import { BotHelper } from "@spt/helpers/BotHelper"; import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt/helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { IConfig } from "@spt/models/eft/common/IGlobals"; import { ILocation } from "@spt/models/eft/common/ILocation"; import { IBossLocationSpawn } from "@spt/models/eft/common/ILocationBase"; import { Inventory } from "@spt/models/eft/common/tables/IBotType"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { ItemTpl } from "@spt/models/enums/ItemTpl"; import { Season } from "@spt/models/enums/Season"; import { SeasonalEventType } from "@spt/models/enums/SeasonalEventType"; import { IHttpConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IHttpConfig"; import { IQuestConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IQuestConfig"; import { ISeasonalEvent, ISeasonalEventConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ISeasonalEventConfig"; import { IWeatherConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IWeatherConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService"; import { GiftService } from "@spt/services/GiftService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService"; import { DatabaseImporter } from "@spt/utils/DatabaseImporter"; import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; @injectable() export class SeasonalEventService { protected seasonalEventConfig: ISeasonalEventConfig; protected questConfig: IQuestConfig; protected httpConfig: IHttpConfig; protected weatherConfig: IWeatherConfig; protected halloweenEventActive?: boolean = undefined; protected christmasEventActive?: boolean = undefined; /** All events active at this point in time */ protected currentlyActiveEvents: SeasonalEventType[] = []; constructor( @inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService, @inject("DatabaseImporter") protected databaseImporter: DatabaseImporter, @inject("GiftService") protected giftService: GiftService, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("BotHelper") protected botHelper: BotHelper, @inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.seasonalEventConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.SEASONAL_EVENT); this.questConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.QUEST); this.httpConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.HTTP); this.weatherConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.WEATHER); this.cacheActiveEvents(); } protected get christmasEventItems(): string[] { return [ ItemTpl.FACECOVER_FAKE_WHITE_BEARD, ItemTpl.BARTER_CHRISTMAS_TREE_ORNAMENT_RED, ItemTpl.BARTER_CHRISTMAS_TREE_ORNAMENT_VIOLET, ItemTpl.BARTER_CHRISTMAS_TREE_ORNAMENT_SILVER, ItemTpl.HEADWEAR_DED_MOROZ_HAT, ItemTpl.HEADWEAR_SANTA_HAT, ItemTpl.BACKPACK_SANTAS_BAG, ]; } protected get halloweenEventItems(): string[] { return [ ItemTpl.FACECOVER_SPOOKY_SKULL_MASK, ItemTpl.RANDOMLOOTCONTAINER_PUMPKIN_RAND_LOOT_CONTAINER, ItemTpl.HEADWEAR_JACKOLANTERN_TACTICAL_PUMPKIN_HELMET, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_FACELESS_MASK, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_JASON_MASK, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_MISHA_MAYOROV_MASK, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_SLENDER_MASK, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_GHOUL_MASK, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_HOCKEY_PLAYER_MASK_CAPTAIN, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_HOCKEY_PLAYER_MASK_BRAWLER, ItemTpl.FACECOVER_HOCKEY_PLAYER_MASK_QUIET, ]; } /** * Get an array of christmas items found in bots inventories as loot * @returns array */ public getChristmasEventItems(): string[] { return this.christmasEventItems; } /** * Get an array of halloween items found in bots inventories as loot * @returns array */ public getHalloweenEventItems(): string[] { return this.halloweenEventItems; } public itemIsChristmasRelated(itemTpl: string): boolean { return this.christmasEventItems.includes(itemTpl); } public itemIsHalloweenRelated(itemTpl: string): boolean { return this.halloweenEventItems.includes(itemTpl); } /** * Check if item id exists in christmas or halloween event arrays * @param itemTpl item tpl to check for * @returns */ public itemIsSeasonalRelated(itemTpl: string): boolean { return this.christmasEventItems.includes(itemTpl) || this.halloweenEventItems.includes(itemTpl); } /** * Get an array of seasonal items that should not appear * e.g. if halloween is active, only return christmas items * or, if halloween and christmas are inactive, return both sets of items * @returns array of tpl strings */ public getInactiveSeasonalEventItems(): string[] { const