import { BossLocationSpawn, Wave } from "@spt/models/eft/common/ILocationBase"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { ILocationConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ILocationConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt/utils/RandomUtil"; import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; @injectable() export class CustomLocationWaveService { protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig; constructor( @inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.locationConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.LOCATION); } /** * Add a boss wave to a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap * @param waveToAdd Boss wave to add to map */ public addBossWaveToMap(locationId: string, waveToAdd: BossLocationSpawn): void { this.locationConfig.customWaves.boss[locationId].push(waveToAdd); } /** * Add a normal bot wave to a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap * @param waveToAdd Wave to add to map */ public addNormalWaveToMap(locationId: string, waveToAdd: Wave): void { this.locationConfig.customWaves.normal[locationId].push(waveToAdd); } /** * Clear all custom boss waves from a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap */ public clearBossWavesForMap(locationId: string): void { this.locationConfig.customWaves.boss[locationId] = []; } /** * Clear all custom normal waves from a map * @param locationId e.g. factory4_day, bigmap */ public clearNormalWavesForMap(locationId: string): void { this.locationConfig.customWaves.normal[locationId] = []; } /** * Add custom boss and normal waves to maps found in config/location.json to db */ public applyWaveChangesToAllMaps(): void { const bossWavesToApply = this.locationConfig.customWaves.boss; const normalWavesToApply = this.locationConfig.customWaves.normal; for (const mapKey in bossWavesToApply) { const locationBase = this.databaseService.getLocation(mapKey).base; if (!locationBase) { this.logger.warning(`Unable to add custom boss wave to location: ${mapKey}, location not found`); continue; } for (const bossWave of bossWavesToApply[mapKey]) { if (locationBase.BossLocationSpawn.some((x) => x.sptId === bossWave.sptId)) { // Already exists, skip continue; } locationBase.BossLocationSpawn.push(bossWave); this.logger.debug( `Added custom boss wave to ${mapKey} of type ${bossWave.BossName}, time: ${bossWave.Time}, chance: ${bossWave.BossChance}, zone: ${bossWave.BossZone}`, ); } } for (const mapKey in normalWavesToApply) { const locationBase = this.databaseService.getLocation(mapKey).base; if (!locationBase) { this.logger.warning(`Unable to add custom wave to location: ${mapKey}, location not found`); continue; } for (const normalWave of normalWavesToApply[mapKey]) { if (locationBase.waves.some((x) => x.sptId === normalWave.sptId)) { // Already exists, skip continue; } normalWave.number = locationBase.waves.length; locationBase.waves.push(normalWave); } } } }