import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { InventoryHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/InventoryHelper"; import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { HideoutArea, IHideoutImprovement, Production, Productive } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase"; import { Upd } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { StageBonus } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/IHideoutArea"; import { IHideoutContinuousProductionStartRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/IHideoutContinuousProductionStartRequestData"; import { IHideoutProduction } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/IHideoutProduction"; import { IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData"; import { IHideoutTakeProductionRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/hideout/IHideoutTakeProductionRequestData"; import { IAddItemRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/inventory/IAddItemRequestData"; import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { HideoutAreas } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/HideoutAreas"; import { SkillTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/SkillTypes"; import { IHideoutConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IHideoutConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { EventOutputHolder } from "@spt-aki/routers/EventOutputHolder"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService"; import { PlayerService } from "@spt-aki/services/PlayerService"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil"; import { HttpResponseUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HttpResponseUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil"; @injectable() export class HideoutHelper { public static bitcoinFarm = "5d5c205bd582a50d042a3c0e"; public static waterCollector = "5d5589c1f934db045e6c5492"; public static bitcoin = "59faff1d86f7746c51718c9c"; public static expeditionaryFuelTank = "5d1b371186f774253763a656"; public static maxSkillPoint = 5000; protected hideoutConfig: IHideoutConfig; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("EventOutputHolder") protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, @inject("HttpResponseUtil") protected httpResponse: HttpResponseUtil, @inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper, @inject("InventoryHelper") protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper, @inject("PlayerService") protected playerService: PlayerService, @inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.hideoutConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.HIDEOUT); } /** * Add production to profiles' Hideout.Production array * @param pmcData Profile to add production to * @param body Production request * @param sessionID Session id * @returns client response */ public registerProduction( pmcData: IPmcData, body: IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData | IHideoutContinuousProductionStartRequestData, sessionID: string, ): IItemEventRouterResponse { const recipe = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.production.find((p) => p._id === body.recipeId); if (!recipe) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("hideout-missing_recipe_in_db", body.recipeId)); return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID)); } const modifiedProductionTime = recipe.productionTime - this.getCraftingSkillProductionTimeReduction(pmcData, recipe.productionTime); // @Important: Here we need to be very exact: // - normal recipe: Production time value is stored in attribute "productionType" with small "p" // - scav case recipe: Production time value is stored in attribute "ProductionType" with capital "P" if (!pmcData.Hideout.Production) { pmcData.Hideout.Production = {}; } pmcData.Hideout.Production[body.recipeId] = this.initProduction( body.recipeId, modifiedProductionTime, recipe.needFuelForAllProductionTime, ); } /** * This convenience function initializes new Production Object * with all the constants. */ public initProduction(recipeId: string, productionTime: number, needFuelForAllProductionTime: boolean): Production { return { Progress: 0, inProgress: true, RecipeId: recipeId, StartTimestamp: this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(), ProductionTime: productionTime, Products: [], GivenItemsInStart: [], Interrupted: false, NeedFuelForAllProductionTime: needFuelForAllProductionTime, // Used when sending to client needFuelForAllProductionTime: needFuelForAllProductionTime, // used when stored in production.json SkipTime: 0, }; } /** * Is the provided object a Production type * @param productive * @returns */ public isProductionType(productive: Productive): productive is Production { return (productive as Production).Progress !== undefined || (productive as Production).RecipeId !== undefined; } /** * Apply bonus to player profile given after completing hideout upgrades * @param pmcData Profile to add bonus to * @param bonus Bonus to add to profile */ public applyPlayerUpgradesBonuses(pmcData: IPmcData, bonus: StageBonus): void { // Handle additional changes some bonuses need before being added switch (bonus.type) { case "StashSize": { // Find stash item and adjust tpl to new tpl from bonus const stashItem = pmcData.Inventory.items.find((x) => x._id === pmcData.Inventory.stash); if (!stashItem) { this.logger.warning( `Unable to apply StashSize bonus, stash with id: ${pmcData.Inventory.stash} not found`, ); } stashItem._tpl = bonus.templateId; break; } case "MaximumEnergyReserve": // Amend max energy in profile pmcData.Health.Energy.Maximum += bonus.value; break; case "TextBonus": // Delete values before they're added to profile delete bonus.value; delete bonus.passive; delete bonus.production; delete bonus.visible; break; } // Add bonus to player bonuses array in profile // EnergyRegeneration, HealthRegeneration, RagfairCommission, ScavCooldownTimer, SkillGroupLevelingBoost, ExperienceRate, QuestMoneyReward etc this.logger.debug(`Adding bonus: ${bonus.type} to profile, value: ${bonus.value}`); pmcData.Bonuses.push(bonus); } /** * Process a players hideout, update areas that use resources + increment production timers * @param sessionID Session id */ public updatePlayerHideout(sessionID: string): void { const pmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID); const hideoutProperties = this.getHideoutProperties(pmcData); this.updateAreasWithResources(sessionID, pmcData, hideoutProperties); this.updateProductionTimers(pmcData, hideoutProperties); pmcData.Hideout.sptUpdateLastRunTimestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); } /** * Get various properties that will be passed to hideout update-related functions * @param pmcData Player profile * @returns Properties */ protected getHideoutProperties( pmcData: IPmcData, ): { btcFarmCGs: number; isGeneratorOn: boolean; waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean; } { const bitcoinFarm = pmcData.Hideout.Areas.find((x) => x.type === HideoutAreas.BITCOIN_FARM); const bitcoinCount = bitcoinFarm?.slots.filter((slot) => slot.item).length ?? 0; // Get slots with an item property const hideoutProperties = { btcFarmCGs: bitcoinCount, isGeneratorOn: pmcData.Hideout.Areas.find((x) => x.type === HideoutAreas.GENERATOR)?.active ?? false, waterCollectorHasFilter: this.doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter( pmcData.Hideout.Areas.find((x) => x.type === HideoutAreas.WATER_COLLECTOR), ), }; return hideoutProperties; } protected doesWaterCollectorHaveFilter(waterCollector: HideoutArea): boolean { if (waterCollector.level === 3) { // can put filters in from L3 // Has filter in at least one slot return waterCollector.slots.some((x) => x.item); } // No Filter return false; } /** * Update progress timer for water collector * @param pmcData profile to update * @param productionId id of water collection production to update * @param hideoutProperties Hideout properties */ protected updateWaterCollectorProductionTimer( pmcData: IPmcData, productionId: string, hideoutProperties: { btcFarmCGs?: number; isGeneratorOn: boolean; waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean; }, ): void { const timeElapsed = this.getTimeElapsedSinceLastServerTick(pmcData, hideoutProperties.isGeneratorOn); if (hideoutProperties.waterCollectorHasFilter) { pmcData.Hideout.Production[productionId].Progress += timeElapsed; } } /** * Iterate over productions and update their progress timers * @param pmcData Profile to check for productions and update * @param hideoutProperties Hideout properties */ protected updateProductionTimers( pmcData: IPmcData, hideoutProperties: { btcFarmCGs: number; isGeneratorOn: boolean; waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean; }, ): void { const recipes = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.production; // Check each production for (const prodId in pmcData.Hideout.Production) { const craft = pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId]; if (!craft) { // Craft value is null, get rid of it (could be from cancelling craft that needs cleaning up) delete pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId]; continue; } if (craft.Progress === undefined || craft.Progress === null) { this.logger.warning(`Craft ${prodId} has an undefined progress value, defaulting to 0`); craft.Progress = 0; } // Craft complete, skip processing (Don't skip continious crafts like bitcoin farm) if (craft.Progress >= craft.ProductionTime && prodId !== HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm) { continue; } if (craft.sptIsScavCase) { this.updateScavCaseProductionTimer(pmcData, prodId); continue; } if (prodId === HideoutHelper.waterCollector) { this.updateWaterCollectorProductionTimer(pmcData, prodId, hideoutProperties); continue; } if (prodId === HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm) { pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId] = this.updateBitcoinFarm( pmcData, hideoutProperties.btcFarmCGs, hideoutProperties.isGeneratorOn, ); continue; } // Other recipes not covered by above const recipe = recipes.find((r) => r._id === prodId); if (!recipe) { this.logger.error(this.localisationService.getText("hideout-missing_recipe_for_area", prodId)); continue; } this.updateProductionProgress(pmcData, prodId, recipe, hideoutProperties); } } /** * Update a productions progress value based on the amount of time that has passed * @param pmcData Player profile * @param prodId Production id being crafted * @param recipe Recipe data being crafted * @param hideoutProperties */ protected updateProductionProgress( pmcData: IPmcData, prodId: string, recipe: IHideoutProduction, hideoutProperties: { btcFarmCGs?: number; isGeneratorOn: boolean; waterCollectorHasFilter?: boolean; }, ): void { // Production is complete, no need to do any calculations if (this.doesProgressMatchProductionTime(pmcData, prodId)) { return; } // Get seconds since last hideout update + now const timeElapsed = this.getTimeElapsedSinceLastServerTick(pmcData, hideoutProperties.isGeneratorOn, recipe); // Increment progress by time passed const production = pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId]; production.Progress += (production.needFuelForAllProductionTime && !hideoutProperties.isGeneratorOn) ? 0 : timeElapsed; // Some items NEED power to craft (e.g. DSP) // Limit progress to total production time if progress is over (dont run for continious crafts)) if (!recipe.continuous) { // If progress is larger than prod time, return ProductionTime, hard cap the vaue production.Progress = Math.min(production.Progress, production.ProductionTime); } } /** * Check if a productions progress value matches its corresponding recipes production time value * @param pmcData Player profile * @param prodId Production id * @param recipe Recipe being crafted * @returns progress matches productionTime from recipe */ protected doesProgressMatchProductionTime(pmcData: IPmcData, prodId: string): boolean { return pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId].Progress === pmcData.Hideout.Production[prodId].ProductionTime; } /** * Update progress timer for scav case * @param pmcData Profile to update * @param productionId Id of scav case production to update */ protected updateScavCaseProductionTimer(pmcData: IPmcData, productionId: string): void { const timeElapsed = (this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() - pmcData.Hideout.Production[productionId].StartTimestamp) - pmcData.Hideout.Production[productionId].Progress; pmcData.Hideout.Production[productionId].Progress += timeElapsed; } /** * Iterate over hideout areas that use resources (fuel/filters etc) and update associated values * @param sessionID Session id * @param pmcData Profile to update areas of * @param hideoutProperties hideout properties */ protected updateAreasWithResources( sessionID: string, pmcData: IPmcData, hideoutProperties: { btcFarmCGs: number; isGeneratorOn: boolean; waterCollectorHasFilter: boolean; }, ): void { for (const area of pmcData.Hideout.Areas) { switch (area.type) { case HideoutAreas.GENERATOR: if (hideoutProperties.isGeneratorOn) { this.updateFuel(area, pmcData); } break; case HideoutAreas.WATER_COLLECTOR: this.updateWaterCollector(sessionID, pmcData, area, hideoutProperties.isGeneratorOn); break; case HideoutAreas.AIR_FILTERING: if (hideoutProperties.isGeneratorOn) { this.updateAirFilters(area, pmcData); } break; } } } protected updateFuel(generatorArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void { // 1 resource last 14 min 27 sec, 1/14.45/60 = 0.00115 // 10-10-2021 From wiki, 1 resource last 12 minutes 38 seconds, 1/12.63333/60 = 0.00131 let fuelDrainRate = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.settings.generatorFuelFlowRate * this.hideoutConfig.runIntervalSeconds; // implemented moddable bonus for fuel consumption bonus instead of using solar power variable as before const fuelBonus = pmcData.Bonuses.find((b) => b.type === "FuelConsumption"); const fuelBonusPercent = 1.0 - (fuelBonus ? Math.abs(fuelBonus.value) : 0) / 100; fuelDrainRate *= fuelBonusPercent; // Hideout management resource consumption bonus: const hideoutManagementConsumptionBonus = 1.0 - this.getHideoutManagementConsumptionBonus(pmcData); fuelDrainRate *= hideoutManagementConsumptionBonus; let hasFuelRemaining = false; let pointsConsumed = 0; for (let i = 0; i < generatorArea.slots.length; i++) { if (generatorArea.slots[i].item) { let resourceValue = (generatorArea.slots[i].item[0].upd?.Resource) ? generatorArea.slots[i].item[0].upd.Resource.Value : null; if (resourceValue === 0) { continue; } else if (!resourceValue) { const fuelItem = HideoutHelper.expeditionaryFuelTank; resourceValue = generatorArea.slots[i].item[0]._tpl === fuelItem ? 60 - fuelDrainRate : 100 - fuelDrainRate; pointsConsumed = fuelDrainRate; } else { pointsConsumed = (generatorArea.slots[i].item[0].upd.Resource.UnitsConsumed || 0) + fuelDrainRate; resourceValue -= fuelDrainRate; } resourceValue = Math.round(resourceValue * 10000) / 10000; pointsConsumed = Math.round(pointsConsumed * 10000) / 10000; // check unit consumed for increment skill point if (pmcData && Math.floor(pointsConsumed / 10) >= 1) { this.profileHelper.addSkillPointsToPlayer(pmcData, SkillTypes.HIDEOUT_MANAGEMENT, 1); pointsConsumed -= 10; } if (resourceValue > 0) { generatorArea.slots[i].item[0].upd = this.getAreaUpdObject(1, resourceValue, pointsConsumed); this.logger.debug(`${pmcData._id} Generator: ${resourceValue} fuel left in slot ${i + 1}`); hasFuelRemaining = true; break; // Break here to avoid updating all the fuel tanks } else { generatorArea.slots[i].item[0].upd = this.getAreaUpdObject(1, 0, 0); // Update remaining resources to be subtracted fuelDrainRate = Math.abs(resourceValue); } } } if (!hasFuelRemaining) { = false; } } protected updateWaterCollector( sessionId: string, pmcData: IPmcData, area: HideoutArea, isGeneratorOn: boolean, ): void { // Skip water collector when not level 3 (cant collect until 3) if (area.level !== 3) { return; } // Canister with purified water craft exists const prod = pmcData.Hideout.Production[HideoutHelper.waterCollector]; if (prod && this.isProduction(prod)) { area = this.updateWaterFilters(area, prod, isGeneratorOn, pmcData); } else { // continuousProductionStart() // seem to not trigger consistently const recipe: IHideoutSingleProductionStartRequestData = { recipeId: HideoutHelper.waterCollector, Action: "HideoutSingleProductionStart", items: [], timestamp: this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(), }; this.registerProduction(pmcData, recipe, sessionId); } } /** * Adjust water filter objects resourceValue or delete when they