import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe"; import { DialogueHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/DialogueHelper"; import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper"; import { ProfileHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ProfileHelper"; import { TraderHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/TraderHelper"; import { IPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData"; import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem"; import { IGetInsuranceCostRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/insurance/IGetInsuranceCostRequestData"; import { IGetInsuranceCostResponseData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/insurance/IGetInsuranceCostResponseData"; import { IInsureRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/insurance/IInsureRequestData"; import { IItemEventRouterResponse } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/itemEvent/IItemEventRouterResponse"; import { Insurance } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/profile/IAkiProfile"; import { IProcessBuyTradeRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/trade/IProcessBuyTradeRequestData"; import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes"; import { SkillTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/SkillTypes"; import { IInsuranceConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IInsuranceConfig"; import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger"; import { EventOutputHolder } from "@spt-aki/routers/EventOutputHolder"; import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer"; import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer"; import { SaveServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/SaveServer"; import { InsuranceService } from "@spt-aki/services/InsuranceService"; import { MailSendService } from "@spt-aki/services/MailSendService"; import { PaymentService } from "@spt-aki/services/PaymentService"; import { HashUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/HashUtil"; import { MathUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/MathUtil"; import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil"; import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil"; @injectable() export class InsuranceController { protected insuranceConfig: IInsuranceConfig; protected roubleTpl = "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f"; constructor( @inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger, @inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil, @inject("MathUtil") protected mathUtil: MathUtil, @inject("HashUtil") protected hashUtil: HashUtil, @inject("EventOutputHolder") protected eventOutputHolder: EventOutputHolder, @inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil, @inject("SaveServer") protected saveServer: SaveServer, @inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer, @inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper, @inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper, @inject("DialogueHelper") protected dialogueHelper: DialogueHelper, @inject("TraderHelper") protected traderHelper: TraderHelper, @inject("PaymentService") protected paymentService: PaymentService, @inject("InsuranceService") protected insuranceService: InsuranceService, @inject("MailSendService") protected mailSendService: MailSendService, @inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer, ) { this.insuranceConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.INSURANCE); } /** * Process insurance items of all profiles prior to being given back to the player through the mail service. * * @returns void */ public processReturn(): void { // Process each installed profile. for (const sessionID in this.saveServer.getProfiles()) { this.processReturnByProfile(sessionID); } } /** * Process insurance items of a single profile prior to being given back to the player through the mail service. * * @returns void */ public processReturnByProfile(sessionID: string): void { // Filter out items that don't need to be processed yet. const insuranceDetails = this.filterInsuredItems(sessionID); // Skip profile if no insured items to process if (insuranceDetails.length === 0) { return; } this.processInsuredItems(insuranceDetails, sessionID); } /** * Get all insured items that are ready to be processed in a specific profile. * * @param sessionID Session ID of the profile to check. * @param time The time to check ready status against. Current time by default. * @returns All insured items that are ready to be processed. */ protected filterInsuredItems(sessionID: string, time?: number): Insurance[] { // Use the current time by default. const