import { ILocation } from "@spt/models/eft/common/ILocation"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { Traders } from "@spt/models/enums/Traders"; import { Weapons } from "@spt/models/enums/Weapons"; import { IBotConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IBotConfig"; import { ICoreConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ICoreConfig"; import { IHideoutConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IHideoutConfig"; import { ILocationConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ILocationConfig"; import { ILootConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/ILootConfig"; import { IPmcConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IPmcConfig"; import { IRagfairConfig } from "@spt/models/spt/config/IRagfairConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt/servers/ConfigServer"; import { CustomLocationWaveService } from "@spt/services/CustomLocationWaveService"; import { DatabaseService } from "@spt/services/DatabaseService"; import { ItemBaseClassService } from "@spt/services/ItemBaseClassService"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt/services/LocalisationService"; import { OpenZoneService } from "@spt/services/OpenZoneService"; import { SeasonalEventService } from "@spt/services/SeasonalEventService"; import { ICloner } from "@spt/utils/cloners/ICloner"; import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; @injectable() export class PostDbLoadService { protected coreConfig: ICoreConfig; protected locationConfig: ILocationConfig; protected ragfairConfig: IRagfairConfig; protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig; protected pmcConfig: IPmcConfig; protected lootConfig: ILootConfig; protected botConfig: IBotConfig; constructor( @inject("PrimaryLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("DatabaseService") protected databaseService: DatabaseService, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("CustomLocationWaveService") protected customLocationWaveService: CustomLocationWaveService, @inject("OpenZoneService") protected openZoneService: OpenZoneService, @inject("SeasonalEventService") protected seasonalEventService: SeasonalEventService, @inject("ItemBaseClassService") protected itemBaseClassService: ItemBaseClassService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, @inject("PrimaryCloner") protected cloner: ICloner, ) { this.coreConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.CORE); this.locationConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.LOCATION); this.ragfairConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.RAGFAIR); this.hideoutConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.HIDEOUT); this.pmcConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.PMC); this.lootConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.LOOT); this.botConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.BOT); } public performPostDbLoadActions(): void { // Regenerate base cache now mods are loaded and game is starting // Mods that add items and use the baseClass service generate the cache including their items, the next mod that // add items gets left out,causing warnings this.itemBaseClassService.hydrateItemBaseClassCache(); this.addCustomLooseLootPositions(); this.adjustMinReserveRaiderSpawnChance(); if (this.coreConfig.fixes.fixShotgunDispersion) { this.fixShotgunDispersions(); } if (this.locationConfig.addOpenZonesToAllMaps) { this.openZoneService.applyZoneChangesToAllMaps(); } if (this.locationConfig.addCustomBotWavesToMaps) { this.customLocationWaveService.applyWaveChangesToAllMaps(); } if (this.locationConfig.enableBotTypeLimits) { this.adjustMapBotLimits(); } this.adjustLooseLootSpawnProbabilities(); this.checkTraderRepairValuesExist(); this.adjustLocationBotValues(); if (this.locationConfig.rogueLighthouseSpawnTimeSettings.enabled) { this.fixRoguesSpawningInstantlyOnLighthouse(); } if (this.locationConfig.splitWaveIntoSingleSpawnsSettings.enabled) { this.splitBotWavesIntoSingleWaves(); } this.adjustLabsRaiderSpawnRate(); this.adjustHideoutCraftTimes(this.hideoutConfig.overrideCraftTimeSeconds); this.adjustHideoutBuildTimes(this.hideoutConfig.overrideBuildTimeSeconds); this.removePraporTestMessage(); this.validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(); if (this.seasonalEventService.isAutomaticEventDetectionEnabled()) { this.seasonalEventService.enableSeasonalEvents(); } // Flea bsg blacklist is off if (!this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.enableBsgList) { this.setAllDbItemsAsSellableOnFlea(); } } protected adjustMinReserveRaiderSpawnChance(): void { if (this.locationConfig.minReserveRaiderSpawnChance === -1) { return; } const reserveBase = this.databaseService.getLocation("rezervbase").base; for (const raiderSpawn of reserveBase.BossLocationSpawn.filter((x) => x.BossName === "pmcBot")) { if (raiderSpawn.BossChance < this.locationConfig.minReserveRaiderSpawnChance) { raiderSpawn.BossChance = this.locationConfig.minReserveRaiderSpawnChance; } } } protected