import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService"; import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; /** * Cache the baseids for each item in the tiems db inside a dictionary */ @injectable() export class ItemBaseClassService { protected itemBaseClassesCache: Record = {}; protected items: Record; protected cacheGenerated = false; constructor( @inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService, ) {} /** * Create cache and store inside ItemBaseClassService * Store a dict of an items tpl to the base classes it and its parents have */ public hydrateItemBaseClassCache(): void { // Clear existing cache this.itemBaseClassesCache = {}; this.items = this.databaseService.getItems(); if (!this.items) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("baseclass-missing_db_no_cache")); return; } const filteredDbItems = Object.values(this.items).filter((x) => x._type === "Item"); for (const item of filteredDbItems) { const itemIdToUpdate = item._id; if (!this.itemBaseClassesCache[item._id]) { this.itemBaseClassesCache[item._id] = []; } this.addBaseItems(itemIdToUpdate, item); } this.cacheGenerated = true; } /** * Helper method, recursivly iterate through items parent items, finding and adding ids to dictionary * @param itemIdToUpdate item tpl to store base ids against in dictionary * @param item item being checked */ protected addBaseItems(itemIdToUpdate: string, item: ITemplateItem): void { this.itemBaseClassesCache[itemIdToUpdate].push(item._parent); const parent = this.items[item._parent]; if (parent._parent !== "") { this.addBaseItems(itemIdToUpdate, parent); } } /** * Does item tpl inherit from the requested base class * @param itemTpl item to check base classes of * @param baseClass base class to check for * @returns true if item inherits from base class passed in */ public itemHasBaseClass(itemTpl: string, baseClasses: string[]): boolean { if (!this.cacheGenerated) { this.hydrateItemBaseClassCache(); } if (typeof itemTpl === "undefined") { this.logger.warning("Unable to check itemTpl base class as its undefined"); return false; } // The cache is only generated for item templates with `_type === "Item"`, so return false for any other type, // including item templates that simply don't exist. if (!this.cachedItemIsOfItemType(itemTpl)) { return false; } // No item in cache if (!this.itemBaseClassesCache[itemTpl]) { // Hydrate again this.logger.debug(this.localisationService.getText("baseclass-item_not_found", itemTpl)); this.hydrateItemBaseClassCache(); // Check for item again, throw exception if not found if (!this.itemBaseClassesCache[itemTpl]) { throw new Error(this.localisationService.getText("baseclass-item_not_found_failed", itemTpl)); } } return this.itemBaseClassesCache[itemTpl].some((x) => baseClasses.includes(x)); } /** * Check if cached item template is of type Item * @param itemTemplateId item to check * @returns true if item is of type Item */ private cachedItemIsOfItemType(itemTemplateId: string): boolean { return this.items[itemTemplateId]?._type === "Item"; } /** * Get base classes item inherits from * @param itemTpl item to get base classes for * @returns array of base classes */ public getItemBaseClasses(itemTpl: string): string[] { if (!this.cacheGenerated) { this.hydrateItemBaseClassCache(); } if (!this.itemBaseClassesCache[itemTpl]) { return []; } return this.itemBaseClassesCache[itemTpl]; } }