insuranceTime = time || this.timeUtil.getTimestamp(); const profileInsuranceDetails = this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionID).insurance; this.logger.debug(`Found ${profileInsuranceDetails.length} insurance packages in profile ${sessionID}`, true); return profileInsuranceDetails.filter((insured) => insuranceTime >= insured.scheduledTime); } /** * This method orchestrates the processing of insured items in a profile. * * @param insuranceDetails The insured items to process. * @param sessionID The session ID that should receive the processed items. * @returns void */ protected processInsuredItems(insuranceDetails: Insurance[], sessionID: string): void { this.logger.debug( `Processing ${insuranceDetails.length} insurance packages, which includes a total of ${ this.countAllInsuranceItems(insuranceDetails) } items, in profile ${sessionID}`, ); // Fetch the root Item parentId property value that should be used for insurance packages. const rootItemParentID = this.insuranceService.getRootItemParentID(sessionID); // Iterate over each of the insurance packages. for (const insured of insuranceDetails) { // Find items that should be deleted from the insured items. const itemsToDelete = this.findItemsToDelete(rootItemParentID, insured); // Actually remove them. this.removeItemsFromInsurance(insured, itemsToDelete); // Ensure that all items have a valid parent. insured.items = this.itemHelper.adoptOrphanedItems(rootItemParentID, insured.items); // Send the mail to the player. this.sendMail(sessionID, insured); // Remove the fully processed insurance package from the profile. this.removeInsurancePackageFromProfile(sessionID, insured); } } /** * Count all items in all insurance packages. * @param insurance * @returns */ protected countAllInsuranceItems(insurance: Insurance[]): number { return this.mathUtil.arraySum( => ins.items.length)); } /** * Remove an insurance package from a profile using the package's system data information. * * @param sessionID The session ID of the profile to remove the package from. * @param index The array index of the insurance package to remove. * @returns void */ protected removeInsurancePackageFromProfile(sessionID: string, insPackage: Insurance): void { const profile = this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionID); = => insurance.traderId !== insPackage.traderId || !== || insurance.systemData.time !== insPackage.systemData.time || insurance.systemData.location !== insPackage.systemData.location ); this.logger.debug(`Removed processed insurance package. Remaining packages: ${}`); } /** * Finds the items that should be deleted based on the given Insurance object. * * @param rootItemParentID - The ID that should be assigned to all "hideout"/root items. * @param insured - The insurance object containing the items to evaluate for deletion. * @returns A Set containing the IDs of items that should be deleted. */ protected findItemsToDelete(rootItemParentID: string, insured: Insurance): Set { const toDelete = new Set(); // Populate a Map object of items for quick lookup by their ID and use it to populate a Map of main-parent items // and each of their attachments. For example, a gun mapped to each of its attachments. const itemsMap = this.itemHelper.generateItemsMap(insured.items); let parentAttachmentsMap = this.populateParentAttachmentsMap(rootItemParentID, insured, itemsMap); // Check to see if any regular items are present. const hasRegularItems = Array.from(itemsMap.values()).some((item) => !this.itemHelper.isAttachmentAttached(item) ); // Process all items that are not attached, attachments. Those are handled separately, by value. if (hasRegularItems) { this.processRegularItems(insured, toDelete, parentAttachmentsMap); } // Process attached, attachments, by value, only if there are any. if (parentAttachmentsMap.size > 0) { // Remove attachments that can not be moddable in-raid from the parentAttachmentsMap. We only want to // process moddable attachments from here on out. parentAttachmentsMap = this.removeNonModdableAttachments(parentAttachmentsMap, itemsMap); this.processAttachments(parentAttachmentsMap, itemsMap, insured.traderId, toDelete); } // Log the number of items marked for deletion, if any if (toDelete.size) { this.logger.debug(`Marked ${toDelete.size} items for deletion from insurance.