import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { BotEquipmentModGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/BotEquipmentModGenerator"; import { BotLootGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/BotLootGenerator"; import { BotWeaponGenerator } from "@spt-aki/generators/BotWeaponGenerator"; import { BotGeneratorHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/BotGeneratorHelper"; import { BotHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/BotHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { WeightedRandomHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/WeightedRandomHelper"; import { Inventory as PmcInventory } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { Chances, Generation, IBotType, Inventory, Mods } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotType"; import { ITemplateItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { EquipmentSlots } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/EquipmentSlots"; import { EquipmentFilterDetails, EquipmentFilters, IBotConfig, RandomisationDetails, } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IBotConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { BotEquipmentModPoolService } from "@spt-aki/services/BotEquipmentModPoolService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; @injectable() export class BotInventoryGenerator { protected botConfig: IBotConfig; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("BotWeaponGenerator") protected botWeaponGenerator: BotWeaponGenerator, @inject("BotLootGenerator") protected botLootGenerator: BotLootGenerator, @inject("BotGeneratorHelper") protected botGeneratorHelper: BotGeneratorHelper, @inject("BotHelper") protected botHelper: BotHelper, @inject("WeightedRandomHelper") protected weightedRandomHelper: WeightedRandomHelper, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("BotEquipmentModPoolService") protected botEquipmentModPoolService: BotEquipmentModPoolService, @inject("BotEquipmentModGenerator") protected botEquipmentModGenerator: BotEquipmentModGenerator, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.BOT); } /** * Add equipment/weapons/loot to bot * @param sessionId Session id * @param botJsonTemplate Base json db file for the bot having its loot generated * @param botRole Role bot has (assault/pmcBot) * @param isPmc Is bot being converted into a pmc * @param botLevel Level of bot being generated * @returns PmcInventory object with equipment/weapons/loot */ public generateInventory( sessionId: string, botJsonTemplate: IBotType, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, botLevel: number, ): PmcInventory { const templateInventory = botJsonTemplate.inventory; const wornItemChances = botJsonTemplate.chances; const itemGenerationLimitsMinMax = botJsonTemplate.generation; // Generate base inventory with no items const botInventory = this.generateInventoryBase(); this.generateAndAddEquipmentToBot(templateInventory, wornItemChances, botRole, botInventory, botLevel); // Roll weapon spawns (primary/secondary/holster) and generate a weapon for each roll that passed this.generateAndAddWeaponsToBot( templateInventory, wornItemChances, sessionId, botInventory, botRole, isPmc, itemGenerationLimitsMinMax, botLevel, ); // Pick loot and add to bots containers (rig/backpack/pockets/secure) this.botLootGenerator.generateLoot(sessionId, botJsonTemplate, isPmc, botRole, botInventory, botLevel); return botInventory; } /** * Create a pmcInventory object with all the base/generic items needed * @returns PmcInventory object */ protected generateInventoryBase(): PmcInventory { const equipmentId = this.hashUtil.generate(); const equipmentTpl = "55d7217a4bdc2d86028b456d"; const stashId = this.hashUtil.generate(); const stashTpl = "566abbc34bdc2d92178b4576"; const questRaidItemsId = this.hashUtil.generate(); const questRaidItemsTpl = "5963866286f7747bf429b572"; const questStashItemsId = this.hashUtil.generate(); const questStashItemsTpl = "5963866b86f7747bfa1c4462"; const sortingTableId = this.hashUtil.generate(); const