import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { SellResult } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/ragfair/IRagfairOffer"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { IRagfairConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil"; @injectable() export class RagfairSellHelper { protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR); } /** * Get the percent chance to sell an item based on its average listed price vs player chosen listing price * @param averageOfferPriceRub Price of average offer in roubles * @param playerListedPriceRub Price player listed item for in roubles * @param qualityMultiplier Quality multipler of item being sold * @returns percent value */ public calculateSellChance( averageOfferPriceRub: number, playerListedPriceRub: number, qualityMultiplier: number, ): number { const baseSellChancePercent = this.ragfairConfig.sell.chance.base * qualityMultiplier; const listedPriceAboveAverage = playerListedPriceRub > averageOfferPriceRub; // Get sell chance multiplier const multiplier = listedPriceAboveAverage ? this.ragfairConfig.sell.chance.overpriced // Player price is over average listing price : this.getSellMultiplierWhenPlayerPriceIsBelowAverageListingPrice( averageOfferPriceRub, playerListedPriceRub, ); return Math.round(baseSellChancePercent * (averageOfferPriceRub / playerListedPriceRub * multiplier)); } /** * Get percent chance to sell an item when price is below items average listing price * @param playerListedPriceRub Price player listed item for in roubles * @param averageOfferPriceRub Price of average offer in roubles * @returns percent value */ protected getSellMultiplierWhenPlayerPriceIsBelowAverageListingPrice( averageOfferPriceRub: number, playerListedPriceRub: number, ): number { return (playerListedPriceRub < averageOfferPriceRub) ? this.ragfairConfig.sell.chance.underpriced : 1; } /** * Get array of item count and sell time (empty array = no sell) * @param sellChancePercent chance item will sell * @param itemSellCount count of items to sell * @returns Array of purchases of item(s) listed */ public rollForSale(sellChancePercent: number, itemSellCount: number): SellResult[] { const startTime = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); // Get a time in future to stop simulating sell chances at const endTime = startTime + this.timeUtil.getHoursAsSeconds(this.ragfairConfig.sell.simulatedSellHours); // TODO - Write comment - what is going on here const chance = 100 - Math.min(Math.max(sellChancePercent, 0), 100); let sellTime = startTime; let remainingCount = itemSellCount; const result: SellResult[] = []; // Value can sometimes be NaN for whatever reason, default to base chance if that happens if (Number.isNaN(sellChancePercent)) { this.logger.warning( `Sell chance was not a number: ${sellChancePercent}, defaulting to ${this.ragfairConfig.sell.chance.base} %`, ); sellChancePercent = this.ragfairConfig.sell.chance.base; } this.logger.debug(`Rolling to sell: ${itemSellCount} items (chance: ${sellChancePercent}%)`); // No point rolling for a sale on a 0% chance item, exit early if (sellChancePercent === 0) { return result; } while (remainingCount > 0 && sellTime < endTime) { const boughtAmount = this.randomUtil.getInt(1, remainingCount); if (this.randomUtil.getChance100(sellChancePercent)) { // Passed roll check, item will be sold sellTime += Math.max( Math.round(chance / 100 * this.ragfairConfig.sell.time.max * 60), this.ragfairConfig.sell.time.min * 60, ); result.push({ sellTime: sellTime, amount: boughtAmount, }); this.logger.debug(`Offer will sell at: ${new Date(sellTime * 1000).toLocaleTimeString("en-US")}`); } else { this.logger.debug("Offer will not sell"); } remainingCount -= boughtAmount; } return result; } }