`); } return toDelete; } /** * Initialize a Map object that holds main-parents to all of their attachments. Note that "main-parent" in this * context refers to the parent item that an attachment is attached to. For example, a suppressor attached to a gun, * not the backpack that the gun is located in (the gun's parent). * * @param rootItemParentID - The ID that should be assigned to all "hideout"/root items. * @param insured - The insurance object containing the items to evaluate. * @param itemsMap - A Map object for quick item look-up by item ID. * @returns A Map object containing parent item IDs to arrays of their attachment items. */ protected populateParentAttachmentsMap( rootItemParentID: string, insured: Insurance, itemsMap: Map, ): Map { const mainParentToAttachmentsMap = new Map(); for (const insuredItem of insured.items) { // Use the parent ID from the item to get the parent item. const parentItem = insured.items.find((item) => item._id === insuredItem.parentId); // The parent (not the hideout) could not be found. Skip and warn. if (!parentItem && insuredItem.parentId !== rootItemParentID) { this.logger.warning( `Could not find parent for insured item - ID: ${insuredItem._id}, Template: ${insuredItem._tpl}, Parent ID: ${insuredItem.parentId}`, ); continue; } // Check if this is an attachment currently attached to its parent. if (this.itemHelper.isAttachmentAttached(insuredItem)) { // Make sure the template for the item exists. if (!this.itemHelper.getItem(insuredItem._tpl)[0]) { this.logger.warning( `Could not find insured attachment in the database - ID: ${insuredItem._id}, Template: ${insuredItem._tpl}`, ); continue; } // Get the main parent of this attachment. (e.g., The gun that this suppressor is attached to.) const mainParent = this.itemHelper.getAttachmentMainParent(insuredItem._id, itemsMap); if (!mainParent) { // Odd. The parent couldn't be found. Skip this attachment and warn. this.logger.warning( `Could not find main-parent for insured attachment - ID: ${insuredItem._id}, Template: ${insuredItem._tpl}, Parent ID: ${insuredItem.parentId}`, ); continue; } // Update (or add to) the main-parent to attachments map. if (mainParentToAttachmentsMap.has(mainParent._id)) { mainParentToAttachmentsMap.get(mainParent._id).push(insuredItem); } else { mainParentToAttachmentsMap.set(mainParent._id, [insuredItem]); } } } return mainParentToAttachmentsMap; } /** * Remove attachments that can not be moddable in-raid from the parentAttachmentsMap. If no moddable attachments * remain, the parent is removed from the map as well. * * @param parentAttachmentsMap - A Map object containing parent item IDs to arrays of their attachment items. * @param itemsMap - A Map object for quick item look-up by item ID. * @returns A Map object containing parent item IDs to arrays of their attachment items which are not moddable in-raid. */ protected removeNonModdableAttachments( parentAttachmentsMap: Map, itemsMap: Map, ): Map { const updatedMap = new Map(); for (const [parentId, attachmentItems] of parentAttachmentsMap) { const parentItem = itemsMap.get(parentId); const moddableAttachments = []; for (const attachment of attachmentItems) { if (this.itemHelper.isRaidModdable(attachment, parentItem)) { moddableAttachments.push(attachment); } } // Only set the parentId and its attachments in the updatedMap if there are moddable attachments. if (moddableAttachments.length > 0) { updatedMap.set(parentId, moddableAttachments); } } return updatedMap; } /** * Process "regular" insurance items. Any insured item that is not an attached, attachment is considered a "regular" * item. This method iterates over them, preforming item deletion rolls to see if they should be deleted. If so, * they (and their attached, attachments, if any) are marked for deletion in the toDelete Set. * * @param insured The insurance object containing the items to evaluate. * @param toDelete A Set to keep track of items marked for deletion. * @param parentAttachmentsMap A Map object containing parent item IDs to arrays of their attachment items. * @returns void */ protected processRegularItems( insured: Insurance, toDelete: Set, parentAttachmentsMap: Map, ): void { for (const insuredItem of insured.items) { // Skip if the item is an attachment. These are handled separately. if (this.itemHelper.isAttachmentAttached(insuredItem)) { continue; } // Roll for item deletion const itemRoll = this.rollForDelete(insured.traderId, insuredItem); if (itemRoll) { // Check to see if this item is a parent in the parentAttachmentsMap. If so, do a look-up for *all* of // its children and mark them for deletion as well. Additionally remove the parent (and its children) // from the parentAttachmentsMap so that it's children are not rolled for later in the process. if (parentAttachmentsMap.has(insuredItem._id)) { // This call will also return the parent item itself, queueing it for deletion as well. const itemAndChildren = this.itemHelper.findAndReturnChildrenAsItems( insured.items, insuredItem._id, ); for (const item of itemAndChildren) { toDelete.add(item._id); } // Remove the parent (and its children) from the