name: Run Tests on: push: branches: '*' pull_request: branches: '*' jobs: vitest: runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: > # Conditional to limit runs: checks if it's NOT a push to a branch with an open PR github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name != github.repository container: image: refringe/spt-build-node:1.0.7 steps: - name: Clone run: | rm -rf /workspace/SPT-AKI/Server git clone${{ GITHUB_REPOSITORY }}.git --branch master /workspace/SPT-AKI/Server cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Server && ls -lah git checkout ${{ GITHUB_REF }} shell: bash - name: Pull LFS Files run: | cd /workspace/SPT-AKI/Server && ls -lah git lfs pull git lfs ls-files shell: bash - name: Cache NPM Dependencies id: cache-npm-dependencies uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: project/node_modules key: npm-dependencies-${{ hashFiles('project/package.json') }} - name: Install NPM Dependencies if: steps.cache-npm-dependencies.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: | rm -rf project/node_modules npm install shell: bash - name: Run Tests id: run-tests run: | npm run test shell: bash - name: Fix Instructions if: failure() && == 'failure' run: | echo -e "Automated tests have failed. This could point to an issue with the committed code, or an updated test that has yet to be updated. Please look into resolving these test failures. The testing suite has a GUI to aid in writing tests. You can launch this by running the following command from within the 'project' directory.\n\nnpm run test:ui\n" echo -e "A test written today is a bug prevented tomorrow.™" shell: bash