sortingTableTpl = "602543c13fee350cd564d032"; return { items: [ { _id: equipmentId, _tpl: equipmentTpl }, { _id: stashId, _tpl: stashTpl }, { _id: questRaidItemsId, _tpl: questRaidItemsTpl }, { _id: questStashItemsId, _tpl: questStashItemsTpl }, { _id: sortingTableId, _tpl: sortingTableTpl }, ], equipment: equipmentId, stash: stashId, questRaidItems: questRaidItemsId, questStashItems: questStashItemsId, sortingTable: sortingTableId, hideoutAreaStashes: {}, fastPanel: {}, favoriteItems: [], }; } /** * Add equipment to a bot * @param templateInventory bot/x.json data from db * @param wornItemChances Chances items will be added to bot * @param botRole Role bot has (assault/pmcBot) * @param botInventory Inventory to add equipment to * @param botLevel Level of bot */ protected generateAndAddEquipmentToBot( templateInventory: Inventory, wornItemChances: Chances, botRole: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, botLevel: number, ): void { // These will be handled later const excludedSlots: string[] = [ EquipmentSlots.FIRST_PRIMARY_WEAPON, EquipmentSlots.SECOND_PRIMARY_WEAPON, EquipmentSlots.HOLSTER, EquipmentSlots.ARMOR_VEST, EquipmentSlots.TACTICAL_VEST, EquipmentSlots.FACE_COVER, EquipmentSlots.HEADWEAR, EquipmentSlots.EARPIECE, ]; const botEquipConfig =[this.botGeneratorHelper.getBotEquipmentRole(botRole)]; const randomistionDetails = this.botHelper.getBotRandomizationDetails(botLevel, botEquipConfig); for (const equipmentSlot in { // Weapons have special generation and will be generated separately; ArmorVest should be generated after TactivalVest if (excludedSlots.includes(equipmentSlot)) { continue; } this.generateEquipment({ rootEquipmentSlot: equipmentSlot, rootEquipmentPool:[equipmentSlot], modPool: templateInventory.mods, spawnChances: wornItemChances, botRole: botRole, botLevel: botLevel, inventory: botInventory, botEquipmentConfig: botEquipConfig, randomisationDetails: randomistionDetails, }); } // Generate below in specific order this.generateEquipment({ rootEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlots.FACE_COVER, rootEquipmentPool:, modPool: templateInventory.mods, spawnChances: wornItemChances, botRole: botRole, botLevel: botLevel, inventory: botInventory, botEquipmentConfig: botEquipConfig, randomisationDetails: randomistionDetails, }); this.generateEquipment({ rootEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlots.HEADWEAR, rootEquipmentPool:, modPool: templateInventory.mods, spawnChances: wornItemChances, botRole: botRole, botLevel: botLevel, inventory: botInventory, botEquipmentConfig: botEquipConfig, randomisationDetails: randomistionDetails, }); this.generateEquipment({ rootEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlots.EARPIECE, rootEquipmentPool:, modPool: templateInventory.mods, spawnChances: wornItemChances, botRole: botRole, botLevel: botLevel, inventory: botInventory, botEquipmentConfig: botEquipConfig, randomisationDetails: randomistionDetails, }); const hasArmorVest = this.generateEquipment({ rootEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlots.ARMOR_VEST, rootEquipmentPool:, modPool: templateInventory.mods, spawnChances: wornItemChances, botRole: botRole, botLevel: botLevel, inventory: botInventory, botEquipmentConfig: botEquipConfig, randomisationDetails: randomistionDetails, }); // Bot has no armor vest and flagged to be foreced to wear armored rig in this event if (botEquipConfig.forceOnlyArmoredRigWhenNoArmor && !hasArmorVest) { // Filter rigs down to only those with armor this.filterRigsToThoseWithProtection(templateInventory); } // Optimisation - Remove armored rigs from pool if (hasArmorVest) { // Filter rigs down to only those with armor this.filterRigsToThoseWithoutProtection(templateInventory); } this.generateEquipment({ rootEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlots.TACTICAL_VEST, rootEquipmentPool:, modPool: templateInventory.mods, spawnChances: wornItemChances, botRole: botRole, botLevel: botLevel, inventory: botInventory, botEquipmentConfig: botEquipConfig, randomisationDetails: randomistionDetails, }); } /** * Remove non-armored rigs from parameter data * @param templateInventory */ protected filterRigsToThoseWithProtection(templateInventory: Inventory): void { const tacVestsWithArmor = Object.entries( (newVestDictionary, [tplKey]) => { if (this.itemHelper.itemHasSlots(tplKey)) { newVestDictionary[tplKey] =[tplKey]; } return newVestDictionary; }, {}, ); = tacVestsWithArmor; } /** * Remove armored rigs from parameter data * @param templateInventory */ protected filterRigsToThoseWithoutProtection(templateInventory: Inventory): void { const tacVestsWithoutArmor = Object.entries( (newVestDictionary, [tplKey]) => { if (!this.itemHelper.itemHasSlots(tplKey)) { newVestDictionary[tplKey] =[tplKey]; } return newVestDictionary; }, {}, ); = tacVestsWithoutArmor; } /** * Add a piece of equipment with mods to inventory from the provided pools * @param settings Values to adjust how item is chosen and added to bot * @returns true when item added */ protected generateEquipment(settings: IGenerateEquipmentProperties): boolean { const spawnChance = ([EquipmentSlots.POCKETS, EquipmentSlots.SECURED_CONTAINER] as string[]) .includes(settings.rootEquipmentSlot) ? 100 :[settings.rootEquipmentSlot]; if (typeof spawnChance === "undefined") { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText( "bot-no_spawn_chance_defined_for_equipment_slot", settings.rootEquipmentSlot, ), ); return false; } const shouldSpawn = this.randomUtil.getChance100(spawnChance); if (shouldSpawn && Object.keys(settings.rootEquipmentPool).length) { let pickedItemDb: ITemplateItem; let found = false; const maxAttempts = Math.round(Object.keys(settings.rootEquipmentPool).length * 0.75); // Roughly 75% of pool size let attempts = 0; while (!found) { if (Object.values(settings.rootEquipmentPool).length === 0) { return false; } const chosenItemTpl = this.weightedRandomHelper.getWeightedValue(settings.rootEquipmentPool); const dbResult = this.itemHelper.getItem(chosenItemTpl); if (!dbResult[0]) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("bot-missing_item_template", chosenItemTpl));`EquipmentSlot -> ${settings.rootEquipmentSlot}`); // remove picked item delete settings.rootEquipmentPool[chosenItemTpl]; attempts++; continue; } const compatabilityResult = this.botGeneratorHelper.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems( settings.inventory.items, chosenItemTpl, settings.rootEquipmentSlot, ); if (compatabilityResult.incompatible) { // Tried x different items that failed, stop if (attempts > maxAttempts) { return false; } // Remove picked item delete settings.rootEquipmentPool[chosenItemTpl]; attempts++; } else { // Success found = true; pickedItemDb = dbResult[1]; } } // Create root item const id = this.hashUtil.generate(); const item = { _id: id, _tpl: pickedItemDb._id, parentId:, slotId: settings.rootEquipmentSlot, ...this.botGeneratorHelper.generateExtraPropertiesForItem(pickedItemDb, settings.botRole), }; // Use dynamic mod pool if enabled in config for this bot const botEquipmentRole = this.botGeneratorHelper.getBotEquipmentRole(settings.botRole); if ([botEquipmentRole] && settings.randomisationDetails?.randomisedArmorSlots?.includes(settings.rootEquipmentSlot) ) { settings.modPool[pickedItemDb._id] = this.getFilteredDynamicModsForItem( pickedItemDb._id,[botEquipmentRole].blacklist, ); } // Item has slots, fill them if (pickedItemDb._props.Slots?.length > 0) { const items = this.botEquipmentModGenerator.generateModsForEquipment( [item], id, pickedItemDb, settings, ); settings.inventory.items.push(...items); } else { // No slots, push root item only settings.inventory.items.push(item); } return true; } return false; } /** * Get all possible mods for item and filter down based on equipment blacklist from bot.json config * @param itemTpl Item mod pool is being retrieved and filtered * @param equipmentBlacklist blacklist to filter mod pool with * @returns Filtered pool of mods */ protected getFilteredDynamicModsForItem( itemTpl: string, equipmentBlacklist: EquipmentFilterDetails[], ): Record { const modPool = this.botEquipmentModPoolService.getModsForGearSlot(itemTpl); for (const modSlot of Object.keys(modPool ?? [])) { const blacklistedMods = equipmentBlacklist[0]?.equipment[modSlot] || []; const filteredMods = modPool[modSlot].filter(x => !blacklistedMods.includes(x)); if (filteredMods.length > 0) { modPool[modSlot] = filteredMods; } } return modPool; } /** * Work out what weapons bot should have equipped and add them to bot inventory * @param templateInventory bot/x.json data from db * @param equipmentChances Chances bot can have equipment equipped * @param sessionId Session id * @param botInventory Inventory to add weapons to * @param botRole assault/pmcBot/bossTagilla etc * @param isPmc Is the bot being generated as a pmc * @param botLevel level of bot having weapon generated * @param itemGenerationLimitsMinMax Limits for items the bot can have */ protected generateAndAddWeaponsToBot( templateInventory: Inventory, equipmentChances: Chances, sessionId: string, botInventory: PmcInventory, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, itemGenerationLimitsMinMax: Generation, botLevel: number, ): void { const weaponSlotsToFill = this.getDesiredWeaponsForBot(equipmentChances); for (const weaponSlot of weaponSlotsToFill) { // Add weapon to bot if true and bot json has something to put into the slot if (weaponSlot.shouldSpawn && Object.keys([weaponSlot.slot]).length) { this.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory( sessionId, weaponSlot, templateInventory, botInventory, equipmentChances, botRole, isPmc, itemGenerationLimitsMinMax, botLevel, ); } } } /** * Calculate if the bot should have weapons in Primary/Secondary/Holster slots * @param equipmentChances Chances bot has certain equipment * @returns What slots bot should have weapons generated for */ protected getDesiredWeaponsForBot(equipmentChances: Chances): { slot: EquipmentSlots, shouldSpawn: boolean }[] { const shouldSpawnPrimary = this.randomUtil.getChance100(; return [{ slot: EquipmentSlots.FIRST_PRIMARY_WEAPON, shouldSpawn: shouldSpawnPrimary }, { slot: EquipmentSlots.SECOND_PRIMARY_WEAPON, shouldSpawn: shouldSpawnPrimary ? this.randomUtil.getChance100( : false, }, { slot: EquipmentSlots.HOLSTER, shouldSpawn: shouldSpawnPrimary ? this.randomUtil.getChance100( // Primary weapon = roll for chance at pistol : true, // No primary = force pistol }]; } /** * Add weapon + spare mags/ammo to bots inventory * @param sessionId Session id * @param weaponSlot Weapon slot being generated * @param templateInventory bot/x.json data from db * @param botInventory Inventory to add weapon+mags/ammo to * @param equipmentChances Chances bot can have equipment equipped * @param botRole assault/pmcBot/bossTagilla etc * @param isPmc Is the bot being generated as a pmc * @param itemGenerationWeights */ protected addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory( sessionId: string, weaponSlot: { slot: EquipmentSlots, shouldSpawn: boolean }, templateInventory: Inventory, botInventory: PmcInventory, equipmentChances: Chances, botRole: string, isPmc: boolean, itemGenerationWeights: Generation, botLevel: number, ): void { const generatedWeapon = this.botWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon( sessionId, weaponSlot.slot, templateInventory,, equipmentChances.weaponMods, botRole, isPmc, botLevel, ); botInventory.items.push(...generatedWeapon.weapon); this.botWeaponGenerator.addExtraMagazinesToInventory( generatedWeapon, itemGenerationWeights.items.magazines, botInventory, botRole, ); } } export interface IGenerateEquipmentProperties { /** Root Slot being generated */ rootEquipmentSlot: string /** Equipment pool for root slot being generated */ rootEquipmentPool: Record modPool: Mods /** Dictionary of mod items and their chance to spawn for this bot type */ spawnChances: Chances /** Role being generated for */ botRole: string /** Level of bot being generated */ botLevel: number inventory: PmcInventory botEquipmentConfig: EquipmentFilters /** Settings from bot.json to adjust how item is generated */ randomisationDetails: RandomisationDetails }