parentAttachmentsMap. parentAttachmentsMap.delete(insuredItem._id); } else { // This item doesn't have any children. Simply mark it for deletion. toDelete.add(insuredItem._id); } } } } /** * Process parent items and their attachments, updating the toDelete Set accordingly. * * @param mainParentToAttachmentsMap A Map object containing parent item IDs to arrays of their attachment items. * @param itemsMap A Map object for quick item look-up by item ID. * @param traderId The trader ID from the Insurance object. * @param toDelete A Set object to keep track of items marked for deletion. */ protected processAttachments( mainParentToAttachmentsMap: Map, itemsMap: Map, traderId: string, toDelete: Set, ): void { for (const [parentId, attachmentItems] of mainParentToAttachmentsMap) { // Log the parent item's name. const parentItem = itemsMap.get(parentId); const parentName = this.itemHelper.getItemName(parentItem._tpl); this.logger.debug(`Processing attachments of parent "${parentName}":`); // Process the attachments for this individual parent item. this.processAttachmentByParent(attachmentItems, traderId, toDelete); } } /** * Takes an array of attachment items that belong to the same main-parent item, sorts them in descending order by * their maximum price. For each attachment, a roll is made to determine if a deletion should be made. Once the * number of deletions has been counted, the attachments are added to the toDelete Set, starting with the most * valuable attachments first. * * @param attachments The array of attachment items to sort, filter, and roll. * @param traderId The ID of the trader to that has ensured these items. * @param toDelete The array that accumulates the IDs of the items to be deleted. * @returns void */ protected processAttachmentByParent(attachments: Item[], traderId: string, toDelete: Set): void { const sortedAttachments = this.sortAttachmentsByPrice(attachments); this.logAttachmentsDetails(sortedAttachments); const successfulRolls = this.countSuccessfulRolls(sortedAttachments, traderId); this.logger.debug(`Number of attachments to be deleted: ${successfulRolls}`); this.attachmentDeletionByValue(sortedAttachments, successfulRolls, toDelete); } /** * Sorts the attachment items by their max price in descending order. * * @param attachments The array of attachments items. * @returns An array of items enriched with their max price and common locale-name. */ protected sortAttachmentsByPrice(attachments: Item[]): EnrichedItem[] { return => ({ ...item, name: this.itemHelper.getItemName(item._tpl), maxPrice: this.itemHelper.getItemMaxPrice(item._tpl), })).sort((a, b) => b.maxPrice - a.maxPrice); } /** * Logs the details of each attachment item. * * @param attachments The array of attachment items. */ protected logAttachmentsDetails(attachments: EnrichedItem[]): void { let index = 1; for (const attachment of attachments) { this.logger.debug(`Attachment ${index}: "${}" - Price: ${attachment.maxPrice}`); index++; } } /** * Counts the number of successful rolls for the attachment items. * * @param attachments The array of attachment items. * @param traderId The ID of the trader that has insured these attachments. * @returns The number of successful rolls. */ protected countSuccessfulRolls(attachments: Item[], traderId: string): number { const rolls = Array.from({ length: attachments.length }, () => this.rollForDelete(traderId)); return rolls.filter(Boolean).length; } /** * Marks the most valuable attachments for deletion based on the number of successful rolls made. * * @param attachments The array of attachment items. * @param successfulRolls The number of successful rolls. * @param toDelete The array that accumulates the IDs of the items to be deleted. */ protected attachmentDeletionByValue( attachments: EnrichedItem[], successfulRolls: number, toDelete: Set, ): void { const valuableToDelete = attachments.slice(0, successfulRolls).map(({ _id }) => _id); for (const attachmentsId of valuableToDelete) { const valuableChild = attachments.find(({ _id }) => _id === attachmentsId); if (valuableChild) { const { name, maxPrice } = valuableChild; this.logger.debug(`Marked attachment "${name}" for removal - Max Price: ${maxPrice}`); toDelete.add(attachmentsId); } } } /** * Remove items from the insured items that should not be returned to the player. * * @param insured The insured items to process. * @param toDelete The items that should be deleted. * @returns void */ protected removeItemsFromInsurance(insured: Insurance, toDelete: Set): void { insured.items = insured.items.filter((item) => !toDelete.has(item._id)); } /** * Handle sending the insurance message to the user that potentially contains the valid insurance items. * * @param sessionID The session