reach 0 resource * @param waterFilterArea water filter area to update * @param production production object * @param isGeneratorOn is generator enabled * @param pmcData Player profile * @returns Updated HideoutArea object */ protected updateWaterFilters( waterFilterArea: HideoutArea, production: Production, isGeneratorOn: boolean, pmcData: IPmcData, ): HideoutArea { let filterDrainRate = this.getWaterFilterDrainRate(pmcData); const productionTime = this.getTotalProductionTimeSeconds(HideoutHelper.waterCollector); const secondsSinceServerTick = this.getTimeElapsedSinceLastServerTick(pmcData, isGeneratorOn); filterDrainRate = this.adjustWaterFilterDrainRate( secondsSinceServerTick, productionTime, production.Progress, filterDrainRate, ); // Production hasn't completed let pointsConsumed = 0; if (production.Progress < productionTime) { // Check all slots that take water filters // Must loop to find first water filter and use that for (let i = 0; i < waterFilterArea.slots.length; i++) { // Has a water filter installed into slot if (waterFilterArea.slots[i].item) { // How many units of filter are left let resourceValue = (waterFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd?.Resource) ? waterFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd.Resource.Value : null; if (!resourceValue) { // None left resourceValue = 100 - filterDrainRate; pointsConsumed = filterDrainRate; } else { pointsConsumed = (waterFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd.Resource.UnitsConsumed || 0) + filterDrainRate; resourceValue -= filterDrainRate; } // Round to get values to 3dp resourceValue = Math.round(resourceValue * 10000) / 10000; pointsConsumed = Math.round(pointsConsumed * 10000) / 10000; // Check amount of units consumed for possible increment of hideout mgmt skill point if (pmcData && Math.floor(pointsConsumed / 10) >= 1) { this.profileHelper.addSkillPointsToPlayer(pmcData, SkillTypes.HIDEOUT_MANAGEMENT, 1); pointsConsumed -= 10; } // Filter has some juice left in it after we adjusted it if (resourceValue > 0) { // Set filter consumed amount waterFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd = this.getAreaUpdObject(1, resourceValue, pointsConsumed); this.logger.debug(`Water filter has: ${resourceValue} units left in slot ${i + 1}`); break; // Break here to avoid updating all filters } // Filter ran out / used up delete waterFilterArea.slots[i].item; // Update remaining resources to be subtracted filterDrainRate = Math.abs(resourceValue); } } } return waterFilterArea; } /** * Get an adjusted water filter drain rate based on time elapsed since last run, * handle edge case when craft time has gone on longer than total production time * @param secondsSinceServerTick Time passed * @param totalProductionTime Total time collecting water * @param productionProgress how far water collector has progressed * @param baseFilterDrainRate Base drain rate * @returns */ protected adjustWaterFilterDrainRate( secondsSinceServerTick: number, totalProductionTime: number, productionProgress: number, baseFilterDrainRate: number, ): number { const drainRateMultiplier = secondsSinceServerTick > totalProductionTime ? (totalProductionTime - productionProgress) // more time passed than prod time, get total minus the current progress : secondsSinceServerTick; // Multiply drain rate by calculated multiplier baseFilterDrainRate *= drainRateMultiplier; return baseFilterDrainRate; } /** * Get the water filter drain rate based on hideout bonues player has * @param pmcData Player profile * @returns Drain rate */ protected getWaterFilterDrainRate(pmcData: IPmcData): number { // 100 resources last 8 hrs 20 min, 100/8.33/60/60 = 0.00333 const filterDrainRate = 0.00333; const hideoutManagementConsumptionBonus = 1.0 - this.getHideoutManagementConsumptionBonus(pmcData); return filterDrainRate * hideoutManagementConsumptionBonus; } /** * Get the production time in seconds for the desired production * @param prodId Id, e.g. Water collector id * @returns seconds to produce item */ protected getTotalProductionTimeSeconds(prodId: string): number { const recipe = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.production.find((prod) => prod._id === prodId); return (recipe.productionTime || 0); } /** * Create a upd object using passed in parameters * @param stackCount * @param resourceValue * @param resourceUnitsConsumed * @returns Upd */ protected getAreaUpdObject(stackCount: number, resourceValue: number, resourceUnitsConsumed: number): Upd { return { StackObjectsCount: stackCount, Resource: { Value: resourceValue, UnitsConsumed: resourceUnitsConsumed }, }; } protected updateAirFilters(airFilterArea: HideoutArea, pmcData: IPmcData): void { // 300 resources last 20 hrs, 300/20/60/60 = 0.00416 /* 10-10-2021 from WIKI ( Lasts for 17 hours 38 minutes and 49 seconds (23 hours 31 minutes and 45 seconds with elite hideout management skill), 300/17.64694/60/60 = 0.004722 */ let filterDrainRate = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.settings.airFilterUnitFlowRate * this.hideoutConfig.runIntervalSeconds; // Hideout management resource consumption bonus: const hideoutManagementConsumptionBonus = 1.0 - this.getHideoutManagementConsumptionBonus(pmcData); filterDrainRate *= hideoutManagementConsumptionBonus; let pointsConsumed = 0; for (let i = 0; i < airFilterArea.slots.length; i++) { if (airFilterArea.slots[i].item) { let resourceValue = (airFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd?.Resource) ? airFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd.Resource.Value : null; if (!resourceValue) { resourceValue = 300 - filterDrainRate; pointsConsumed = filterDrainRate; } else { pointsConsumed = (airFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd.Resource.UnitsConsumed || 0) + filterDrainRate; resourceValue -= filterDrainRate; } resourceValue = Math.round(resourceValue * 10000) / 10000; pointsConsumed = Math.round(pointsConsumed * 10000) / 10000; // check unit consumed for increment skill point if (pmcData && Math.floor(pointsConsumed / 10) >= 1) { this.profileHelper.addSkillPointsToPlayer(pmcData, SkillTypes.HIDEOUT_MANAGEMENT, 1); pointsConsumed -= 10; } if (resourceValue > 0) { airFilterArea.slots[i].item[0].upd = { StackObjectsCount: 1, Resource: { Value: resourceValue, UnitsConsumed: pointsConsumed }, }; this.logger.debug(`Air filter: ${resourceValue} filter left on slot ${i + 1}`); break; // Break here to avoid updating all filters } else { delete airFilterArea.slots[i].item; // Update remaining resources to be subtracted filterDrainRate = Math.abs(resourceValue); } } } } protected updateBitcoinFarm(pmcData: IPmcData, btcFarmCGs: number, isGeneratorOn: boolean): Production { const btcProd = pmcData.Hideout.Production[HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm]; const bitcoinProdData = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.production.find((p) => p._id === "5d5c205bd582a50d042a3c0e" ); const coinSlotCount = this.getBTCSlots(pmcData); // Full on bitcoins, halt progress if (this.isProduction(btcProd) && btcProd.Products.length >= coinSlotCount) { // Set progress to 0 btcProd.Progress = 0; return btcProd; } if (this.isProduction(btcProd)) { const timeElapsedSeconds = this.getTimeElapsedSinceLastServerTick(pmcData, isGeneratorOn); btcProd.Progress += timeElapsedSeconds; // The wiki has a wrong formula! // Do not change unless you validate it with the Client code files! // This formula was found on the client files: // ******************************************************* /* public override int InstalledSuppliesCount { get { return this.int_1; } protected set { if (this.int_1 === value) { return; } this.int_1 = value; base.Single_0 = ((this.int_1 === 0) ? 0f : (1f + (float)(this.int_1 - 1) * this.float_4)); } } */ // ********************************************************** // At the time of writing this comment, this was GClass1667 // To find it in case of weird results, use DNSpy and look for usages on class AreaData // Look for a GClassXXXX that has a method called "InitDetails" and the only parameter is the AreaData // That should be the bitcoin farm production. To validate, try to find the snippet below: /* protected override void InitDetails(AreaData data) { base.InitDetails(data); this.gclass1678_1.Type = EDetailsType.Farming; } */ // BSG finally fixed their settings, they now get