addCustomLooseLootPositions(): void { const looseLootPositionsToAdd = this.lootConfig.looseLoot; for (const [mapId, positionsToAdd] of Object.entries(looseLootPositionsToAdd)) { if (!mapId) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("location-unable_to_add_custom_loot_position", mapId), ); continue; } const mapLooseLoot = this.databaseService.getLocation(mapId).looseLoot; if (!mapLooseLoot) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("location-map_has_no_loose_loot_data", mapId)); continue; } for (const positionToAdd of positionsToAdd) { // Exists already, add new items to existing positions pool const existingLootPosition = mapLooseLoot.spawnpoints.find( (x) => x.template.Id === positionToAdd.template.Id, ); if (existingLootPosition) { existingLootPosition.template.Items.push(...positionToAdd.template.Items); existingLootPosition.itemDistribution.push(...positionToAdd.itemDistribution); continue; } // New position, add entire object mapLooseLoot.spawnpoints.push(positionToAdd); } } } /** * BSG have two values for shotgun dispersion, we make sure both have the same value */ protected fixShotgunDispersions(): void { const itemDb = this.databaseService.getItems(); const shotguns = [Weapons.SHOTGUN_12G_SAIGA_12K, Weapons.SHOTGUN_20G_TOZ_106, Weapons.SHOTGUN_12G_M870]; for (const shotgunId of shotguns) { if (itemDb[shotgunId]._props.ShotgunDispersion) { itemDb[shotgunId]._props.shotgunDispersion = itemDb[shotgunId]._props.ShotgunDispersion; } } } /** Apply custom limits on bot types as defined in configs/location.json/botTypeLimits */ protected adjustMapBotLimits(): void { const mapsDb = this.databaseService.getLocations(); if (!this.locationConfig.botTypeLimits) { return; } for (const mapId in this.locationConfig.botTypeLimits) { const map: ILocation = mapsDb[mapId]; if (!map) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("bot-unable_to_edit_limits_of_unknown_map", mapId), ); } for (const botToLimit of this.locationConfig.botTypeLimits[mapId]) { const index = map.base.MinMaxBots.findIndex((x) => x.WildSpawnType === botToLimit.type); if (index !== -1) { // Existing bot type found in MinMaxBots array, edit const limitObjectToUpdate = map.base.MinMaxBots[index]; limitObjectToUpdate.min = botToLimit.min; limitObjectToUpdate.max = botToLimit.max; } else { // Bot type not found, add new object map.base.MinMaxBots.push({ // Bot type not found, add new object WildSpawnType: botToLimit.type, min: botToLimit.min, max: botToLimit.max, }); } } } } protected adjustLooseLootSpawnProbabilities(): void { if (!this.lootConfig.looseLootSpawnPointAdjustments) { return; } for (const [mapId, mapAdjustments] of Object.entries(this.lootConfig.looseLootSpawnPointAdjustments)) { const mapLooseLootData = this.databaseService.getLocation(mapId).looseLoot; if (!mapLooseLootData) { this.logger.warning(this.localisationService.getText("location-map_has_no_loose_loot_data", mapId)); continue; } for (const [lootKey, newChanceValue] of Object.entries(mapAdjustments)) { const lootPostionToAdjust = mapLooseLootData.spawnpoints.find( (spawnPoint) => spawnPoint.template.Id === lootKey, ); if (!lootPostionToAdjust) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("location-unable_to_adjust_loot_position_on_map", { lootKey: lootKey, mapId: mapId, }), ); continue; } lootPostionToAdjust.probability = newChanceValue; } } } /** * Out of date/incorrectly made trader mods forget this data */ protected checkTraderRepairValuesExist(): void { const traders = this.databaseService.getTraders(); for (const trader of Object.values(traders)) { if (!trader?.base?.repair) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("trader-missing_repair_property_using_default", { traderId: trader.base._id, nickname: trader.base.nickname, }), ); // use ragfair trader as a default = this.cloner.clone(; return; } if ( === undefined) { this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("trader-missing_repair_quality_property_using_default", { traderId: trader.base._id, nickname: trader.base.nickname, }), ); // use ragfair trader as a default = this.cloner.clone(; =; } } } protected adjustLocationBotValues(): void { const mapsDb = this.databaseService.getLocations(); for (const locationKey in this.botConfig.maxBotCap) { const map: ILocation = mapsDb[locationKey]; if (!map) { continue; } map.base.BotMaxPvE = this.botConfig.maxBotCap[locationKey]; // make values no larger than 30 secs map.base.BotStart = Math.min(map.base.BotStart, 30); } } /** * Make Rogues spawn later to allow for scavs to spawn first instead of rogues filling up all spawn positions */ protected fixRoguesSpawningInstantlyOnLighthouse(): void { const rogueSpawnDelaySeconds = this.locationConfig.rogueLighthouseSpawnTimeSettings.waitTimeSeconds; const lighthouse = this.databaseService.getLocations().lighthouse?.base; if (!lighthouse) { return; } // Find Rogues that spawn instantly const instantRogueBossSpawns = lighthouse.BossLocationSpawn.filter( (spawn) => spawn.BossName === "exUsec" && spawn.Time === -1, ); for (const wave of instantRogueBossSpawns) { wave.Time = rogueSpawnDelaySeconds; } } /** * Find and split waves with large numbers of bots into smaller waves - BSG appears to reduce the size of these * waves to one bot when they're waiting to spawn for too long */ protected splitBotWavesIntoSingleWaves(): void { const locations = this.databaseService.getLocations(); for (const locationKey in locations) { if (this.locationConfig.splitWaveIntoSingleSpawnsSettings.ignoreMaps.includes(locationKey)) { continue; } // Iterate over all maps const location: ILocation = locations[locationKey]; for (const wave of location.base.waves) { // Wave has size that makes it candidate for splitting if ( wave.slots_max - wave.slots_min >= this.locationConfig.splitWaveIntoSingleSpawnsSettings.waveSizeThreshold ) { // Get count of bots to be spawned in wave const waveSize = wave.slots_max - wave.slots_min; // Update wave to spawn single bot wave.slots_min = 1; wave.slots_max = 2; // Get index of wave const indexOfWaveToSplit = location.base.waves.indexOf(wave); this.logger.debug( `Splitting map: ${location.base.Id} wave: ${indexOfWaveToSplit} with ${waveSize} bots`, ); // Add new waves to fill gap from bots we removed in above wave let wavesAddedCount = 0; for (let index = indexOfWaveToSplit + 1; index < indexOfWaveToSplit + waveSize; index++) { // Clone wave ready to insert into array const waveToAddClone = this.cloner.clone(wave); // Some waves have value of 0 for some reason, preserve if (waveToAddClone.number !== 0) { // Update wave number to new location in array waveToAddClone.number = index; } // Place wave into array in just-edited position + 1 location.base.waves.splice(index, 0, waveToAddClone); wavesAddedCount++; } // Update subsequent wave number property to accommodate the new waves for ( let index = indexOfWaveToSplit + wavesAddedCount + 1; index < location.base.waves.length; index++ ) { // Some waves have value of 0, leave them as-is if (location.base.waves[index].number !== 0) { location.base.waves[index].number += wavesAddedCount; } } } } } } /** * Make non-trigger-spawned raiders spawn earlier + always */ protected adjustLabsRaiderSpawnRate(): void { const labsBase = this.databaseService.getLocations().laboratory.base; // Find spawns with empty string for triggerId/TriggerName const nonTriggerLabsBossSpawns = labsBase.BossLocationSpawn.filter( (bossSpawn) => !bossSpawn.TriggerId && !bossSpawn.TriggerName, ); for (const boss of nonTriggerLabsBossSpawns) { boss.BossChance = 100; boss.Time /= 10; } } protected adjustHideoutCraftTimes(overrideSeconds: number): void { if (overrideSeconds === -1) { return; } for (const craft of this.databaseService.getHideout() { // Only adjust crafts ABOVE the override craft.productionTime = Math.min(craft.productionTime, overrideSeconds); } } /** * Adjust all hideout craft times to be no higher than the override */ protected adjustHideoutBuildTimes(overrideSeconds: number): void { if (overrideSeconds === -1) { return; } for (const area of this.databaseService.getHideout().areas) { for (const stage of Object.values(area.stages)) { // Only adjust crafts ABOVE the override stage.constructionTime = Math.min(stage.constructionTime, overrideSeconds); } } } /** * Blank out the "test" mail message from prapor */ protected removePraporTestMessage(): void { // Iterate over all languages (e.g. "en", "fr") const locales = this.databaseService.getLocales(); for (const localeKey in {[localeKey]["61687e2c3e526901fa76baf9"] = ""; } } /** * Check for any missing assorts inside each traders assort.json data, checking against traders questassort.json */ protected validateQuestAssortUnlocksExist(): void { const db = this.databaseService.getTables(); const traders = db.traders; const quests = db.templates.quests; for (const traderId of Object.values(Traders)) { const traderData = traders[traderId]; const traderAssorts = traderData?.assort; if (!traderAssorts) { continue; } // Merge started/success/fail quest assorts into one dictionary const mergedQuestAssorts = { ...traderData.questassort?.started, ...traderData.questassort?.success, ...traderData.questassort?.fail, }; // Loop over all assorts for trader for (const [assortKey, questKey] of Object.entries(mergedQuestAssorts)) { // Does assort key exist in trader assort file if (!traderAssorts.loyal_level_items[assortKey]) { // Reverse lookup of enum key by value const messageValues = { traderName: Object.keys(Traders)[Object.values(Traders).indexOf(traderId)], questName: quests[questKey]?.QuestName ?? "UNKNOWN", }; this.logger.warning( this.localisationService.getText("assort-missing_quest_assort_unlock", messageValues), ); } } } } protected setAllDbItemsAsSellableOnFlea(): void { const dbItems = Object.values(this.databaseService.getItems()); for (const item of dbItems) { if ( item._type === "Item" && !item._props?.CanSellOnRagfair && !this.ragfairConfig.dynamic.blacklist.custom.includes(item._id) ) { item._props.CanSellOnRagfair = true; } } } }