ID that should receive the insurance message. * @param insurance The context of insurance to use. * @returns void */ protected sendMail(sessionID: string, insurance: Insurance): void { // After all of the item filtering that we've done, if there are no items remaining, the insurance has // successfully "failed" to return anything and an appropriate message should be sent to the player. if (insurance.items.length === 0) { const insuranceFailedTemplates = this.databaseServer.getTables().traders[insurance.traderId].dialogue.insuranceFailed; insurance.messageTemplateId = this.randomUtil.getArrayValue(insuranceFailedTemplates); } // Send the insurance message this.mailSendService.sendLocalisedNpcMessageToPlayer( sessionID, this.traderHelper.getTraderById(insurance.traderId), insurance.messageType, insurance.messageTemplateId, insurance.items, insurance.maxStorageTime, insurance.systemData, ); } /** * Determines whether a insured item should be removed from the player's inventory based on a random roll and * trader-specific return chance. * * @param traderId The ID of the trader who insured the item. * @param insuredItem Optional. The item to roll for. Only used for logging. * @returns true if the insured item should be removed from inventory, false otherwise, or null on error. */ protected rollForDelete(traderId: string, insuredItem?: Item): boolean | null { const trader = this.traderHelper.getTraderById(traderId); if (!trader) { return null; } const maxRoll = 9999; const conversionFactor = 100; const returnChance = this.randomUtil.getInt(0, maxRoll) / conversionFactor; const traderReturnChance = this.insuranceConfig.returnChancePercent[traderId]; const roll = returnChance >= traderReturnChance; // Log the roll with as much detail as possible. const itemName = insuredItem ? ` "${this.itemHelper.getItemName(insuredItem._tpl)}"` : ""; const status = roll ? "Delete" : "Keep"; this.logger.debug( `Rolling${itemName} with ${trader} - Return ${traderReturnChance}% - Roll: ${returnChance} - Status: ${status}`, ); return roll; } /** * Handle Insure event * Add insurance to an item * * @param pmcData Player profile * @param body Insurance request * @param sessionID Session id * @returns IItemEventRouterResponse object to send to client */ public insure(pmcData: IPmcData, body: IInsureRequestData, sessionID: string): IItemEventRouterResponse { const output = this.eventOutputHolder.getOutput(sessionID); const itemsToInsureCount = body.items.length; const itemsToPay = []; const inventoryItemsHash = {}; // Create hash of player inventory items (keyed by item id) for (const item of pmcData.Inventory.items) { inventoryItemsHash[item._id] = item; } // Get price of all items being insured for (const key of body.items) { itemsToPay.push({ id: this.roubleTpl, // TODO: update to handle different currencies count: Math.round(this.insuranceService.getPremium(pmcData, inventoryItemsHash[key], body.tid)), }); } const options: IProcessBuyTradeRequestData = { scheme_items: itemsToPay, tid: body.tid, Action: "SptInsure", type: "", item_id: "", count: 0, scheme_id: 0, }; // pay for the item insurance this.paymentService.payMoney(pmcData, options, sessionID, output); if (output.warnings.length > 0) { return output; } // add items to InsuredItems list once money has been paid for (const key of body.items) { pmcData.InsuredItems.push({ tid: body.tid, itemId: inventoryItemsHash[key]._id }); } this.profileHelper.addSkillPointsToPlayer(pmcData, SkillTypes.CHARISMA, itemsToInsureCount * 0.01); return output; } /** * Handle client/insurance/items/list/cost * Calculate insurance cost * * @param request request object * @param sessionID session id * @returns IGetInsuranceCostResponseData object to send to client */ public cost(request: IGetInsuranceCostRequestData, sessionID: string): IGetInsuranceCostResponseData { const response: IGetInsuranceCostResponseData = {}; const pmcData = this.profileHelper.getPmcProfile(sessionID); const inventoryItemsHash: Record = {}; for (const item of pmcData.Inventory.items) { inventoryItemsHash[item._id] = item; } // Loop over each trader in request for (const trader of request.traders) { const items: Record = {}; for (const itemId of request.items) { // Ensure hash has item in it if (!inventoryItemsHash[itemId]) { this.logger.debug(`Item with id: ${itemId} missing from player inventory, skipping`); continue; } items[inventoryItemsHash[itemId]._tpl] = Math.round( this.insuranceService.getPremium(pmcData, inventoryItemsHash[itemId], trader), ); } response[trader] = items; } return response; } } // Represents an insurance item that has had it's common locale-name and max price added to it. interface EnrichedItem extends Item { name: string; maxPrice: number; }