loaded from the settings and used in the client const coinCraftTimeSeconds = bitcoinProdData.productionTime / (1 + (btcFarmCGs - 1) * this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.settings.gpuBoostRate); while (btcProd.Progress > coinCraftTimeSeconds) { if (btcProd.Products.length < coinSlotCount) { // Has space to add a coin to production this.addBtcToProduction(btcProd, coinCraftTimeSeconds); } else { btcProd.Progress = 0; } } btcProd.StartTimestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); return btcProd; } else { return null; } } /** * Add bitcoin object to btc production products array and set progress time * @param btcProd Bitcoin production object * @param coinCraftTimeSeconds Time to craft a bitcoin */ protected addBtcToProduction(btcProd: Production, coinCraftTimeSeconds: number): void { btcProd.Products.push({ _id: this.hashUtil.generate(), _tpl: "59faff1d86f7746c51718c9c", upd: { StackObjectsCount: 1 }, }); btcProd.Progress -= coinCraftTimeSeconds; } /** * Get number of ticks that have passed since hideout areas were last processed, reduced when generator is off * @param pmcData Player profile * @param isGeneratorOn Is the generator on for the duration of elapsed time * @param recipe Hideout production recipe being crafted we need the ticks for * @returns Amount of time elapsed in seconds */ protected getTimeElapsedSinceLastServerTick( pmcData: IPmcData, isGeneratorOn: boolean, recipe: IHideoutProduction = null, ): number { // Reduce time elapsed (and progress) when generator is off let timeElapsed = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() - pmcData.Hideout.sptUpdateLastRunTimestamp; if (recipe?.areaType === HideoutAreas.LAVATORY) { // Lavatory works at 100% when power is on / off return timeElapsed; } if (!isGeneratorOn) { timeElapsed *= this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.settings.generatorSpeedWithoutFuel; } return timeElapsed; } /** * Get a count of how many BTC can be gathered by the profile * @param pmcData Profile to look up * @returns coin slot count */ protected getBTCSlots(pmcData: IPmcData): number { const bitcoinProduction = this.databaseServer.getTables().hideout.production.find((p) => p._id === HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm ); const productionSlots = bitcoinProduction?.productionLimitCount || 3; const hasManagementSkillSlots = this.profileHelper.hasEliteSkillLevel(SkillTypes.HIDEOUT_MANAGEMENT, pmcData); const managementSlotsCount = this.getBitcoinMinerContainerSlotSize() || 2; return productionSlots + (hasManagementSkillSlots ? managementSlotsCount : 0); } /** * Get a count of bitcoins player miner can hold */ protected getBitcoinMinerContainerSlotSize(): number { return this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.SkillsSettings.HideoutManagement.EliteSlots.BitcoinFarm .Container; } /** * HideoutManagement skill gives a consumption bonus the higher the level * 0.5% per level per 1-51, (25.5% at max) * @param pmcData Profile to get hideout consumption level level from * @returns consumption bonus */ protected getHideoutManagementConsumptionBonus(pmcData: IPmcData): number { const hideoutManagementSkill = this.profileHelper.getSkillFromProfile(pmcData, SkillTypes.HIDEOUT_MANAGEMENT); if (!hideoutManagementSkill) { return 0; } // If the level is 51 we need to round it at 50 so on elite you dont get 25.5% // at level 1 you already get 0.5%, so it goes up until level 50. For some reason the wiki // says that it caps at level 51 with 25% but as per dump data that is incorrect apparently let roundedLevel = Math.floor(hideoutManagementSkill.Progress / 100); roundedLevel = (roundedLevel === 51) ? roundedLevel - 1 : roundedLevel; return (roundedLevel * this.databaseServer.getTables().globals.config.SkillsSettings.HideoutManagement .ConsumptionReductionPerLevel) / 100; } /** * Adjust craft time based on crafting skill level found in player profile * @param pmcData Player profile * @param productionTime Time to complete hideout craft in seconds * @returns Adjusted craft time in seconds */ protected getCraftingSkillProductionTimeReduction(pmcData: IPmcData, productionTime: number): number { const craftingSkill = pmcData.Skills.Common.find((x) => x.Id === SkillTypes.CRAFTING); if (!craftingSkill) { return productionTime; } const roundedLevel = Math.floor(Math.min(HideoutHelper.maxSkillPoint, craftingSkill.Progress) / 100); const percentageToDrop = roundedLevel * 0.75; return (productionTime * percentageToDrop) / 100; } public isProduction(productive: Productive): productive is Production { return (productive as Production).Progress !