items: string[] = []; if (!this.christmasEventEnabled()) { items.push(...this.christmasEventItems); } if (!this.halloweenEventEnabled()) { items.push(...this.halloweenEventItems); } return items; } /** * Is a seasonal event currently active * @returns true if event is active */ public seasonalEventEnabled(): boolean { return this.christmasEventEnabled() || this.halloweenEventEnabled(); } /** * Is christmas event active * @returns true if active */ public christmasEventEnabled(): boolean { return this.christmasEventActive ?? false; } /** * is halloween event active * @returns true if active */ public halloweenEventEnabled(): boolean { return this.halloweenEventActive ?? false; } /** * Is detection of seasonal events enabled (halloween / christmas) * @returns true if seasonal events should be checked for */ public isAutomaticEventDetectionEnabled(): boolean { return this.seasonalEventConfig.enableSeasonalEventDetection; } /** * Get a dictionary of gear changes to apply to bots for a specific event e.g. Christmas/Halloween * @param eventName Name of event to get gear changes for * @returns bots with equipment changes */ protected getEventBotGear(eventType: SeasonalEventType): Record>> { return this.seasonalEventConfig.eventGear[eventType.toLowerCase()]; } /** * Get the dates each seasonal event starts and ends at * @returns Record with event name + start/end date */ public getEventDetails(): ISeasonalEvent[] { return; } /** * Look up quest in configs/quest.json * @param questId Quest to look up * @param event event type (Christmas/Halloween/None) * @returns true if related */ public isQuestRelatedToEvent(questId: string, event: SeasonalEventType): boolean { const eventQuestData = this.questConfig.eventQuests[questId]; if (eventQuestData?.season.toLowerCase() === event.toLowerCase()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Handle seasonal events * @param sessionId Players id */ public enableSeasonalEvents(sessionId: string): void { if (this.currentlyActiveEvents) { const globalConfig = this.databaseService.getGlobals().config; for (const event of this.currentlyActiveEvents) { this.updateGlobalEvents(sessionId, globalConfig, event); } } } protected cacheActiveEvents(): void { const currentDate = new Date(); const seasonalEvents = this.getEventDetails(); for (const event of seasonalEvents) { const eventStartDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), event.startMonth - 1, event.startDay); const eventEndDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), event.endMonth - 1, event.endDay); // Current date is between start/end dates if (currentDate >= eventStartDate && currentDate <= eventEndDate) { this.currentlyActiveEvents.push(SeasonalEventType[event.type]); if (SeasonalEventType[event.type] === SeasonalEventType.CHRISTMAS) { this.christmasEventActive = true; } if (SeasonalEventType[event.type] === SeasonalEventType.HALLOWEEN) { this.halloweenEventActive = true; } } } } public getActiveWeatherSeason(): Season { const currentDate = new Date(); for (const seasonRange of this.weatherConfig.seasonDates) { // Figure out start and end dates to get range of season const eventStartDate = new Date( currentDate.getFullYear(), seasonRange.startMonth - 1, // Month value starts at 0 seasonRange.startDay, ); const eventEndDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), seasonRange.endMonth - 1, seasonRange.endDay); // Does todays date fit inside the above range if (currentDate >= eventStartDate && currentDate <= eventEndDate) { return seasonRange.seasonType; } } this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("season-no_matching_season_found_for_date")); return Season.SUMMER; } /** * Iterate through bots inventory and loot to find and remove christmas items (as defined in SeasonalEventService) * @param botInventory Bots inventory to iterate over * @param botRole the role of the bot being processed */ public removeChristmasItemsFromBotInventory(botInventory: Inventory, botRole: string): void { const christmasItems = this.getChristmasEventItems(); const equipmentSlotsToFilter = ["FaceCover", "Headwear", "Backpack", "TacticalVest"]; const lootContainersToFilter = ["Backpack", "Pockets", "TacticalVest"]; // Remove christmas related equipment for (const equipmentSlotKey of equipmentSlotsToFilter) { if (![equipmentSlotKey]) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("seasonal-missing_equipment_slot_on_bot", { equipmentSlot: equipmentSlotKey, botRole: botRole, }), ); } const equipment: Record =[equipmentSlotKey];[equipmentSlotKey] = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(equipment).filter(([index]) => !christmasItems.includes(index)), ); } // Remove