result); const resResolved = await Promise.all( => ent[1])); for (let resIdx = 0; resIdx < resResolved.length; resIdx++) { resEntries[resIdx][1] = resResolved[resIdx]; } // return the result of all async fetch return Object.fromEntries(resEntries); }; // Main Tasks Generation const build = (packagingType) => { const anonPackaging = () => packaging(entries[packagingType]); anonPackaging.displayName = `packaging-${packagingType}`; const tasks = [ cleanBuild, validateJSONs, compile, fetchPackageImage, anonPackaging, addAssets, updateBuildProperties, cleanCompiled, ]; return gulp.series(tasks); }; // Packaging Arguments const packaging = async (entry) => { const target = `${nodeVersion}-${process.platform}-${process.arch}`; try { await pkg.exec([ entry, "--compress", "GZip", "--target", target, "--output", serverExe, "--config", pkgConfig, "--public", ]); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error occurred during packaging: ${error}`); } }; gulp.task("build:debug", build("debug")); gulp.task("build:release", build("release")); gulp.task("build:bleeding", build("bleeding")); gulp.task("run:build", async () => await exec("Aki.Server.exe", {stdio, cwd: buildDir})); gulp.task("run:debug", async () => await exec("ts-node-dev -r tsconfig-paths/register src/ide/TestEntry.ts", {stdio})); gulp.task("run:profiler", async () => { await cleanCompiled(); await compile(); await exec("node --prof --inspect --trace-warnings obj/ide/TestEntry.js", {stdio}); });