== undefined || (productive as Production).RecipeId !== undefined; } /** * Gather crafted BTC from hideout area and add to inventory * Reset production start timestamp if hideout area at full coin capacity * @param pmcData Player profile * @param request Take production request * @param sessionId Session id * @returns IItemEventRouterResponse */ public getBTC( pmcData: IPmcData, request: IHideoutTakeProductionRequestData, sessionId: string, ): IItemEventRouterResponse { const output = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionId); // Get how many coins were crafted and ready to pick up const craftedCoinCount = pmcData.Hideout.Production[HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm].Products.length; if (!craftedCoinCount) { const errorMsg = this.localisationService.getText("hideout-no_bitcoins_to_collect"); this.logger.error(errorMsg); return this.httpResponse.appendErrorToOutput(output, errorMsg); } const btcCoinCreationRequest = this.createBitcoinRequest(pmcData); const coinSlotCount = this.getBTCSlots(pmcData); // Run callback after coins are added to player inventory const callback = () => { // Is at max capacity if (pmcData.Hideout.Production[HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm].Products.length >= coinSlotCount) { // Set start to now pmcData.Hideout.Production[HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm].StartTimestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); } // Remove crafted coins from production in profile pmcData.Hideout.Production[HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm].Products = []; }; // Add FiR coins to player inventory return this.inventoryHelper.addItem(pmcData, btcCoinCreationRequest, output, sessionId, callback, true); } /** * Create a single bitcoin request object * @param pmcData Player profile * @returns IAddItemRequestData */ protected createBitcoinRequest(pmcData: IPmcData): IAddItemRequestData { return { items: [{ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention item_id: HideoutHelper.bitcoin, count: pmcData.Hideout.Production[HideoutHelper.bitcoinFarm].Products.length, }], tid: "ragfair", }; } /** * Upgrade hideout wall from starting level to interactable level if necessary stations have been upgraded * @param pmcProfile Profile to upgrade wall in */ public unlockHideoutWallInProfile(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void { const waterCollector = pmcProfile.Hideout.Areas.find((x) => x.type === HideoutAreas.WATER_COLLECTOR); const medStation = pmcProfile.Hideout.Areas.find((x) => x.type === HideoutAreas.MEDSTATION); const wall = pmcProfile.Hideout.Areas.find((x) => x.type === HideoutAreas.EMERGENCY_WALL); // No collector or med station, skip if (!(waterCollector && medStation)) { return; } // If medstation > level 1 AND water collector > level 1 AND wall is level 0 if (waterCollector?.level >= 1 && medStation?.level >= 1 && wall?.level <= 0) { wall.level = 3; } } /** * Hideout improvement is flagged as complete * @param improvement hideout improvement object * @returns true if complete */ protected hideoutImprovementIsComplete(improvement: IHideoutImprovement): boolean { return improvement?.completed ? true : false; } /** * Iterate over hideout improvements not completed and check if they need to be adjusted * @param pmcProfile Profile to adjust */ public setHideoutImprovementsToCompleted(pmcProfile: IPmcData): void { for (const improvementId in pmcProfile.Hideout.Improvement) { const improvementDetails = pmcProfile.Hideout.Improvement[improvementId]; if ( improvementDetails.completed === false && improvementDetails.improveCompleteTimestamp < this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() ) { improvementDetails.completed = true; } } } }