christmas related loot from loot containers for (const lootContainerKey of lootContainersToFilter) { if (!botInventory.items[lootContainerKey]) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("seasonal-missing_loot_container_slot_on_bot", { lootContainer: lootContainerKey, botRole: botRole, }), ); } const tplsToRemove: string[] = []; const containerItems = botInventory.items[lootContainerKey]; for (const tplKey of Object.keys(containerItems)) { if (christmasItems.includes(tplKey)) { tplsToRemove.push(tplKey); } } for (const tplToRemove of tplsToRemove) { delete containerItems[tplToRemove]; } // Get non-christmas items const nonChristmasTpls = Object.keys(containerItems).filter((tpl) => !christmasItems.includes(tpl)); if (nonChristmasTpls.length === 0) { continue; } const intermediaryDict = {}; for (const tpl of nonChristmasTpls) { intermediaryDict[tpl] = containerItems[tpl]; } // Replace the original containerItems with the updated one botInventory.items[lootContainerKey] = intermediaryDict; } } /** * Make adjusted to server code based on the name of the event passed in * @param sessionId Player id * @param globalConfig globals.json * @param eventName Name of the event to enable. e.g. Christmas */ protected updateGlobalEvents(sessionId: string, globalConfig: IConfig, eventType: SeasonalEventType): void { this.logger.success(`${eventType} event is active`); switch (eventType.toLowerCase()) { case SeasonalEventType.HALLOWEEN.toLowerCase(): globalConfig.EventType = globalConfig.EventType.filter((x) => x !== "None"); globalConfig.EventType.push("Halloween"); globalConfig.EventType.push("HalloweenIllumination"); globalConfig.Health.ProfileHealthSettings.DefaultStimulatorBuff = "Buffs_Halloween"; this.addEventGearToBots(eventType); this.adjustZryachiyMeleeChance(); this.enableHalloweenSummonEvent(); this.addEventBossesToMaps(eventType); this.addPumpkinsToScavBackpacks(); this.adjustTraderIcons(eventType); break; case SeasonalEventType.CHRISTMAS.toLowerCase(): globalConfig.EventType = globalConfig.EventType.filter((x) => x !== "None"); globalConfig.EventType.push("Christmas"); this.addEventGearToBots(eventType); this.addGifterBotToMaps(); this.addLootItemsToGifterDropItemsList(); this.enableDancingTree(); this.giveGift(sessionId, "Christmas2022"); this.enableSnow(); break; case SeasonalEventType.NEW_YEARS.toLowerCase(): this.giveGift(sessionId, "NewYear2023"); this.enableSnow(); break; case SeasonalEventType.SNOW.toLowerCase(): this.enableSnow(); break; default: // Likely a mod event this.addEventGearToBots(eventType); break; } } protected adjustZryachiyMeleeChance(): void { this.databaseService.getBots() = 100; } protected enableHalloweenSummonEvent(): void { this.databaseService.getGlobals().config.EventSettings.EventActive = true; } protected addEventBossesToMaps(eventType: SeasonalEventType): void { const botsToAddPerMap = this.seasonalEventConfig.eventBossSpawns[eventType.toLowerCase()]; if (!botsToAddPerMap) { this.logger.warning(`Unable to add: ${eventType} bosses, eventBossSpawns is missing`); return; } const mapKeys = Object.keys(botsToAddPerMap) ?? []; for (const mapKey of mapKeys) { const bossesToAdd = botsToAddPerMap[mapKey]; if (!bossesToAdd) { this.logger.warning(`Unable to add: ${eventType} bosses to: ${mapKey}`); continue; } for (const boss of bossesToAdd) { const locations = this.databaseService.getLocations(); const mapBosses: IBossLocationSpawn[] = locations[mapKey].base.BossLocationSpawn; if (!mapBosses.some((bossSpawn) => bossSpawn.BossName === boss.BossName)) { locations[mapKey].base.BossLocationSpawn.push(...bossesToAdd); } } } } /** * Change trader icons to be more event themed (Halloween only so far) * @param eventType What event is active */ protected adjustTraderIcons(eventType: SeasonalEventType): void { switch (eventType.toLowerCase()) { case SeasonalEventType.HALLOWEEN.toLowerCase(): this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/5a7c2ebb86f7746e324a06ab.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/5a7c2ebb86f7746e324a06ab.png"; this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/5ac3b86a86f77461491d1ad8.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/5ac3b86a86f77461491d1ad8.png"; this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/5c06531a86f7746319710e1b.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/5c06531a86f7746319710e1b.png"; this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/59b91ca086f77469a81232e4.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/59b91ca086f77469a81232e4.png"; this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/59b91cab86f77469aa5343ca.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/59b91cab86f77469aa5343ca.png"; this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/59b91cb486f77469a81232e5.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/59b91cb486f77469a81232e5.png"; this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/59b91cbd86f77469aa5343cb.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/59b91cbd86f77469aa5343cb.png"; this.httpConfig.serverImagePathOverride["./assets/images/traders/579dc571d53a0658a154fbec.png"] = "./assets/images/traders/halloween/579dc571d53a0658a154fbec.png"; break; case SeasonalEventType.CHRISTMAS.toLowerCase(): // TODO: find christmas trader icons break; } this.databaseImporter.loadImages( `${this.databaseImporter.getSptDataPath()}images/`, ["traders"], ["/files/trader/avatar/"], ); } /** * Add lootble items from backpack into patrol.ITEMS_TO_DROP difficulty property */ protected addLootItemsToGifterDropItemsList(): void { const gifterBot = this.databaseService.getBots().types.gifter; for (const difficulty in gifterBot.difficulty) { gifterBot.difficulty[difficulty].Patrol.ITEMS_TO_DROP = Object.keys( gifterBot.inventory.items.Backpack, ).join(", "); } } /** * Read in data from seasonalEvents.json and add found equipment items to bots * @param eventName Name of the event to read equipment in from config */ protected addEventGearToBots(eventType: SeasonalEventType): void { const botGearChanges = this.getEventBotGear(eventType); if (!botGearChanges) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("gameevent-no_gear_data", eventType)); return; } // Iterate over bots with changes to apply for (const bot in botGearChanges) { const botToUpdate = this.databaseService.getBots().types[bot.toLowerCase()]; if (!botToUpdate) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("gameevent-bot_not_found", bot)); continue; } // Iterate over each equipment slot change const gearAmendments = botGearChanges[bot]; for (const equipmentSlot in gearAmendments) { // Adjust slots spawn chance to be at least 75%[equipmentSlot] = Math.max([equipmentSlot], 75, ); // Grab gear to add and loop over it const itemsToAdd = gearAmendments[equipmentSlot]; for (const itemTplIdToAdd in itemsToAdd) {[equipmentSlot][itemTplIdToAdd] = itemsToAdd[itemTplIdToAdd]; } } } } protected addPumpkinsToScavBackpacks(): void { this.databaseService.getBots().types.assault.inventory.items.Backpack[ ItemTpl.RANDOMLOOTCONTAINER_PUMPKIN_RAND_LOOT_CONTAINER ] = 400; } /** * Set Khorovod(dancing tree) chance to 100% on all maps that support it */ protected enableDancingTree(): void { const maps = this.databaseService.getLocations(); for (const mapName in maps) { // Skip maps that have no tree if (["hideout", "base", "privatearea"].includes(mapName)) { continue; } const mapData: ILocation = maps[mapName]; if (mapData?.base?.BotLocationModifier && "KhorovodChance" in mapData.base.BotLocationModifier) { mapData.base.BotLocationModifier.KhorovodChance = 100; } } } /** * Add santa to maps */ protected addGifterBotToMaps(): void { const gifterSettings = this.seasonalEventConfig.gifterSettings; const maps = this.databaseService.getLocations(); for (const gifterMapSettings of gifterSettings) { const mapData: ILocation = maps[]; // Dont add gifter to map twice if (mapData.base.BossLocationSpawn.some((boss) => boss.BossName === "gifter")) { continue; } mapData.base.BossLocationSpawn.push({ BossName: "gifter", BossChance: gifterMapSettings.spawnChance, BossZone: gifterMapSettings.zones, BossPlayer: false, BossDifficult: "normal", BossEscortType: "gifter", BossEscortDifficult: "normal", BossEscortAmount: "0", ForceSpawn: true, spawnMode: ["regular", "pve"], Time: -1, TriggerId: "", TriggerName: "", Delay: 0, RandomTimeSpawn: false, }); } } /** * Send gift to player if they'e not already received it * @param playerId Player to send gift to * @param giftKey Key of gift to give */ protected giveGift(playerId: string, giftKey: string): void { const gitftData = this.giftService.getGiftById(giftKey); if (!this.profileHelper.playerHasRecievedMaxNumberOfGift(playerId, giftKey, gitftData.maxToSendPlayer ?? 5)) { this.giftService.sendGiftToPlayer(playerId, giftKey); } } /** * Get the underlying bot type for an event bot e.g. `peacefullZryachiyEvent` will return `bossZryachiy` * @param eventBotRole Event bot role type * @returns Bot role as string */ public getBaseRoleForEventBot(eventBotRole: string): string { return this.seasonalEventConfig.eventBotMapping[eventBotRole]; } public enableSnow(): void { this.weatherConfig.overrideSeason = Season.WINTER; } }